Mar at,,,. Prince Rupert Daflp JT3ctos Monday, April 11, 1949 , 1 u 9 ' Kpm., Ray Reflects . . . , y' w. of s,.." lllL'tlin u. . 'V'-..I ' L, Drama Lives At Hazelton Ad Independent dtl? newspaper oevotec to ue upbuilding of Prince Rupert mO all eommuimies comprising northern and central British ColumDta ... 1 AlltKnlal mm AmmiM I" '1 . Hail On flft.u rvanaormanr fWvam.. ... and Reimuisct'si fur 160 hours. Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally Newt Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION 1 . ; I t'-' r r I i mi 1 - X I . ; ..... t f Keep your new Canadian must be holding seats stamp the one showing John i of responsibility and distinction Cabot's ship when he sailed the j are content to remain south of seas four hundred years ago. t the frontier and .therefore, It might be worth money 75 safe. But earlier, many a n0t- years from now. Four Schools Compete In Festival With Many Pupils Participating Winning Play Coming Here Surprising talent well developed by persevering school teacher directors was depicted at the second Omineca-Skeena School Drama Festival which was held In the Community Hall MEN'S t vZ? 1 able wandered this way and I would unbend to mingle with ' the primitive northerners. Sir Laurentide j wufred himself, with captivat Just north of Park and between Lake St. John ing naivete, loved to salute maidens where It would do the most good. and the headwaters of the Sa-guenay River in Quebec Is a placed called Arvida. Here is what happens when modern at Hazelton last Friday night.1 it was rpnnrtpri hv H S Hurn.l A" director of school and commu 1 i science, vast capital, limitless'1 water power and an assured! market get together and create nity drama for the province, i who passed through the city over the week-end on his way industry. Yesterday, a beautiful -.tins, ah ; SPECIAL M';vs zm S!tl spkS M,:vs i:kss m, All tL.9.v l. back to Victoria after adjudi wilderness. Today, the home of , busy thousands and part of a j BUBSUKItTIUN KATEB Utty Carrier, Per Ween. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Year, 8 00. S$8 A.TtJtr , By Mall, Per Month. 50c; Per Year, 5.00 -afc-' A Premier's Memoirs PRIME MINISTER'S memoirs should be interesting A and enlightening, particularly those of one whose tenure of office was as long as Mr. King's. He will write his story, the formal announcement just iiavkig been made. How many premiers have produced their own story of their careers and public records may be a matter of some uncertainty but all have had their biographers. However, no one can tell of one's self as well as one's self. The King recollections will be unique value as contributions to the history of Canada and none will understand every word that is written better than the Canadian people themselves. The holding of high office can provide material for a readable volume but just how diverting it depends on the writer. Inference, for example, can often serve as well, if not better than bald, outright statements and may make happier impressions. There has been plenty to draw on throughout the days of Macdonald and Laurier, MacKenzie and Tupper, Bowell and Thompson, Borden and Bennett, Meighen and now King. The book will" be awaited with eagerness. -"ill. IV eating in the festival. There were four contesting plays by school pupils of Hazelton, New Hazelton and Burns Lake. The hall was filled and the audience manifested keen appreciation of an excellent program. The win ning play will come to the Music ENGLAKD SET FOR EASTETf FAr..DE All smiley British shoppex Poppie Wlllmot tears up her clothing coupons as she makes her first purchase of clothing following the government's action In removing all restrictions on wearing apparel. The London salesgirl standing behind the counter is evidently also delighted. She will no longer be required to count and save the coupons. M!;nms ttinir whole province feeling the motion and stir of action on a major scale. If Aluminum ever does pick Kitimaat as the