ill guiiif r 11 If n jtf. . - , , Friday, -July. 8, 1949 5 ' 1 : I , '. ? ;.; , - - 1 BASEBALL I 111 ? 1 t . t. I IT PAYS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH r --- s ., Jt- - , - i- . .1 r i 1 I . J K: - J, ? - - I V i i FINE OLD NAVY RUM Cigarette Tobacco 1 ij j k iff I' r r.' f ;V v J." V ,.K.' Savoys Beat Commercials Comf I'p From Behind Bruce Simundson Breaks Nose League-leading Savoys came from behind in an eighth Inning outburst to score five runs and win over the Commercials 9 to 7 in the City Baseball league last night. It was Pavlikis' three bagger that scored Arney and Miner Simundsou and broke " up the game. ' Dunbar, Bill and Bruce Simundson had scored previously in the eighth to tie the score after trailing the Commercials since the opening frame. The fireworks started when Howdick at third was blinded by the late sun and threw wild to first on f.wo occasions, allowing three runs to score. The Commercials looked like winners up to then, in spite of a double run-down in the third' inning when no Jess than six Savoy players got in on the act. Pavlikis came in from the nut.-' BRIGHT VIRGINIA GENERAL MOTORS SOCCER LINE-UP Line-up for the Oeneral Motors soccer team, which meets : Canadian Legion in 'the North j Star football league competi ft I ... RINGSIDE SEAT Members of the Canadian Medicaj Association at their annual convention in Saskatoon got a close-range view of the first operation ever televised in Canada. The doctors said television brought them closer to an operation than they had ever been except when actually prforming pne. The new medium will Ue of particular value to medical students in hospitals with limited amphitheatre facilities. " , . (C P. Photo) field to make one put-out and I where they ain'r for our clean assist in the other. Windle and!"eles in "ve ti!nes u' Cornwall were put out between I Alex Bil1 struck out nine, home and second after their allowed three bases on balls and team had scored twice in' the nit three batters with pitched inning. balls. - Letourneau struck out The First Avenue Hotelmen' five and 'gave - up three Iree - - . 5 - AIR PASSENGERS C. P. A. To Vancouver L. G. Skinner, Vancouver; .Mrs. o.. Barron, K. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Per due, Robert Russ, Miss I. Burtch, C. Striker, G. Ward, R. Nelson, T. Kaye, T. Wasyk. ; . To Sandspit Mrs. G. Moore, LJ Johnstone. 1 " ' Ftom Vancouver H. Rundle, Mrs. R. Wilkinson, R. Meni hall, J. Gould, J. McLennan, J. A. Falls, Mrs. P. Haan, C. JL Klotz, Mrs. F Schwartz Q. C. A. To Queen Charlotte City George Penney. To Masset E. Unwind Replaced Howdick in 8th " Replaced Linney in 1st. Savoys AB R II PO A B." Simundson, ss 5 Arney, 3b 4 3' A. Simundson, Cf 0! Pavlikjs, c. If .. 1 S. Stherk. rf. 2b Morgan, c' 0 D. Scherk, 2b, ss 2 Dunbar lh 0 Fruiter rf 0 Rill n ' f FLIGHTS TO THE QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAt NOW f ,- Bottled e. Shipped by ,. f-r ALFRED LAMBfcSON L ' J.'--. -. LONDON, ENGLAND t r . This advtrtisement is not published qp i v displayed by ttie Liquor Control Board c, s ... . by the Government of British Columbx BASEBALL SCQ3ES National St. Louis 0, Pittsburgh 2 Chicago C, Cincinnati 7 : Brooklyn 5, Boston 2 Philadelphia 3, New York 11 American Cleveland 8, Chicago 2 New York 6, Philadelphia 2 Boston 8, Washington 3 Detroit 9, St. Louis 2 Pacific Coast Portland 1-1, San Diego 0-6 Sacramento 4, Seatle 1 Oakland 9, Los Angeles 4 San Francisco 3, Hollywood 1 Western Intrenatiunal Victoria 18, Tacoma 2 Wenatchee 7, Salem 0 Spokane 12, Yakima 7 Bremerton 10, Vancouver 2.- DAILY again showed life in the fifth when, with two out, young Ray Spring drove a triple to left field to unload the bases of three runs. Spring also did nice KXCKRT SUNDAY To Mainrt, Justkalla, Cumshrwa, Q.C work handling a long fly ball in handled the base umpiring, the sun from Pavlikis in the I R H p third inning. ' Com. Hot. .. 102 030 0107 8 7 It was bitter medicine for the Savoys 100 100 25x 9 11 3 Commercials to take after1 Commercial -AB R H PO A building up a comfortable 6-2 Guthrie, 2b 5 3 4 3 3 For Information or Reservations (A 3 v f ! f t Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) .. . , FJUDAY P.M. . 4:15 Stuck Quotations and - Interlude 4:30 Footlight Favorites 4:45-rSleepy Time Story Teller 5:00 Melodic Moods 5:30-Don Messcr and His Islanders 8:45 About lown 6:00 Musical Varieties 6:30-Liberal Federal Talk 6:45 Plantation House Partj 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Starlight Moods 8:00 Vancouver Theatre 8:30 Federal Liberal Talk 9:00-T. Shadbolt, Pianist 9:15 Canadian Short Stories 8:30-Beat the Champs ' 18.00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:J5-T.BA. 10:30 The. Curt Massey Show 11:00 Weather and Fish Arrivals 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hit? 