Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, January 13, 1050 Dr. Duncan Black ; California Conditions Development Is Hampered 1,1 Arrives In City WINNIPF11-... Thn emnnvtitinrL Canada Packers Manager Veds I Dr. Duncan Black, formerly of Mrs. R. Telford sailed last night City ambulance, at 11 a jii. i Belfast Ireland arrived In Prince ' ! of highway transport has to a I Frost ln Southern California, considerable extent hampered j wnilc comparatively light .nerer-I the freedom o Canada's railways itheless made it necessary to pro- on the Prince Oeorge for Vancou- yesterday removed Bill Bailey. RUI,rt Wednesday to take over ver. 4i0 Eighth Avenue East to Gen- dlrPCU)r ciut,.s 0f the Prince Ru- ; to old hi the development of na-; tect as far as possible the grove3 erai era' Hospital. """P'tai. . m Mmhors of the Rotarv Male cert Health Unit. He arrived on iural resources In frontier aicus. A wedding of local interest took place in Edmonton recently when Miss Maxine Han.iou became the bridj of Archie Wudel. Chorus are advised that re- We announce the opening the Prince Oeorge witn his wife, hearsals will be resumed Fri- of the Dew Drop Inn. Formerly! This morning. Dr. A. W. Large, of citrus f'-ults which form sucfc I an important part of Cullfornft I produce. This was noticed bj .t wan stated by S. W. Fair-weather, vice-president, Research I ind Development, Canadian Na-j tlona! Railways, liv an address Civic On- Central Lunch. Under new i who has relinquished the post manager of Canada Packers at oay i3tn at 8 p. m (10) Ben Sampson, who returned from tre, management. All home cooking, 'now filled by Dr. Black, took the prince Rupert of the! The bride Is the daugh'.cr of a Christmas visit to Los Angeles new doctor for a tuur I before members o the enylnecr-! . pies and cakes. Mrs. Ethel Martin sailed last night - BCrg (i2( Wednesday. He made mention Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson of r. i i ! for a trip to ing Institute tonight. I Frontier enterprises required the Prince of the great numbers of people Oeorge ... .ir.- Vancouver. Prior to coming to this city, Dr. Edmonton and the bridegroom j Black had been with the Okan- ! the son of Mr . and Mrs, LctH j i I j freight rates well below Die IFashioint nia to get away from the severity s. O. N. Whist and Dance ftiluav flvernsio .ports. In 1 nr Miss A. Weiss of the Miller Bay Hospital staff sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. COLOR PICTURES of North of the cold weather In invs when th TnilwnvK ,sli4 o.ther parts Friday, Jan ' agan Health Unit at Vernon j Wudei oi Stoney Plains .Rev. J. j ; familiarizing himself with the A. Vlckman pcrfonned the dou- type of position here. After a few ble ring ceremony in which the j I months, :;e came to Victoria and bride -was giver, away by her la- j 13 Whist, 8 o' by Mike Colussl. i m m,nr,niu ii it,a t,.,t. I n the United States, the demand clock. Music Refreshments. Everbody welcome. 10 iort it was to lew hlsh I"" """'""- wwurmwijr . rates on Valuable commodities ""BC" U,,U.H,B" " uv" west Baptist Bible College (the from there to Prince Rupert, only one in the West) Coquit-j rait and balance the low nates needed ! U1R' G. W. Nickerson. sailed last lam B. C. Friday 8 p. m. at ' ther. After the ceremony the newly-weds left for their honeymoon in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Wudel will make their home in Prince to induce dcve.ouu.cni in lht ' Houjrww ,a usual, is up ano night on the Prince George for . f B mt church. Don't Work On Nurses Mi.