&m Prince Rupert Dally News Thursday. September 21. 1?50 Jaycees And Civic Mailers f i x V ramous Bridge Authority Hart Highway Hears Finish PRiyCE GEORGE 0rlv twenty-four miles of highway have to be buiit to connect Van GIVEN A CHOICE j MONTREAL Cf Whoever abandoned a baby on one Montreal . doorstep must have figured there ; shou!d be someone there who'd be willing to give the ' child a home. The doorstep was that of an apartment house. The three- ! Daily News To Write for "Bridge is part skill, ;.,... ,. v . ., . , j--i. ium miuci r-Luiiuing That's the Claim of the jp-.i,,, r , ' , -ireseive io seau ior tnem at ni i j i x, Itaslej K. iilackWOOd, originator Of the popular., the regular council sessions. Ai- 1 Mci' I)rK. . mint lh: r"! ui&. couver with Dawson Creek vlii the Hart Highway. This name1 was given to the road bv thp' rll..v. J i voiuinuia government in honor of Premier Hart who originated the work of its comDle-tion. v It runs from Prince George north via Summit Lake to Fort McLeod and east through Pine Pass to Dawson Creek. Between Prince George and Vancouver the Caribod Highway would be used by trucks and other traffic The road is a 30-foot gravelled highway suitable for heavy trucking at moderate speeds Seattle and other coastal points already forecast that its use for Alaska Highway freighting will mean a saving of "two days as compared with the Edmonton route. When completed an exc.usiv-franchise for passenger and freighting traffic Ls to be held by the Pacific and Great Eastern Railway company, which is government-operated. Would Sit in on Council Meetings Honorary Officers j That the Jaycee have an in-, terest in civic aHairs was ampiy borne out at their meeting last nieht in the discussion on a 'moUontoask the city council to thous!l tne mouon as defeated on the grounds that the Juycees a wen as ail citizens, have a right t3 git m on council sessions; ' the discussion proved that th Ju'iioi- chamber was takir.g a j Pack seat to no one as far as municipal affairs are concerned. The meeting decided unanimously to turn over Jaycee rad: time next Tuesday to the Red Cross blood donor tirive. A letter from the Canadian Commercial Corporation said cil asking for information on they had written the city conn-industries operating in the city with no reply. The letter asked the chamber to supply the information. It was .decided the chamber would supply the information and question the city clerk on why the Information had no been forwarded bv him. It was also decided to appoint honorary officers for the year. inose chosen were: Honorary president E. T. Applewhalte. M P. Honorary vice-president Dr. L M. Greene. Honorary second vice-president Alderman George Casey. Members were asked to turn out Sunday to erect the street signs prepared by the committee nans ior the inaugural din .mT 30 Wftre leU in th" hands of the committee. M9m. VI H jl , W M REVAMP INDUSTRY ST. JOHN'S. Nfld. O The federal, fisheries departments plan for a revamped fishing industry in Newfoundland is taking shape. Some $548,000 has been set aside ior the maintenance of bait services. Three new "bait depots are being provided and a" motor vessel has been purchased to eupply the bait at sea. i . - JTC. 