8 FRANCOIS LAKE Viintt Uuucrt Daily j;3cujs Monday, April II, 1019 DRAMA LIVES (Continued from Page 2) TODAY and TUESDAY 7 A A. V r mm m 1 I AAUHMY AWARD V IVvJ PEOPLES STORE YOUR HAT CLAIRE TREVOR ' INSPECTOR IS HEARD Married Teachers With Children Held Best-Terrace P.T.A, Meets TERRACE H. Ferguson, school inspector, was the guest speaker at a meeting Thursday night of the Parent - Teacher Association which dealt Vith school topics of special interest to the parents. In his opinion, married school teachers Dupas, Ntuv,a C- f ' n e r, Ann Botham, Betty Conton, Katie Sterritt.'Ann Boys, Bonlta' Martin and Ronnie Gates. Directed by E. R. Palmer, Hazelton Elementary School. "High School Daze" Anne Hennessy, Victor Wilejto, Mary Wile j to, Yvonne Roumleu, Eve-lyne Eckland, David Olson and Wayne Hanson. Directed by V. A. Montaldl, principal Burns Lake High-Eelementary School. "The Last Curtain" J a c k Spooner, Geri Martin, Elsie Gilner, May Moore, Toby Marshall and Jon Evans, Directed by J. L. Burt, principal of Haiclton High-Elementary School. Participants in "The Wedding of the Painted Doll" musical number were Jean Collison, Roger Smith, Neil Sterritt, Linda Collison, M a r o r 1 e Janze, Carol Smith, Judy Marshall, Diane Compton, Gail Dupas, Flora Janze, Billy Compton and Billy Pipe. , John Keefe Jr. attended a forestry conference In Prince Rupert recently. Although the lake looks wet and soggy, trucks and cars have been crossing all week. Parts of the new ferry have been coming day and night to the ferry assembling site near the former C. Hlckey mill. It rained on Sunday night. It was the first since September. Mrs. S. Turner is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Neave. She was postmistress at Evesham, Sask., and has recently retired. She came by plane from Edmonton to Prince George and then by train. "Swede" Carlson of Pasadeina, California, arrived at the Landing on his way to Paradise Lodge. The Grainger boys came down for him in their car. pleasure at brirc present. He-stated his opinion that such activity was a fine medium for developing full, wholesome personality. The Hazelton Drama Festival was organized and directed by the principal of the Hazelton High-Elementary School and the committee of dramateurs consisted of Miss Geri Martin, president; Miss Elsie Gilner, vice-president; Miss Shirley Carson, secretary-treasurer; Katie Sterritt and Danny Gould. The plays and players were: "Sentim e n t a 1 Scarecrow" George Ciszek, Ruth WiHan, Alice Nelson. Helen Ciszek. Herbert Watson. Douelas Benson. Henrv Willan, Beatrice Watson and; Patsy Benson. Director, Mrs. J. L. Burtt, New Hazelton Eele- mentary School. ,. "Billy's First Date" Ralph NEW LOCATION of DeLuxe Delket 733 WASHINGTON IJLOCK J ? , New Phone Numb : 383 PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE t 0 'Bulger'- Will you ?. up a pound Diamonds i a dozen stri: of Pearls?' M-IIl' 7-1 ilk. for EASTER 52.95 - $3.95 - $4.95 FIT FOR A QUEEN . . . PRICED FOR EVERYONE RUPERT. PEOPLES STORE CO-OPERATION IN FIRE FIGHTING TERRACE Speaking of the splendid co-operation between the forestry department and the local volunteer fire brigade. Forest Ranger S. G. Cooper said here last week that it was largely due to their getting the equipment on the scene quickly and putting it to good use that a major disaster was averted when the barn out at Baxter's Mill burned out last summer. The Terrace citizens and those living outside the town benefit- ted greatly by the local brigade : which had some young .ardent firemen and some good modern equipment. The forestry ho. ; drying tower will alwavs he i available to them. j Mr. Cooper was speaking on the occasion of the "Get-! Together" dinner given by the ! Volunteer Fire Brigade in the i Silver Tip dining room last j Tuesday evening. J. II. Smith' was chairman and spoke brief-1 and introduced the other! speakers. ; Mr. Charles Adam, speaking for the village commissioners, said that they had always done their best to supply the equip-' ment asked for and will continue to do so as far as possible. The Firemen's Ball was plan-I red for the night of May 3 and j It will be held in the Civic Cen- tie. To the tic'tet selling com- mi -lee "Curie;'" Casey, Raw-I ley Beecher and John GorOrtn were appointed. Jeff Lamblcy and Don Parmenter were 3D-pointed to the lunch committee for the dance. Classified Ad inng Results' WANTED Empty i 1 Beer Bottles ! CITY TRANSFER W ILL COLLECT THEM AT VOIR DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASn PHONE 950 with children of their own, un derstood the scholars' problems better and made the better teachers. Mr. Ferguson was grateful for the privilege of being able to1 address such a meeting. Mrs Mcintosh, chairman of the meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs. P. Van Stolk, thanked him for speaking. Miss Joyce Leslie, public health nurse, was welcomed by the chairman. Mrs. H. Smith and Mrs. C. Michiel were thanked by Mrs. McLcod for their help and consideration during her recent Illness. Mrs. Mcllroy reported on the progress of arrangements for the tea and sale to be held on; the coming Saturday and Mrs. Campbell reported on the school operatta which is to be held in the Civic Centre on I? 6. In the hope that the high7;C? to Prince Rupert would be open by May 12, contact w ill be made with those having cars for transportation to the coast to' the students taking part in thc forthcoming festival. A film srlp from the new pro. jector was shown and at the conclusion of the business refreshments were served. TERRACE TOPICS Sam Kirkaldy is a patient in the Outpost Hospital and is progressing favorably alter an attack of pneumonia. H. Spencer made a business trip to