Prince Rupert Daily New Thursday, September 21. 1950 - TOOAY RICH MARKET HERE Income and Spending Politics "Cinch". Declares Woman 7.30 p.m. SAT. MAT. 2.00 io Here Above Level of Most Canadian Cities NEW YORK (Special to the News) Prince tZltV PleMcre"aln telephoning. Classifieds, 2c Word pe. per Insertion minimum charge 50c Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Fun eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2 00 SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE FRI. SAT. 7 9,10 ivupert stands out as a rich market, with income and spending at a level above that of most other cities in Canada. This is brought out in a new, copyrighted survey of buying power, prepared by Sales Manage FOR SALE REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE Revenue building month Dlus suite for owner.1 r-Aueueiu, oDDoriunitv ior thei rieht oartv. 4-room house. 2 minutes from I Dost office, available for cash I ?Lrn- ADOlV Robert E. I ''l" "1 l"W' FOR SALE Wartime 6. Dartiallv furnished. Phone Green Ifi9. . . (226p) . . T T t.n FOR RAI.K S rnnm hxi nHa over for a 4:30 meeting and get back in time to have supper ready." And what does Mr. Wishart think of his wife's public career "If you want a lot of free time, nominate the wif , office," is his advice Rho-n too tired to questions who" .Mic comes nomp nfi u" i a uu sy day at city hall." NIPIGONS ISLANDS There lands In Lake Nlpi-on, Ontario FOR SALE ftS3L7?edroom sut com, 9Zll- rue: chesterfield suite and dinette set of table and chairs: also ironinir board and vacuum cleaner, ail like " &?Dlv J?- 4- Summit Aots. Phone Green 277. ( tf ) f OR SALE 2 wicker armchairs, u-auit-r lazvnov irii fnr Summer CamD. SS- 1 vnnltu with bench. $30: 1 Marconi arconii rahinpt. poriin cn- o v.... t Dlates. Call at 1042 9th Ave East. 224d trno CAT TP A . . t ; perfect condition, low mileage Box 79a. Dailv News. 224 FOR SALE-1007 -bed. complete.: 7th E. (226p) P Qnt nltlr, .1. .. lllT, announced. J "uie oi I SAl . ill :ment " "uum "e accounted ior ro7A.Ki.. V oiiiy u ij . reasonably as must be sold im-l rmn .,,, , nar,-, u i 0730 Percnt of Canada mediately. Phone 470 (Eves)', s Blue 240 for further Informa- ness- Actually, however, it aid tion. (tf) .1127 percent. FOR SALE Double bed com- FOR SALE Small not oil burn-, plfte. $18: 2 Venetian blinds,1 er- Phone Black 785. (225d) J4Xa4. $15: medium siu Qui.! - . Si ment, covering all sections states T.h. Tne standard c(j , . ni8n ef living prevailing in Prince Rupert is indicated by the volume of retail business rinnp In th ThP InMl ictnr.. .lc.r.4 . total ",, of $9 801 ' 000 which wnlcn was a- : . . '. 1 r , lr,clty s quota- on llle ua-cia oasis oi m us 11,5 pupui-ctlion population it 11 .1 !J 1 J 1. j , The ability of local families 10 spend more was made possible by better incomes. The 2.900 families In Prince Rupert attained a gross income of $11,-020,000 in 1949. Dividing the one by the other yields a per family income of $3,800, which is higher than the $3,443 figure for Canada as a whole and than the $3,472 earned per family in British Columbia. The earnings locally marked a gain over the previous year when the average per family was $3,489. During the same period lnconme nationally dropped 5.6 percent per family. After analyzing Prnce Rupert as to Dooulation. Income, sales and other significant factors, the survey assigns to it a "oualitv of marKet - inaex muex oi or 130. im. This inis rat rut- PORT ARTHUR tfi Mrs. Eun ice Beaver Wishart, only woman aiaerman in northwestern Ontario, says the political field is a "cinch" for any married woman providing she has a tolerant husband. Once hubby is won over to the idea of his wife entering poll- tics, sne says, all that is needed is access to some monev for campaign expenses, boundless energy and a liking for long hours. Then you support whatever Issues arp dosp tn thp housewives' purses and you are a cinch to be elected. Mrs. Wishart became interest ed in the possibility of running ior puouc oince while working on the Port Arthur Warthim Prices and Trade Board. She