'mr AT t iM t mr ...I ' MM, V Tlie Challenger is your .ft, guarantee of fine uniform quality! Jeiieioui . . . tender .LL-' I I I lackwood slam convention. r ctovf o ....V r w Mimci tei ir ui wood A "slam" Is to the bridge (fame what a home run is to baseball and bridge players are just as anxious to bid a slain is any batter Is to hit one over the fence. The thrill involved In each is, as any bridge player will tell you, just as great as the other. A native of Blrminarham. Ala bama. Blackwood hit upon his i famed slam convention while he j was tiu in nis eany tmrties. A I ne explains It. mathematics is hU main hobby, with chess and music running close behind, and, "mathematics and bridge are nothing short of insep-ar- "simply from my study of mathematical probabilities as app'.i3d to cards. ' "Simply" or otherwise, the results of his study put a eew thrill in plavine bridge and 'the system was enthusiastically aoupted by amateur and professional players alike. Today it haj reached the point where, when four strangers sit down to play bridge, the first question U a'avs, "Do you play Blackwood?" Most people are surprised to learn that Blackwood Is not Just the name of the convention, but a real person. In fact hp is so real that he has a home and u,ii ami.y in i Indianapolis. . jr , His fam- - j llw rnr.E cto nf U4 .-; f XJ a, llio R 11C I w I ! ( 1 : , . , , stopped playing as his partner ; 1 uULnne,LS teewse "he's so , """ cvici man 4. re.sio.es. f:e claims that I play 'ladies' V. , ; j . t t. and one son. Easlev. , Jr.. aaed lfi i . . ; t ik D! i ana nis wue , COMING HERE Rev. Ross MacPherson, pastor-evangillst, who was in Japan during the war years and had exciting experiences, will visit Prince Rupert next w-eek, conducting nightly services at Regular Baptist Church. Chief Engineer, Celanese, Here S. B. Roberts, chief engineer of the Celeanese Corporation of America, arrived in the city yesterday by air for a visit of inspection to the proeresg of construction of the Columbia Cellulose plant at Watson Island which ls now nearing completion. Recent announcement was that the plant would be ready for opening early next year. JAIL SECOND HOME MAIDSTONE, Kent, Eng., ff Anthony Jud?e, 21, sentenced to five years for housebreaking, said he had been a free man for only nine months since he was . . . ; .u w. a v. A Ik.. I maei.trate: "A villain and a bully." i I? mm PULL-ON RUBB vit Children's Sites 5 1 1t White Red tBrcwn. 5 f. . Sizes 5 to 12 Sizes 13 to 3 .... FAMILY SHOP rrsot it. 5 - -"""fc Tn r. .. LIU. . ojo Char ie Roberts I rASV.VAVA-..w.w.J .... ..... H oay-old babv was taken to hoe-j pital, where it was found to be in good health. I j j j I iff fANCY BED , 1 I . . . ltv . . . b I i I i j ; ' . ; 1 ; I Economical I Clean 0 Efficient 9 Convenient O Attractive Today At n i J .Mill rrrr i r-F Eating out is fun WHEN TRAVELLING TO TERRac) the fineit Pacific Salmon soei into Challenger cant. It'i processed within hours after catching, to retain the rich flavor and uniform color. Get Challenger Salmon at your Food Store TODAY I Leave Prince Rupert Arrive Terrace Leave Terrace Arrive Prince Rupert 11.30 c 5.30 p 10.00 c are ratea as class A correspond- The idea was first tried last ;ence chess players, and Mr. i year in Omaha. Neb Blackwood claims that their love ! Routine canvassing will be for classical music has filled 1 carried out at city business es-their home with so many alburns tabashments ,that they are all but forced to I move out to make room for I them. ; At the age of 11, Blackwood1 "I want a puppy a fidgety BRING THE FAMILY IN FOR A REAL MEAL! Open 6 A.M. to 8 P.M. . mm m . . . fliS3 J $3.80 SINGLE $6.85 RETUf Yes We Carry Express!! j. Phone 555 for Information i WATSON ISLAND STAGES LTD DEW DROP INN i 1 1 . " I i tu h pk mi part chance . . . and mostly i:uii:an nature man whn shn'ilrl knnu- The Daily News is about . , l unute ifShons DV IJiaCK- i j ! . v 1 . i - i EASLEY BLACKWOOD ... In Dally News Lil Porch Lights Invite Canvassers VICTORIA -Plans for a' novel campaign system new in Canada have been announced by the Greater Victoria Community Chest and Council. ' 11 s