-;s These. (U) Home Site Starts 'rentier are? s. The onset of hhh- r '" 6, vi..- uupu . Vnncouvcr where he wlu attend , way .competition desHvycd ti e occupied In the preparation o!,ft Mgglon o tne lnternatloriai Made To Measure Rupert. I monopoly which made a balance-a new screen production. Fisheries Commission of which! At 11.30 a.m. .Thursday, city i ! possible. ; ; he Is president. I foremen responded to a call at,! Intinuing iccently awarded the contract, have started clearing off bush from the site on Fourth Avenue Miss Betty Bremner, after a three weeks' visit here with her Mr. Fairweather made a close-! '. 'the home of T. Strand, 11.30 'y-reasoned addrew and sugges- Ihe last census showed that1, George Anderson secretary of Tenth Ave. East, to extinguish CtOTHIHG parents, Mr. and Mrs. John tea UUe Ciiiugcd .u pioijctu,.,, tanaaians sponc coir. "- a chimney o damage was French and English, 7,735.485 Fishermen 8 Union .sailed last development should see the rail ft "t , 'J i . 1 '4 ' : r East where tht buaiU of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital will build a new nurses home immediately to the of spoke English only and 2,181.746 night on the Prince George for Bremner, sailed by the Prince George last night on her return to Vancouver. WOMEN'S done by the blaze. J. L. Charles, chief engineer for the western division, Canad- i Seattle to attend a session of the puke French only. i vays got a "fair deal." He said ! the C.N.R, had u special hiterc.-.t 'n the matter Kin;e the lines ULL ON International Fisheries CommUv SAIL ! tiie present one. Allan Barr will i lan National Railways, Is a vis-1 ! winch brought' the great mines' Prince Edward Island, smallest itor ln the city hi the course ofl plt ' " Vh nillUnE down Announcements jot Norand.t. Fun Flon and Sher- ! Canadian province, has a tola) Miss Margaret Martinusen, L wefltcrn ir,SUection tour. He of the concrete forms I Hdon into existence. " area of 2.184 square miles. R.N., after a visit here with her Lrrivpd on vesterdav mornUm's 8detha,u?- RKON ' i W.O.T.M. vara Tournament,' January 12. All Welcome. Civic centre Bridge January 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mar- 1 deiaveJ traln and wia leaving vinusen, sauea iasv mgni, on nlghi on his return East. ' Timber Business- Prince George for Vancouver en- 13. Canadian Legion Easter Sale. In citv Dolicc court yesterday I- I route to Princeton where she has " w www j mmmasmtmmmmammmm BUY YOUR SUIT- NOW DURING THE FASHION-CRAFT SALE, AND SAVE $1500 TO $20.00. Smart Styling Fine Tailoring fl(-rrntri n nnrsintf nosltlon. April 5th. Canadian Legion Card party Jan. 18. 'hi 1 vlcted on vagrancy charges. iXt uninuicmniw m wuh .i.,. A. P. Crawley will continue as Curmlngham, no fixed address, Mhe United States for both lum-represenUtive of the Prince RH was sentnced to two months at'ber and timb-jr products from pert RoUry Club on the boatd of 0akalla Als0 sentenced to spend j s area are noted by Olot Han-dlrectors of the Civic Centre As- j twQ nlontnS ln tne soutbern "O"- president of the Hanson sociation. He was re-appointed -(.iiVl P WFri cliff Pettin' ece and l'rimber & Lumber Co. and well Card tournament, Catholic