WAitM ftr.f Tan if TSfl 1a9n west: . Prfncs Rupert Daily News X3$rV" 9 Asserts Columbus of the Canary Islands and he maintained a course due west) Thursday, September 21. 1950 from the Canaries to do so. tT . .',T nmA Anvta He added that as 30on as the LONDON ff! The Eastern! ss. Strongbox, the vessel's prom-Queen, new luxury flagshia of 1 enade decks are enclosed with j fr fnstz in the began to falsify the log and byian Indo-Chma shipping com-' heavy bars and Tina Jut from her the time the vessel had reached ' Pany, is as hard to break into ; sides to keep off China Seaj . TUnt is what counts! the West Indies it showed the ' as a van. uuDoea Dy aocKere, pirates. PRINCE RUPERT BOOSTED ALBERTA MAGAZINE CALLS VANCOUVER, B.C. HOG TOWN . The map that is shown fully illustrates the fact that everything in British Columbia must have its terminal at Vancouver, says "Norwest Miner of Edmonton" in commenting on a recent oil pipe line drawing featuring a route to the southern B.C. port. Many people must wonder why Vancuover is so big, and every the town In British r ships had covered 900 miles more i Faked Ship's Log BIRMINGHAM, England (Reuters) An English professor claims Christopher Columbus didn't discover America in 1492. He says that was done five years earlier by a Portuguese explorer named Dualmo. , Prof. A. Dovies of Exeter University said Columbus "cooked" his ship's log. He told scientists of the British Association, there were -several 'features" about Columbus' first voyage suggesting that he than they really had. When Columbus landed in Cuba he recorded the latitude as 42 degrees north Instead of 21. The falsifications were deliberate so that he could claim a oriua TEA ield the perect flavour. new discovery, the professor Columbia so comparatively! .. ... Coast in small Th1 iott .r.cti,. ,."""ii "ii uic ratine added. He said that from 1500 onwards world maps began to how rallwaysv gas lines, oil lines, Canada. It's Vancouver. So to Vancouver everything must go appear cased on ronuguesef charts Which showed the coast-! J knew land was there before he set out. He said Columbus' brother, a map maker in Portugal, had told line of North America In detail RADIO DIAL I 1240 Kilocycles That was years before, the Spaa-f him about Dualmo's discoveries. iards began to explore the coast of the United States. ... L to fhaiU'O He - knew , therefore, that he even a third transcontinental railway must wind up in Vancouver. In the meantime Vancouver gets larger, and the province as far as outside districts are concerned gets smaller in population. With Montreal on the eastern coast and Vancouver on the western coast there is no room ...... nrri f etc.. must go to Vancouver clearly shows the frame of mind Vancouver people who have any ay hi the matter, are in. It is to be noted that even Fort Norman oil ia to go to Vancouver yet Norman is only a few hundred miles from the navigable Arctic Ocean even Edmonton gas and oil must go to Vancouver, notwithstanding the fact that Prince Rupert is a superior port, served by present railway Interests with just a "branch tine" Instead. o the 430 Treasure Island 4 :45 Western Five 5:00 The Scotch Preacher 5:15 Radio Cartoons 5:30 Prelude to Dusk 5:45 Young Man with a Kong 5:55 CBC News 6:00 "Canada at Work" 6:15 English Favorites e:3ft Musical Varieties . 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Houndup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Muslcale 8:30 Whatcha Know Joe? -- (Q) iviaKe era DAY - P-M-utlnal Comty. jmento hMi Stars I I for anv other norts accordirar to I Ii Int tyuotauoui the people who dictate the policies of Canada. .1 -i- JMf Vancouver need not be greatly I Trans-continental railway, her- if i":30CBC Vancouver Concert m; Jnr town of British Columbia" or even Canada. It has earned its title by being selfish and not Believe It or not, Prince Ru understanding that what helps business more than anything else, is healthy competition,, C) atyour7.'fl7homo Re-Roofed with BARRETT ASPHALT SHINGLES "Ohs" and "Ahs" come naturally when your home is roofed with Barrett Asphalt Shingles. Hardy pert is nearer Edmonton than ts Vancouver. It also has ample provision for the loading ot tankers,: etc., and as for fertile areas, It has plenty in the Naas and Skeena Valleys to say nothing, of. the Stikine, Klappaa, Groundhog and other Valleys, i - 215,000 AIRMEN The RCAF reached a peak strength in January, 1944, when it totalled more than 215,000. Inpt and Courteous! LtoSem YOU J Officialdom railway and gov This advertisement Is not poTJfl;tf..ec; or displayed by.th9 Liquor Control Board or by the government of British Columbia r.-r ernment seem to insist that there Is only one port or ter- Advertise througn Classified. dore Cafe and Oood Food" mm grnd-Out Orders fr David Chow. Mgr. i I Orchestra 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10: 15-Focus 10:30 Winnipeg Drama 11:00 Weather Report and SlRn Off FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty. 