Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, April 18, 1950 II- .. TODAY 7 - 9:15 -v Millon Berle In Many Paris m uKwm mmm niNw man Service in City, Burial af Terrace MltTOIlBERLE iRciNiAMAYOyHi 'imiDnum BrnTiiim T -V ; jl MP Milton Beile, noted entertainer I of stage, night club, radio and television, returns to the screen at the Capitol Theatre here this Wednesday and Thursday In an hilarious comedy "Always Leave Them Laughing" in which he sings, dances, . docs night club skits and vaudeville routines, plays a romantic lover and comic opera buffoon and Broadway nun i ii p i 1 1 1 p Arrangements have been completed for the funeral service for the late John Edwin Boddie, chief engineer of the Canadian Fish St Cold Storage Co., at St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral here tomorrow afternoon followed by interment at Kalum Cemetery, Terrace, on Thursday. Rev. Canon Basil S. Prockter will officiate both here and at Terrace. ,.-.:;x.v -S. f si cab driver. i Berle plays a small time comedy who, through sheer energy and aggressiveness, tries to punch his way to the top. Supporitng Milton on the distaff side are lovely Virginia Mayo and Ruth Roman with Bert Lahr and Alan Hale In high comedy parts. NNn AKM! If Wilt 1 ! Mrs. E. J. Smith will be organist at the Cathedral rites and "Abide With Me" and 'Peace Perfect Peace" have been chosen as the hymns. Members of the Oddfellows' Lodge, of which deceased was long a prominent member, will attend as a body, j The Prince Rupert Chamber of J Commerce and Prince Rupert ; Rotary Club will also be repre- ! AAt.t,l VxiuL. "'CKcn in the nOaf BTin sbt ore floated later in the week. It was built in Nova gratia I and shipped to the west coast by rail. It pays to aavertlse. sented. Honorary pallbearers I m - JUII3 .! will be H. M. Daggett, Gilbert; CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM RESERVATIONS AND TAKEOUT ORDERS-PHONE gfig J Campbell, James Simpson. W. B. ,"The Peoples Way DUNLOP CASE (Continued from page 1) Skinner, Alex Newton and S. V. j Cox. Active pallbearers will be Robert McKay, W. J. McLean. M. "Well you know what you -Your Favorite Store RUPERT I He noticed Rozin looking out of the cookhouse. He looked "sour." Beioie Qinnei Dunlop opened a bottle of. rum he had brought from town and there was a round oi one crink each. Everybody was sober. They had dinner revealed thai Roam hud left the I "friendly" game of cribbage following supper, and that she hart 'time to warn her husband that ! Rozin w-as dangerous. H had left the cookhouse once or twice for ja short period during the game. Mrs. Dunlop admitted .'ir (thought Rozin had become nor done," said Dunlnp. "If I did tna;," Rozln replied, j,' I must have been crazy. You can kill me right now if I did a thins like that." ' B. Lemon, John Davidson, Neville Gerrard and J. L. Mcintosh. Pallbearers at Terrace will be W. Bailey, C. J. Norrington, J. H. Smith, John Barman, Fred Thomas and Will Robinson. PEOPLES STORE: , together and then started to play crib. Accusec was' witness' partner. They had all laughed and j joked and mere were no antrry words. They played until about 10:30 p. m. hen they went outside and Mike helped witness Later in the trial. Mrs. Dun-lo said that Rozin remarked jthat he wished he was killed. ' ! Dunlop then said: "Killing yuu V, Learn lo Dance Exprrr Instruction in Fox Trot, Waltz Jive, Khumba. Tango PRIVATE LESSONS Hours: Mon. Thru Frl. 4:30-10 p.m. Saturdays 2:30 - 8 p.m. For appointments OREEN 431 .ce; mal again and would not start trouble. i Her husband was unlacine his shoes, she said, when he remembered blankets near the stove that Mr. and Mrs.- Jetter lwrt forgot'tcn. Picking them up he; ; proceeded throughout the door. would be too good for you." She testified that she hari known Rozin for three years, and that he had never caused her I A ! trouble prior to February 23. Prior to that moment, she had .noticed the buck of Rjzin against : ; the window. :f As her husband made' a rivht VlCKERS'll DltlHllO IN CANADA mo tt putntuMP ivCalvrtt This aclvertiscmoit is t't published or i!i played he (lie Liquor Control HnarJ ii of the Government of bntisli Columbui Mary MacDonald. Director: formerly of Am,,,, PRINCE RUPERT' DANCE ill bring the boat ud to the float. Returning to his quarters, witness was unlacing his shoes when he noticed some blankets had been left behind. Meanwhilo ,10:30 p.m. Then they went out-the window. outside with the blankets, witness made a right turn ana was confronted with Rozin and the gun. "I put up my hands and shouted 'Don't shoot.' "The gun was aimed at his throat. As ne saw Rozin about to puil the trigger he Jumped and received the shot in the shoulder. Then he knocked Rozin off the turn, Mrs. Dunlop recalled, she heard a shot and a yell: "I'm shot". Running out, she saw her hus-! On that date, she said, he complained about not seeing the financial statement of the camp. At that time, she was alone with Rozin at the rioating camp at Crow Lake, 50 miles north of Prince Rupert. Her husband. Jet-H,er and Musto were in Prince Rupert. "Later, she continued, he thieatened to blow up tho A lrame and burn the camp down t Yu Can llai band bleeding from a wound hi the shoulder and Rozin in the water. He was fished out by Jet -"iui i est noust OVER 60-BUT NEVER CONSTIPATED NOW "AftfT lifetime of cmntinti(in I luxiime 'rpgular' aimplv by mnkini; KKI.K;lf8 AIX-BRAN mv hr-HkfnHt corral. No more pills oi- motu-inen surh a difference!" It. ii. With Luxui r,l I i , ter and Musio. while Mrs. Dunlop attended her husband's wound. She identified a shirt entered as evidence, and said the vhlrt was ripped from the ex- with gasoline". But, she added. ,he said that he would get my husband first". , She stated she did not go to ISLANJ n BUILDER'S SlJ Seagrams Kings Plate Mchultz. 