t Mrs. Florence Ilrchirchck 3 Prince Runrrt Daily News Tuesday, April 18, 1950 removed from her home at 11 was L" Confirmations At enient Eighth Avenue East by ambu lance to the Prince Rupert Gen- I .1 m rL..-L AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver (today) W. L. Johnson, O. Laferr, Carl Toma, S. D. Johnston, A. Allen. To gandspit (today) Eugene McKay, F. R. Ri'-hardson. From Vancouver (Monday) Miss F. Hilton, R.N., J. H. Wlll- eral Hospital at 8 o'clock Monday LUIIIClQII vIlUlUl 'light. -i 1 . ' Confirmation ,. utrvices wen- Tonight's incoming train is re- held Sunday at the St. Paul's An Informal business meeting uy members of th the ported two hours and thirty Lutheran Church for a class ol illfe" . lllh Clut). ,L, Boxing anant, Catholic , April 27. Bake Sale ltc . Ojrdon unci An- (. Moose Novelty ''lc, lt , i,, i lip new tlon's h 11 0I"ganiza- minutes late. This would make five girls and two boys. Rev. Eari iams, Miss M. Steeves R.N., J. was dirt h t' n'Sht' U the arival tlme 12:45 midnl8ht. Soiland officated at the service Morgan, F C. Bowser, W. York, . . . , ... - V v v.. ia.u nivmvCi 3 WCIC 1 1 ill Ui ' VIWU1UV, A, a. meeting this week. old logger who fell from a tree Roy Mostad, Joyce Sylvia Strand, Elliot, M. Whiteman, M. Ross, Col. S. D. Johnston left on today's plane for a brief trip to Vancouver and Victoria. VOIR SPRING PLANTING! The finest selections of gladiola bulbs and rose bushes now at Balagno Florists. Green 787. (hi The new telephone directories for Prince Rupert are now being distributed. The directories are being sent through the mall. Don't forget W.O.TM Nov- Mol'San's lumber camp on the Helen Louise Olson, Myrtle Alict Birt, B. Hug, O. Sofir elty Spring Tea Wednesrtav "u,ly w tnarluue anas, .u jean Miner, verna Lenore Nil- From Sandspit (Monday) D. HI t anc Jones, Mr. Wahl and son. was flown from Prince Rupert to SOn, Edith Yvonne Kildal o'clock at New Vancouver is now ln the general Stanley Arthur Kaardal. afternoon 2 Moose Temple, AprU ,H (It i hospital there, being treated for x "? -t. I ? I Av r H$ 'a i Mrs. Richard M. Bumct.t. nil an injury to the spine. Word from Vancouver says his general condition remains fairly good. The church was decorated , with tulips, narcissi, daf fodiLs I and carnations. The class wore white robes ornamented with , corsages. " - i L SprUig Sa2?: arrive ln the city on the Prince Regular monthly meeting o Rupert tomorrow morning from' Vancouver to attend the funeral of her father, the late J. E. Bod- Apl.27, 28 and 29. and Sule. Ladies1 "centre April 29. 1I16 sale and Teu. die, i Mrs. Coughlin New President Charged With 'Father's Death A smoke scare in the kitchen of the residence of Edward Mar- I the Women's Auxiliary of. the Prince Rupert General Hospital Thursday, AprU 20th ,1950, Ladies Lounge Civic Centre, t p.m. All ladies interested pleasa attend. (H Mrs. Martin Miller arrived ln the city at the end of the week. She is spending the week in the city with h,er daughter, Miss Marilyn Miller. 1 rch Mowers' Day sale. Home tin, 218 Ninth Avenue East, I called out the fire department at 9:15 this morning. No dam- J age was done. Mrs. Ed. Coughlin was elected president of the Catholic Women's, League, succeeding Mrs. Ed. Telseth, at the recent ; CORNWALL, Ont. A manslaughter charge was laid Mon-! day against Maurice Leger, 14-year old cripple, who surrendered to police Saturday after his fa- .jnciatiun School, The STETSOIl Whippet ,v 4, 2 p m. annual meeting. Other officers are: ital. combine vi- Mrs. ' ther had been stabbed to death J-, Mrs. Leger told the police that her husband had often beaten William. Cruickshank, district ' passenger agent, Canadian Na-J tional Railways, left on last eve- j ning's train for a brief business i ' trip to the Interior. He will be .0. May 5, 7:30. First Vice-President, Richards. Mrs. the boy without reason. She aaid he had been drinking before the U Ni'iht May 3 Missionary Tea May 11th. Second Vice-President, Dennis Mulroney. Third Vice - President, The sleek, trim lines of the Stetson Whippet. ..and the bold sweep of its bound brim. ..help to give you that confident, up-and-coming look that says you're "going places." And the Whippet is going places, too it's America's favorite hatl STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR Vancouver boy came home and a fit-tit Mrs. back tonight. The incident late Saturday V1CKERS It DISTILLED IN CANADA ANOISOIST 1 1 1 U T I D tvCalvfTl This advertisement is not published or div played by the Liquor Control Board of br the Government of British Columbia. started. May 13. night on Second Avenue near the ; r la .ay 18. The youth has been crippled since birth and wears a peg leg. -If AM) INTERMEDIATE PORTS Prince Rupert Hotel ln which an Indian boy was struck by a car was not a hit and run case. The 0tyCHOOSt YOUR FLAVOUR :. alter spendinj iays at his home .aits, returned on Sunday afternoon ,is High School driver of the oar in question stop Schaeffer. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. G. P. Lyons. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. G. R. ' Brett. Father F. Rayner O.M.I.', and others present expressed appreciation to Mrs. Telseth, the retiring president, for her tireless and effective efforts on behalf of the league. Delegates were appointed to the Women's Co - ordinating i r i 1 ti EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE Prince Rupert, B. C, ped immediately, picked the lad up and the police were immediately notified. Kenneth Leckle and Stewart Marrs of the federal income tax department arrived in the city on the Coquitlam Sunday evening t ct a xr k ONYM HIHIO ANY NVM SJVH NOS131S iiyjM 3U014 3UOH RANCE T h origin OVALTINI you havo always onj Council, Girl Guides' Association, ME TAX from Vancouver, they will be here for the next ten days to as PREPARED sist local people In the making up of their Income tax returns. They are making their head JORUM EK Red Cross Society, Cancer ety, displaced persons committee and Music and Drama Festival. The annual reports showed a busy and successful year with . various functions and activities. fAILTi. Near CFHHi CLEAR UP YOUR ! Skin Troubles Enoff ptmc'iption especially iccom-mendtd for skin troubles, Ectcma, Skin Itch, Athlete's Foot, Psoriasis, pimples and rashes. For speedy relief set 3 ois. of ExoK Concentrated. For dry and cracked skin also obtain li oi. Enoff Ointment lor occasional application. Available at quarters at the National Employment Service office. At ll Jrw m4 UJ trt. SINGER Vt'e repair all makes Sewing Machines WORK GUARANTEED For Free Estimates Phone 864 , Singer Sewing Centre all drue stores. ) SKIN' - cifTaOUtt.t -''7 Where does the money go? 383 TAXI Now at Your Service mum PRINCE RUPERT REALTY COMPANY MOVED to 608 3rd Ave. West . Over Broadway Cafe Phone 667 ; ... 1 .jfA CALL 383 CABS TO THE Vwv,w INDUSTRY V) - too j ospfrr I Qood Food .st Quality Meats and For Tasty Mea,s tables , At Reasonable Prices k j Chinese Dishes a Specialty Reliable Service I CHOP SUEY i CHOW MEIN PERT lHFR jRexCalle ' 2nd ATe. Opp.Rupert notel 7:00 a m. to 3:30 a.m. !' Phone 173 for Outside Orders " ' Mermen - ; .-. At times most of us have looked at purse, wallet or bankbook, and wondered: "Where does the money go?" "You may have wondered, too, where does our money qo the money we receive for gasoline, fuel oil, lubricants and other products we sell. Well, last year each dollar we received went this way: CRUDE OIL and other raw materials took more than hall of each dollar. MANUFACTURING AND PACKAGING took rnnra than 11 cents. Costly equipment and INSURANCE DAY or NIGHT . ; Stand 733 2nd Ave. At the Washington Block ' 58.83 cents REAL ESTATE RENTALS e-rw I'- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS1 m fn .68 cents skilled workers were needed to make the 640 products we supplied for thousands of uses. HI TRANSPORTATION loo-- the next big bite of the dollar. Products moved over wide areas' to serve every community in Canada. During .76 tents 1949 we paid more than $34 millions lor railway freight alone. MARKETING was next. Marketing brought you tie products vou needed when and where you WATCH REPAIRS IF IT CAN'T BE FIXED DON'T THROW IT AWAY A liberal allowance will be allowed as a trade in on a new 1950 Model MANSON'S tmonufocture and stock'muf fieri needed them . . ..power, heat and lubricants for factory, home and farm. Marketing sup Nucrs, expansion tanks, exhaust 8.31 cents "olers, halibut shutes H SHEET METAL WORKS plied your neighborhood dealer, that independent businessman, so that he could serve you conveniently and dependably. TAXES to provincial and federal governments took 7.53 cents. And this did nor include 7.53 cents gasoline tax, which depending on where you live took from 2 1 to 33 cents out of every dollar you spent for standard grade gasoline. PROFIT was 3.B9 cents out of each sales dollar. YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELLER Box 998 Prince Rupert. 3rd. Ave. BOULTER & WELTER 'Formerly B & W Transfer) We're Going to the Dogs! 3.89 cents fnur patrons to know of the change of Of this 2.25 cents wen! to shareholders as dividends. The rest along with money we borrowed and obtained by sales of investments was put back into the business to replace worn out equipment, to provide new equipment and make sure that we can continue to supply your needs in the future. ne, fhone and Office Phone Black 774 lccl T. Norton Youngs, 3rd Avenue With a New Stock of Dog : Collars, leather and chain leashes and harness, rub-, ber banes and balls u-, CALL IN TODAY " 'Bringing you oil is a big job : ;;and a costly one """" tsWIMk f f. V W J j mutxn j 2 518 3rd Ave. P.O. Box 1118 rhone Red 400 NEW SPRING ARRIVALS SUITS resfimukcl's 'n Checks and Gabardines from $22.95 tiaburdino . c A r u c Flannel i L A C K from $3.95 FOR APRIL SHOWERS Umbrellas as low as $3.25 Cotton Prints in latest spring les from $2.95 to $7.95 J IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED 1TO lP M'S DEPARTMENT STORE McBrlde Street