Barney Berg flew to. Vaneou-. ver yesterday to imdtivo rr.ii-! c.'il treatment. ! Ontario Fish Killed by Heat MILFORD, Ont Government Prince XXupctt Dafip Jctosi Friday, September 10, 148 'EWERS HALL'S HALL OF FAME "' Ic, RiVef ? ! scientists blame the recent heat Ve-Hit, No-Run Game by Rex Barney for Brooklyn Dodgen NEW YORK, Q Greatest nennant races in Major League Vancouver Girls Softball Champs wave for the deaths of thousand of fish whose bodies were found along the beaches in the Wood-mount section of this town. A check of water samples . in the alcyuh To s KrtVh From Mrs. B VANCOUVER T Vancouver baseball history. were forced to nlav second fiddle last night to ft " SOCCER TUFF... Pacifies took their third of a five on the Catala tonight for Vancouver where she will commence her studies at the University of British Columbia. The MU-es Peggy PuUen and Solveig Mork. who recently entered the Royal Jubilee Hospital at Victoria as nurses in training, were pictured in the Daily Colonist as they arrived with other probationists at the nurses' home. area reveal that fish "suffo Old Kex Barney wno game series Wednesday night 23-year cated," the oxygen content ot nn'v a few short monuis ago with a two to nothing win over Calgary Alexanders to cop the the water being considerably bu- low normal. From as struggling to stay in the ; big time. Barney rapped loudly on the door to pitching greatness when he hurled a no-hit. There are about 10.000 species Western Canada Senior "A" .girls' softball championship. Calgary took the second game in the series to make the final tally three to one. of wasps known to science. foil , no-run game against mc iYork Giants, giving his Brook-! lyn pals a 2 to 0 victory. . A successful football season :s winding up with a promise of even better game than the spectators have already seen. Wednesday evening- game in the first round of the Stuart Shield produced a fast and hard-played match. Both teams were at full strength. Holkestad Is back from holidays and turned tn a good game .The Battery turned SHADES OF YESTERYEAR ! it was the first such game of the 1948 National League and Good Companions the second in the majors this m the final of the Stuart Shield i on Sunday afternoon. They are planning extra practices and with the return of Ebjr arm year. The win advanced the Dod out a r.ew player, Cornwall, a recent arrival from Vancouver. Dawes they hope to be ab'e to field their best team. gers to within 34 games of the K-ague-leadlng Boston Braves Men who try Old Chum stay wim b He impressed the spectators rieht from the start. He hits the Friday evening 'i game brines ball well, places it with judgment and drives hard all the time. Baseball Scores American Leagne New York 4, Boston 9. St. Louis 5-4. Chicago 2-2. Philadelphia at Washington, together the Battery and the! High School in Ue replay ot , the protested Gilhuly Cup game-which the Battery won but which I for keeps! For Old Chum has character oil its own . ; ; distinctive aroma ; i t fresh, coot, long-lasting flavour. Boy a package of Old Chum today! Tjie Tobacco of Quality the Association protect commit Those who saw ' postponed, rain. tee threw out High School turned out their best team of the season though they are still weak in the inside left position. The return of "Monk" Sunberg has adde.l strength to the defence. Sunberg stops for nothing, tackling with great determination and showing surprisingly deceptive moves in making occasional runs. Wednesday evening's game will not miss this one. The students feel that their team will do much better. It was the first time that several of the team had played together for two months so they feel sure that they will do a belter job now that they have got acquainted with each other again. Detroit 2, Cleveland 3 ill innings . National League Pittsburgh , Cincinnati 1. Boston at Philadelphia, postponed, rain. Brooklyn 2, New York 0. Chicago 0.