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 - BBC News 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 Melodies for Juniors 9:59 T'me Signal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 Continental Serenade 10:30-Concert Favorites 10:45 CBC News and Com'ty 10:55 Weather and Interlude 11:00 Musical Program 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period ll:33-Rec. Int. 11:45 Personal A'bum SATURDAY P.M. 12:00 CBC News 12:03 Saturday Magazine 12.30 -Canadian Open Golf 3:00 Piano Classics 3: 15--CBC News 3:25 'Rec. Int. Queen Charlotte Air Lines ADVERTISK IN THE pAILY NKW3 fUR BfStt Business ami Pro fern You Saw It In The News! ,ime- time. He ,Ie had nad scored scored three three Letourneau. d 4 .. . ' I I MILD, SWEET, MONTREAL i(PLonie Main, 19-year-old Vancouver tennis sky, yesterday won the first game' of the cast-west tournament for the Canadian Lawn Tennis Association championship in defeating pavis Cupper Jim Macken of Montreal 2-6, 6-3, 6-4, 6-3. Steamship IVVovemerm Fcr Vanromn Sunday ss. coquitlam, ' 10 p m. Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:?.() p.m. Thursday ss. rrlnce Rupert, 11:15 p.m. From Vmncout.-r Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 p.m. Wednesday s.s Prince Rupert 10 a.m. Friday ss. Coquitlam, l P m !.Tave. double. Blade that J5c. or J4e raiot. - Salt. Lake Terry Daily Service Except Monday S( IIKOt I KS Tuesday,.. Wednesday a n d Thursday Leave Cow Ray floats, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. (Extra trip Thursday afternoon, 2:30) Saturday Every hour starting at 11 a.m. Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Last boat leaving gait Lake at 10 p.m. Phone OREITN 391 or M.ACK 92C UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS OUR STEEL STOCKS ARE NOW IN GOOD SUPPLY AND WE ARE IN A POSITION TO FILL ORDERS FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS. For Estimates Contact Thorn Sheet Metal LIMITED Phone BLACK 884 253 FIRST AVE. E. OF TASTY MEALS AT THE RexCafte Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW ME IN tion tonight wii; J the following pj(, J. Wilson. M(.r,,. Olsen, Hain-en, Blackmore, P. R. Currie. Simul! si'n. ' Jain r.y he If I City, it- handy: HOME Sf GENERAL CON" riuilUinR ar.dR kind. ROOFS - C! OIL Bl'F. mow. i Black G87 fJ 4 WKLLS af; LIMITS H. S. Whaler. Complete Mr-i Crating TacK BLUE 780 J reauty!1 Permanent t, Beauty Culti'f j Its bran '.m 204 4th Street BYTOWN II . VORI Ai-cnts for SlMf- and CUMMINS Rnlnl RlTViCt ,! andf Runt owners dustrial Engines to our showroom various eiu'jnw v" equipment prs CHARTEKKD h& , VANCOUVER MATTSOl unioLSTf- 818 f Phone Blue 330 second Prince RuPerl DR. r J. CH I)ENT1ST SMlTfl' SUITE 5, . ... TP I- ' -yMffA STARTING '! , 1 fiA'sJl 7 f jSs -W '-' il inn jAIUKUAt. ' iilh'' ' II i f -I i VA. I' j t'f Bruce had a finger brpken fielding a ball in a game at Smithers last year. Ken Guthrie had a good night at the. plate when he "hit theni ' passes. Savoys collected 11 hits, Commercials 9. 1 Mike Montesano called the balls and strikes capafcly while Letourneau and Karasowsky! Vanetta, lb 4 i Cornwall, rf .v 3 Windle, c 4 Howdick, 3b ... .. 4 Boyd, 3b I Linney, If l 0 Ewart, rf 3 1 0 i Spring, If 1 0 i Shier, ss, rf ........ 4 1 5 1 0 3 AVENUE ieaa at one stage. Savoys had their misfortune too when Bruce Simundson was hit in the face on a bad hop of a hard hit ball. He was taken to hospital and a late report stated that his nose is broken. He will likely be out of the line-up for some runs in the game. 507 THIRD MARGARET McLEOI) OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINQ PHONE BLUE m P.O. BOX 1184 FOR YOUR ROCK U CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 839 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed QUALITY' REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels und Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Dox 774 Second Ave. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Bcsner Block Phone 387 KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 Second-Avenue West p;ano technician Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East Dry Kindling Wood 50c Sack Dclleved Scrap Wood Random lengths $10 per load PHONE B & W TRANSFER Green 188 lil ' VBS these . Phone 654 Lr V'l $17,5 kKi .wont ;Wv" 7 IS- I - 7lnXl GOING AT Bki I-AST j i! j fedls&J, i7n long JS$!w t ... w.c. 6,, I.1. "V J f T' ' Tkil idxrtixrx.M It ol publik4 J lOn Pair. f Ifct o BruJi UUbl. I ii -Values $4.00 to $5.00 . Valued at $9.50 to $12.50 T 1 lii. 1 CLEARING AT fl 2RT '- S2'95 $6.95 ... NUMEROUS OTHER BARGAINS ' V 3 ;.!-.- mm, & m . TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 p.m. From the Fast-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:30 p.m. , . ; ijcv&i.. -.... v . . , i.. ,. ; . mH. Becond Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 jn. to 8:30 a.m. phone 173 for Outside Orderi