nl:,U CUnrrU Hnlrlinn I In HO I EL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, AprU IS, 1950 Ctoria KcDOrt Pact is Denied log Scale Prim-p lttnirrl D. Harrison, T. Sniezck, W. Ca'rfree. S fSrimmt-r N Rii-t u ' I VATICAN C'..V iCPi Vhe Va Log sea m Prince Rupert , ' R clerlhne R. Wa sal ; HereAreJuJ by J. K. Neebitt 1 nfrfWfffffrr",""ffrrpfrffrffrfffrfrffMffjj t'can press office Monday denied forestry district this year is that the Roian Catholic hier- running close to 1949. So far this the scale has been 29,297.- nhv of Poland has si?,ned an year ' .... ,i v. fin hnnrrl feet as eomnnrerl wl'H gan, F. C. Bowser, R. J. Harris, J. H. Reid, O Sofir, Vancouver; J Fraser, Porcher Island; J. h. I Shuffle In Cabinet Likelr Iii Ball Coming Up ooroempnt. ul.ii the Polish cum An independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and rentral British Columbia Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association -SUBSCRIPTION RATES By J. K. Xesbitt board feet in the first Wil!lams. V- G- Oermyn. Roy .... . wr,Qu, 30,435.803 1 . tserryman, yueen Charlotte City; E. B. Thomson, J. McTavish, Will-lam McKenzie, Roy Fox, Ray Thomson, Telkwa; H. F. Perley, Three Rivers, Que.. three months of 1949. The scale for March this year was 14,390,-?92 board feet as against 12.-790.418 board feet In Marcn 1949. i Legislative corridors have heard in recent da? -. annollnred'such'a pact satur- 1 that when Premier Johnson returns from California day. I at the tnd of the month he raav shuffle his cabinet.'' A hih v",oa" "urce sa'd !r ,'. . such a pact had been promul- TT Hon. George Pearson, who is Provincial Secre- ated. it WOui,i indicate the Poi- By Carrier, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 7jc; ret Teai $8 00; By Mail. Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. rtrrr , ... ... .. fl( 1 i. . .. UnA loM .Wn 1 "r " ",r V " ,iarv ana iuinisitr ui,.nt:uLii ami vfjirtie, nas nui isn u'"'""'"u March was as follows with fic- Men'. DRESS sizes. Reg. r the way of decth for the church :yet returned to his office, following his collapse a. u : the start of the session. He s Question of Markets , there. J I rennrted to be imDroving. bllf son and Government. Hnusn was . m..i -wi Gab, . .. r ... : - i fi i wow A VERY SIMPLE FACT, one that is none the ;g VJZmi of 2 .IMMi f 1111 less very ry hard hard for for US us to to accept, accept, is is that that sooner SOOner Health Health and and WeUare WeUare is is -a -a con- con- when when he he was was attorney-general. attorney-general, C I I J I . vres for March 1949 for com- i parison : March March 1950 1949 Cedar 1,536,502 .587,578 Spruce 9.287,165 8,251,214 Hemlock .... 1.305,198 1,449.604 Balsam 508,940 030,293 Jackpine .... 1,745.172 1.871,724 Misc. 7,419 Men's Sprio, uranason piuruer iy and color Now j stant strain with many difficult jbe castle burned down in the I Droblems and the worries of ite gns and was replaced by I spending more than $20,000,000 the present Government Hause'. MONTREAL Police !(' Cabardiae made In England a, , Totals 14.390,392 Forest products piling In the interior lagging behind last 12,790,418 poles and are still year, the century. 1 51, will likely be charged with The Colonist described the murder in the drowning of one of 1889 ball: "It was gratifying to two grandsons on January 17. notice how well the Governor Body of one of the two boys was appeared and with what nat-! recovered Sunday from the St. uralness the position of repre-' Lawrence River. ! Mr. Pearsons cabinet col-' ' leagues believe it's time he had i the Health and Welfare Depart- ; I ment he will carry on, as Pro-. some relaxation. If he leaves ! vinciar Secretary. Who will become the new or later we must have lower prices all round. Now we only want low priees for the things we have to buy. Looking at it from our individual points of view, we find that very reasonable. It isn't easy for us ti recognize that tht cheip eggs and butter and bacon and cheese that please us as consumers aren't pleasing to the producer. To him it seems obvious that these farm priees must be supported, at least until other nrices those of the commodities they use, comedown, and that of course doesn't please us. But there is still another angle to the problem. Roughly one third of all the commodities we produce, whether basic farm output, raw materials or total scale for 1950 to date being i02.9c.8 lineal feet compared tentative of the Queen seemed Mrs Lucas last January told with 1,310,400 lineal feet in the ; Minister of Health and Welfare become him. Mrs. Nelson also XT - O If "dCirb' ts 1 I : wrted shade,, VA N- SAVfS smcii . ! L,1' GIANT CAPACITY I j EASItY PORT ASUI I HMMs-J first three months of 1949. The ' is a anybody's ujrvAj