ran for city council three ve;irs ago and was elected the first time out. The lady alderman and her male colleagues didn't hit it off right at the beginning. She was quoted as saving some nf tlii aldermen were "so narrow-mind e ed that nat their ne" ears ears almost almost tou touch- e,d and there were rePcrc us- J r!' , . miiu term, sue finds the city fathers have mellowed" and consider her an alderman and net a woman in trudlng on municipal affairs. MORE SOPRANOS NEEDED "Women think of little things that men cannot comprehend." observes Mrs. Wishart, explaining why sh- thinks more women's voices are needed In running the country. "They are less materialistic and more humanitarian. Mot of us are mothers and we think in terms of flesh-and-blood when it comes to matters like welfare and schools." Two of her pet topics are conservation of the vast pulpwood forests in the lakehcad and tne beauty of the Port Arthur district as a tourist attraction. A neat, conscientious housewife, site keeps her big, o!d- fashioned home snic and' siwn although sometimes attending as many as four council meetings a day. For housewives thinking of entering politics she offers this tip: , "I live only a block away from city hall and I can leave supper cooking in the oven and drop Common Stock Invest Opportunities While the changing International J situation k. reflected in the quotations for tnS mo . there arc may S0Und issue, cTlS .Cnrpounon, that may be purchased t provide .ttwa.e,icldi of from 4 too be glad to send you . list of such Diversification through the placement of fT FOR SALE New chesterfield beds: beds comolete: untainted chest of drawers: used washing machine: sewing machine: kitchen stoves: heaters: hardware: scores of other useful furniture at lowest prices See B.C. Furniture. Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Twa hnusoa nn nna lot Excellent central location and and Drlced oriced reasonab reasonably v G. G. P P.I Tinker & Co. Ltd. Phone Red i 57. . Vili) I FOR SALE .... 32-ft w v. Wl'lid, A Ull V eaulpDed. 15-18 EasthoDe A-l Cnndlt.lnn fl XB n A . laauin. wn- Enauire office of J. Clausen and Son. (225d) FOR t - SALE , , - 12-gua2e Lif r- uuuuiu double, , narrpl Khnftrnn roii Qii Une l Cove Ave., or Phone Red 789. (225d) ! i FOR SALE Caroet 9x10V, and' wtuumi iimcilllip. tjom IlKe. new. Phone 60. Delanev. 224di FOR SALE 6-room house in ' Terrace. 14 acre of cleared land. AddIv Robinson Real Estate. Terrace, or John Gur-vic.h Pltv twnni . FQ.R SALE McClarv coal ranee -. ... (222o)' DEALERS IN ALL TYPES of used eouiDment; mill, mine and loeelna suDolies: new and used wire rooe: Dioe and fittings: chain, steel Dlate and Shanes. Atlas Iron tz Metris Ltd 25 Prior St.. Vancouver. B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. (tf) LIS STeeaknd23b30?S FOR RENT Room. 843 9th! west. (230p) i RENT Furnished bedroom j - - mitV. Hl.l, ... FOR RENTIjflrfrP hn,.iri.r J""- rv.- girls. Call Blue 638 after 6 p.m. (2210) ?o? IlrU. west- . (tf) RK.-.t ESTATl . !.;,i . . HAVE HOME OWNER reqtiirlnsi .-yU t. ui j.ucuiuum nnuse De-1 iw"n nava uove nn IVlptlr1p Will sell or pxrhanwp d.hpH.I , ber heater. $12: small jacket! iicuiiauu lauimrv siove. flz wiL-K ourners. carbureters. 2 al. tank. 74i 5th W. Phone Red 892. dtp) FOR SALE 1949 Hillman Minx Sedan in eood condition. Apply; Camp Office. Watson Island. ; (22Wp) FOR SALE Remington rifle,! riiuuei ju. canore 3U06. Red- fie ri -Tr M.mnt v like new. Phone 664 before 5 1 D.m. i4iou; FOR SALE-' -Blue coat, size lfi. Red 471. (tf) FOR SALE Girl's bike. Red 471. (tf) FOR SALE -Gent's C.C.M bi-: ' ,Xcli- Vt vears old- $25. Phone , Black 236. 