1 . ?' 1 Prince Rupert Daily Hews . Friday. January 13, 1950 . No Change In frigid Weather ISOTKL WOODS, Prop. P.O. BOX 1397 Clear skiej niean cold weather at this time p year and the fu-ture weather outlook for Prince upert is Just that. Temperatures warly, trus, morivng cropped below zero, according to, many thermometers in, the city. At PiBhy Island, however, ine mercury hovered mree degrees above FINE OLD MAW ROM i n I SER STREET 4.3 7 v 0 or HOT ! zero early this morning and seven above last alt-lit. ' J And more of the same frigid weather can be expected for the near future. . Again tonight and early tomorrow morning .thermometers will register around zero. Winds of 20 mift's per hour in this n (7 -J vicinity can be expected to add - i ,.,..., ...... i v ......., ; .. 4 home built right to the present discomfort. i Strong northeasterly winds of near gale force, according to the weatherman, are blowing out of a(l larger mainland inleU and are moving to the southern section of a. p. in many a.c. points last night's weather : was ' the 7 ever too calq or too hot ,o Build NOW bell of Manitoba, Macdonald of Nova Scotia and Frost of Qnt-,ario, Mr- St, Laurent, Premiers Duplessis o Quebec, McNair of New Brunswick.. Johnson of British Columbia, Douglas, of katehewa.n and Small wood of Newfoundland. . , C. p. Photai CONFERENCE OPENING Premiers p4 the 10 provinces meet with Prime Minister St. Lauren as the Dominion-provincial conference start in Ottawa. Left to right clockwise;; Premiers Manning of Alberta, Jones of Prinee EdwarV Island, Camp , ami Estimates It's SotiUJ ar.J Skipatd bv 3tffCf AT, ! coldtst since 143. This can also ,v. be applied to Prlsca Hupiu . rjur- ALFRED LAMB tSOH fc tondcn.Enq!aM REER & ing January J.o-13, the tempera With Union :ed frojn rae OneJ till1 I'wiff hhPA hmi 'Contl j The Experts Say RiDDtN This ddyertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor t V3 Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. . t ; H 'imdy Reapes ted States. The Jntersiat C"- . Uftovers) -1 If mother is thc 'If desired. ;this "mould may be metre Commission ordered U. S, l4,ast bit economy-ml'nded, ilnht placed in a pan of water and Union steamer Chllcotin, Capt. -4 Kill DEKS l-.O. BOX 711 Harry McLean, is late today In 1 1 Bar Welcomes r. t UlB ANU ALMONDS cup blunphed almonds , ' - teaspoon oil ;i rnnce Kupert Piorisrs-ll C Ftowtrs fur All nerasiom 1 ; ' ' t uw vj1 i r.v now snes frying to wnet vne'DuKed in-an nven -or sas oegrees cent passenger -servlcfl operated jarnily ' appetite 013 holiday left- Farenheit for about '58 minutes, by coal-burning iDcoinotives;-.; . ,-,. ... - Unmould and serve with toma- arriving from Vancouver, West-view and Watson island and Is rr.t A,, until 4-lrth1i aftprnm:n. i 3 tublesp)ons hutter oc mar-; Mr. Vfalton told , the. 'union. It's not liUlf UUl vi . jVisiting Judged t repregentaUyes "today tha,Vft't. turkey """"'' ' TV. a .Adn( te V pin (ii ft in , thA i I NQW AVAILABLE ; ' the company'g ."desire arjd inten. fight dawp-18 bpnei However41 (tfrni( tin- University of British Columbia Chiefs basketball team for a ser- iaa nl oniflfla this Fl'MV flllll Sfit On behalf of the members u the bar in Prince Rupert, T. W.' garine . ,1. i.a,uli!spoqn chopped onion cup thinly shcad elery i 3 tablespoons flour cups milk 'ii teaspoon salt a teii'spoon black pepper Dash cavenne DCDuer -...u . an Brown, when ' County Court; Hon, to resume iuu cra.in service shean surprise the ffin(ly with ji'st as Soon as we can be assured, , hickei or tuvkey soup, i that our coal supply is adR9Vf ter Put into a saucepap chicken or lly safeguarci'd- due to interrui?