Hassified Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from tlephoning Classifieds, 2c per word per Insertion, minimum harge 50c. Birth Notices 50c, Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, "uncral Notices. Marriage and Encauemcnt Announcement: SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE by President R. G. Van der sluys John ,Wataoru Sentenced to'known Pioneer operator. Thi' is Hall, January 19. . Scotch Dance January 20th. Oddfellows Hall. Salvation Army Native Home. Birthday Tea and Sale, Jan: 2G. Cathedral Sale April 13. at yesterday's weeKiy jttoiary honm. . ..f9rmprpttc for three -nrioutea to export restrictions Your Choice of Fabrics At GReATLY REDUCED PRICES III. LP WANTED . WANTED Exnerlenced' wrso-i to care in own home for two babicF. ehl'st 2 years. Apply Box r,4l. News. U0 CARD OF THANKS The familv of the late Eric Ro.sane desire to express their j deeo appreciation to the many friends who rendered assistance ond expressed their sym- 1 tiathv on the occasion of their luncheon. avinK been .concelled and the months In Prince Geore was Prince Rupert's Rotary Club Dora Cecil, no fixed address. JXXTZn'l men's chorus, which presented a . . .. pnhp,.ts nf nnioA iv.nt th. tanwHiiatj. Now successful minstrel show last Mo,,treali wh0 fhilshed off a ' prosnccts tor the timber business MOllSP- . . .i WANTED Reliable I ! recent bereavement. , 'inn nsuns Mini riii nut :i . - . ... - l:iivr Anitlv Rix CAO Uaiiy " r .visit ot several aays to ine city as lor as tins part ot tne country 8gB5 News. " (10) event this year, will resume prac- by maWng the trip Kctchlkan ! k concmicd. uklp WANTEIWBMAii'"" 'Uc5 toniRht under Uie dLreci.,0.n yesterday on the steamer Prince Rod i;, Brown, 1 Heels CHIROPRACTOR lohn F. L. Huchrs, D.C Ph C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for - Appointment Horns 10:30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and a to B r.o. 01 r- "- " George, continued through to HELP WANTED - ADpUcatlons convener of the chorus for the Vanrouver on tnat vrssel last will be riceived bv the under- , Pn.ftrtf cinu C1UD- .sicned u to January 2Wh for Ro,ary night. Mr. Roberts is gathering Poole Rotorians Greet Pr. Rupert . , . FOK OALE j FOR SALE Tenders will be received DV tile unrtersmncd up to noon ol Frldav, January ' 20th. for tiie of one cet ol Snan-on mechanics' tools. Arrangements U view the tools mav be nmdc bv contacting the under Jmied at Room 13. Court House, Prince ' Huoert. B. C. Terms strictly cash. Hiuliest or anv tender o?',tiot)fiice'1' Knwh-dM of' Visitors at yesterday's weekly material for an article which he', ' Each member member of of the Prh.iee . tvm'iiii essential Aoolv in own Rotary luncheon were Rot- vlll write for the Saturday Eve-, Rupert Rotary Club .at ycsler- j hundwrltlns. statinc a Be, ariaas Harris of Minneap- whig Post and in which Prince ay's weekly luncheon, received; !';:!'.!.M!P "it?"' OT?l0US CX I n, nd John Berrv of New West- Rupert will figure from a Pacific ; a New Year ercetln? card and 8 PHOTO FRAMES Frome Type Mounts See our fine selection of glass and metal frames - - WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing P SIZES IN Monday and Friday. 1:30. p m. tat ( I V. V. isu'wart. -.i.