5 Bedford Rd., Kitchener, Ont. Just one of many unsolicited Uttvra: If you, Um, miffer from conwli-pntion duo to lack of hulk in the diet don't waata isv 505 McBritle St. Designing, Moder, Pittsburg t float and accused swam away. Later he was picked up and tied up in the boat and brought into Prince Rupert. In the meantime in the buakhouse Rozin had pleaded with the witness not to take him into Prince Rupert but to kill him instead. After arrival In Prince Rupert, witness spent three weeks in hospital receiving treatment for his bed that night because he kept threatening throughout the evening. She said he demanded and was given rum and about an ounce of vanilla extract. When her husband and his two employees returned to camp, the lide was low.and Uicv were ob m TAXI NOW-BETTER THAN EVER at Our New Location CORNER OF 7TH STREET AND SECOND AVENUE FOR-- SATISFACTION CALL 646 ARROW CABS incsion and thatshe'could nearly put her hand In her husband'.-shoulder wound. Under re-ex'mination by Mr. t Brown, Mrs. Dunlop said that I Rozin was the only inhabilant jnf a bunkhou.T, during January ad February. It was during this time that gun:-- had been moved to the biinkhou-e from the in the cookhouse. Mrs. Dunlop admitted, however, to defence counsel that siie had n KP. n jn the camp herself until January more timo. Start rating an imm r oflonaty A! i.-rran for break fat and dnnk plenty of water. If after 10 day you are not on the road to complete regularity, atnrl emntv lxi to KelloCK , Im.ion, Ont. Get DOUBLg TOU8 MONKt BACKl injury. EBY & S Dunlop identified three weaponsa 30-30 carbine, a shot LTD. liged to use a rowboat In order to land at the camp. Pzin. m-- Dunlop stated, warned her not to mention his rmarss. She said she would not revenl anything and added "mum's the 0? -Scapraras w Sure This advertisement is not published or displayed by rthe Uquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. CONTRACJ gun and another "Long Tom". These weapons had been kept In the bathroom of the cookhouse REPAIRS - REM! FOl'NDATl but witness had seen them in the bunkhouse occupied by Roz- Let us help word". Cross-Examination Cross-examining Mrs. Dunlop, Wounded iMan's Testimonv , Oscar Duiiino said he had CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Fiiiishinf Enlarging Flash Photos Takort at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B C . fhot new hm REMODEL THAT SPARE ROOM the N.H.A. known acusei for 5 vr ".'i1-ness had been in Prince Rupert Phot Grn 8fi defense counsel R. M. MacLeod asked why she had not warned her husband during the evening. He suggested that her testimony nt the end of Fe'onif-" a"-1 re tin. ' Witness testified he had nevr had violence with Rozin. Even ,that night he had seemed "O.K.". I He accused) nt.d gone out during; 1 the card playing and was noticed I to be perspiring at one time. I The trial adjourned at 5:30 p turned to the camp at Crow Lake in Khutzama'teen Inlet on the af- r LET US HELP YOU TO REMODEL OR REFINISH YOUR HOME FOR YOUR LIVING ENJOYMENT CALL 363 ernoon of March 1 at 4:30 p. m. He brougrt with him Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jetter and Ern'e Miuto Spring Drapery Eve . m. until 10 a. m! today. UN MITCHELL & CURRIE AT Yt'M 1 Builders LIMITED Contractors KASIilt & paym: ARE YOU AN ... . .... HONORARY MEMBER IN KINSMEN! if not GET YOUR MFMRFDCUIB kiw FREEH AT MOST STORES OR KINSMEN WE WILL MAKE DRAPES FR; $1.00 $1.00 VANCOliVfcK VICTORIA . SEATTLE Sunday, u p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m., Coqtuuam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm. fOR NORTH QLEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun. April 28, 10 p m KOR SOUTH QUIiEf, CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, April 21 - 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue phr, ( srr CHARGE FROM ANY MATE To those Out nf Prinr D, ,nt. BOUGHT IN OUR STORE THIS 1 -H... WRITE: KINSMEN CLUB OF PRINCE RUPERT P.O. Box 1129 f Mm I m 1 Prince Rupert, B. C. YES!! I I : tl. r .. .. . fyCii7Mr-xy? WE HAVE ALL THE NEWEST FA FOR SPRING OUR PRICES ARE J IF NOT BETTER THAN THE HI- "You'd be much happier if you didn't sit around looking at. mose twenty-year-old snapshots.' STORES PLUS EXPERT CUT MATrmKir, PATTERN AND M 11 BROADWAY CAFE ML.-'' FREE OF CHARGE 'rt WANTED Quantity of good quality Spruce logs andor lumber. State where available, price and other particulars to Box No. 682, Daily News. NIGHT AND DAY WE ARE THE ONES Open 24 Hours Every Day & Night MILLIE'S FOR HAMBURGERS Full csursc meals served 5-7 p.m. Just off Third Avenue FOR ONE WEEK ONLY -APRIL 19HiTO APRIL X Fincrt Cook'i. Hours 7 to 1 a.m For Toke-Home Orders Phone 200 hlS 6lh St. Ph. Orders Blu D2 (96) i