-! turkey bune .along. vitb, extra ' lions which are st ill occurring bjit of skin and meat. Crush Biiyways Stars. the hearing of a case with Judgo 'Eric Woodburn of Prince Oeorg( in the work in the U.8. mipes," he down and cover withcoJd water. presiding, welcomed His Honor U teaspoon prepared mustard sald" our coal sum)lv con"mie ,6rlng ta $ boil; cove? an dboil teasnoon Worcestershire ; to be depleted, and today W re-, for one hour, praln pit liquid nd to the city. paid income taxes in 1947, only i 104,000 had incomes of $5,000 aj year or more 1 ' ceived word that all lines In the ' discard hones. sauce ( R-niinrp inr rrnh (nr (or 1 iia 'st;Ve 9f Ohio hd ceased work.; : Tq the strained liquid add; Judge WooXlbdrn' replied that It was always fan interesting ainst Cold ! (Every week something new appears on the shelves of the stores in. Prince pupert and through this column, the Dally News will try and keep you up t9 dae on, just whafs new l,n, Rupert, i PR FURNACE matching colors to, the 'rS bedroom or mantel. He had an amiabie otfservatioli Another happy ""item for the to make about Prince Rupert'ii cups fresh cooked crab) ."ph" lu "'" e-half cup finely diced oni(i; 2 hard-cooked eggs :mne owned bi the C.N. R.N. Ry. one.hi cup ineiy iced, carrot j "w 8tl have heavy orders n,.wrter fine oqdle, 3 tablespoons chopped parsley cup 3 tablespoons diced plmiento , Placed 'lh Ufllted Slcal?s lmlnes' ; three-quarte,- inch length t ; .-.a!! Toss almonds with oil until 7" if min!n' pf coa,V! and pepper to taste; on? cup tQ- LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL For the folk with coW hniispwifc from the Varletv Store weather. ' !i full week basU is resumed I feel RS & RENEWALS mnc Black 881 HOM T METAL LTD. mot luioe; ooe cud chopped feet at this time of yer the new Aluminum Cleaner! He had always) been told, ob-! the Family Shoe Store is produced by the Sarmax people served His Honor, that Princa sure we win receive a large inr chicken of tyrkey meat , flux of conl hii-h woul at one? simmer, covered, far begin to improve our position. one hour coated. Roast in slow oven (300 degrees F.) about 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Cut Into, slivers while hot, using a sharp knile. Cool. Melt butter, and add onion and celery. Cover and SUtre-estin'e to air its CUS- m iionlreal. This handy cleaner Rupert was a rainy place but hi.-; lnsin aOeS ftway-Wlin tueei - w iui cApcuciice nau iiccu uiot tai ' The difficulties in the coal slUt . hk-ke (ot U.af nation began with the two-week Mushroom Shc-tt Isgredients: tpmers' tht they aluminum, stainless steel et and, ther had always been most ple.i-all one does is simply sprinkle on, ant, as It was today, when ba their felt insoles inside cook over moderate heat about on n.8 ,ar 01 D two cups cooked chiken or tur had been, here. , cal,ea 8'MmSm 5 minutes. Blend in flour. Add pen0a' shorUv afterwards by sairr,an.K milW cavenne m.is- toU key; one cup peas; dne-half cun; rubbers. It's amazing how rub, rinse and dry. It's easy. the cooked bread eyumb; carrots; one-half- one :up soft cn I Vm . they iv,,ni U ,ake fh the " ' rr , ,,r,i .a;..wtual vacation of the miners, THIS IS KNITTING TIME ,h JLt&yfi.rtiHSZto.