226) igS?: $dlnB0fxOr792UilSai.vSaNeew,Only (221) FOR SALE 1947 1-ton Dickup. A-l condition. Superior Gar- . f'J21nll S?" "I1! , Jf?n Clamshell u-jus ana k,ock lirano ps: . T. L Smith Cnnrrpto MWoro- 1 Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson jaiiLKeu L,oaaers ior Stockpile! mj L. be obta.nej V Mt,sftory income of o may without taking UI,jue If vnn &'ill ... - e ' v.... Ing sets it 30 percent above the ! uni?heon today- instead of hav-nation nation as as a a whole whole in in sales sales nu-; po inE a Program, went to work at ainount of money you wish to iJ. TT Umes Richardson & Sons Pacific Coait OrTicesi viacnu " left -over fmk! waxed throughout, MM tasteless, odorless. MoistvnsJ uu Dimw xveinoyar. nice Jtoru:ruK RENT Housekeeping room .CeDnnalS 2ft! 613 AVC""e S?lea Sawmills: National 221 Fifth Avenue East (226c) ' Kotarv Screens and Conveyors.' Full in tor ma tion from Na- FOR RENT Room to share, tional Machinery Co. Limited, men. Red 471. (tf) freshness and completely seehi odors. 100 foot roll in the hgJ with a strong, sure, cvttisj Available At Your Groury, l cf Canada and the United Scotswomen Want Babies Ai Home WINNIPEG. In Scotland a great many women still prefer to have their babies at home, says Dr. Charlotte Douglas of Edinburgh. Dr. Douglas, visiting Winni peg, is medical officer for ma- ternal and child welfare in the Scottish Department of Health. She said that under the Scot tish health set-up, women are given the choice of going Into a hospital or of staying at home. "Unless there is a good medi cal reason why they should go into a hospital, they may remain in their own homes," Dr Douglas said. And a great many do. Rotarians Are Seeking Blood j once to conduct a canvass of Second and Third Avenues In blocks east of the Junction to carry out a canvass for blood donors on behalf of the clinic to be held here next week by the Red Cross. Billy Scuby is chairman of the canvassing committee and hart the members assigned in pairs to carry out a snappy job. Big Scouts Are Coming Chief Comml sinner For 'nada and Other Disnatories of Movement To Visit Rupert Distinguished leaders nf the Boy Scout movement will visit Prince Rupert next month in the persons of three commissioners. Heading the party will be Major General D. C. Spry CB.E, D.S.O. of Ottawa, exeu-tive commissioner for Canada; J. L. Watson . rnmrniGvinn.. - .in , . n,. sriun Columbia, and Executive Commissioner A. Tomlinson of wewtoundland. Major General Spry commanded Canada's Third Division in world War II and was the youngest general in the forces of the British Commonwealth. The party will arrive on the Prince George on the morning Of October 18 from Vanrnn vpr and, after a busy afternoon and evening here, will entrain for Ed-; m o n t o n. Principal annnlnt. ments will be a joint luncheon of the Gyro and Rotary Clubs at noon when Major General Spry will be the speaker, a rally of Scouts and Cubs in the armory In the afternoon and a dinner of the Prince Rupert Boy Scout Association in the evening. Convicted Today, Sentence In Week Vll ltn on a cnarge or theft oi tjfl $48 ffim from n l..,nlii. . wiil ti, . a dwelling. He be sentenced ScDtember 28 Whm the landlady at the house where Syme was staying mlsed the money, she suspected Syme and notified the nolice. Most nf tho money was recovered. III Tour UfJmdtd) A specialist In tht txtminttloa of eyesight Thorough visual natytlt by vour Ootontetriti and Ml killed counsel ere necessary in safeguarding your most priceless possession youf Department Store SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesman ' bv large . . -. v. m v i '"c vuii 117.11. v iu rnupp Pri no r.oAmn anri D-,nMn Rupert territories. Permanent Dosition. Reolv statins age and experiehce. to Box 797, Dailv News. (223) SALES AGENTS WANTED make Extb Mnwrv rjn v Kell Namp-nn rhndmoa anH tvervdav card assortments at best values with highest commissions for vou. Uneaualled values in more than twenty Christmas items 21 card Deluxe Christmas box. Panorama Stanc-uD cares. Canadian scenes pictures, personal cards, notes and nankins. Children's three dimensional books. Television Tom Thumb books, nur-serv mvmc caics. stationery, eift wraDs. personalized Kitt ribbon, ding-dona bells, also Evervdav assortments including plastic cards. Write today for catalogue and samples NOW. Name-on Stationery Comoanv Limited. Dept. B4, 63 Yonee Street Arcade. Toronto. WANTED WANTED $20 REWARD if you Pon rtot ma hn fr f 1 Cfrrkv- house to rent till June. Urgent. Box 79i. Dailv News. (225p) WANTED Light housekeeping rooms, as soon as passible, by auiet familv. Uraentlv needed. Aoplv VJD. Dailv News, tfnc npr rnmnlptp Glow Phone Red 876. (220c) WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrao iron, steel, brass, copper, lead. etc. Honest grading. Promot Dav-ment made. Atlas .'