6 PROVINCIAL L12?..?.?, 113 VICIC7.IA, e. c. onr.iEs DRUGS Daily Delivers - icr i NORTHRRlTiNl5TEKTRAI. BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NXWSPAPIB PHOIIE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVIII, No. 126. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. TUESDAY. MAY 31, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS National is Ca pWcABS anadiasi Sees NO TORY IN THIS RIDING r Importance Of Prince Rupert Line Admitted USED AS ARGUMENT BY CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS IN CASE FOR BETTER FINANCIAL SUPPORT MONTREAL (CP) Importance of the Prince Rupert line of the Canadian National Railways from a strategic standpoint is emphasized among sub Worn '" Linn Kisht M Ural I A IP - Progressive Lender Ueorge . There will be no Conservative candidate In Skeena riding at the forthcoming federI election, it has become known. This will make it a straight fight between II. G. Archibald, member of the last Parliament, and E. T. Applewhalte, the Liberal candidate. It is understood that the Conservative candidate in West Koot-enay will not be opposed by a Liberal. capacity audience EXPORTS INCREASED OTTAWA A sharp increase in exports to the United Kingdom brighu.nrd Canada's trade picture during April, the Burrau of Statistics leporte. During the month exports totalled $63,049,000 compared with St 1.353,000 in April of last year. Total exports to all countries were $237,800,000 compared with $216,800,000 in March and $212,300,000. in April 1948. ; PARIS CONFERENCE PARI S Foreign ministers missions which will be presented to the kovri commission on transportation which convenes in Winnipeg tomorrow. Stressed, however, is the heavy fin- anclal burden Involved in maln- . taining such an essential plon- if rates and tolls which Is not eerlng line which, during the primarily related to Canadian war, had proven of such vital National requirements. There Is importance as to fade Into in-.at present an Imbalance be ,ns liist night that nvrrnincnt was full ,irs and petty ciic- c;irl the Abbott rap of paper,' say-jovernnifnt believes hp Canadian people vn money." ,n. the I'-C leader ;i not be between PASSING OF ARCHBISHOP significance the losses it had entailed. The development ol pioneering lines like this, the submission contends, present a ; Progressive Con-! tween the level of rates and tolls and the level of wepenses of operation. SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS Most Rev. A. U. DePencier Dies in Vancouver it between freedom linn. of three western powers held an -unannounced meeting today to coniider bow to meet Russia's rejection of their plan VANCOUVER 0i Archbishop special financial problem. A. U. DePencier, aged 83, died Counsel for Canadian Natlon- kitoit deal "Heavy cost accrue to the nun Vancouver last Drew paid that a PLAY MAJOR ROLES IN MERCY FLIGHT TO EDMONTON An R C A F. mercy plane brought two sick Cresswell Bay Eskimos to Edmonton for treatment but six others were said to be lost with dog-teams in a blizzard. The Eskimos were picked up at Fort Ross, N.W.T. A mysterious ailment hit the Eskimos in the Crcsswell Bay area, eight of them were brought out by trapper. Major roles in the mercy mission were played by the above trio. They are, left to right: Wing Cmdr. Hugh Bright, senior medical officer, Northwest Air Command; Flt.-Lieut. T. Benson, in charge of plane; Dr. J. H. Harvey. . Canadian National through the special characteristics ' of the system. The Canadian Nation suddenly here yesterday at his ai Railways are placing before home. - I the Royal Commission on trans- Pioneer of the - Anglican poltat,iont this week, an outline Church, he was prominent in of the submissions which are to its work for over fifty years In j be presented to that body on for political union of east and west Germany. The western powers presumably want , to decide well in advance what to do next if the Four Power talks fail. under his leader-establish a national il and would give r representation on al," says the management, "is today the pioneering railway of 1940 ne retired as behaif of tne management of boards, commissions t KIN US' HUU 1 LEA or nusn wnunim - - th te Tlie Royal Commls t GOLD REFINERY i ukoii. ne wca : si0n will open Its public hearings Han of the ecclesiastical. Prov-1 ,.... ,JL TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy B. D. Johnston Ce Ltd.) at Winnipeg tomorrow. The ince. Three Way Ball Split the country and bears a large share of the responsibility for the development of national resources, the railway is also of vital strategic Importance. "Striking instances of pioneering lines,", says the railway, "are those which have develop 'Canadian National in its sub The'Archbishop came to Van i missions will cover the wide field couver in 1908 to the rectorship High-Grading Tlant Vncoverrd at Bralorne by former Local Officer BRALORNE Police said to I of railway transportation and ot St. Paul's Church, a post he i SHIP SLIP8 Ol'T BRISTOL. Eng. Pulled by tugs operated by an office ( staff, the Canadian ship Gulf-side, held up by the Canadian Seamen's Union strike, slipped out of the. harbor here today. Members 'of the dock office staff also operatrd' the local ; gaten. The. ship is believed bound for Montreal. S NEWFIF, FLECTION held until he became Bishop In ahK lne wnninibbioii W Vancouver Bayonne 08 Bralorne . 9.15 B. R. Con 03 Vi B. R. X .08 lain . He was named Arch-' mtte recommendations aireciea ed the mineral belt In north- tlav that they have uncovered National and American League Races Beginning to Shape l'p bishop In 1925. During the towards placing the railways In, em QuebeCi Manitoba and Sas-First Great War he served as a better position to serve in the katcnewan a bootleg gold refinery here after recovering $14,000 in sponge gold stolen from the Bralorne Mines Ltd. at Easter. Cariboo Quartz 1.17 ' Congress 03 Vi an Army padre. 1 development oi tne country ana 1 "As to strategic 'value, con- NEW YORK Q Major League s Good working (I .satisfactory terms nt could be assured aws governing labor id Mr. Drqw In a 'dress. id of national juris-Progrcsslvc Conser-puis forward a on the belief that m conditions for friendly relations kers and manage-it only In the best Tir woi kers but also I interests of every sicl. NAMES Born at Burrltfs Rapids, On-1 its commerce. 22 pennant races are beginning to sider the outstanding stra tarlo, Archbishop DePencier at tegtc Importance of the line Constable R-ogrr Brett finding a home-made re In this outline brief the railway counsel say: - "Th Canadian Nttl'intm! rem tended Trinity College In Toronto and, was ordained In 1890 Hedley Mascot Pacific Eastern . Pend Oreille :.Plpjjrcr v - ;. Premier Border .. Privateer Reeves McDonald Reno .05 3 40 3.05 . .02 Vi .13 1.50 .05 ..?naS i?ri.UJ? v!UmKa side" that capital structure "First Citizen" of the Church of . ,., .,,. ... finery til. a' mhwrs" house and behind the garage he' found the sponge cache. Gregory McGregor, a miner, is England, he had a colorful car .Sheep Creek 1-15 .Silbak Premier 28 eer, working In a widespread field which Included far stretches in Northern British Columbia, in the Kbotenays and in the pioneer Cariboo country. The funeral will take place n f shape up as predicted. I The National League remains in a triple Jic lor Itrst, place, and the American Is tightened up with such familiar contend" as Boston and Cleveland moving closer to the top. From splits In yesterday's j double-headers, Brooklyn,' Boston and New York are still j crowding for the lead in the j National League. Each team has won 22 games and lost 17. The Boston Red Sox and Cleveland Indians, who got off to wretched starts In the American League, are beginning to roll in second and fourth spots behind the New York Yankees. to Prince Rupert which,., though for many years a thin traffic line, during the late war suddenly became of very great strategic value. The losses which had been incurred in the maintenance and operation of the line np to the time of the emergency faded into insignificance as compared with its strategic value. Similarly, the lines connecting the ports in the maritime provinces with the Test of the country were of outstanding strategic value. (Continued on Page 5) . Al VETS in custody charged with unlawful possession of high-grade gold ore. .-,.- The investigation is . continuing. (Constable Brett was formerly stationed at Prince Rupert and more recently at Prince George ) . Vananda Salmon Gold Spud Valley - Oils Anclo Canadian Atlantic .It. V2 .12 .07 3 25 .59 .18 n for War Yct-wanrc Disap- A. P. Con rviow today PhlUp rrtarv-niafiager of Calmont 32 4.60 ST. JOHN'S Latest returns frtWth Newfoundland. pn vincial election show 19 Mb- rrals, four Progressive Conservatives and one Independent elected. Progressive Co-servatives are leading in one . seat. Two icebound constitu- enries are still to be heard from. SURPLUS IN APRIL OTTAWA The federal budget showed a surplus of $106.