best site for the plant they have in mind, this north coast of British Columbia will certainly know it HA. So!i' father. n n r.ll.lL MEN'S OABARUiv, Custui,. madr SPKClvi 5YS' pant, ,, and Drama Festival in Prince i Rupert next month. as Jeanie Hart in "The Last 1 pleasing Job. Oeorge Clszek was , fine line as as the me scarecrow, scarecrow, speaking speaKing ! i Mr. Hum adjudicated the ! Curtain." There has been something trophy winners as follows: Best performance by a boy in , his lines clearly. Patsy Benson ! slowly developing of late about ?w Hiah ?ohnni nmrinfrton la High School production, Jon j was charming as the girl who:George Rorle's whiskered chin. I otlon Wwst, , Well made, frra SPECIAL LADIES' STOIKiS!, assortuifnt. ir()m SPECIAL Ill K X x III , 1 Evans as John WilkM 1100111 )n!,aved the scarecrow from nim" "The The Last Last curtain, Curtain" a a traeic tragic " characteristics of lne ljasl curtain uriam- self. Pleasing s scene incidental to the assassin- ., . . t , D" Best performance H in an E e- this production were the attrac- ation of Abraham Lincoln, pre- . . . i , ih . . . ,h e'hnni 'ment-.ry ' School v production by a.tive setting and fine diction, sented by Hazelton High School., , , n t thor . , mifWn mm i nn in rsmx uirl Patsv Benson In "Sentimen Best Elementary School pro-i f , ' .... ! tal Scarecrow. family farces one "High School , W Best Derf ormance bv a bov in Daze" by Burns Lake High i a m m , - auction, sentimental ocare-) crow," New Hazelton School. an Elementary School Droduc-; School and the other "Billy's Best performance in a High tion. Billv Baker (Hazeltoni in! First Date" by Old Hazelton scnooi pcociuciion, uen niai uu : ..gjj Fjrst Date." i i Elementary School. Both were played with zest and good pace, A special trophy was awarded 1 . I - GOOD BOYS TOO He has, you know, joined the beard growers as a prelude to Klondyke Night. It is not so much the color or thickness or general luxuriance. It's something else. You think to yourself: "Now, where have I seen him before? Who, somehow, somewhere, had that faintly familiar look? This was the maddening part of It. Yesterday cume light. Now we know. All that was needed was a more careworn expression, carelessly brushed hair, a bow indifferently tied and there you had him. Would you believe it, no fewer than four persons have already confided in George that around the chin he reminds them of Old Abe himself. It's not every George can bask In renown like that. V the amusing lines and situations provoking many laughs. Anne Hennes-sy and Victor Wilejto d'd if I I 1 well in the senior play an Ho More Harsh Laxatives! Famous cereal brings lasting relief from constipation Ara harsh laxatives canning you distress and unhappinegs? Then read this unsolicited letter: TOR EVERY DELINQUENT, there are thous-I ands of good juveniles. Have you ever thought of that side of the picture? Boys will get into scrapes, of course ! And some are, undoubtedly, serious. But, when all the hue -and cry dies down, the solemn warniners fade awav. to Harold MacDonald for hia performance as an heraldic announcer. COMMENT O? ADJUDICATOR The adjudicator, Mr. Hurnj'in his remarks following the festival, stressed the importance of choosing good scripts for young performers. Children had a great deal of natural ability Ralph Dupas splendidly upheld his big end in "Billy's First Date." Miss Masich's Hazelton Juniors presented a pleasing and effective musical interlude. "Wedding of the Painted Doll" 1 T , i . . , "About 8 months .dim sau leumniu cuiicernimr me tipxl wnprnrinn ago, I decided to start eating KELLOGG' H ALL-BRAN. which became enhanced when land Darle and Oail Dupas con eluded the Willi a , im--ixvt"r I r program there was a ..really worthwhile sailor song. Premier St. Laurent plans an H. C. Ferguson, school inspec- early visit west, but the coast- I Valued that creative J0D to be done- He llked regular use of this the two winning plays, he said, breakfast cereal because they p