Prince Rupert on Thursday's train. Pete Lako had the misfortune to cut his hand badly while using a brush knife ai.cl he is now a patient In tht mcjal ho;-pital. Mrs. W. Baker, with her small daughter, Arlcne, arrived from Winnipeg last Thursday nlehc. having spent the past seven months there taking treatments lor a serious ailment. She is much improved in health nov. and expects to be able to mak' her home out here again. Mrs. R. Lockhart returned to her home in Winnipeg on Sat-! urday morning's train atttr spending a few days here as the guest of her brotnef and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker. Mrs. Stcffanson left the hospital on Friday, having spent the week there fcllcw.;.. tin operation. . T. Norton cuv.es returned to the city on Saturday afternoon 's plane after attending the British Columbia Liberal convention in Vancouver. i Z yY&V S M imm- ,t I' A,'..r ii " WORCESTER, Eng., The purchaser of a writing desk at a furniture tale found a savings bank book, dated 1874, in a secret drawer. There vure only two entries, one for 5 ($20) and the other for 8s. The account is now worth 31 Is. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED j : It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) j I Plumbing Troubles? ?S5 & ' JSd BLUE 846 SAANICH Plumbing & Heating ly Commodore Cafe COMPLETELY RENOVATED -I "Better Than Ever" , I ' Best Food and Service in City Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. ?f"'',T!!j!'!!l!'!!P''!iPPi v. I A PICKET FENCE TO MEM) OR A IiOARI) Walk to fix? . . . For Repair or Building Supplies PHONE 3G3 i 1 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors PHONE 3G3 ll','P'"!!T'''"!!,','!T'rr,;;?'m"'"l'H,;'',''"!:-wHMfir'-MH(n)!i'Mii5 1 Prince Rupert Florists Yi 300 3rd Ave. 3ox 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. s OIR STOCK OF BEDROOM SlITES IS COMPLETE. Oriental Walnut Butt Walnut Avodirc Bleached Colonial Maple Birdseye Maple Prices from Sl.iO to S298 " Phone 775 We Deliver 327 3rd Ave. . A , Of course it is ridiculous No one buys Jewellery by the pound ur by the rien. Jewellery is something that mu4 be examined, compared arid selected according to individual taste. WITH THE MXIRV TAX OIT-EVERYT1IIXG IN BILCKUS COSTS LESS Choose what you 'like, when you -like-Quality Is always in style at The future lies at the point of the drill Tie names of Oanodci's new oil fields hcive been heard from coast tt) coast . . . Leduc, Woodbend, Redwater.- They are iields discovered in the greatest search for oil in Canada's history. Already they have (brought benefits to all Canadians; and in ' ihe west where they are turning back the tide of expensive imports tht direct savings are counted in millions. But before the fullest benefits can reach everyone even more oil must be found. - . The successes of the past two years have been possible because there were people willing to go on risking millions in the search in pite oi repeated disappointments. Now, after the barren years that went before, these new fields seem large and they are large! But they are far from enough to make Canada self-sufficient. ' - - i Canada is still dependent on foreign countries for mors than 80 per cent of her oil and so her own resources must be developed. Exploration . must be continued. More and more wells must be drilled so that market 'can be expanded. There is not yet enough oil to justify the big investments that will be needed if all Canadians are to enjoy the fullest benefits of western resources. Pipe lines, for instance, cost a lot to build; but over the years they provide low-cost transportation so necessary to reach out to wider markets. The Edmonton-Regina line planned by Imperial is but a beginning. Further discoveries are the only means of breaking through the distance S barriers that hem prairie oil with transportation costs. The future lies at the point of the drill. WW .... , A- mm HOLLYWOOD cafe Most Up-to-Date Cafe in f$V the City !p OPKN UtOM 11:30 A.M. to 3;30 A.M. We Specialize in Chinese Pishes CnO.P SUEY CHOW J1ELN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE IM . J. Gillis WASHER! D.S.C. R. CP. (Doctor of Surgical Chiropody) 9 VANE SUPER AGfM IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED WITH LIFE TIME ME( !'ANI cuttv VRIN(.EK THOR GIVES YOU MORE Point for Point-Dollar f.r Here's the BIGGEST Washer alue REGISTERED CHIROPODIST - FOOT SPECIALIST of 650 Robson St., Vancouver, B.C. At Hotel Prince Rupert for ONE WEEK ONLY from April 18th to April 23rd. Telephone Hotel Prince Rupert for appointment. K you're interested in fact : ; ; While if is now estimated the known oil in Alberta is rou'jhly pqijnl to our needs for the next five years, actually this oil could not be produced efficiently in less than 20 years. To meet her present oil requiiemen's It has licen eutiinahxj Canada needs reserves oi several biUwn barrels. Imperial's 450 mile pipe line from Edmonton to Rtgina it- exiec!el to be in operation by the end of next year. Cosl is estimated at between $35 and $40 million. It is a step towa.d-i wider irturieui. Bringing yon oil is a big job and a costly one Onlv $150.7 Northern B.C. Power ...cvHIWI Co.! STEWARD PIIONK 210 PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. rf - 1 1 Are you one of those people who look ahead now is a good time to visit Manson's where you have a wtde choice of distinctive gifts of lasting quality. It may be a diamond ring or a baby's braceleta dinner set or a cup and saucer or one of the hundreds of other lovely articles displayed in our store whatever it is you can be sure of satisfaction at Hi "YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELLER r.S. TaT h - I)on't forget ... the Luxury