Prince Rupert Doily News Friday, January 13, 1950 We've Done It Again! PEOPLES STORE ; 9 B r, H r . v MCM.NEW (v .-sL ...;;rv l"' ' - : k ' "tooucTKN ij-.f JUNE ALUf' I yir . Irx " a. J. Bell. Vancouver; E. J. . ! U ' 1 rVffSg W . Morris, Vancouver; Ray Coburne, Yuu , T L TV va.r''V - - - - r , ( Colossal Coin OdIC GIRLS AND INFANTS WEAR RUPERT PEOPLES STORE lllltl!lafll8lllllllICIIIIIIIBIII ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. perched atop us locomotive. A late-running passenger train ran into'a standing freight; officials blamed an open switch on a siding. (C. P. Photo DEATH SCENE Two persons were killed and nine others injured i!i this head-on collision of two Canadian Pacific Railway trains near Cranbrook. The third baggage car of one train is MONTREAL, Jan. 12th-S, ,, ct iuemorierf of home are hound u cakes that Mother hakes! Paiti,u, they are Swans Down calJ light, richly flavorful, moi-t to ..' crumb! TlieKi? ure the t!;i::-, d, Swans Down cake cxeenti.m-tll c were approved at a meeting of the Pension Board held in November. George Griffith, who has been in Prince Rupert for the past seven months, wns in the city for the Christmas holidays George has since returned to the north, where he is working on the Water tunnel being put in for the new plant under erection there. Journal of Commerce Cokl weather stories continue to be received irom various points in the interior regions. Recently at New Hazciton, the mercury dropped to 38 below. It was fien-rrally concedi d that this was the coldest official reading in years. The name ol A. C. Abbott, former conr'tWcr and freight checker, appears in a list of veterans printed in the C.N.R. magazine in whose favor pensions SEEING HOW C.N.R. TICKS (Continued i,um Puge One! WOMAN FINED (Continued from Page One) , teutcu to ha'.-.fc. You should get! . down on your knees tonight and ' thank God for that. I Accepts Pica ; When they are cut out from tlWr woman and had never accused her. There had been an ex- DUW N CAKK FLOUR is silted again and a?!,i,', ,", ttin" as line as o'dinary Hour. Kiijoy, like c imi,... Ton'.ierful cake baking gucccis cury tune hy !,,, fcwans Down. Colli, Critp Morning ridl fur !! i-imIIv (SimhI l.ri-itf.i I. i. "I am going to give attention ' trams at Turcot, the iron horses I ample of loyalty and devotion I which he had never seen or (heard of either in court history I nr ftrtinn i Mr Rrnwn observed to the plea of counsel," Ills Honor de.eided, "and concur with tlu suggestion that you not be sen- I unceij vo prison out i mikcm, that the incident had happen vou think seriously of what you ""'l.v)n-ini lamily of jijii! oil! of : MISm'st FIllO-O-O-lll, llc lll iolli "ClIMIIl'i,! ji' a red "cve-opi'in'i" ui l.nti -t (Hil, of llir Vf.'o ! N rrivv to . v 1 citi:.M ov w iiK.vr .,!, i bilily in jiiKt 5 uniiuteii of Ijijilinc! i. tni'l fo uocjl or vou . . . for i! roin.nn. .,, mid I'lio-'iilionw i if di: li iM'n-init m il,,. FOR are moved to the roundhouse yard to begin their groommc process. Following an inspection by the engineers, roundhouse hostlers take over and drive the engines to the coal dock w here their tenders are refueled and their sandboxes replenished. Tne coal dock dispenses an average of tawa when thousands of travellers went to Canada's capital, from all parts of the continent. During World War II, the average number of locomotives handled in a day was 135. Adjacent to the roundhouse Is the administrative b u i 1 d i n.g which. In addition to the office space, provides the men with a lunch room and cafeteria, a locker and wash room ,a medical clinic, and a lecture hall where classes are held twice daily for firemen training to be engineers. A railroad Y.M.S.A. for out-of-town engine crews Is also a part of the roundhouse organization. The "Y" provides recreation facilities, sleeping quarters and lunch room as well as a library and writing room. ed iii a moment of temper following a protracted drinking party. (At this point Petterson was brought into the courtroom so Highest Qualify in Your Printing have been to'.d and realize that in a civilized country difficulties ' are not to be settled with knives like savages. This is a matter that , affects the whole general public l.''M tlmn In a liowl, too! A-k your t . Mimtlo "f're.un of Wheat " the vi-rv in t tinm you'o' tv,. .. soi n .livovrr for yourlf liy "Cic.iiii of Win at" i, early" bicokhut lmhil with 80 vi'iwj f unilirs! 