I A if v r :abs VICTORIA, B.C. QRMES DRUG Daily Deliver) NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 19. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1949 , PRICE FIVE CENTS TT 1 H TT 1 Million Dollar Fire Crippl ;! - t" ( "''if Regina City Transport Service f r r TTfTT T "'If VateWafe t J. in i in' P Innrrw.i j iimX ...rH' 175 PERCENT OF i V SANG HYMNS; THEN HANGED Suite tin J , VEHICLES BURN Investigation Starts As Emergency Measures Are Taken 7 Bank Robber-IVlurderer Executed on Gallows at Kingston KINGSTON, Ont., ft Austin Craft, bank robber and murderer, was hanged today for the REGINA (CP) -Resi ' si , , ' pi iMJU-oreak slaying of a penitentiary messenger, John D. Kennedy, last April 26. dents of Regina walked, PORT MOODY FIRE PORT MOODY Fire swept through a drug store here today and caused damage pegged at between $40,000 and $50,000. The store was owned by L. A. LeSage and was located next the post office which also suffered damage from tire and water. PROFESSORS DISMISSED .SEATTLE Three long-time professors at University of Washington w ere dismissed Saturday by the board of regents in the aftermath of a controversy over asserted present or former membership in the Communist partv. The three are Professor COMING HERE Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister of lands and member oi the legislature for Skeena, will pay a brief visit to Prince Rupert this week. He is arriving Wednesday morning on the steamer Prince Rupert from Victoria and will sail by the same Thursday night on his return to the capital. He has consented to address the ation at a public banquet Wednesday night. Mr. Kenney is recovering from a bad at Refore going to the gallows. rode Army trucks and found other means of transportation to work today in 31 below zero Kennedy sang hymns with a Methodist minister, took com munion in his death cell and repented. Kennedy was serving a 10 weather following a $1,000,000 fire which yesterday destroyed 75 i) ( tJE Ca ny da'c board of transport commissioners Is In the midst of hear- year sentence in Kingston Pen d cons oi granting ranrouus a ouwi in ireigni raies. seven provinces all ex- percent of the city's street cars and buses. City officials have itentiary for robbery of a bank at Hamilton when he broke (1 q i.bcc arc opposed to the increase. Hearing the complicated case, left to h VYarurope, assistant cmei commissioner; tion. Mr. Justice M. B. Archibald, ft: loose. A messenger fell with B. Chase, commissioner (CP Photo) I. incr; II two shots in his bodv as Craft tack of sciatica which partially Incapacitated him. Among other things he is expected to speak on industrial developments in the area including the aluminum project on which he has been active. and a companion fled. Thev were recaptured ' four hours started an investigation into the blaze, one of the most destructive in the history of Western Canada. .Within a few hours the fire burned twelve street cars, seventeen trolly buses., and gasoline buses. The conflagration started after Joseph Butterworth, English"; Professor Ralph Gundlach, psychology, and Professor Herbert J. Phillips, philosophy. SAFE IN HOSPITAL CHURCHILL, Man. Twelve men, -who were aboard a Royal Canadian Air Force mercy flight Dakota plane which was forced down on a Hudson's Bay ice field, were evacuated safely Saturday and later. , THE WEATHER Extremely coid vcaiaer which it in China, Kennedy took all the blame for the shootins. I iiiisiists Faill Hack gripped the province during th week-end is moderating today with distinctly milder conditions In immediate prospect. Gale and snow conditions were spreading this afternoon from an explosion in the storage sec spent the week-end in hospital here recovering HERRING ARE RUNNING NOW ' from frostbite and shock. NEW OIL WELL IS BLOWN IN ! i(T)--Large scale withdrawal of iits from the Shanghai, Nanking and as is reported under way. The forces, i Ail T