-.n- r Hnrrii received the rnortnwesi, aeience stanupoint. personal letter irom uie Ku'.ary i i! UPPERS those unable to come during the ; dar. KECEPTIONIST to utteBd-1 ance afternoons. i' not neeessanlv accented. t . U F Forbes. OflieUil Admin-. ! Iviruinr Aiiininlr.lrnl.or of trie itiialand, with Uilf lean ::. - -, which uit. is presented .a,,. vMi dV Poole. of salmon CUv JKnuiueei: r VVAMW which the locnl club has been as-- AIK PASSENGERS Axel trie hcikuiki, i s & Women's each week to the visitor who , i.r.nn. j.oii.sf. iiiii-U nH'.".i v. - soeinted in a special way in' i i t rftinct rt.tfntr Hf . today) Mif.s t) , ni fWANlfcu rurnisneo avi.. ,y; comes iium uiu "l T, vafimii..r v0 , h: I House Phone Red 300. .extended the wc greetings of the FOR SALE -Tenders will be re- - .. - itxttnutu iC. Sloney. Mrs. to noon of Monday. Janunry ni!ihPd house or. laree suite . h '' . jo S-md-r't. (today with, for the onrennse of the f,,r 2 couples. Thone -4ij6. . M .Kelly. ' r- iendly n'd t. Britain activities. Cm-ds liad been sent from here to Poole before Christmas, mem-'j hers of Rotarv. classifications: : here ereetin those5 of similar! ''ossification in Poole. hereunder described t r a p-1 Room 90. . D Grant Harris, president of j From Vancouver Thursday line and cnom situau'a inn - - on. UiaethtT with contents. WANTED Home for three Pntre & Hill Corporation. Min- E. W. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. p. Contents Consist oi ""mm sciiool school chi children. drcn. , Fav Fv B. . uam- Oam- ,,,. Us .i-.w tinlD(.r concern, concern, and and. Whitmorc, Whitmorc, E. E. J. Morris, I lu' . ..ur and live doi-n traps. . . Isittiird Norman, western man- . .i.rom. SanclnP ( i,mmpiwini? at NW corner Mrs. K. Filtness, F. Daniels. PF.KSONAl a'zT for the company witn neaa- , VYaicli lor the NEW 1950 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH You get the Good Things first from the Chrysler Corporation High Compression Engines Hydraulic Brakes Floating Power ,; AH Steel Bodies O Automatic Over Drive Transmission Fluid Drive ?, And Many Other Firsts See your local Chrysler Plymouth Dealer RUPEM MOTORS LIMITED ' "' ' CANAD.t Department of A'li'iilluri- I I'rulrle Kami KHiahllllatlun AH ; SPECIALIST OU clalisl. Service, tl V. Konson. DOS. Burner Spe- quarters in Spokane, who ar- and Repairs. rivpd ju the city on Wednesday Phone Black j,.om Vallcouvcr in comi)any with j . ... n, - pnsnn. nrcsident of the, il.95 log Boots 1 vVvfcif . '. I.IIXI'IIJ STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR i T E N D f. K 3 SralPd tenders will be received by , the uuUiTalKnl until 2:00 o'clock j p. m , Hegtna Tin-. January 21. j 1B50. for Uje supply of pipe and fit.- tilths for et-HiatructinK a sprinkler 1 Irrigation project neur C'awston. 13. v.- " or ur.ivel rooting, Phoi rnoin- 543 irtj - ji ii, uu wsn 6-' -nii (129. SixLh Ave. West. 11 Lot 415 on Chtiekawrtlla River. South I mile: SEN miles to head of Mack Creek; NEIv 23., miles to BW corner D-2a61: Elv 3'j miles to head Farrara Creek; 8 miles: N 4 miles: W. 2 miles to head ot hmo Creek; SWlv niiles to head of Ai's Creek: Iv 4' mll(" to hind ol Kiw Creek; Wlv 4S miles to point of commencement, keeping clear of adtaeeiit traphnes unci private wrouertv. UiU-tude-51' 40', Longitude-1.18 fi0" U'erms-tnctiv rash, lliuh-est or nnv tender not neces- J?.' K FCI Official Admin Uff Letourneau and Sons. race and Smlthers alter vismng which points they will proceed Frst. Mr. Hanson went to the i j interior with them. j I IF YOU ARE LEAVINQ or mov-Ins to another home 1ft Arin-stroilK Asencies sell your For promot attention phone 342 or Orcen 237 -cv1H1 The following are the main Hems of material required; J. Kteel or Wood Stave. Ple. 4 Inch i to 22 Inch diameter 35.000 it. ( 2. Tees. Bends, Crosses. Later- uls J 0 pieces tS. 4 lucu Lot Outlet (ItiBur and Klbowl 57 only 4. 