r e s e n t e d, the tor from Smithers, opened the , prairie itinerary does not in- is forgotten until next time, the outlook does not seem so dreary. Boys will be boys, naturally !. There should be something said about juveniles. Here's a little example! Jimmy" Riddle, Don Vandenburg and Carl Knight, Indiana youngsters, not long ago spotted a large piece of iron, imbedded in a tie on the Grand Trunk Western, Railway, a subsidiary of the Cana ums maktng my pUpils Vitn such an Opportunity.! festival, expressing h's keen chide Prince Rupert. It's been Vvonunueci oji - a-'-X a mat way ior soiiuj lime now. Jit jMmra-imjriiiL . - '. .. naturally. Con- Both were interesting and occa- Stipation doesn't cir.alW roanHorl .ni.monta nf i "rouble me any more. Believe me, it's ...... .. , , ,. great relief!" P. Leveille, 4465 definite emotional appeal. "The! Hinard Street, Montreal. Last Curtain," the adjudicator! Yea, if i offer fi-om cor.Ktipation " worthy" voij declared was a really due to lack of bulk in the diet, you , may never have to take another choice. All the parte were good harsh laxative again. Simply eat and were played with sincerity .KJdWnkGV'ofBw! dai'y and enthusiasm. The strong end- ALL-BKAN w not a purgative, but ing might have been anU-clim-; a wholesome cereal. Eat an ounce as oti. Karl if- nnt hn fnr'thi ,. m ii ., - . ,,, , W.m . .. will ,0y what v . 1. ,f ool le of tki wa m. ; It rL ! CHIROPMt f i cereai or in munins ior consupa- : r.inn rplipf. Tf nfttT unincr nnp napLuufl SUSLaincu Jon ; performance of - - - n v j,. j you are not completely satisfied, get Jones as Geri Martin. iouble ydur money back as guaranteed on the package, (let delicious ALL-BKAN from your grocer. Made by Kellogg'g of London Ontario. "Sentimental Scarecrow," mak- j ing no harsh demands, was in-i teresting throughout and fthej New Hazelton juniors did a! loltn F. L IliirhfV IK 21-22 Bi-sm'rfc Phone I'.l.l ' W l TION ION A'T 1 NOT1CK OF K.U.K hY NIIKKIKF. IM HSI ANT TO THK l'AK l ApiHiinlmrnl not K 10:30 m to l' P a ti 6 p l:rvivi.s dian National. The iron overlapped the track They were quick to notify the railway and stand by to flag oncoming trains. And so, the alertness of these lads prevented ? wreck. They were the proud guests of the general manager at a turkey luncheon with all the trimmings aboard his private car and to each was presented a United States Savings Bond. The railway appreciated a-valuable service others might never have noticed. ' BEER AND BUTTER "THE 1949-50 BUDGET of the British Chancellor I . of the Exchequer, Sir Stafford Cripps. has turned out to be quite as grim a document as could have been expected. A newspaper summary has described it as sentencing the British pople to another year of hard labor that is, they must produce to the limit and consume at a minimum. Sir Stafford, being a man of no delusions or Utopian dreams, has long purveyed austerity to his people and there is no relief in sight for another year. At that, the Chancellor, even though he be a Laborite, is doing no differently no better or no worse than any. realistic and fact-finding guardian of the budget and the nation's economic weal would probably do. IIAITIIK 114. IN TIIK SI I'llKMK ( H KT OF UUITISII (OI.I MIIIA BETWEEN ELMORE MEREDITH. Administrator of the Kstate of Ralph Dexter Brown, deceased AND CHARLES Z. FREY and SELL! A NORBERG. Executors of the Estate of John Erich Holmgren, deceased (generally known as John Holmgren). Ivar Lundequist. and Jenny Lundberg. NOTICE Is hereby given that by virtue of the Execution Act. Chapter 114. Statutes of British Columbia. 