w rt i n the Queen Charlotte Islands southward. tion of the municipal transportation system's car barn. The roof tumbled in within an hour. Officials said they had not time' to remove any of the vehicles. Most of them were in the barn because it was Sunday. An emergent meeting the city ifiicraiissimo L-niane ftai-sneKs per- Port Edward Plant Gets 210 Tons from Surf Inlet First substantial delivery of Forecast Pririce Rupetfi, Intermittent snow, becoming mixed with rain MAJOR DAVIS DIES NELSON Major Angus Davis, one of British Columbia's best known mining men, is dead here at the age of 70. Before retiring, he had been manager of the Dentonia mine at Greenwood. Twenty or more years ago he -was prominently identified with mining in the Alice Arm and central interior districts. local herring was made to Nel- CLAGARY, CP The rich Red-water oil field northeast Of Edmonton was given another big boost over the week-end as P. S. and P. Red water No. 1 well came in with a flow of 65 barrels per hour. The well is bask 'council was held a few hours son Rrns Fisheries Ltd mant at numlicr thousands and are evacuating between Shanghai and Nanking. They iili full equip-"1 RECOGNIZED tonight and tomorrow. Winds, southeast, 35 miles per hour, decreasing to southeast, 20. Milder tonight. Low, '23; high, 34. Snow closed In .on the Queen Charlotte Islands today and de- later to take steps to provide , port Edward last Wednesday af-jnew transportation service. ItUernoon when the company 1 was decided to rent sixteen Sas- packers West Coast and AUf ord jkatchewan government buses as) Bay brought in a. total rot 200 -fweil - as -Army" vtrlirfiS","-h,o'n3i' The company '? seiuerC B"T r ed one-quarter each by Pacific Petroleums of Calvary, Sua Ray layud air service,, the .daily cr. Oil,-at, aUiiia,:-PrtoCM Petrole-i QUEBEC TEACHER STRIKE IS OFF jiii:to ui ijeij iciuie iJUJll iu v. riiuc Liiu Ildliiuuw vuccji aic Calvan y-ic. ham tn-en i.o iJON, ft A government at Kent Inlet off Surf Inlet, urns oi Calgary and Petroleums of Calgafy. 1 .!! piT'.'i'lS 10 V -W ill Ulc said today that tni had formally ap sou.v? cabinc far as Halifax which it was said might ship trams. J Efforts ftre being made to have I trolley coaches, destined from . Windsor to Vancouver, diverted $1,000, the teachers were seeking minimum of $1300 for women and $1700 for men. The tops were to be $2500 and $3500 Instead of $2000 and $2900. plane irom Vancouver Deing forced back to Port Hardy and the Prince Rupert plane being unable to get to Sandspit. DEATH OF FIRST WORLD WAR ACE f- i intm Jt hiaiiR is si ill ! i s ;u.' P'pni'trd to Regina. proved British recognition of Israel. It is expected that Ir-nial announcement wilt made alon(? with recognition by Australia and New Zealand. France also recognized Lsrael today. Canada has already done so. ! 1 i-u U!C (ippnsnc Princess Royal Island, where the fish were caught. Herring brought into Port Edward this winter will be largely used for the production of meal and oil. Market conditions are not favorable for canned herring. The B.C. Packers also got 100 tons of herring off the west Coast of Princess Royal Island and it was taken to Namu plant. During the week-end several large herring boats were in port for supplies. Surprise Decision to Return To Work Made Today MONTREAL, B Appeal from Quebec parents brought surprise results today when 1800 Roman Catholic French and English-speaking teachers, on strike for higher wages, voted to return to work "unconditionally." Leon Guinon, President of the Franco Catholic Teachers' Alliance which called the walk-out, told the teachers to report today. Several hundred members of the French-speaking alliance voted against the proposal but only . four English-speaking SNOW ENDS COLD SNAP Vancouver and Central Interior Again Feel Wintry Blasts Terrace reported down to zero weather Sunday morning. It was not that chilly in Prince Rupert yet the air had a