4 inch Oute. Valve, Valve Mox and VANCOUVER and. Intermedial Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservation! Write or Call TAKB IN Children ,ior istrator oi h'.wi2,'u" ' win; I1UVP Wlll.NOlL Utility. .- v.. -. Worklna Mothers. Phone kcu r'nH Prince Rupert. B Key Vi only Ituns, specifications and tender forms for blddinc muy be obtained (l.ri) ' Wedded At St. Peter's The marriage of John Oliver Bond, son of Mr. and Mrs. John lV. Hond. Seventh Avenue West C. 5!. f OB RENT i from the undersigueU at his office in FOR SALK-Coul and w"1"' Hegina. Saskatehewan, or rrrnu uie r, F. II. A. Office, Victoria Avenue. FOR RENT -Sleeplint room or ramie una eu-cuic ...o-Us-d two wicks. Haiii-Hii. Plion.i Jlliii-K 73(i. '1j' 7 1 K lil'O ill. , V Vw L McBride St. Phone 311 Kamloops. B. t".. upon the deposit of Ten Dollar (J10.00I cash or a certified cheque for the amount payable to the Receiver Oeneral of Canada, which deposit will be redeemable ,rv "vnivia NAMFf- ! mil RENT -Eleelrlc CTTV OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. port able $500 a and Miss Barbara Woods, 236' 'JV'" S Tvels Vwlns .machines. Cull B64 Slrnn-r Sew;' Ao.uu month ttn licr Ontre. f$6.95 Ninth Avenue West, ' WHS held Oil Km return of the plans una spev-' jflcBtloiis In good order within one 1 Wednesday I'Vrnhlg. the cere- ; month after tenders have closed. t.i.. !,,. in St. Peter's; The lowest or any Under not nc- FOR KENT-Sl.-epiii'T room or board and room. Phono Br. ck iiioo.)- resKurllv accented. ttfl By Order b0U RA SPECIAU Church, Seal Cove. The bride was given in marriage by her mother, Mrs. Emll Peterson. The bridesmaid was Hoac Graders: Littleford Bros., Black Too Road Maintenance , Equipment; Oeo Clams lid Buckcws and Rock Urapples. T L Hmith Concrete Mixers. Ciark Forkllft Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders tor Stockpile : and Snow Removal. Rice Poil- able Centrifugal Pumps, Na-uonai Dr.iine Scrapers an; j Buckets: National All '-"'V' S Hoists; Natai. Pnrinhle Sawmills. National Headquarters for., i'.T WINTER SPORTS EQUIPMENT ; Skis and Ski Equipment - . '. C.C.M. Matched Ice Skate Outfits j Campbell Badminton Racquets and Shuttlecotrks Sleighs L. B. Thomson. Director of Kelmbllilatlon. 010 McCnllum Hill nullUlnu. Reglna, Saskatchewan. FOR RENT- Suite ut 1 av Apartments, wod bachelor preferred. Red 391. . Hf) ILL HAVE A FKW rt.R RENTlTwoTnousekeep-la s Miss Molly Woods. OF CHILDREN'S XFORDS AT " . tO I' III u."7 v .110 iulmh aa uvnm-.u nit! rooms mu ... . , ,. il desired. Phone -clicn 4'Ja i,.., anrl Convevoi - Nit-i 1 1 ll 1 Cousin, a. w. nutuwvii. I Canon Basil S. Frocktcr offi-; ! elated , Cu iiuormtiiion uu... Ltd.. 1 OR. ftAI-R tlonal Machinery Co Vancouver. B. C (tl) 1 lliv ir.cepuuii waa t.n i-n u-i'". . - .... 7W,ian enm- FOR p&$r-. 