-l a the' telwnei to the w.iiks one eg?: one teaspoon .salt; L feet .Moring, Pattiang, CcatinK, Shippini and General - Cartage aott Storat Complete Reliable ana Efficient Service, also agents for Canadian Liquid Mr Co. Ltd., ha Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay' Cartage & Storage Limited t'ur, 2nd and Park A-venues Est. jsi07"',"liriunes 6 and 68 cd Blvpd (n hakedVKb. fliced ni's lhey m not work more two teaspoons onion iuice; two, Looking for the perfect food, eges. parsley anj 'blnu?nto.'Met tllan ltlree davs a w,ek- n 8ep7 . teaspoons choked parsley , (op.- for a soothing savory satisfying 19 a full strike was caHed ' Uonall. !SUpper? thoroughly. Stir in Almonds and - - - We. have a wide selection of popular brands of wool in '.all shades also Knitting Needles, Knitting Books, etc. serve at opMf H t ' , f tTl Put told co'k cMc and: EVISERATED chicken or fowl Serves 4; l ' - v. T V , ' vegetaoies mroup.n ioq ennpoer. from thc Loeker Plant hits tne was resumed for a period of three ,,.;. arru. mk- h'Min . - w,.o " vi v . , -v IlUUW ttlvci ai iuJd s , - . , ., . laCKPOW llie 4 weeks. On December 1 the miner itgg.sait.onio'1 juice and parsley (he Jlatlon al-e raving about this Artvprum.gne taiiy wew?; it...: t-M - chicken ; -T nyiun reveneu to me mree-oy a k ,ntj gre8sed loar pan. - ,hlch continued untiltherh-ist- fcaePat 350 C8TW, rshtMt M and !T - ' 4 . ,; 1 jjS9 "saw '"' ready TuBB period v,!ien thev went to lor about 40 minutes. Umnonkt, u for yotir complete Knitting Supplies . for roasting. They are prepare from 2',i pounds and up. Those Ronson people have done j It again,. This time they've come up with a beautiful silver pencil j with refills that's complete with.1 WIMPS inn slice and serve' with mushroom sauce which can be made (rom condensed mushroom sup if fresh mushrosms are not avail-nble (serves six). , Chicken (or Turkey) Surprise Ingredients: one-half pound I wri-day wefk far Christmas week, 'i d the New Yea week. Maintenance work at the mines was rv,ip't to three ri,ivs n week with the result that many of the large mines have only heen leading coal on one or two iays a week . iil VI II Yit'TOKM SKATTI.E y. 0 p.m., Chilcotht -. 1 30 p.m., Coquitlam JSTEWAUT AM) (HIT SIMPSON vii.d.iy, 11 pm. It S(H TH QI EEN IM.OITE ISLANDS u:i, January 13 It 27 in p.m. !! NORTH Q11.EV Itl.O'I'TE ISLANDS il'niin, January 20 10 p m. VNK J. SKINNER ( Rupert Agent a smart now lighter at the other j iMiaahetti (unbroken) r one ta- end. peorge Cook, the jeweller, is displaying them in his window m 9tA 4w : - Box! 118 Kea wn This eonli.iund int:'iferiH-f fat. nun tihlesnnnn For candy connoisseurs mere s with production resulted in less flouri three-tjuartcra, cuji milk; nd yolk; salt ,nd peuper to ; W U.S. cOat being shipped" lit the ORMES : uaVt seven months representing !a shortage of approximately one jBjill'.w Ofv '''"'t ThfiP.shl"-j mnt were far below our require v'i".i uf Phone 5C8 NO-CO-RODE is GOOD for Life my OR U GS W ROYAL i (aster- two -fops IlneW chojopr-d tP""- . v.-w - Is made of pure apple -hlovU: one -uo pooked mixed. VCWtablpwir UWcsflPW fcjiopV Juice and sugar and comes nil cd p-irslpy ' ' V-rapped up in a miniature apple V"1:,H'1. Wd,aJ It's a treat CooHpaaiBtti in tooilintt salted water, . intt careful not to UiaV's different( j break strand. 