nip as the official thermometer; recorded a miniinu-n of 17 above between 4 and to a.m. yesterday. :',( River iw.ir ,n r lio sipns I" ! ' i liuUoiml-1 ! .s.U'i that tin1' i.i ii iimviiiK its (') lu;iil (in if i tonus arc acci a!lie." EDMONTON ADMITTED REGINA, Vi Edmonton Eskimos are back in tthe Western Inter-Provincial Rugby Union which yesterday held its annual meeting to clear the decks for CANADIAN LEGION BUILDING PLANS Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Legion is still considering plans for an addition to its present building on Third Avenue or the acquiring of new and more commodious clubroom premises. Inere was a special meeting last week with John II. Harvey, Vancouver architect, on the building plans. CALGARY. (P One of the greatest air aces of the First World War and the father of aviation in the West was mourned today. He was Squadron Leader Fred Robert Gordon MeCall. who was credited with bringing down 37 enemy planes. He died Saturday at thu age of 54 years. He rated as the fourth Cana- BLIZZARDS BLOCK WEST IlCMORTAL SNOWFLAKE Snow-flake patterns are preserved now by a plastic process. At Smirhers 2$ below zero was Weatlu-r today dian ace and helped pioneer punch into the t commercial flying in Western CHICAGO threw another defence of the Grey Cup, won by Calgary Stampeders. Granting of a franchise to Edmonton topped the agenda which also eaw delegates approve the 1919 schedule, the reported and at Prince George 40 belo'v Vancouver had a minimum of 11.7 durhiii the week-end but it was moderating there today am warm Prince Rupert, air proceeded down the coast members were unfavorable. They returned to the work for the "sake of the parents and the children " Result of the vote came as a complete surprise as the proposal to return had been given slight chance of acceptance. ? The IikIo Canada. Once he flew 200 quarts of nitro-glycerine from Montana to Calgary. McCnll was a native of Vernon. , livcsu-k industry of the west-cm United States. It is csti-i mated that, two million sheep and i iit He arc snowbound in the JtiK-ky Mountain area. Heavy .' January storms, which hamper-i ed efforts to get food through, season starting August 20. Winnipeg Blur Bombers and Regina Rounh Riders complete the league. MASSETT DOCTOR STRICKEN; VESSEL MAKES SPEEDY MERCY RUN TO PORT . While seeing a patient off to Prince Rupert on the steamer Coquitlam Saturday night, Dr. J. C. S. Dunn, pioneer physician of Massett, suffered a stroke aboard the ship as it lay at the Massett wharf and had to be rushed himself to the Prince Rupert General Hospital. In tlie emergency, the Coquitlam, com jllna: here said - t""'!), h;id pnirii.ite (,)lP N:i!u-!ii Su-Ui.it rjcpubll- Receiving basic salaries of TODAY'S STOCKS ( (.'oui lei-y S U. Johnston (A. LUt ) tlii'ralen the industry. Transportation Is snarled in i'i ill!1 1 1 1 n- Hi. iiri! Dial til-suo:ccded if. ' !. o opera west- HARTLEY BAY IS GETTING WHARF the western states and trains " ... : r,t manded by Capt. Harry McLean, Toronto Athona Aumaque Beattie Bcvcourt Bobjo a Buffalo Canadian .. are held by blizzards in Western Wyoming. Airports at Kansas City are closed. Eastern Nebraska roads are impassable. Efforts will be made to fly hay 11 im Nevada to Urn Middle West In cargo planes. .14 20 i .60 .20 .14 .18 Peace Talks . Touch and Go Final Efforts Being Mad at Rhodes for Israeli-Egyptian Armistice RHODES, tti Israeli-Egyptian armistice talks, in a final nervous stagf , were resumed today after a brief period In which it was feared the conference had broken up in failure. The resumption, however, may made a speedy "mercy run" in six hours and 45 minutes, reaching here early yesterday morning after facing strong head winds all the way across Hecate Straits. Ambulance was waiting as the ship arrived at 6 a.m. and both Dr. Dunn and the Datient. 