guess . There are 11 looked iuuhcu quite quue charming tuamuiiK and n . . . k , unmarried V, , , , cabinet- miners at .present. gracefully and graciously sec- mth" lthJ placmg UlC boys 1,1 5hiS yWr Wa? Under the " Constitution Act ended her worthy husband. The ff0m but 42.155 lineal feet compared relets toilets nf of thB the ladies ladies werp were he- be a loster home. with '53,053 lineal feet last there can be 12 paid cabinet March. Miss Jean Williams, local ,A total of 4.958 Jackpine tiosj High School student, returned were counted this March com- J ! ministers. Perhaps the Premie-- w ildering and contrasted with had in mind appointment of the sober garments of the men another cabinet minister when ancj the bright uniforms of of- h vnuld hav nnthinff to do at f :o nr fhA fiOAf v,A v,n fabricated goods, must be sold abroad and, in all the Sunday - afternoon on the Chil- pared with 12,868 ' In the same . - o in ' 1 ui wi tin u fciic ni" W,, . tnere IS only , one country it that IS as prosperous : the recent session with a sug- jtia The entire bulldine was cotin after spending the Easter month last year. I '"ohmco ! I Pointing I fD M 1 WALLPAPFRRll eestion mat ine caoinei min- thrown onen to thp euests an i nuuuays visiung ai, run jem- mrawooa mis jwarcn lotauea isters have their salaries in- never did it aDuear to better f nts wltn her grandparents, Mr. 201 cords, compared with 551 j 1 creased. He knew the public advantage that when filled with and Mrs- T- L- Williams. cords. j wouldn't look with favor or. the beauty, wealth and fashion ; as we are ourselves. It would be wonderful if we could sell all our ?urplus goods to this one market at sustained high prices. But that country is facing thejwme problem that we are facing and it also has niof?? than it needs of many of the products we could supply. : such an increase ana an aaai- 0f the entire -province. About i tion to the cabinet at the same qO ladies and gentlemen madj time. . the drawing rooms musical with . There's going to be a Goven- their soft laughter, enjoying ff,-. -PhQn,Blw215;; McBride St. Phone 311 m , A SaM - - - q -c j 1 , meni nouse oau npn; to n'i meir m nan iui- SO, II we are to keep producing at CUr present j that, of course, has all capital gotten nooks and corners r rate, and SO maintain fairly constant employment j socie-y It recalls the elab- whispered merry nonsense in we must sell many 1 of our l products to lu less luiiuiidu. fortunate :rate parti? J the pa?t when '"f'S! cnservat0lies- . 1 Government House was more tables in the dining room pre- PR00UC for fions, vnere me price ticket IS Of tirst import- I the ceatre of high, privileged sented a picture In themselves. society than it is uxiay. one 01 glistening wun suver ana crys- ance, where indeed the ability to pay mist establish i the most brilliant Of such events tal and loaded down with all the Wolls, Woodworl was in 1889 when the Lieut- delicacies and substantial that Governor was Hon. Hugh Nel- go to make a first-class spread." and Furhitj the price on the home market. Unpleasant as such a realistic policy must appear at first gianee it is inevitable if we a"e not to lose the maikets on which our prosperity depends. Thompson Hi 1 . it V.0. UCi Ray Reflects ... . ; . and Reminisces Moving, Fackini DAY OR NIGHT . Oil Burner Service? If your oil burner does not give perfect service call GORDON KONSON The NKW phone number BLACK 503. Gordon D. Ronson Oil Burner Specialist All work is backed by an unconditional guarantee 738 5th West Black 503 Shippinf ani (I Cartage and Sti IT'S KEEP PORT DAY I tji'OULD BE SOMETHING to be regretted i--1 cLil if Prince Rupert's Port Day were allowed to gp by the board for lack of interest and support. ' -Port Day has become something: of an institu Complete Reliable J lent Service, also j The Sons of Freedom, after thousand school teachers short I having givftn a solemn pledge to in 1954. Is there any laagnjruat i behave, are at It again. A revis- removing such a prospect? ' Lotis Canadian Lkrild A:1 for Oxygen. Acety: welding auppllet tion of antecMlfnU miht not be can be done ln tour-ynn. !ion here. It not only is a sort of a get-together of Lindsay's Cin The Cmrtm Malihw AAm Vriw, !. Storage Lint ie puLiic at large wun me men 01 ine sea aui nas it the past been an enli,c,litening and highly interesting-display as well as a competitive event of excite- "You should be ashamed of j;ourself . teasing those poor animals!" Cor. 2nd and Pirk - . . . Please do not repeat the state- A forty-twoi pound red spring ment that today most farms salmon, full of nourishment and have become mechanized. Only ( fight, was caught off Seal Cove last week came a tale from Oi-wharf during the week-end. It tario, saying the same old ball struggled to the bitter finish, had gored the same old farmer. I Es. 1910 rhr ment and color. ! 