1800 tons of coal a day as well tu i nut ne m e m near rne oro- . Avail yourself of our experience and versatility. DIBB PRINTING CO. feedings)' - ona oy noisDiiamg you w jau u ;10 U)lls of sand. xht, ncxt stop Mr. Brown admitted that "iay noL hell)ing the causc of lor the locomotives is the ash more was involved In the case la' enforcement fplt where fire boxes are emptied than a private quarrel between1 "I order you to pay a fine of j into a huge well constructed be-u man and a woman. It was a $"50- I" the event of failure to neath the tracks. This done the "'in Cuing To He Tk . . . you Hunk tint. ' tl. "in't lr your " 1 floivm for Uo i 111 Vt Vfitt', v.nli BESNEK BLOCK PHONE V134 food prii'i'S ftlril, tlic' arel llul. hostlers drive the engines to the roundhouse. There, skilled boiler men, mechanics, fitters and elec cl-j wnue lurcot is Canada s iarg- tricians go over every inch matter in which there was the i matter of public interest. lie , referred to a comparatively re-! cent incident in which Judge Fulton had imposed a fine for an assault, upon a police officer in the execution o his duty. The judge thought it should FOR YOUR WALLPAPER HANGING Tor Your Interior Painting and Decorating Call SPENCE & MATUIK Phone Blue 215 . . 233 1 1 Street the iron horses .searching for and repairing any defects that may have developed on tlu run. icsi roundhouse, there arc in all 230 engine glooming plants of , various sizes througnout the Nil -I tional system. At Toronto the roundhouse at Spadii.a tunu out a daily ive:age of 1C0 pa?s(.iuer locomotive ar.d the roundhouse pay the fine, you will be sent to Okalla Prison for one year. You are also ordered to be bound over tor a period of two years to keep the peace and be of good beha- j viuur .You will be bound in the ! sum of $$2000 In two sureties of ?1000 each, in the event of fail- I ure ta provide which you will serve a further year's imprison ment." His Honor also suggested the matter of interdiction, commenting that it appeared to have been drink that led the accused' Frr Sal Doien W ith A Full Box Of V.uiiir nt your illwiw nml foiiud it empty by bdluinr? Trying to koi ji a binlKct mtliout a. proper piviriRi plan U ju4 like that. Vou dip into your puise for rxpfn-"a that, wnn n(-crss;iry nt thr-'tiine and thcu thernB not rnciuath I, ft for tlio f.illv li? tliint. ltut, here's the Ixst, the iuve ny to iliail wilh liudicrl or-rin . . . and inrt off ItiaO richt. Joi-n a inii'it .1,-ronnt at the HANK VI' MONTl!i:L nn recount for mir'nn only. Save rr-'ilaily, nml you'll pood have a r i lly u-n ful Mini mt l,y. That's wliat rorn and woui, n all over the coiinhv lire doing Uxlay. for ('::na'lians keep one I'ilhon Uollais in ."nines in "My lt:,iik". it :in le if yon Iium? tli.i rifiii'-uu-iit in your tie !i n ( r ut Imdui t l OMi. ' ; lij.MKK Itt.i hiu.i: iU.-t:ilH.'C. lis lni r.'lr; , fll.lil 4 Vol! to i,iv :i v mil'l'ly of prriii .iiit" i'-mid t.'ikr) a I win ic oi".'. Tli'-re'n lo ul- uf ; I nci'laire ."-iiju i-l n ! l"irji)ni I-- iMul i'oiii'l food. Nuir anv o'cTs, c id. r, w i:lt v-'i; Hi fi-isiMnlor. And i iic J'rijfiihme M' i-M.