'lii-.i- tai ' i ll I 'nf ihp pi-mmi's crandoiirents. Mr. JfR SAUJ -New & VrA F urnl-t.ure. Hardware & Oifite ris oleic. We Stock a Complete Line of I'nont: Liiuv.. .v.. ---- land Mrs. A. E. Dickens, Ninth CUOSI 1 nres.Electric toasters, City of Prince Rupert TENDERS FOR PIPE. INSTALLATION SEALED TENDERS, marked "Tender for Pipe Installation" will be received by the undersigned up to noon, Friday, January 20th, 1850. for laying approximately 1200 feet 24" steel water pipe on the easterly side of Shawatlans Passage. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the City Engineer. Tenders to be accompanied by a certified cheque In the amount of ten per cent 10 of the amount tendered. Cheques will be returned to unsuccessful tenderers. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. H. D. THAIN, City Clerk. (in Sewinj! : Restaur- Avenue West. FOR SALE McLary ana cum. 0KEN LINES MEN'S SHOES and saucers, sinner Machines. China Press Irons, Cnbs, Hand Saws, New Jacks. Heavy 3-i ly Cabinets Diss ton i LoRSlnsI Roofin,; I Wasons.! "o'h iticm. Mv be seen at rear RADIO and I PHONOGRAPH - If 110) VR1ME lIVI-fliT ItVP KI.(OKl-li lMS-TKltT v TAKE NOTICE that the Columbia Cellulose Company Limited of f'riDci.- Itupwt. British Columbia, oc-f-iiiuitimi munulueturers of cullu- )k l -- dav 2;3i), m, Paper, new Bedroom Rup-s, r ,:i.rrinir UtHlt.S. Tviiewi'Rer,' Battleship used Ha- from 5 to $6.95 I COMBINATIONS for sa;,f. Unoleum. SlinhUy lowest price." lot protlui-ts. InKuds to apply forr iliiw ete. at the house SALE t,ftbu-i 4 ir"i room BC. rurnltui-c Co.. Black 324. ; FOR OK i f.m.'a l"ae on tne following oesm suited for small-loin iy. situu. )unll!i sUuate ou tuc westerly side, 1911I Aoulv ted near scnooih. ."' - a- , of Mud Luke. Krittsh Columbia, uiiu i.sllinus. Prince RUUert 'ffy U3 adjueent to the NortlK-rly and East- FOR SALE Two baker chamuion rosv Cabs 0-10. Co. crly shore of Lot mk coraiwucuiB AKt . ONLY A When you waul a satisfactory job, let experts handle I it! Your radio'was an ex- pensive commodity new: set j full value rrom it by keep- . ins it 6'uod working order. W THE MANY See this week's USED RADIO SPECIALS..; vnn SALE Four room house SU-ect.0 1'ih.ce Rupert Rea lty Co. 1 ou the west UunR oi ine iviuuiiikui- lum Klvcr at th old bridge piling. i.toalte the suwrnlll at 17 Mile Post; Thence Westrrlv uloui? the South titiorellr.p of Mud Luke a cltstanee of S950 feet to a Forest lsranch Hat?; Thenee' North Westerly, North East-iilv Hiid Northerly iilonc the shore- Under New Management llie stork slioppe AINS OFFERED AT THE- . .. "03 ERITlSll Calibre eonwrled Hi-nowered SDurtuc n several models;- six and i s hot repeaters. Monov-back 48 rounds uin- euarantec . UunRloi 3.0t) Uuve assort: nient new !'( V,vs,,. vvr te telescooio si a h ls:? j' ,.. -' ui j lold"is latest often lor .., wiwH. scone b"'-iConl Wuceu Street. Ottawa, unt- NOBLE & WICK MILY SHOE BEE GRANT . Blue 810 i line of Mud Lukcr a distuncc ot SUOij 1 fTt; Th'-nee Ouo Wist upprosimnu-w i uOU feet: Thcuec South Easterly SU73 1 leet to u point S00 feet North Vast or starting point: Thence 300 feet South West to the starting point; ! mid containing a total area ol up-- proximuk-lv 108.01 acres. COLOMBIA CKLLUI-OSK COMP-I ANY LIMITED. H. Yvmim, Aacnt. CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishiiis EnUrifink Flash PUolof 'iaken at Honw Phone Green 389 210 4th Sv PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FOR; SALB-1937 SAfJE-1917 C Vhvr hev coaca l'lioiie 100 303 .3rd Ave. 201 3rd Ave M rarhVJe-wV Phone Kod u 738. . RE LIMITED B 5j ' Ph. 357