-St. Louis 4. Western International League Bremerton 9, Vancouver 3. Spokane 5, Tacoma 4. Wenatchee 9, Salem 7. Yakima 5-5, Victoria 1-6. Pacific Coast League Sacramento 6. Oakland 8. San Francisco 7, Seattle 3. San Diego 6, Hollywood 2. Los Angeles 13. Portland 5. Reader and classified advertisers are requested to submit their copy to the office. Telephoned advertisements often lead to mistakes against which the Daily News cannot guarantee. Sport Shots Only a memory of ir age is the Wooden 1, painted countenanct cifiar storei of i bj,J Th return of the native lads, Adams. Mercer and McKay, has also added strength. These lads are clever and fast with a good deal of football "know how." Their presence helps to make up for the Currie brothers who are out of town. constant remindfr of owe the Nobl Jedstj, duced our forefather, The winners ol the Mobley Cup have not been decided either. There is a postponed game between the Canadian Legion and the Battery to determine the league winners. Actually the only team to have already won a football trophy this year is the Battery which captured the Dominion Day Cup. But if the Battery wing Friday evening's game they have the Gilhuly Cup. three mile record by covering the distance in 13 minutes, 35.4 seconds at Stockholm six years ago. It was Hagg's eighth record breaking race in 74 days. He was later barred from amateur lights of Tbe fragrant TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! Chicago lived up to its "Windy City" nickname nine years ago when gusty blasts foin the prairies stymied all attempts at sub-Dar scoring in final practice rounds for the United States Golf Association 43rd championship, finally won by Marvin (Budi Ward. In the practice round, Phil Farley of Toronto and Bruce McCormick of Pasadena, Cal.; each had par "K's. Today, asiBriu"f,rJ The Canadian Legion footballers viewed Wednesday evening's game with keen interest They will meet the winners in Beer Is brewed affi, the continent'! nwsf I . . t r I'ius me lamina a Harry Wills, giant New York Negro heavyweight boxer, gained a unanimous 12-round decision over Louis Firpo, Argentine If they win Sunday afternoon's game they win the Stuart Shield. If they win the remaining fix- '1 Tulameen -a nmcV.1 'www, the brew master iirt' ' I scrapper at Jersey City 24 years "Sweden's Gunder Hagg clip-' ago. Wills never got a chance ped 15 seconds off the world at Jack Dempsey's crown. i ture with the Canadian Legion in the Mobley Cup the Battery would have made a clean sweep. i That would be an enviable rec NOTICE! We are taking orders for TUXEDOS again. Made-to-Measure or tailored in our shop. LING TAILOR ord. But supporters of the other teams will be the first to say: WHEN SORE MUSCLES $g0 f y--:y "They have got to show us." j well, mat is wuat tiie gaiieiy is out to do. There is only one way to prove it win the games. rub in Minard'i and rela s the soothing coolness gives you quick ease and comfort. Use it for sprains, muscular stiffness, neural CPEin RJCDEETKDRI gia and lumnaeo. Greascless, quick dry- JPJff AS no strong odor.' - log. Larg economical tixt 65c (sonsnDl PELIVEREO rRCKI mmm UJJlHi.ll UULtlLKi FOOTBALL'S BIG SHOTS (Only League and Cup Games included) Pat Wilson (Hi School) 13 goals Nick Pavlikis (Battery; 11 goals D. Christlson (Legion) 7 goals Parkhouse i Battery) .... 6 goals IRON FIREMAN 654 STOKIRS GET 30 MORI NIAf ?5c Per Dozen Paid Fbr Empties TERRACE r Riser PRINCETON BREWING C O , . LTD. ThU kdvirttMmnt In not published or SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 274 liBplayw by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government at British Columbia. Ihn advertisement is not published or displayed by the be .0' Ci" or by the Government of British Columbia. BOWLING SCHEDULE . BUSINESS AND PR0FES IN TERRACE . . . A Modern Department Store Nationally-known line in Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . , plus a new Self-Serve Food Section with a Free Delivery