f And it's a ciJnch no one waited great city of Paris was poorlv Time, for Charing 1 " ! lc 1 ul Until h rnul.l rviint In vivht. cerH irl, Volumes r,mh.rf numbered but h'r -"u"Uc 8.' fe " Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday. September 21. 1350 thousand, before he hustled 800 and these were not loaned. For a reason that seems lmpos-' down to the job of finding a B usiness and prof, shelter for ha family and better as' time went cn. da iible to understand, woinea were 1 not admitted. I FRANKFURTERS Ray Reflects and Reminisces Better wi'fh - , I George Bernard Shaw, playwright and author, who broke his thigh, the other day, in a fall, is apparently malting a satisfactory recovery! His age is ninetv-four vears. Hp has Is Canadian National Railway White Elephant Asks Rideout (By PAGE RIDEOUT) At the last .session of our par liament the sessional committee on railways and shipping was appointed, made up of 25 members of the house, including Hon. L. Chevrier and. Hon. G. Drew. The committee had before it for questioning Donald Gordon, S. F. Dingle, T. H. Cooper of the C.N.R. ' J S1DNEV G; Had there been less pint size prejudice and more broad common sense, Prince Rupert could have had a fine appearing library building not long after the first sale of lots. Andrew Carnegie, whose beneficence Is re-. fle;ted in thousands of towns, " offered to give .;ie new city one, but this was rejected. A certain local group had no desire to A cup of coffee consumed in Montreal is to cost fifteen cents. The sugar rate, for that quantity of coflee will be announced later. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branchet 04 4th Street Phone 655 ! been a vegetarian part of his i life. He must Know nis onions. Few cities in Western Canada, for age and size possess a larger, better stocked- and attract accept anything from Carnegie. ive library and reading room Others, unhappily in the min The committee nela I& anrt ripivrd into all branches between Halifax and the West ority, were quite . willing to. Oeo- Coot, J ' " . ' of 'the CNR organization. Hence Indies, as well as the railway ana of Freedom, (sentenced J ? tJl ..; v, ., frri tx Princ Ertward Is. Sons Can it be literally true that today no one can think of build-ing a dwelling .unless he can command seven or eight thousand dollars? That's like starting close to the top. instead of the bottom. How did most of Canada's cities begin, anyway? How were houses built? There was such a thing as the cost of living, long ago, as well as no. CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block Routs, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 ETrnilngs, Mon. & .Frl 7:30 Pbone Blue 442 AJ J T THE VVJ than what is found in Prince Rupert. From the very start, its growth has been steady, and one of the happiest feature was moving, of the books to the Civic Centre.' libraries, it might be said, are of relatively late development. Prior to 1870, the up to three years for parading m S' S'M a Ue Michigan to the nude will be reled from " f fn VSdUnd "" 133 Milwaukee and the Newfound-prison at New Westminster. All " f8W ,X ContlanU line of 14 boats. Then, to., i.i u n nnra ip iH man ani in ... . , C.N.R. is operating the. necticut, 67 miles in Massahu ;- the MARGARET nJ Try a Classified in I he News. Trans-Canada Airlines North spts 124 miles in New Harap- women. If they care to accept a word of advice it may oe men- i tioned that birthday . suits are snl.re "ul" " v"." STONE b oiiii: American service, and also the Trans-Canada Airlines, Atlantic Limited. I As to hotels, while the number of hotels and lodges did not appear, yet Mr. Gordon stated j the capital investment was $27,- 1 438.28U.00 and the profit over COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments HANOH TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 4th 8t Ph. Black 389 lout of style during Kootenay mUt m. miles In t Iruu- t winters m MSchlgan.. 191 l ' , I ana, 112 miles in, Illinois, eight, imile Wisconsin and 276 miles I . It's not so far back, in Prince in .Rupert's htnry that dozens cl.m Muineso,a I buildings which it was thought,! The C.N.R. a!so has a line of had outlived, their usefulness, steamers plying on the Pacific ;were torn down. And possibly coust, and 10 ocean liners plying1 they were not so easy on the PHONl P.O. box m, . (Continued on page 10.' fi A mm A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B C. , eyes. A . little foresight might i have avoided future worries, 'when housing' pressure became ;-more keenly felt and: constmc-. tion cost was still climbing. Years ago; a careful inspection ' minimum cash and credit out GORDON D. m OIL BURNER SPKil New wick or pot tjptfc mppiled-Ail typeset, and stovei serviced-!; fondltlonal guarastai M . lay, and lick of paint could have ' gone a lo.a: wav. . t doesn't always make sensed feet satlsfacUoo RORIE & LAIRD Publle Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled. O. L. RORIE, A A E. 8. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 38t ' Bertie 1 FOR SALE Carload of Apples By PR Gyro Club I The Gyro Club will endeavour 733 5th West iff JZa-. n Drive well . . for less! w'JAU'n urns, For Dowiitroddtn M to sell a carload of apples to ' Hhe people' of Prince .Rupert next 1 . , I !t-t,v F 4-wn: it.n It' ene of the trimmest standing economy, cars on the foad. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTOR and Worn Sta MAC iivtiiii ivi uirii pi e-niiiiuwe eu ' t store; the ' pr'oceeds from the i w . . . It SHOE HOM U Seagrams sale to go towards the retlre-' ment of obligations in connec-jtion with the MiClymont Park' j swimming pool and other child-1 Rox 774 Sc Why pay today's high car prices for costly, bulky space you'll seldom need? Why buy extra gas just to carry dead weight? Get, HILLMAN Hcre:s a Minx. a smart, beautifully engineered car that has all the comfort, safety and convenience that the vrage family could want all year 'round . . . and Ifou don't have to sacrifice good looks, quality or big car features to enjov its out- In heavy city traffic or cur on the highway, the HILLMAN Minx handle like a charm . . . ' the new "Plus-Power" engine gets away fast, takes big hills easily and gives up to 35 miUt to the gallon. You won't believe how grand it really u 'till you see the new HILLMAN Minx on display today. You'll like it? Building and Repair of kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS MAHSON'S UPHOlSTEtBG Photi Blue 818. Ffl S PBONES BUck S34 Red p. o. Boa ma 330 Sewmd Awri Prince Rupert. B icua i catiunui projects, ine apple sale will culminate in the Apple Day street sale on Octo-jber. 21 when pretty ..girl .will I take to the thoroughfares to ' sell the luscious fruit. Before I that, however. Gyros themselves lwill conduct an advance sale of 'apples by -the box by means of telephone and other methods, i Plans for Apple Day wer Ter- I fected when Ben Parker, chair-J man of the committee, - went into conference with the club it ' j 0? Seagrams $ure This advertisement is not published or diinlnv.H h DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRINQ B liquor Control Doafd or by the Government of British Columbii its weekly luncheon yesterday. i Gyros will busy . themselves , j with another form of community (service during the latter part , of this week when they will ! cover the part of the city be-i tween Denaid Street and Mc-j Clymont Park en the south side of Hays Creek to seek donors for the blood clinb to oe conducted j he-e next wee;: by the mobile j unU of the Red Cross. C. G. j Ham is organizing the Gyros for mm 9 this work. On October 18 -the Gyros I agreed, if Rotarians are willing, IF YOU ARE WISE YOU WILL OUTFIT THE LADS y - . . t , to particplate in a joint lunch A OOTC$ COU MOOUCI vki s worm anve yvur money . . . a eon on the occasion of the visit AT THE i in ILL to the city on that date of 1 Major General D. C. SprjT, national secretary of the Boy Scout Association. 8 SPORTS SHO It & Hi mm CLEVER PUP CALCUTTA P Pluto, five 'vwoerHiiiiiiiM i m tuft too km idJ...not tooSMMll . . . just HIGfIT month-old mongrel picked up in Jackets 0 Trousers x ine streets, naa become famous. YOUR FAVORITE . 1 , . ., . OOTES MOTOM (CANA9AI UMITEDr CMtltiMairt I. Hi Rmm Crwp mn4 vr W..lir. Ollie.. 1736 Httlinv I.. V.n... IC . taHn olc.. MMlrM , . , He plays the trumpet, counts up i to nine and walks on two legs. Painrnals HaiS His owner Is a professional do? 'UUP.IJuUJ!U J .l.'f .u i trainer. - . ;V Dealer: Distributor: McDcrmott's (Vancouver )Ltd. 845 Burrard Street Vancouver, B.C. 3 BlU'S MOTOR SERVICE tOi ftBride Street Phone Black 605 Prince Rupert, B C. OtD USAGE The word "of" is the only modern English word in which "I" ' -i. j-ioiioiUijed as "v." '0, 6efMs ma-citariKG II Mt I 1 I -J I NOW ON DISPLAY! II v r U.l. J In w . WsHM VAJ MlltlJ II J I on your next 1 CHARTER FLIGHT ilobl CHAPTER FLIGHT PLANES ....at. ' fJU" 0 Aerial Surreys Aeriol Photography Private Charter Timber Cruising, O O o o m ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL Ladies' FALL and WINTER COATS ' New Gabardines and Covert Cloths Priced from 29.95 SBtPtCWReSSb pCAtr-YWTtSfAK YOU'litTHEftE! m cm AM For RSfc8VA - RATES - INFORMATION MID MtMALS, SPUVY SPORTS, SCENIC KWDCfiS TPfSTHRtUNGr M PHONE 476 KtHogg'l, Box 886B, Tdronlo, Onlarl, Canpda CHARLOTTE AIRLINE 1 AND HERE'S "POWER" TO GO ONthat power of corn! QUEEN YES. , plcnae wnd me ( ) MAGIC 3 IEN.SIONAL VIKWER(H) each with DIMEf Nourishing, appetite-rousing and good! Kellogg's Corn Flakes are real "Main-Dish" nourish 4 thrillins cenea. For ewh set I em:kn wprnt 25 e in coin and 2 box tups from Kellogg Cora Flakes. ment served with sugar, fruit and good fresh milk.' Christophe' Kiilas & And for flamr and crixpness, you can't beat the original Kellogg' Corn Flake's. Its popularity guarantees (PUas print) on its freshness. It the fastest selling ready-to-eat cereal Air Freigh om s DEPARTMENT STORE m the ivoria. t i - -