Mrs.. Arnold Speaker I t ... I n r Prince Rupert Dany News Thursday, September 21. 1950 Timely Recipe An omelet becomes luncheon or super fare when it Is light and fluffy, and topped with a V.C. Club Hears sauce that folks always rave over R. K. Vivian, of the Forestrv Mrs. Ray Fossum is sailing tonight on the Prince George for "Omelet with Almond Cheese Sauce" is just that kind. The Branch, left by plane today for L.L.B. graduate of University of British Columbia from which he completed his graduation this ' year. He was first in Prince Ru.-pert for a year and a half after ' February 1946 as a laboratdry ' technician with the Prince Ru- pert Fishermen's Co-operative:' ' He became articled with Brown ' Si Harvey in May 1948. a inp io Vancouver. sauce has crunchy toasted air monds in it. Smithers lo Have Lawyer Smithers and Burns Lake, without benefit of resident practitioners of the legal professsion for some years, will soon have that deficiency in professional service removed. Murdoch R. Robertson, about to be called to the bar after having been ar Are you dated for the Blood Donor Clinic? Your blood mav Rupert Mink Farm other business, is a gamble. Borne like any Others are just plain terrible. Once in a long breaks into a broad grin. lune i 1 d on T. N. Rowe the other day when one of lined a sapphire mink, a rare variety that la market. According to Mr. Rowe, the only time furs is when they are casualties. Their offspring if to form, but most are valuable. Lore valuable than a female. Mr. Rowe's is a L considers himself fortunate. He says the off-ng him much better prices than average. If he t another sapphire (preferably male) his future Lr will be made. save a life. Phone 451. ntci Vancouver. The fire department answered a false alarm at 1:45 yesterday afternoon to Beach Place. J. T. Beckett left on today's plane for a trip to Vancouver on Columbia Cellulose business. i 1 Sauce V cup roasted unblanched almonds 2 tablespoons butter or margarine . 2V2 tablespoons flour MADAM: 114 cups milk ticled to the local legal firm of Meeting of the International j2 cup grated Canadian cheese Blwvn & Harve u t0 put up 1,0 V2 teasnnnn teaspoon salt. sail I. , , , , . ... union of Operatlne Eneineers Aboui England The Women's Canadian Club, meeting in the Civic Centre last night, heard a past president, Mrs. Nora Arnold, who returned to the city recently from a re-visitation of her native land, talk about England as It Is today. Mrs. Arnold, who made the trip by air, enthused about the advantages of aerial travel the speed, lack of bother and absence even of the necessity for tipping. An hour'st stop, at Iceland was an interesting interlude in the return flight. She could have seen many places of interest in the Old Land, Mrs. Arnold said, but she had made the trip to visit with her relatives and she had concentrated on that purpose. Nevertheless, she was able to make many observations and, in the telling, those proved of exceptional interest to her listeners. Mrs. Arnold wore a $25 "util- nis sningie ai simmers aoout Local 510, Friday, Sept. 22, Car- naniare' TTnll o M ' nil . October 10 and will also have a Dr. A. J. Fentland arrived by YOUR TAILORED Suit plane from Vancouver yesterday and flew by Queen Charlotte air branch office in Burns Lake. He is leaving the city next Tuesday for Vancouver to take his call after which he will return north to establish his practice in the interior. Born in Revelstoke and receiving his school education in Vancouver, Mr. Robertson is an Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Greene and son, Michael, are sailing tonight on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. All players registered to bowl in the mixed ten-pin league be on hand to bowl Thursday, Sept. 21 at 7 p.m. Any Interested par. ties are also welcome. 221 Balagno Florists for quality flowers and arrangements "a service you will appreciate." Phone Green 787. Box 1193. (It) C. A. Radford, superintendent of Canadian National Telegraphs for Alberta and British Columbia with headquarters in Edmonton, arrived in the city on the Prince George yesterday from Vancouver in the course of an inspection trip and proceeded to Edmonton on last night's train. lines to Stewart today. 