1 "f Fngland cstablisli gillie Hartley Bay, historic native village vdown the coast from Prince Rupert, is to- get a new wharf which will be able to accommodate the mooring of craft up to coastal steamship size. Tenders for an 80x40 foot dock Consol. Smelters 117.50 Conwest 1-40 Donalda 60 Eldona 65 East Sullivan 3.20 are being called by the Depart-, L F Minaker, were rushed ment of Indian Affairs. It will i itv i- ihmiiiwiiw'ih S e N f " i ' I ii it I -1 t . '$ - ! ;y, y i I, U J" ,J t - ' " ' i ' h t' J yj L .. into hospital. Dr. Dunn's condition is reported serious while Mrs. Minaker's is good. Dr. Burgess, pnysican from 535 Giant Yellow-knife be of the usual timber construe-: tion with crcosolt'd piling. J It is twenty years or more, .52 be temporary but Acting United Nations Mediator Dr. Ralph Bunchc labored, to avert a OTTERS' FLIGHT DELAYED -HI GAMES OFF TONIGHT by snow conditions with today's flight iver and Prince Rupert, the basketball game be-obo Tiot tei s and Prince Rupert All-Stars, schc-is 'if. The Globe Trotters were coming north ; "" liii' regular flight but the plane was ordered 'My owing to low ceiling at Sandspil making It !"1 Ih-.'fc. 111:111 'an be made tomorrow, there wll be two !,ml " ''ial matinee in the nftoruooii. Evening 'HI and 9:30. God's lake ... Hardrock ....... Harricana Hcva 1 Iosco Jarknife . . r... Joliet Quebec Lake Rowan . .17 .08 z .10',2 .28 .04 .45 .00 i .09 Vancouver Bayonne .' OGV-i Bralorne 8.50 B R. Con -03 B. R. X M Cariboo Quartz 1-36 Congress 05 Hedlcy Mascot '- -47 Pacific Eastern 07 Fend Oreille 6.51) Pioneer 3.20 Premier Border 04 Privateer Reeves McDonald 3.i0 Reno 07 Sheep Creek 1-55 SUbak Premier , Taku River 30 Vananda 38 Vananda 38 Salmon Gold W Spud Valley 03 Vj Oils-Anglo Canadian 4.70 A. P. Con - -O Ttlantic 77 Calmont C. & E , 6.10 Central Leduc 1-40 Home Oil 1275 Okalta 1-35 Pacific Pete 2.85 rrincess 37 Royal Canadian v. 10 South Brazeau 18 Mrreinv 13 since naruey uay, wiucn Quwn charlotte City, chanced than forty years ago had a saw- j b(, at Massett al the timo mill operated by the late Capt. j and came to Prince Rup(?rt with E. C. had wharf. . McCoskrie, a Dl. D(mn as asQ dW M,.s Dunn. It fell into disrepair and gradu- ; M.s Minakcr was acconlpariied ally disappeared. During the in-, b h(,r husband. tervening years since their Dr. Dunn has been a resident-coastal steamers, calling there, Qf Massctt for some tnirty yearSj were met by rowboats and haying arrjved thpre shortly lightered off their shipments as f Wu.ld War j with a party well as passengers and mail. Qf Bl.iUsh setllcrs, Kor SPVeral breakdown over the touchy Ne-gev issue. A spokesman said that Immediate difficulties had been solved but gave no indication that a successful conclusion could be expected. The statement came after seperate conferences with delegations. Lapaska Little Long Lac 95 .15 Lynx ! Maclscn Red Lake 2.65 CRASH VICTIM-FO. John Allan Borrle, 25-year old member of the R. C.A.F. reserve in Vancouver, who was killed when a jet aircraft he was piloting crashed at 600 miles an hour Into a mountain peak near the southern city. . (CP Photo) years he operated a small hospital at Massett but has been in semi-retirement for some time. H .41 1.06 .48 2.33 .57 .38 ear McKcnzie Red Lake McLeod Cockshutt . Moneta Negus Noranda Lmivieoint LOBETROTTERS MCETIBALL Pickle Crow 2.12 .06 Keucourt GEL San Antonio 4.00 HON. E. T. KENNEY Minister of Lands and Forests at (PUBLIC BANQUET Commodore Cafe WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2G, 6:45 P.M. Tickets $1.25 Auspices Prince Rupert Liberal Association (20) LED Tonight LOCAL TIDES Tuesday, January 25, 1949 -High 10:29 20.0- eet 23:58 17.5 feet Low 4:25 10.3 feet 17:29 4.5 feet RED CROSS SOCIETY Annual Meeting in Civic Centre, W ed. Jau. 26. 8 p.m. There must be a representative attendance if Red Cross work is to be carried on. (21) Senator Rouyn 41 !i Shcrrit Gordon 2.40 Steep Rock 1-63 Sturgeon River , 16 li Silver Millro 36 Pd JPur tickets for wtK ANNOUNCEMENT J