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Famous Voices 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 "Melody Time" 10:45 Musical Kitchen 11 :00 Kindergarten of the Air ll:15r-Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period ll:33-Rec. Int. 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies FRIDAY P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Rec. Int. 1:00 Concert Hour 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Housing Remakes 3:00 The Music Box 8:15 Bernie Braden Tells a Story S 30 -International Comty. J: 40 Divertimento Barrett Shingles are trim and weathertight end stay that way. Too, you'll want to sec the glorious new colour styles just added to the linenew " greens and blues and reds and greys. Your Barrett dealer has them now! , , Check over your roof. If it's getting the worst of the weather, now is the time to think about a new one. Ask about Barrett Asphalt Shingles. You can apply them right over your old roof and they cost less than you'd guess. HEW ROOFS FOR BARNS1 Sturdy Barrett Storm King Roll Roofing is ideal. Double coverage. Concealed nailing. Choice "of 3 colours. TOP LEAKS with Plastic Elastigum Cement. Seals flashings; Fine for patching. A thin coating of Liquid Elastigum Cemeat reseals old roll toolings. STOP SEEPAGE with Hydronon Paint. Ideal damp-proofef for cement or wood. ' . INSULATE with Barrett Rock Wool. InVB Bans (with vapot barrier), Loose or Granulated form. PHN H. i )lger 'OMETRIST Bulger Ltd. ird Aenut UaurBaneft dealer sells Protection PcS " " V He stocks a complete line of roohng, insulation and weatherproofing materials. He's got what it takes to stop almost ny weather. Whethet your problem is leakage, seepage, rust or tot- see your Barrett dealer first! - PLANNING BUILDING REPAIRING THE BARRETT COMPANY, LIMITED MontrMl hm MfinniFM Vanccvv ffg'd. tfmttiUrt Call 363 tifei r Km&&jjT ) I f l!0 'W Wwt pajw w r lit - i ITCHELL BROADWAY CAFE V Mixing.1 CURRIE LIMITED 1 Best Food x NoDrty Dishes! F & Cantrart.-iri mr. r a m i i 'v u w rinest Coekina No Waste! W. COLLINS I . ' . l ' I j Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. plzed Dealer for fECTROLUX Here's all you do to make Blue Bonnet look as delicious as it. tastes . 4 y " V For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 . - 7 i j , j r- 1 . the above for all f and Supplies new three hnuh Press the Button Knead the Bag -w rm.i I itini(irr- rrmi tf J 'l' " . , 1' ., I I If 1 . " .-. i Extra comfort and less work for JmOLl'X FLOOR ' ? J ' I i ! you with 0 Blue Bonnet Is a rich golden-yellow ready to use. NH.ISHER the wax as well is polishes PHONE 451 py for a free demnn . n v.oieman un neater f annATO 4 J IU 0 I i I If) rrxYn I I I I Low in Cost Efficient in t CC3 Dowet dyes ")U3" jy,.. ' the 1950 Models ELECTROLUX AIR ft and El pctrai n. For the first time in Canada margarine that's easy to color, that's. fun to color I Yes, delicious Blue Bonnet Margarine now comes in the amazing, new YelkW.Quik bag! All you dot press the color button . knead the bag gently for a couple 25. POLISHER J J LIS, Ms RfK ki Alt "port For of of minutes minutes ... ... and and IJlue lue Bonnet's Bonnet's : S llj ' ER! that! . W ..' 7 II ' 7. II ready to serve 1 It's as easy as b ' sr in mcmiae otreei. rnone 311 1 11 Save time and trouble. Look for ; ask for the new Yellow Quik Blue Bonnet Margarine! your Furnace from Princeton i viUbl t Urt la Vwmohim il II vrndon m the iomm mtlnUnJ At bvIOftlln t It'l raliulilnf, -COLD DUBLtN" b mwi that equal to say lmpiitd Alt, For qudity . . . fcody . . , end IUvx( uk lot and H that you Jt-" COLD DUBLIN" ALB Chir lmney, Now! ' - yf wonderful wonderful country-sweet country-sweet fla- flavor. ' LH j rTSp- A 1 '1 . n y. -is. vor. Fresh, Fresh, delicate, delicate, templing templing I I V; vZi C - t 4-t , '. . . 1r j J SSSS?rVyh NUTRITION NUTRITION I I Packed Packed full full f I , 7 i f I ---1? FLAVOR I Wonderful, of food energy, with 1 6,000 units of Vitomin A added toj every delicious pound. ICONOM-E-E I Use Blue Bonnet as a spread for bread and toast, for baking and pan frying . . . you can afford extra milk with the money yog save I '"' the most modern I "Pment for clean-,ices na chimneys. 'hone m now PRINTING FOR EVERY PURPOSE ; . . We'll follow your instructions implicitly r, if you wish, add a creative touch that Will lend distinction to your printed matter. r Moderate prices. Callus! Phone 234 MARGARINE i1' Metal Set a case today... now! Ltd. , ('i'ii In hi ii( 1 1 I ISaadHsuakaapiiu; 1 A Prcduct of lha Makart of FIEISCHMANN'S YEAST MAGIC BAKING POWDER rnmr.3 234 3rd Street Prince Rupert PRINTERS STATIONERS OFFICE SUPPLIES h Ynim arid other fine food products f'URNAC Thu adWtiitment it not published i ol delayed by the Uujr Control Board 91 by the Cavcrnmcnt of British Columbia.