Service. RO AT WORKS :R0CKW A. P. CRAWLEY GREEN 391 Designing Repairs Fine Workmanship Estimate Agents for Kermath Marine Engines THE SKEENA MERCANTILE Time Tbl for Ladies League Announced Schedule for first third of the Ladies' "B" Bowling League is announced as follows: September 14 Big Sisters vs. Toilers,. BroWnwoods; vac Bel-monts, Rosa L$ es vs. Miller Bay, Boosters, vjs. Stars,' Busy Bees vs. Cosmos. September 21 Rosa Lees vs. Belmonts, Miller Bay vs. Busy Bees, Cosmos vs. Boosters, Big Sisters vs. Stars, Toilers vs. Brownwoods. September 28 Rosa Lees vs. Brownwoods, Miller Bay vs. Cfr 11 li New, H' MARGA or IN THE Seabee Amphibian Plane y Non-Schedu'e Charter Service PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East How do you like our Service? We hope you like the way we do business. We are doing our best to give you good satisfaction. We try to keep posted on the values shown In other cities and keep our prices as near as possible the same. We try to keep the best possible merchandise. We try to do your repairing and engraving as quickly and as well as it can be done. We try to be the earliest with the latest. N one is perfect and we try to right any mistakes we happen to run into. , We try to deserve your business. Something from Bulgers is always something special. g ID' Commercial Hunting Fishing Sightseeing Two sailings per treek fit VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 10 p.m. , FOR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS i.s. Coquitlam, Aug. 10, 21 11 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER n ..... , i ........ . h . ROOM Boosters, Toilers vs. Stars, Busy Bees vs. Belmont, Cosmos vs. SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. 1 PHONES " Terrace; W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney Ltd., 35 Big Sisters. October p Tollers vs. Cosmos, (Busy Bees vs. Rosa Lees, Big DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 Prince Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel, 466 i Sisters vs. Belmont, Boosters vs. .1 tlllllic VUUClli XlKCUIl 1 Third Ave. Phono 568 Brownwoods Miller Bay vs. Stars. October 12 Big Sisters vs. Miller Bay, Boosters , vs. Belmont, Brownwoods vs. Busy Bees, Rosa LeeS vs. Toilers, Stars JOHN F. L, HUGHES Chiropractor 21-22 BESNEK BLOCK P.O Box 894 phone Blue 2 . I ' v' vs. Cosmos. October 19 Busy Bees vs. Stars, Tollers vs. Miller Bay, FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . , . , See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Bnlck Che?. Tracks Pontlae Ol&smobile G.M.C. Trucks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, aC. Belmont vs. Cosmos, Boosters vs. Rosa Lees, Big Sisters vs. Brownwoods. GEORGE L. ROME Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled-Besner Block Phone 387 October 26 Miller Bay vs. Cosmos, Brownwoods vs. Stars, Boosters vs. Busy Bees, JBig Sisters vs. Rosa , Lees, Toilers vs. Belmont. ROOfS, & RUPERT. MARINE REALTY - Roofing Repairs - PRINCE RUPERT" BOTTLE COLLECTOR PHONE BLUE 810 Black, 8,1 Fibrelastic Paint Fibreoid Cement Ready Roofing Tarred Sheathing November 2 Busy Bees vs. Big Sisters, Boosters vs. Tollers, Rosa Lees vs. Stars, Cosmos vs. Brownwoods, Belmont vs. Miller Bay. November 9 Toilers vs. Busy Bees, Big Sisters vs. Boosters, Miller Bay vs. Brownwoods, Belmont vs. Stars, Ro6a Lees vs. Cosmos. (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY Something to Sing About He has .lust discovered ALPHA, the Air Conditioning Unit that sells for as low as $94. He'i hot at the mike but he could use an ALPHA to save fuel and train comfort at home. Thorn Sheet Metal Limited 253 East First Ave. BLACK 881 Stops Leaks Serving the Fisheries Industry Well. (P.R.) Ltd. FOR QUICK SALES OU CHARTERS THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 151 Cartage, Labelling, Weight RT.TTTT. 7R0 BLUE 98 Bo! uust East of Llpsett'i, Waterfront) Phone Green 97S Box Ml Advertise in the Dally Newj! '