-r itiK in "i Is.iiu-m i- s two IiiUVIIIIC part-! ', only a tii' kl" of to lie thrifty in ' you nf-'. M il a !' vt nalgr m your lit' In n' Used Cars That You Can Depend Upon With only normal servicint, re- ' quired ,a locomotive can be rawiy for the road in two or three hones. The roundhouse itself is built to form the circumference ui a circle. There are two gi'ps in the building to allow en ti since and exit tracks to and irom the circle's centre. From each of the 57 doors leading into the roundhouse, tracks extend iike .pkes in a whi''l to the turnl ai the centre. The turntable is a at Mlinico handles C5 frnjj!:? locomotives, in all of the roundhouses, the work is e.:.4entkUiy I the same groaning the iron horses which haul the iiatiorf passenger and freight tains en be impressed upon the accused ' the seriousness of her position. The woman might easily have i been just a little deeper and she could have been sentenced ; to hang by the neck until she 1 was deaii and it would not be m the jurisdiction of the court to act upon a plea for clemency ; , lucky a woman she is." j ! Inky a woman she is." ! ' i Continuing, Mr. Brown sug-1 1949 CHEVROLET. SIX PAS- round-the-ciuck scheduui astray." 1 "No." broke in accused. 'T have been sick. You have not heard my story." "I guess so." she admitted. v SENGER COUPE, COMPLETE ,ii, i- WITH HEATER. ANTIFREEZE y rtf-lnrt 1 I'll .( n fii.n ti-ik- . " "VV " " ! however, when it was again sug- posed rather tlian a prison terni, :,.,.,., ,lla, shf, h,d ,,,,,. platform mounted on a circular j track set in a depression of the AND CHAINS. ONLY GONE 4000 MILES, LIKE NEW AND PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. Into Bach Life Some Love Must Fall; But Too Much Has Fallen in Mine l olil Wraihrr in , dn't ! h iiid-i aro proM m a! MinpK' mrki Mirr lh,il I'm will lupplml villi Hjoiif-it.js .H'.I!.H-:Nm IXll'ltJN' . . . it' th- bl nioirm," 1 know ..nain't, i liapir-,l, rouvdi' U' d haii-M ' ', hai'da ctav soft and love Iv with the NiinVhine '"' nf JiTs;-n.i Lotion! o matter how rouh 'u' lihi-lM . th -nruihfr may br no inattrr your diily ilviir.s . . . Jcrp-nx kirpa huiid.-.;,' airl , : iim-nn,K.'ih. K"V a Ixitlh; handy m both kit, 1,' n i" l bailiroom nn,l u.-e it nfor erry v.iUiv tot,. No wond'T -Iri' n.? i.- the hand rate pr, f, rr ,1 b". lu' f 1 lOXICI ICCl. ! there .should be a bond to keep the peace for a period of two and bearing rails that Your car token in part payment. Terms to suit your needs. M : ye.;:-.; with adequate assurance j such should be done. This iniuht have even a more salutary .riled upon accused than would li worn, n than liny ul It hand i ai,' ill 1h wo; Id . . . (or, 'i '' il makes real "U-auika" ui your hands! One Tourh Of Wrm Colour Kill make your inid-w iut' r m" The woman did nut think thai inerdiction was necessary. Accused was under lioctor's orders to refrain from using liquor. "You might have been facing the gallows," the judge repeated. "This was no mere hair-pullimi or scratching affair. I wonder if you understa id what has been .'aid. the enormity of what you have done." "Yes," accused murmured. limn; iippelKiHKl luitiKtii Hut i- mv l' - 331 Jamia'rv 1111 als . . . Il- r i ti . 10 v. r iUSHTH l'i;ihl CIS! No n.. l : -.LI tani.iliim; luiii.iio 111 mi,l-" - connect, with the various i racks leading into the roundhouse. Hence, a locomotive inovn ?m to the platform may be turned about and run olf on any of the 57 tracks into the round!.;usv l Peak periods lor the roundhouse staff come at holiday time when extra trains ure put on to handle the heavy traffic. ', While 128 locomotives a d;:y is the normal number handled. record reached at Turcot v.a 145. This record was made during the Marian Congress a-, Ot - . You'll Love the Hamburgers At MILLIE'S ori-N 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DAILY .'ust off Thi'Tl Aicntif jail sentence. "You have ' hcaro. what hps jcen said by counsel," .sai d IIn Honor in addressing the accused whom he permitted to remain fcuted. "You iive a woman who has a record already of minor otic ners and one of serious and 7olft,l Jni'-c Hi ml 'it'HK irj Heinz KtHoift ami lUin: ('if1' '" u ... ..I j k,,i..v niel !.:"! 'If nnvthinn' nf this nntnrp 'l'onialo Juiie is a n,,ud, rfnliv "-':' TTrinc C'reant of Toiualo Soup a waitu and (in leilv !''" beaide8 ihi-& 1,-, . llii'H1 two ill In -I hae mui'S ol Jj" ' " ISo do Ifeini! lietehitn imd Chili Same! So "Hixk f i'ouialo 1'ioducis for January mvaU UU luU auJ ku u!. 118 Ctli SI. Ph. Onlrr Kim '! jMiiiihir nature to the present happens a2aln there be no ;i ne. Except for the points raised use pleadlng svmpathy. extenu- j ' v y:ur own counsel and concur- ating clrcumstances or clemency. 