8.O.N. whist and dance, Friday, Sept. 22. Whist, 8 o'clock; dancing 10-2. Music by M. louncement By: Colussi. Refreshments. Every W. R. JOHNSTON body welcome. (222) Few drops Worcestershire sauce Dash cayenne pepper , Black pepper to taste Omelet 6 eggs Ys cup milk teaspoon salt Black pepper 1 tablespoon butter or margarine Sauce Chop almonds. Meici butter and blend in flour. Add milk and cook and stir until thickene. Blend in cheese and seasonings, and cook and stir over very low heat until cheese is melted. Keep hot over hot water while preparing omelet. Just before serving, blend in almonds. Omelet Beat eggs lightly. Blend in milk, salt and pepper. Melt butter In frying pan and pour In omelet mixture. Cook H. O. Davies, C.P.R. agent here left bv bus this morning for In additional service to our customers, Terrace for a few days fishing lty" suit which she had bought at Lakelse Lake. in England. Clothing was not : Iparticulary scarce In England Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Vivian any more. Standard styles were sailed yesterday for their home j reasonable in price but tailor-in Vancouver after spending aimades commanded 'high prices, few days in the city visiting their ! , . , . ' daughter. Miss Joan Vivian. L.Ttfff fT "VA V" I quite plentiful in England now Mrs Jimn Krlkpvskv who land were of good quality. Meat COMING (J DAYS ONLY g SUNDAY TO FRIDAY . (Sept 24th to 29th) Rev W. H. "Ross" MacPherson Pastor-Evangelist and Prison Chaplain at " REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH 6th Ave. near High School , Keep These Dates Open 221 jjleased to advise that our office will Ipen during noon hours, Sundays and Ixcepted. Skin Troubles For Eczema has been Davin a visit here; was, however, scarce and high in price, xne meat an average with her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Rorie, is over low heat. As mixture cooks, lift with spatula w uncooked portion runs under coked portion. When omelet is set, remove following office hours are now ef"fec- sailing tonight by the Prince George on her return to Canadian would eat at a meal would suffice for three in present-day England. Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby, the nrocirlont tin. :n Ti.-k flVriii" of Make up your mind today that you are going to give your skin a real chance to get well. Oo to Ormea Druga or any good drug store and get an original bottle of Moone'a Emerald Oil It lasts many days because It (a highly concentrated. The very first application will give to hot plate. Pour part of sauce ever omelet. Fold over and top with remaining sauce. Serves 4 to 6. E. V. Whiting, superintendent! '"Zl.XLZ fiday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Luxury Steamer PRINCE GEORGE Crisply man tailored . . .; . always man admired, sewn and molded with the same clean lines which distinguish i our fine men's clothing. And mannish fabrics! ! Here are fine woolens in abundance, gabardines, tweeds and smart worsteds, all outstandingly quality looking. Designed by skilled craftsmen who are able of the 'National Employment Ser- d attenclanceBof members. vice here, left on todays plane' for a trip to Vancouver on official Mrs- J. Harry Black was elect- rday .'. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. business led w the executive to fill a you relief the Itching of Eczema Is quickly stoppederuptions dry tip and scale off in a very few days. The same Is true of Itching Toes and Feet, Barber's Itch. Bait Rheum, skin troubles. ' vacancy. . Coming six days only, daily, 1 -T 1 R, 24, Pastor Evangelist Rev. Ross RT & McCAFFERY Ltd. Remember that Moone's Emerald Oil la a clean, powerful, penetrating MacPherson on return visit HOTEL ARRIVALS SAILS FOR VAKCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. Regular Baptist Church, daily I Antiseptic Oil that does not stain or leave a greasy residue. Complete satisfaction or money back. Prince Rupert Prince Rupert, B.C. PHONES: 116, 117 or 58 to give you mannish tailored individuality in your suit? or topcoat, that is yours atgne. beginning Sunday, September 8 p.m. 223 Jack Place, conciliation officer of the Department of La6or, left by today's plane on his return to Vancouver alter having been in the city and district foi several days on official business. m For KETCHIKAN I WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT i For Reservations ' ! L. S. Edwards, F. C. Broadfoot, J. T. Place. A. Shore, Mr. and Mrs. Woambolt, D. G. Stenstrom and G. W. Carter, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. F. M. DockriU, Tel-kwa; S. B. Roberts, New York; G. Haielwood, Cumberland, MwwinilMa4JsmjiMjawB ja ii w r"" TEEffi win r ; -s&- v i . try a IA t. 3 M n m Wriie or Call ' CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE .Ml Maryland; Lt. Crad. Crowther, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. Powolsky, Edmonton; J. V. Hopkins, New King Edward PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Westminster; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Vincent, Prince Rupert; H. McCoy, Alert Bay. & PTA Resumes -1 m Money! Repair Now! Ybn't tkinkofanyfbfog Rx s money in the bank Watts & Nickerson- W1 . v jT 't Xv 1 - '"en you hold repair i sts down. The surest A good atetndance marked the first meeting of the season for King Edward Parent-Teadfhers' Association Tuesday evening. Mrs. P. Mark was In the chair and Mrs. W. W. Bowes acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs. Bowman. Mrs. Kristmanson was elected to fill the vacancy on the program committtee caused by Mrs. Taylor's leavin? the city. Principal Robert G. Moore gave an interesting talk ;;'y is to do rcpaira 'Mr they are still small, 'all BI.I E 816. AANICH KAIEH CO OP HARDWARE if ;f it's Linoleum want drop in and check our stock of ,ort how beginners learn to read i in Grade I. Refreshments were served by Mrs.- .Roald and members of the executive. Mature A fuii- v mSS I Bodied" V- J Wm and HEATING t Cor. 4th Ave, ond McBride' ISRAEL IMMIGRATION Inloids -ft- British, made Hal! Runner six and Floor Mats . O From May, 1949 to May, 1950, fll advertisement if ax Dublfshad i displayed by the Liquor Control Board m 1 398,288 Immigrants arrived m O Congoleum nine feet wide Rexoleum Rugs WRITE Box 1127 W sJm Govcmacnt ol Britah Israel. PHONE WE DELIVER 179 251 - 3rd Avenue Depend on n Announcements Tea and Sale of Homecooking, Presbyterian Church, September 21. United Church W.A. sale home cooking, Gordon & Anderson's. Saturday, Sept. 23, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. , Catholic Bazaar, October' 4 and 5. HO I ANNOUNCEMENT We are not taking any clea ling or pressing at present We shall attend to efficient service on Tailoring, Alterations and Repairing New Fall Samples have just arrived. . Order now for better choice "from Contented Cow" Ijioni of people know that Carnation Is a dependably 'or milk. Year after year, you can counf on its double-rich I", its fine, creamy flavor and smooth texture. When-ryou buy evaporated milk - look for that dependable red White Carnation label. Jr Every Use, Milk So Rich it Whips Carnation can fill every milk and cream need. Diluted half with water( you have fine whole milk for cooking, Lutheran Ladles' Aid Fall Sale October the 7th. Rebekah Bazaar, October 18 Reserve this date Conrad School P.T.A. card party Friday, October 20, 8 p.m. Refreshments, everybody welcome. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Oct. 26. Sonja Bazaar, October 2" Moos Bazaar, rtov. 2 and 3. Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar f THE TAILOR 220 - 6th St. Phone 649 LING Box 286 ' LI ' iwi uniiKing. unaiiuieUf wuiiiunwn Kich -ntn milk milk for for coffee, coffee, cerea cereals, and for whipping. I Ji November 8. Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. 16. St. Andrew's Cathedral W.A. Fall Sale, Nov. 18. ' JJAW OF EXPERIENCE - A full haf-cenfury making the !" 'Baaing bi rand of evaporated milk I That's Carnation s 1 s I ; fa. Yej- you can depend on Carnation.' $ fci? lylUkUU Special Fall Motor Check 23. L.O.B.A. Bazaar Dec. 1. United Church Fall Bazaar December 7. .... VnHT'J2!25 L. A CANADIAN PRODUCT 5W j 1D,E -She Doesn't Know Her Own Power! By CHIC YOUNG Jane Ashley's Crown Brand Recipes FREE Write Jam Ashlty, The Canada Starch Company limit ed P. O. Box 1 79, Montreof, P. O. 1; W& will Inspect your engine from fan to transmission WITHOUT the high cost of tearing It apart. Our modern instruments tell us what adjustments are needed, and the cost to you is amazingly small! Delicious Pies tefy io-A cr owwj NLSr V 7T . -no"- nMAPr t LJ T vlA- Ar to sav T A K gT and Cypcakes too Bob Parker Lid. Ford-Monarch Dealers the Home of Friendly Service Prince Rupert, B. C. WE HAVE GOT THEAA ALL FOR YOU at - 'v - RUPERT BAKERY LTD.