'Drain and rinse - Traveller types will be-tickled In cold water. - - pink with - the hew Gladstone Msip o deer., greased mould iRRage which, has just arrived with the loii spaghetti. Make a at the Sports Shop.' (They're made sauce of the fat. iMUr, milk, ettts of rough split cowhide in ta.n volk tirid salt and' pepoer. Add ar 'uown W. last a lifetime. "hiekenV veel;-'ble.s and parsley. An old friend Is back on shelves Heum, on top of the stove for 45 u -....s.,.i's Jewellers. Jfs the o HO minutes if made m one Tekcrome Electric Clock which iarve mould or for 20 to 25 mln- has;Vt been in Rupert since bp-utcs if made in individual moulds, (ore the war. They come in HOTEL ments and we had to make up Uie.deiiciwy by kwdln;?; crtal from our'stoclj piles which are h:vif seriously depleted. In answer lo question . retarding the reduction pf passenger servc? (n a.ieS, where local coal was available, Mr..'. Walton said: "This question, was-give.l careful consideration '4id . thi-roneluioh ws rea;:hf(l that unless train service reductions were spread over a wide area; it would ' PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS istorte. howps-week days, 9 a.m. to 9 p m Sundays and holidays--is noon to 1 pm . :: - 7 pm. to 9 PM c Away Brom Home 'ins Hot and Cold water emergency bicycle fledverj from 7 p.iu. tlU 9 D.m and Sunday Dally car deUvery tervtct ' from 9 iW till PJ There's a whole lifetime of trouble-free service in no-co-booe boot-proof ftps. Soil settlement won't track or break it, freezing or thawing won't affect it. Tapered joints prevent jleaks, keep out Mots, no-co-rode saves you time, work, money, f, ' t Us no ,co-rode root-proof pipe for House-tp-Sewer or House-to Septic Tank Connections, Downspouts, other- underground non pressure uses. Get no-co-rode perforated pipe for Septic Tank leaching beds, foundation footing drains, soil irrigation, field drainage. Both types are backed by a 40 year record of out-Standing service. CALL G51 i PIIILPOTT EUITT & Co. Lid. LUMBER and BUILDERS'. SUPPLIES -!F. "V ' ............ fCE RUPERT, BO. U P.O. Box 196 eas where local is not produced to much greater extent thfrn conr leinplated, adding greatly to the 'hardship involved, or w would MARCPAND OIL HEATERS VORTEX OP, BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Heating Alterations ood Food "imply not. be able to save the number o" tons of coal considered necessary tq protect our po Sition. "Qn the Atlantic region we have reserve stocks of coal which are sqme 130,000 tons lew in stock than was the case a vear ago. We must make some r Tasty Meals -casonable Prices SMITH & ELKINS LTD, SEE BOX 271 PHONB 114 log k Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY attempt to conserve these stock,5 J as much as possible lp qsslst In faking care of the situation as 8 whole. furthevmore, In these areas we are taking all the coal suitable for locomotive Use that we can secure, and have recently i been able to purchase an addl-I tlonal suply from the Dominloi4. Coal Company which will be of PHONE 363 r " CHOW MEIN Si El MAHSON'S JEWELLERS Slock Reducing Sale For Estimates and Supplies :xCafle assh-tanee In taking care of a 1 portion of the central region re-1 I Quirements. ; . i Miichell & Currie Lid, 0pp. Rupert Hotel OTAILTUME Stimulate and Sustains 50 ... NEARLY. ALL , MERCHANDISE, INCLUDED IN THIS SALE n a m. to 3:30 a.m. Mr. Walton pave "absoulte s-1 surance" that the passenger i train service reductions were ep-1 tirely due to the coal situation. ; Builders and Contractors f3 for Outside Orders .,'' , a .