7$ ort Day has also been considered of sufficient irtiT.f ;r,t.i1, m 1 , ! There are few cities anywhere and that a horse and buggyman ioitance ona to outside r intrigue visitors and, on occa- I Ue to Canada where catch had been klcktd ln the head b a RADIO REPAIRS son, publicity men seeding something different like that cah occur but salmon skittish stallion. For the Best in Watch Repairs SEE GEORGE COOK. JEWELLER tiox 11X8 You'll be Satisfied 527 3rd Ave ' fishing over the dock la not all uncommon In Prince Rupert. Suppose a submarine tha ac-Many a sportsman down east tually is a Russian craft is sight-would cheerfully pay big money ed off the coast of California' WE PICK UP AND DELIVER 48 HR. SERVICE PHONE BLUE 992 CM'C RADIO ltN 5 (INK 1 to have Joe Caze's experience Undersea boats go long distances 718 2nd Ave. West Sunday afternoon. today. Is it so far from the PLANNING YOUR. HOLIDAYS? Behring Sea to the Golden Gate? More than newspapers make And is there any particular harm mistakes now and then. The in an American submarine other day what was thought to spending a few days off the coast be a' mine-was reported on the of Kamchatka? beach five miles from Sitka. It ; from the ordinary, 1 jPort Day is still dictinctively a Prince Rupei-t affair even though Vancouver has in recent years bj?en sufficiently impressed to copy it. -Tf there is any event here that should not be allowed to lapse it is Port Day since our very existence is so closely linked up with the men of the sea, fisjimo and ships of all sorts. , Another meeting is called for t'lia Thursday night for the purpose of organizing the 1950 Port Dajy. We shall see then just how many are interested enough to turn out and offer their assistance and their suggestions, particulai ly the latter which could beiof such value in making a bigger and a better Pojt Day. a e 00,' Ormes n Include a certified used car from Bob Parker's in your holiday schemes. Come in or phone for free demonstration. turned out to be part of a plane's fuel system. Soviet submarines have been believed sighted off San Francisco. The Navy call them whales, being able to detect the differnce. This is called spring but with reserva- JOHN H. BULGER urn OPTOMETRIST lons. .. the Pioneer Dru99 PRESCRIPTION SERj i I British Columbia i. said to be facing the possibility . of being a THE TAKU HIGHWAY Daily Delivery Service John Bulger Ltd. 'l"hird Avenue TiHE INTERNATIONAL MOVE for a road INTERFERENCE APPROVED Phone 81 RUPERT CEMENT PRODUCTS LIMITED Ready-Mix Concrete Delivered to the Job When You Boy CI YOU BUY THE BES Pi ml $41.95 ro$ v ' V 1 u i 4 I which, with the assistance of a short ferry, would j connect the Alaska capital of Juneau with Tulse- j qiiah Atlin and the Alaska Highway, is of particular j interest to Prince Rupert and something which, in I tlje general direction of developing and opening up ; trie great mining country of northwestern British i Cplumbia, we can readily approve. ; Already the establishment of a car ferry service j f ijom Prince Rupert to southeastern Alaska ports is much to the fore. The principal argument in its fcjvor has been the utility that such, a ferry service ; wjould be in connecting this strategic railhead with ; thje Haines Cut-off and the Alaska Highway. The Jineiku-Atlin link would be an artery of similar ; criaracter, opening, up a new and even more direct , alternative route to the Alaska Highway and an im- j prtant mineral area of the Alaska panhandle and n6rth western British Coumbia. At present the operation of a car ferry from JuTTCau to Taku Harbor is mentioned. The Prince Rupert car ferry could be operated to the port of Taku and the end of the highway there without any trans-shipment at Juneau. Bicycles Tricycle Joycycles PltlCES: include Darex the fifth ingredient fn Concrete Four Sacks Cement to Yard $16.00 per yard Five Sacks Cement to Yard $17.50 per yard S I x Sacks Cement to Yard $18.95 per yard No Orders Accepted for less than two yards EQUIPMENT FOR RENT: Two wheeled rubber tyred coiit-rete bucgiea Bbc per dy Seven cubic feet capacity Single wheeled concrete barrows 50c per day ORDERS TO BE IN ONE DAY PRIOR TO DELIVERY Phones: Office 60; Plant 564 play nowc I don't like to interfere, but when I found thnt my younprst dau(thtr-in-Uw didn't know that blueing U the only Bafe wy to keen- ciothei White, I felt I just had to av omthin. Reckitt' Blue prevents clothe turning yellow', I told her. 'Jut a awih or two in the final rina and your wash will be opark-Kng white.' Blue i necessary to obUin true white. At the same time h takea no chances with ayUiing that may damage fabric. ' '- " A-7-