.ron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Van- POIlVpr TIC. Phnnp Pnpifir 6357. (tf) h,p? ators. Phone 543. Call 629 fit n wesl" ' WANTED TO RENT Furnished accommodation for couple and amuii Daov. rnone Kea 852. (220p) lumbia Cellulose. (22Gp) WANTED TO RENT Unfurnish- ?9nouse or suite. Phone Black 650. (223p) LOST orcen Budgie bird, an- swers to name "Bobbv." Any- uue linuing oira. p ease call H Ward' Red 196 or 680. Reward (226p) IT'S PROFITABLE Form Find VANCOUVER keep Pliable, evenly Paper it retains out) all food Economical, penser pack Always saunas room home on 6th East Has WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4-room concrete basement, furnace house or apartment, furnish-fireplace. rumpus room and! ed or unfurnished. Phone Don. I I- I WAX WRAP J : FOR SALE-1947 UiTrZ- and heater, etc. Phone Red ' FOR RAT.E 2-t-nn nnrfo .... 1944; i ' hIh0." KrH D-alton 194J,',n eod condition. adding machine with cash drawer. Valentin . rlr"v- fnone ed 272. (225p): HI - POWERED SPORTING! . RIFLES Larger assortment and hotter values. Write fori latest catal"g listing various! bargain prices. SCOPES! SALES CO. LTD.. 326 Ojeen1 St., Ottawa, Ont. I FLSAF .- Washing machine Lf!.i.eriieia suite iKroe-l Both in exceuent condition"' Red : (225p) IT'S EASY tential. Victoria Mayor Municipal Head NELSON Ch Mavor Pcrcv George of Victoria was elected president of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities at tne annual convention here yesterday. BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS "LUMBINt and Ht-ntimr -Sheet Me. a I work Tnr ard Oravel Roofing. Call 029 6U; West. Plione 543. Letourneai and Sons. ;tf . MODERN Painting and Decorating Snence and Matulk Phone Black 215. evenings or noon hour. P.O. Box 1111. U) COMPLETE builders sifnolirs fast service. Island Citv Building Supplies. Blue 820. (18m) accocttants PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. In'ow , Tax specialist. S. O. Furk Stone Building. Red 593 20rm REPAIRS WATCH Rerjarrs oromut elfl-clent service. George Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction guaranteed. OIL BURNER SPECIALIST- Stove Service & Heoairs. O D Ronson. Black 503 tt , FALL'S THE TIME FOR OUTSIDE PAINTING ; The weather's settled in Fnii that's why. The wood has hiwi all summer to drv out and (hp stage is set for a first-class job! ou see, it s moisture in the wood that causes so many paint fail- c especially in new houses , Whp iUn ... 1 t vnc wWU is not, properly seasoned or the Inside plaster dry. Let your new house stand a month or two before painting If you paint before all moisture has dried, the moisture pushes its way out behind the paint pushing the paint off with it. ' A good iirst coatcr Is most important, you can't do a good paint Job over a Door founda tion. Remove aii old damaged paint, repair leaks and cracks before you start. it s your house. Paint It right! For iareer inn?, rail a Ti contractor! manv plus features. If no ex-! change possible will consiripr ArmstmngWhAgencies.rS Phone! sw or Green 597 (eves.) 224c FOR SAi.F wu.. two storevs four large rooms,: ," twt uIi:?.Lz, Jots includ-: . ;i."'4,o",ii1",5?- e rirp- t n "".'X";! ""ifiiiMin, au CaliforniaAVenUe' aiuornia. Lnff B??,ch,': (222c) To Use 771 ) nz 3 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED . ADS Write Them Vourself on this Handy i.mber of Tim , Enclosed Please When you choose your cigarette for miU . you'll choose Millbauk Cigarettes Uc per word per insertion Number of e.g. word 25; cost, 50c. Six ( insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Name 1 - - . , "" - Addrcss .:.v.:-...: Phone No A STRAIGHT CUT FOR A . viaeiBTaMei THE B.C. PAINT CLUB UlW. r,4t SH. Vtnwuv.,, (j. e.