1948. and in obedience to an order of injustice Coady. I shall offer for sale at auction, at the Sheriff s Office. Court House. Prince Rupert, B. C, on the fifth day of May. 1949. at the hour of 2:00 o'cIock In the afternoon, the following described Crown Granted .Mineral Claims, registered In the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, in the name of John Ifblmgren. and not In his true name. rtav. llM-KI-noMS ance afternoon IIOM TERMS OP SALE. CASH. The highest or any bid not necessarily accepted. iWlLW District Estate or Interest No. of Lot Concise description of Property Property in n" I pray the Lord division a va ilal'lf 4066 Cassiar, my soul to keep Choice view ll " Casslar Athos Mineral Claim Porthes Mineral Claim Armes Mineral Claim able pries. MM- 4067 4068 Undivided fifteen forty eighths Interest Undivided fifteen forty eighths interest Undivided fifteen forty eighths Interest Undivided fifteen Cassiar Place your rfsftts' now ftllli Cassiar 4069 D'Artagnon Mineral Claim forty eighths interest Cassiar 4070 Bonanza Mineral Claim Undivided fifteen , - f . ARMSTROk AGENCI"l Whatever our creed or language, we have nil fell the iiunnUe to prav. e may nor-Biiip in various lorniK . . , we niiiy cjll our God by vjriiiim n.iiues . , , hnl, noineliow, mint of us exnrcsH our faith in a Higher Power. W hen our loveil ones are pareil, we give thanks. At limes of ronfiiMon or danger we call for guidance. W hen ron-fronted bf a mighty mountain, or the perfection of a tiny vnowflake, we are awed hj the wonder of life. We teach our children our faith, o that they will not he alone as they fare, the world. Reaction to the budget in the Old Land appears to be one of more marked impatience at the long 707 .Ird W. forty eighths Interest Cassiar 4071 D'Artagnon Minreal Undivided fifteen , Claim tony eighths interest Cassiar 4070 Bonanza Mineral Claim Undivided one third interest In surface rights. Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C. this 25th day of March, 1949. M. M. HTHI'IIUNS, Sheriff It. .il I si-'" - V . :. : 'St.. 1 .1 thought would have been relieved long ere this . 1 .. .. 1 II 1 1 1 M r -.v.ii.. :"'. . i lonowing tne ending ot war. Hut all there is a - '" --f - - - -Aiarii mmmi t " I.'H1 "!!l III JLiJ r'trf i m ::.-a- : 4.- mere cutting ot a penny oil the pint ot beer only to , more than offset it witlrthe increase on such essen T.SA PRINCE Rl FAITH in a family affair! tials oi living such as butter and meat. W00DBU1LT PRODUCTS WE DESIGN, BUILD, REMODEL AND sails n": VAN , hUrtt FAITH in not jimt for holy days. Failh is for every tUy ... at work, at play, in the quiet time the family ban together. Re need faith and never no de.perately ait toilny. The world in filled with voieeii of eonfu-ion. It ii eusy to feel lielpleu and alone. But faith In a Power oiil-iile ourselve ran be a bedrm k of family unity, a shield for family happinens. ) Ormes Drugs Each ThurK at H:15P1 FINISH ALL TYPES OF FURNITURE, STORE FIXTURES, AND BUILT-IN CUP-BOARDS, ETC. V V. I I .11" For Jilt' A return to failh F'ith ... i.m.. can ,ve ""en and ,Vi:i)NESUV Children naturally turn to faith when It ia a daily part of the family life. And when Ihey know the real meaning of faith, ihey will be tolerant ol those who expreKK rieir faith in other ways. The home almoaphrre in far different when a family ttop trying In walk alone, when il ee ill plare in the bigger whenie of thing. It work ti (tether for the thing, it can control and lruU ill God for guidance in problem beyond in control. Such a family ean't help feeling closer logi-llie, more ure nf itself, happier! To keep alive the family's faith culls for a positive plan - just as you plan for your family's male, rial welfare. Hr your family expresses it failh i a maltrr of choice. What is important lo yon is that you i express it S A mesmge from the more than fifty Life Intnruntt Cumit.nii in Caiuulu and their Anenti. Fur He-' , frrM women a broader hap pint it Write TO YOUR- hi tlR view or lif. a nenne of perspei tive. Then Ihey are belter pre- ill ' SPECIFICATIONS SUGGESTIONS SATISFACTION Reserve Your Seats Early For KENNETH SPENCER The Great American Basso Civic Centre, Thursday, April 14 PHONE 81 jj5J pared for the give- PHBJf Hmi-nike of family 11 -I """ nit family united in faith has a PHONE BLUE 951 OR 535 311 Second Avenue or First and McBride Irons and lailiug bond. Lit