lne ugrus on' system and thta . ls the wa lt works. J . . . . Tin t-imum Jl.. : 1 1 Jiuuac-iu-uuusc urive will last oniv one nighWOct 2- when 2 000 canvassers will aim for a nnnta ,.f tut non Resident will be' asked to stay . iJuuii ukihs as tn mviiauon wr canvassers to call. sort of puppy," said the man to the pet-shop clerk. "A what. "sir?" "One thai will make the tf"Me say. For goodness' sake! Take that dog out for a walk'!" ' 5 D CJfafi WOWm ll v Pnncu f ll1 ' fOl ) H 5 I ( made 11 ' SATIN - GLO Semi Gloss & High Gloss 'n many beautiful tints for interior decorating. QUICK DRYING THOMPSON HARDWARE CO.; LTD Prince Rupert Florists riowcrs for Ail Oceanian J 100 3rd Ave. Box 518 Tel. 771 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED A GEM' in - Healing Performance The New Fawcell Torrid-Oil Healer Phone 203 CQCO rf TOCNSURO ) ) I ci AuMin fl ) -r,. . c An HEAT When and Where You Wont It! Prices $71.50 up Sec Them McR, ae oros. fM i ll NORTHERN B. C. POWER c W?APP . '.SJ$'t&&. ) PRINCB RUPERT -8TEWAR0 SfSV )) i Just Arrived! Now At ... i Brownwoods' was given the choice of learning to play bridge, "or else." He was badly needed to fill out a family foursome which included his father, mother and grandmother. Bridge was his famiiy-3 favorite hobby, and the lour spent most of their leisure hours at it. Blackwood has taken prae-j tically every mathematics ccurse offered by universities, which jfact has resulted in the in-e:-,tion of new thrills into Ameri- icas favorite card game. In his daily column, he wi replace the standard North, 'South. East and West with var ied and interesting characters whose personalities will assert themselves in the column and the game, resulting In a truerto lfi. -me game ceing carried on in each column. JOKER, VEOA NO. I. VEGA NO 2 VEC.A NO. 3. VEGA NO. 4 VEGA NO 5. JANET W. NO. 1. JANET W. NO 2. JANET W. NO. 3. JANET W. NO 4 JANET W. NO. 6, JANET W. NO. 6 JANET W. NO. 7. JANET W. NO 8, I.P-8 8nd JAY FRACTIONAL MINERAL CLAIMS. Situate In th Atlln Mining Div-leion. Where located: In the v;iey ; or the Tulsequah River vicinity Tul-; sequah. Lawful holder: Pofarls-Taku , Mining Company Limited. Nuintx-r ol the holders tree miner'$ certLfi-i cate: 28131. i TAKE NOTICE that Polarls-Taku Mlt)ln Company Limited. Free Min-: ir o Certificate No. 28131. Intends nt : the end of sixtv davs fmn tv hi i hereof, tn wniv in th. ui.i..n ; order for Certificates of Improve-j ments for the purpose of obtaining I Crown grants of the above mineral ! claims. I And further take notice that ac- i mm, unaer section 85 of the "Mir erai Act," must be commenced lore the Issuance of such Certifl CBteS Of Imnniirnmont. P?tel this 1st day of September, j (M) 654 mIbmIIi.... 1. ui .l..k.J A. I 1 L. 7P(VI'v; U i A beautiful selection of Khin- FRESH DAiLy in 'the WESTjy Canada packers limited' )) stone Jewellery ... Necklets, " . i a m t w rnrrinnc. nrnrpieii. IV I " jjgggggl GEO. COOK, JewellefJ PHONE PHONE i "3"!)" Our New FALL STYLES are now on DISPLAY! CAFE IN THE CITY 3:30 AM Disnes MEIN 133 j There is nothhl more thrilling than a ! HOLLYWOOD CAFE JMOST UP-TO-DATE 2 OPEN FROM 7:30 PM to m We Specialize in Chinese HI XHOP SUEY CHOW n For Outside Orders PHONE , It's nice to be able to say lovely DIAMONU SEE THESE SPARKLING BEAUTIES TODAY . AT HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. o 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE Charge It" If you enjoy the reputation of paying your bills promptly, all you have to do is say "Charge it." CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT 5 M Sanson's Jew R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) llMr t4 m W t G-.in.m1 BriiiACuu. e mt: