DISPATCHED via;o:?iA, Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER CABS Published at Canado'e Mott Strategic Pacific Port ''Prince Rupert, the Key te the Great Northweit" Phone 81 VOL. XXXIX, NO. 221 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, IBM PRICE 1TVE CENTS now league Moire Infceh Em yevs Bon (1 n i Uc u HOSTILE MOVES FOILED Yanks Close I yw York ilhile L Bark Reds Stirring Up Berlin's War of Nerves i In On Seoul ( 4J1 The American d yesterday how , 0f two or three lie close pennant ...:.u Wmii YdrK. Prime Minister jli'S ""' As Communists Pour Reinforcements Iulo Tltlit To Stay Advance TOKYO-While North Korea was pouring In reinforcements lrom north and west. United States Marines, having crossed Communists Try To Take Land' and Light w It Off at tfOMun. s Detroit, they Will nntrnit. i .i :k tics' with Detroit. - LONDON CP) Prime Minister C. R. Attlee flew to Scotland today to see the King who is I the Han River, neared the heart j ofSeoul today after havlng'on- O YES? TAEGU A North Korean it off at New mm. ,t of a three-way .aid play New York Detroit would play ,,f a Boston-New the winner's park. on a holiday at his Balmoral home. ceniraDea on me capital city ioi-lowlng their new Invasion last Friday at Inchon. The Americans BERLIN (CP) East German Communists today tried to take away land and light from their Government quarters were quick to say that there was no New York are tied were closing, in from two sides-one force from the northwest. particular significance in the visit and no question of any poli western confreres but the other from the southwest. - jay as a result m ,y when the Tigers Douks Will Be 0,K.-Wismer VICTORIA Attorney General Wismer, commenting on the decision to release Sons of Freedom from prison, said yesterday he oensidcred the action of the commission the right step. If, tical crisis. The city Is not yielding without flopped on both counts. tlose 6 to 5 victory E:adelplua Athletics stubborn resistance. - Mr. Attlee is expected to dis cuss with His Majesty arrange At midnight the Reds cut off electric power deliveries to est ,rk had an easy o the Chicago Wlii!e dropped behind a ments for the opening next month of the new session of Berlin which, however, was able Parliament. hail dv iomhi; to get along on its own resour ces. colonel, captured In the fighting around Seoul, told bis captors that he was convinced democracy was the best form of living. MacARTHUR HAPPfc TOKYO General Douglas MacArthur returned to Tokyo trday from the battlefront in Korea where she spent several days. He appeared relaxed and happy and said he was hoping to return to Korea soon to open headquarters in Seoul. RUSSIA BEATEN LAKE SUCCESS Russia was beaten in two votes before tbe United Nations security council, one having to do with alleged Russian participation in the Chinese civil war and the other which would have kept the Greek question off jble-heacler to tne 4 ; The United Nations forces will now consolidate their recaptured grounds to carry on further advances towards the thirty-eighth parallel. There Is every indication, however, that they will meet with increased resistance from" the reinforced North Korean defensvie forces. The Red reinforcements are coming from Manchuria but lians. Earlier in the night on the outskirts of the British zone bn league scores: mtrican half a dozen Russian soldiers tried to move their border bar ,,,1 5, Detroit 8 8, Chicago 1 Atrocity Lieutenant Tells Tale Cleveliwd 6-7 h 12, St. Louis 7 National rlers to annex 175 square yards of territory. Some 100 British infantrymen turned them back. British officials planned negotiating talks with the Russians to settle the mix-up today. Other incidents. Including a Communist demonstration In the whether they are Chinese Communists or Red-trained Koreans te uncertain. after regaining their freedom, they again commit the offences for which they were Jailed they would again be Imprisoned. For himself, he was confident that all would yet become good citizens. t Interest In Navy Grows At Chatham Six new applicants to the R.C.N.iRi at HMC.S. Chatham In the past two weeks had brought total strength to about 40. Their medicals have bpen passed and they are now waiting 4-2. New York 1-0 2, Bnioklyn 7 Philadelphia 9 , Boston 0. French sector, Indicated that the T", nllnall,, etfkrt-' the agenda. KELOWNA DENIED VANCOUVER Board of gov ays Go As the Marines smashed on today, they were being slowed down and, at some point halted, by tbe big North Korean column rolling down from Russian -dominated Manchuria to fight for the capital. The armored column of doubtful nationality consisted of forty tanks and 200 other vehicles from Red China's Yalu River frontier In Manrhni-ia TTnltprl FIRST TUNA This big fish was one of the first blueftns landed at the Seventh International Tuna Cup Matches at Wedgpport, N.S. Jorge Prado of Brazil, sitting, was the angler who subdued the battling bluef In. Teams were entered from Argentina. Cuba, Chile, the United States, the British Empire and a combined team from Denmark and Sweden, This is a Nova Scotia Information Bureau photo. - " (CP Photo) Victim of Grim North Korean , Incident was Believed Dead , I TAEGU, Korea CP) An American lieutenant was found today near here tied to a tree ttnd shot three times in the face and head. He was barely alive when 'found but bad strength to tell he had been captured ten days ago by North Koreans and held as -prisoner in a village. He saitl JICUS cue Byonriiia.i'tv.awjr ping up the war of nerves. Russia is miliary ; for results of X-rays. A target ernors of the Canadian Broadcasting C o r p o r ation, meeting here, denied an application of the Kelowna radio station for an increase in power from 1000 to 5000 watts. LONGSHORE STRIKE ENDS AUCKYAND New Zealand's longshore strike ended today but the government is continuing the state of emer. eencr. which H declared yes ,v,i,f Rtatps intPlltepnce nffirpro wpcp it Dictator of Yuk- of at least 75 on strength has been set. With that many offi - ryf 1 lAIC- Crl'"IPFC' - I endeavoring to determine lt incsses Korean Views cers hope to have a Fairmile Obstacle Dean Acheson Calls Upon I'nlted fUon for r- International Force X UUl I O Ol UlIVO : 3 identity. Many Red Koreans have bE J An American placed on the unit strength for training. M-mel-Honr ,tHntnn f, ! - . ..-,...- f-v-r?, taj'ltli r?,' th-". delegation quoted June 25 invasion across Parallel terday, while negotiations for J Vancouver LAKE SUCCESS Dean Ache- 38 were seasoned with Communist China's Mraichurian armies. Their heavy equipment and planes were all of Russian Beattie .... .02 Bevcourt 6.90 Bobjo .48 .43 .UV4 .22 Bayonne Bralorne son, United States secretary oi nilcd States should t 38th parallel in stop and call for a plebiscite. parallel was the separated west- . . M'W of- the parade time, Wednesday night was spent at precision drill with a view to having a squad available on occasions. There were six officers and 25 men on parade last night. Lt. Cdr. J. D. McRae was in charge. Interest and enthusiasm are reported growing. .02 Buffalo Canadian B R. Con. the Reds had left him for drad. Vhhinsky Cites War Criminals LAKE SUCCESS Irt a vitriolic speech at the League of Nations general assembly yesterday, Andrei Vlshlnsky, Russian foreign commissar, recited a list of "war" criminals" among them Winston Churchill. John Foster Dulles, Oeneral Omar Bradley, former Defence Secretary Louis Cariboo Quartz 1.20 Consol. Smelters 119.00 fd South Korea Congress 12 Hedley Mascot 43 Pacific Eastern 05 Pend Oreille , 8.60 mist North Korea. Korea marched in t'h ies the war started. State, speaking at the general assembly of the United Nations yesterday, called on all members of the United Nations-Communist and non-Communist alike, to contribute a unit for an International armed force to be used for putting down aggression In any quarter of the world. Mr. Acheson referred to the fear of "Invasion, subversion and the knock at the door at midnight" which was so general Pioneer 2.40 aude Pepper iDemo-n said the question "luring a three-hour LCL Shipments 0! Fish Fillets manufacture. The American Marines and their tanks entered Seoul from the northwest at 6 p.m. Wednesday while another column moved In from the west aftefysfeiz-lng Seoul's airfield across the Han River. Korean Red troops are 'converging on Seoul from several old Allied southeast beachhead the old Allied southeast beachhead perimeter. A big battle for Seoul seems to be shaping up, a battle of deep significance if the force from Manchuria should turn out to be non-Korean in manpower. This mysterous force may al Johnson, General Douglas Mac- pAo last night. a settlement of the dispute continue. RAILWAYS LOSE LONDON Great Britain' nationalized trans portation system lost 65,000,000 last year, it was announced today. JURY DISAGREES VANCOUVER There will be a new trial for three members of the Optimist Club on lottery charges in connection with the drawing for an automobile. The jury disagreed and Mr. Justice N. W. Whit-taker ordered the new trial which will take place in a few days. GRAFT CHARGED VANCOUVER In a letter written to the chief of police, a former city constable is charged with extortion of $130 from a complainant. sticking to his Inrie-id for Yuiioslavia In HALIFAX. The first of a ser Premier Border Privateer Reeves McDonald . Reno Sheep Creek Sllbak Premier . Taku River Vananda ... Salmon Gold I Spud Valley Silver Standard Western Uranium Arthur and United States Sec retary of the Navy Matthews. Further Church .09 & 4.25 .02 1.19 .31 .10 .12 .04 .04 2.08 .70 Conwest - 190 Donalda 54 Eldona .23 East Sullivan 7.35 Giant Yellowknife. 7.05 God's Lake :. .32 Hardrock 33 Harrlcana 08 Heva 05 V2 Hosco .-. 06 Jacknlfe 06 Joliet Quebec 65 Lake Rowan 08 Lapaska -04 Little Long Lac 39 Lynx 19 Madsen Red Lake 2.25 McKenzie Red Lake 43 Vi McLeod Cockshutt .... 2.35 Moneta 31 Negus - 105 Noranda : 71.50 Louvlcourt -H ies of experimental shipments (f an conflict, rxpress-fsl of United States jtl that of the United being carried out by the Can taking an Immerll-tainst any effort to adian National Express across Canada in an effort to develop new markets for less than car fid peace. today. The main obstacle today, he said, were the policies of the Soviet government of Russia with Its new imperialism. Mr. Acheson also called on the General Assembly to clear its decks for action against situations which might arise from the undue exercise of the veto in the security council on 24 hours notice, if necessary. Union Proposed TORONTO The General load lot perishable commodities left here Wednesday for Ifrm- ready have crossed the 38th par- . allel, dividing North and South i Council of the United Church, tn nee treal. It included fresh fillets from Lunenburg, Lockeportj Shelburne and Liverpool. N.S. Under the direction of L. J. pig THE WEATHER Oliver of Montreal, transportation supervisor for the C.N.E Pickle Crow 175 .04 Vi -uovd F. Detwiller. Regcourt session here, again revived the proposal of 'constitutional union' with the Anglican Church in Canada. Canon R. A. Hiltz, general secretary of the Anglican Church in Canada, declared that talks which had already taken place along this line had not been wasted time. Oils Anglo Canadian 5 35 A.P. Con .': 52 Atlantic 2.85 Calmont - 125 Central Leduc 2.90 ' Home Oil 15,75 Mercury 16V4 Okalta 195 Pacific Pete 7.25 Princess U 61 " Royal Canadian .11 Royalite .;...,...."....... 14.00 Toronto Athona 08 14 Aumaque v -22 The tests are being conducted with a new idea for the refrigeration of sections of a car for I'"r of hospital lnsur-i "'P Union of British More Details, Craft Courses Korea and only thirty mile? ' north of Seoul. Z British troops in southeast Korea late today moved across the Naktong River and joined American and . South Korean forces pushing in to KurfJiriow. RIOTING IN SEOUL , A South Korean official, quoted by Pusan radio, said today that ''tens of thousands oi anti-Communist workers" are rioting in Seoul.' The radio said that military law has been imposed In the city. MUniClPR tins Vu.ro ! that $1,500,000 more San Antonio 2.50 Senator Rouyn 23 Sherrlt Gordon . 2.30 Steep Rock ."- 4.00 Sturgeon River .16 Silver Miller 92 Upper Canada 2.00 heeded for hospital in- More recent wira from Miss Jean Travis of the Extension "anrins! In the nra- ' year. Synopsis A storm centre in the Gulf qf Alaska is causing southeast winds of gale force over waters adjacent to the Queen Charlotte Islands. These winds ,are expected to decrease this afternoon. Skies will remain cloudy In that region with showers expected tonight. Warm sunny weather is expected to persist over the , south coast ana throughout the southern and central Interior today and small shipments. The experiments will include handling cut flowers, fish, fresh and cooked mcuts and possibly small shipments of fruit requiring refrigeration. "It Is perhaps a little too early to say anything definite about Department of the University ;'d been a rii.rinit nf of British Columbia regarding f'ast year which had Pi carp nf h New Liquor Warehouse VICTORIA ' The next new liquor control board warehouse for British Columbia will stand in Victoria and plans are now under way. It will be on Marine Drive. The liquor commissioner, Moose Women Enjoy Whist ';ld be no increase In the experiments," said Mr. Oliver, "but with each progressive test we are becoming more con the coming handicraft course is that each of the courses will be limited to 15 students, making the necessity of early registration apparent. Miss Travis has lined up the program as follows: First Week Evenings) durance premiums ' Mr- Detwiller said fident of success. The idea was lanital !... ,'. . developed by the company s own ...oiuance is a challenge," the com- Riel Descendants In Korea Brigade J WINNIPEG Two great-nephews of Louis Riel, leader of the 1885 Northwest Rebellion, have W. F. Kennedy, says the new Military whist was enjoyed by Women of the Moose after a regular meeting In the Moose Templo. The winning table consisted of Mrs. Fred Grimble, Mrs M. Heise, Mrs. F. Good and Mrs :,a'd. declnrtnrr 11 L. ... 'K Willi. I , research experts who are always seeking to find new methods of providing Improved services. ''ing down to smooth- Is Blamed For Marine Tragedy SAN FRANCISCO The captain of a freighter which rammed a hospital ship outside of the Golden Gate a few weeks ago has been charged with negligence as a result of the affair. It is alleged that he was navigating his ship at excessive soeed in a dense fog. Twenty- warehouse will be large. There will be a single storey, with spacious basement, and no elevators. Forecast North coast region Gale warning continued. fort riardy region Sunny today. Cloudy tonight. Cloudy with showers tomorrow. Little change In temperature. Wind southeast, 15. Low tonight and Monday Leather carving. Tuesday Design use of line. Wednesday Leather coloring. Thursday Design use of shapes. The place will be In line with Riel. The lucky box draw was wnn hv Mrs. W. Terrv who is ?Pcrmcn Joined Canada's special Korean modern type of construction. leaving shortly to take up rest-1 iorce They are Ignace J. Riel.. 27, dence in Ketchikan. Senior Reg Honored By W.O.M. Longshoremen Get More Pay SAN FRANCISCO Twelve thousand United States Pacific Featuring the meeting of the Friday Leather Inlay. Second Week Evenings Monday Design sources. Tuesday Leather saddle stitching. Wednesday Design lettering. Thursday Leather question high tomorrow at Port Haray, au Remainder of region Cloudy today. Cioudy with showers tonight and tomorrow. Little rHano-p in temDerature. Winds fOON-Newspapor re-rif!'? FMt William lPro.f-Am"''B those one persons died when the Women of the Moose last night freighter rammed the hospital was the presentation of a boir-quet of flowers to Mrs. J. Kasper ship. Coast longshoremen will receive Vancouver and In honor of her recent appointment to the post of deputy grand southeast (35), decreasing to southeasterly (20) this afternoon. T-nw tonleht and highs tomor ent Mrs. F. Parlette presided. Delicious refreshments were served bythe alumnae committee. Boston Was Immobilized BOSTON Boston had a serious power breakdown yesterday which Immobilized every street car and trolley bus. The city was darkened and stood still for 10c an hour pay Increases n a F. J. s v UV .11 111 regent. General business was and Alexander Riel. 30-year-old father of three children. Both live in suburban St. Vital. They are training with the Second Battalion of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light -Infantry at Calgary. Ignace Riel served In the second world war with the Winnipeg Rifles, a unit which fought his great-uncle in the 1885 rebellion. He took part in the Normandy D-Day landings. Alexander Kiel also Is a veteran. He was a rifleman in the 1942 Dieppe raid. row at Sandspit and Prince Ru tentative agreement reached today by the Pacific Coast Maritime Association and Long handled at the meeting. Winner of the lucky box was Mrs. Wil pert, 52 and 58. period. Friday Design color. Both Weeks Afternoons Stencilling. Lino block printing- . Miss Travis sends word L-L. that i the stencilling course is excel-ipnt, Even those who imagine BASEBALL SCORES Portland 4-5, San Francisco 3-0 Oakland 3, Sacramento 2 (10 innings) San Diego 7, Hollywood 5 Los Angeles 8, Seattle 3 liam Terry. The Moosetieart shoremen's Union is approved. Tho boost would bring to $192 Commonwealth Is alumni committee was In charge of entertainment. Best Example ! almost an hour. j SORRY i L rv an hour the basic wage for a working week of five six-hour clays. they have no artistic ability find WASHINGTON Senator J. W MOBILE CLINIC they can turn out articles wim de B. Farris, K.C., of Vancouver . ROSSER, Man. W More than speaking before the Joint meeting TRAIN OF EVENTS WINDSOR, Ont. When a ann nersons received chest a of the American and Canadian ravs when the Manitoba Sani- baseboard in a bathroom caught Bar Associations here today a surprisingly proiesiuum such as greeting cards, fancy napkins, etc. Lino cutting has an actual physical appeal to some people who enjoy the cutting process. Ability to draw Is certainly an nsspt. hut not a necessity. Block nninted to the British Common torlum Board's travelling tuber culosls clinic visited the town. fire It took a little while to fir. the cause. Apparently" wind had rr on pavAKt.milfrh Off the NEW TENNIS CLIB 'SOURIS, Man. ffl Souris may boast a tennis club withflne courts in the near future. A great deal of work has been dohe, this summer on the neglected courts and enthusiasts are planning to Friday, September 22, 1950 wealth of Nations as. the best euide to world peace better even y ance ( I ay nite J f;0-F.HALL j Friends In Prince Rupert have heard from Alf Worthington, formerly advertising manager of the Dally News, and now living In Chatham, Ontario, where he is the advertising manager of a newspaper. He finds the change to eastern Canada one of interest and Is doing well. , three High 11:12 18.2 feet ; . ' 23:02 19.3 feet A i Urihnli-i nlans to buy Low '. 4:41 4.6 feet than the exemplary relations which existed between United States and Canada. corner oi me nuuac nu unt v..-. r - "f m of it dropped on a live wire, times as many Brazil nuts this causing a short circuit. 1 year as she did In 1949. Drintlng can also be applied to I organize a club next season. . 17:03 8.0 feet fabric as wen as papei.