-000,000 this April, Si6.000.fl80 clown from-Uiexanie-jnunth last year, Finance Minister Douglas Abbott announced today. ST. LAURENT HONORED MONTREAL Prime Minister St. Laurent received ni honorary degree of doctor of laws from iMcGill University and, in effect, told a record class of graduates that they cannot do better than seek their fu-. tures at home . in Canada. He asked them: "What other place 'in all the world would you wish to live in? What other country offers so much in the way of opportunity for her youth as Canada. C. & E Central Leduc Home Oil Mcrcurv .69 9.25 .09 Threat Of Strike Off THE WEATHER: charges are grossly excessive in relation to the earning power of the railway or when compared with the fixed charges of other major railways. In 1923 Canadian National was required to assume without mitigation the debts of its bankrupt predeces-i sor corporations. The assumption of these heavy debts by the; newly organized system is the principal underlying cause of the present excessive fixed charge burden. "While the total capital of the Canadian National need not be reduced, nevertheless, in the view of the management, an adjustment is required between the portion of total capital represented by Interest charge debt and the portion represented by aqulty capital. In its annual report tabled in the House of Commons last month, the Canadian National showed that the fixed charges of the system In 1948, after the payment of operating expenses, were $46,-341,727 of this, $23,202,818 was interest to the public- and $21,-627,033 Interest on government loans. Okalta 150 Pacific Pete 2 ' ri'ti-w: .2- nicrt branch of the ;ion. expressed clls-that more ex-Tans, who are pos- for War Veterans had not registered. 'Ian Legion Is hold-iiin-wlde survey to names and details Veterans or Widows Veterans, with a Titiim these details tomorrow afternoon from Christ Church Cathedral with Rev. J. E. Whittles, formerly of Burns Lake and now -of All Saints Church, Vancouver, representing the diocese of Caledonia APPLEWHAITE-ON ISLANDS Heard at Queen Charlotte City, Tlell and Port Clements Over Week-end QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY "Making Democracy Work" was the subject of Ted Applewhalte, Liberal candidate for Skeena in the federal election, when he addressed an enthusiastic meeting here Saturday night. He discussed Liberal achievements, Liberal platform and a number of matter of local interest. Questions were put to th e can Agreement Reached Betwef.! B.C. Fleet ric and Street Railwaynien's Union Synopsis Cool air from the Pacific' is causing showery weather along the British Columbia Coast. Showers will spread to the Interior this afternoon with the Yesterday's Memorial Day scores were: National Chicago 8-6, Pittsburgh 5-8 Boston 7-5, Philadelphia 3-0 Brooklyn t-4. New York 0-7 Cincinnati 6-2, St. Louis 8-9 Anieriran Detroit 3-1. Chicago 2-2 Philadelphia 2-3, Boston 10-4 St. Louis 1-0. Cleveland 2-5 New York 2-13, Washington 6-3. .08 .15 .10 .10 .48 .21 .13 .09'.; Royal Canadian South Brazoau Toronlo Athona Auninqiic BeaMIe '- Bevcourt Bobjo Buffalo Canadian nt next session in obtain pensions of for married vetcr-for the single man ptrd that there are VANCOUVER (P The British Columbia Electric Co. and the Street Railwaymen's Union today announced that a transit strike by the Union's 3000 men in Victoria, Vancouver and New Westminster "has been averted" but did not disclose the terms. The locals of the three cities will be asked by the Union's advisory board to-"unanimously" accept a new agreement offered by the company in balloting which will take place Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Consul. Smelters 85.00 C'onwest 8 Dnnalda 37 Fldona 51 East Sullivan 1-95 Giant Yellowknife 5.40 ial Veterans in Cun-h Howards of 4.000 f'itisli Columbia and didate and answered. lieved to be a con-iiiber residlnc wlth- .33 "The railway states that over VULCAN'S FORGE WINS SUBURBAN NEW YORK Vulcan's l1!!!" capitalization is only one of sev- out to hear ic Rii)ert and Dist- UKennooa oi a rew , tnunaer-storms in the Cariboo and Koot-enays before evening. Slowly improving conditions ara expected tomorrow. Forecast Intermittent rmm today. Cloudy with showers tomorrow. South-, erly winds (20 mph.). Slightly warmer tomorrow. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Port Hardy 45 and 60, Masset 45 and 53, Prince Rupert 48 and 60. ' Northern B.C. Overcast with showers today. Cloudy tomorrow with scattered showers In the afternoon. Light Winds. Little change In temperature. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Prince George 40 and 65, Smith-ers 40 and 60, Telegraph Creek. 40 and 60. nity at Tlell turned POLICE FINES DOWN IN APRIL i Fines and court costs collected In city police court during the first four months of this year totalled $5,500, according to reports submitted to the civic police committee by Sgt, L. A. N. Polterton. Fines during April dropped to $690 under the $2,300 level set in March. Phich embraces the I'tween Bella Coola Mr. Applewnaite at an afternoon meeting Sunday. In the evening there was an Interesting meet Forge and Eddie Arcaro ran away with the $61,300 Suburban Handicap at Belmont Park yesterday before a record holiday crowd of 60,095, the season's W. Gladstone, native patient from Kitkatla, was transferred in the citv ambulance yesterday Valley as well as l"al. Alice Arm and nolle Island points. ' terans Allowance Is Imperial Veterans eral difficulties. It must be pointed out that the financial difficulties of the company do not arise In their entirety from over capitalization but also from the operation of railway lines which can bear no fixed charges and, as a result, place an excessive burden oil the remunerative line. The Canadian National operates under a tariff from Prince Rupert General to 1 largest at a New York track. Miller Bay Hospital. pi'lows, eligibility for God's Lake Hardrock Harrlcan Hcva Itosru - Jacknife Joliet Quebec Lake Rowan Lapaska Little Long Lac Lynx Madsen Red Lake ... McKcn.ie Red Lake McLcod Cocksluitt Moneta Negus 1 Noranda Louvlcourt Pickle Crow Ucgcourt ing at Port Clements when election Issues and local needs were discussed. The candidate stated that all communities visited have assured him of good support. . Mr. Applewhalte spoke at Mas-set last night and will fly back to Prince Rupert today. .17 .05 2 .06 U .20 .03-H .29 .08 12 .07 .60 .11 2.65 .33 .86 .38 2.12 50.00 .10 1.80 .04 Number of charges laid in April was 112,' of which 110 resulted in convictions and two in dismissals. Fines for the month totulieri i;flo and costs $131. ag- ultl be dependent financial clrcum-"yslcal condition or Rt. Rev. James B. Gibson, Bishop of Caledonia, leawes on tomorrow evening's train for LOCAL TIDES Wednesday, June 1. 1949 orpp-at.int? SB21 Losses reported High from Criminal Code complaints 3:45 199 feet pr)nce George whence he will 17:04 17.4 feet I fly into the Peace River section 10:38 ,3.5 feet0f his diocese for a month's 22:42 9.0 feet visit on ecclesiastical duties. totalled $735, with recoveries Low valued at $209. 1 onstbaie Ted Bruo sailed on the Cam-afternoon for Van-too prisoners in his EISLER NOW IN PRAGUE BEAR Mr J. T. HARVEY e of Meeting San Antonio 3-75 Senator Rouyn -31 i Shcrrit Gordon I-33 j Steep Rock I-42 Sturgeon River 14"4 f Silver Miller -S3 fntre Association CIVIC CENTRE HON. R. W. MAYHEW, M.P. Dominion Minister of Fisheries will speak on our Fishing Industry and Federal Affairs, in support of TED APPLEWHAITE Liberal Candidate for Skeena FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 8i30 P.M. Under auspices Skeena Federal Liberal Campaign v (129) Committee. TRAGUE aerhart Eisler landed In Czechoslovakia today enroute from London to Germany and said: "I'm glad to be here and not In the United States." There was no official dele by the Special Meeting gf April 26, CFPR At - Wednesday yHtce appointed to Halibut Sales Over 5:45 p.m. the proposed bowling alleys will gation to meet the Communist leader 'and fugitive from the United States. f a Special General American Pierce, 22,000, Cold Storage, 20.1c, 18c and 16c. Canadian Pauline V., 10,000, and Nor- l( be held Tuesday, 11 8 p.m. C' G. HAM, Secretary. Meanwhile United States authorities are continuing then, attempts to bring Eisler back for official deportation. In Support of Coalition I nen, 13,500, Co-op.