'cci in by the C: own aentence th" i This is the second where you (r than a jail term would be re- havp hppn np,.nrripf, -,Pmpnpv Tt HOli I IRK PHOTI ( TION INSTALL Lyon Fire Extinguishers .... the scientific way of smothering gasoline, electrical and wood fires Can be thrown at flame or will work automatically. LYON Fire Extinguishers will not freeze or deteriorate. Require no servicing. Approved by Fire Insurance Underwriters everywhere. Price $5.00 Complete (Liberal Discount to Dealers) will most certainly be the last." Exper! Valch Repairing ALL WORK FULLY . icuious. As it is, the court is placed in a diUicult positijn. My concern is not with the matter as n private quarrel but with the ',fcct upon lat enforcement and the general public. When such thiiiR.s as stabbings are taken Of the nearly 100 daily news- ' papers published in Canada, 8? 1 ore EnsrHsh-'-anguage' papers. 11 , are Fi'Pnch-lan;un3e parors 1 1 GUARANTEED iihtly. there I:, an effect which aw Chinese anU 2 are Yiddish. You'll He Satlslied PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Canadian labor income was 1 $3,064.00.000 for the first nine j months of 1949. an Increase 01 j right per cent over the same period In 1948. j mi -lit lead to 3 crime wave; "I have pointed out how lucky you are that thcknlfc wound, by the grace of Cod, had not proven fnlal. How easy it might have been for you to have been sen- 712 Second Ave. P.O. Box 772 Phone 03 Cirnls Wall Ins From W.Vt LOCKER PLANT I CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles GEORGE COOK, Jewcii mmmmmmmmmmm (Subject to Chance) 027 3rd Ave. l'ii- MAIU'.l 1 (chunks) Kxei lli ul tlipped in Putter ami nod In drep p,t or boiled 1111U served Willi mushroom or tomato si, nee 15c per lb mil i.s ui 1 j )M:t cot) :ne Mi 6 I m HOLE title Ul I I HALIBUT 62c II) I j (SALMON 4lle lb 1 1 II HI . I 4:15 '2pl.. 4i)C Blinni) Mr FRTDAY P.M. 3tock Quotations und . Interlude Sleepy Time Stories Something in Harmony CBC News PHONE 79 PHONE 79 it. z II). U.-c I 1 LTD. I 430 Hione. Kt'il n.i7 I 4:4.r) nHMK 4:55 RUPERT FREEZING CO 330 ,1ml Ave. WaUarV Be Thrifty In '50 lis 6ATUK1M AM. 7:00 -Musical Clock 8:UU -CBC News "-Here 8:10 'f Bill Uood 8:15- Hits and Encores 8:30 -Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 0:15 - ,SaJdl; Serenade 9:30- Siiturday Klwry 9:45 The Answer Man 10:00 Time Signal 10:15 Waltz Music 10:30-Melocly Time 10:45- CBC News mid rem ly 10:55 -Wcaincr and Interiiicii! 1 1 :00 - Saturduv Date 11:30 -Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:35-Recorded Interlude 11:45- Pcrsouul Allium SATURDAY I'M 12:00 -Mid-Day Melodies 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 -Musical Program 1:00 Saturday Afternoon Record Parade 2:00 -Musical Program 2:15 Ballet Club 3:00 -This Week 3:15 CBC News 3:?5 Pc. Int. 3:30 NBC. Symphony Orch. Tfci. .Ive.tiwn.rirt is noi ,,,sl,e, , .l,,,,!,,,,,! lv t.lf j ,,,, ( by llu- (.oviiuii.eni uf Hi il Ciliimbu. HOLLYWOOD cafe FOR THE MEAL THAT'S THRIFTY NOURISHING AND DOWNRIGHT DELICIOUS 5:00 -Henry Morgan Show 5.30 Music from Ainerta 5:45 liill Good Sports Review G:00 Dinner Music 0:15 - Dinah Shore 6:30 Musical Varieties 0:45 "Saddle Kockin' Iihylhm" 7:00 CUC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Easy Rhytijm 8:00 -Musical Prop;. .8:30 Vancauvcr Theatre 9:00 Musical Program !i:30 Talk 9:45 Canadian Short Stories 10:00-CBC Newa .10:10 - CBC News 10:15 Beth WaUon 10:30 Solway String Quartet H :00 - Weather and Sign Off MOST UP-TO-DATK (AKK IN THK CITY I ioui:r, OI'liN IKIIM 3:0 I MM to 3:3(1 A.M. We Speclalli-e In Chinese Dl.ihei U iVI. ASK YOUK UEAl.WR FOR Weckdoys Sundoys . 9 o.m, to 9 p "1 12 Noon to 2 p. (Am MAPLE LEAF SAUSAGE CHOI SUKY CHOW 1W 7 p.m. to 9 STREET AND THIRD AV'EN' A Product of Canada Packers Limited Fur fiutnide (irdern I'IKlNF.