Prince Hupert Da.Ip Jftcto Friday, September 10, 1948 Local News It ems Soccer tonight. RookpipH I m urut,.t t...d 0H nonrp HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY I ni, v 1 v I w Aviinrnc vviusv UUc tv - Chef Writes Menu For Food Parcels Will Aid Europeans in Making Best Use of Food , NEW YORK 0 Because the semi-starved people of Europe do not make the best use of food parcels, a famous Fifth Avenue chef has devised a seven-day i.v. OillUTV VR Hirrh CU... i P.-T. EXECUTIVE IS IN SESSION Borden Street Association Plans General Meeting At the first executive meeting of t he Borden Street Parent Teacher Association for the school year now starting plans were made for the regular monthly meeting to be held (Oilhuly Cup replay), 6:30 p.m. every Saturday night, 8:30. (Hi Trustee Mrs. E. W. Becker Listen to Station CFPR 7:30 this evenine whpn v brought to the attention of the Q. How can' I avoid accidents caused by a stepladder slipping on wet floors.? A. Find an old worn out rubber overshoe, cut out a lew small rectangular pieces to fit Pii.rdiie win speak on mat- school board Wednesday night leidung to the recent Lib- the desirability of having nec- menu to be Included in parceb ...... uu.cuuuii ai uuawa. (231) being sent to Germany. the bottoms of the stepladder legs, and tack or glue a piece German-born Herman Edol, after two weeks' research, drew Clearance on dresses, values while they last. Stylewear. Good Sta.-'s (213) to the bottom of each leg. Q. What can I do to food that up a menu which uses the con essary surveys of the sites for new .schools made soon. The matter will receive attention. Another travelling rug show at Gordon & Anderson's, Sept. 16 to Sept 21, All rugs shown are offered for sale. Easy terms easily arranged; (216 tents of one food package sup has become too salty? ,m) FINISH UMBER, PLYWOOD, next Wednesday. The meeting will take the form of a social 'get-acquainted' gathering. A special invitation is being extendend to parents of beginners and children recently arrived in the city. A reT ception committee will be on hand to see that all new mem jjjjOAKD. SHIoi.r.s eic. II A. Place a wet cloth over the top of the vessel in which the food is cooking and the steam will draw the salt into the cloth. Miss Carol Grey, who has been upending the past few days visiting here with her grandmother, Mrs. E. T. Applewhaite, will leave tomorrow for Bums Lake for a brief visit before re fairly complete ,b are now plemented by the frugal European rations. The type of food package he used is being sent to Germany by Save a Friend in Europe, the food parcel concern representing non-profit Swiss charity organization, Caritas.' ROTARY MALE CHORUS An invitation is extended to all IT & McCAFFERY LTD. bers are welcomed and introduced to the members of the men Interested in chorus sing turning w Vancouver. She is Q. How can I remove castor oil stains from washabe fabrics? A. Try dipping the goods in alcohol before laundering. ing, to attend a meeting which teaching staff. Memberslijps SAFE food parcels are bought be accepted and new mem and naekeri in Dpnmark nnrl bers enrolled. will be held at 'the Civic Centre, Friday evening, Sept. 10, at 8:00 p.m., to discuss plans for the of, ANNOUNCING A NEW SERVICE Made-to-Measure Trousers Made to your individual measurement, any style you wish. Gabardines, Covert Cloths, Worsteds and Tweeds. A beautiful range of colors and patterns t o choose from. today for flown Into Germany. At present' it Is hoped that parents of food depots are set up in Paris, the beginners will make a spe accompanied by her friend, Miss Colleen Hedland, also of Vancouver. Correspondence,- largely of a routine nature, was among the business disposed of Wednesday night at the regular monthly meeting of the board of Advertise in tne uany News! winter program. (213 cial effort to be present so that John A. Clarke of Nelson Bros. Arm dis- .aess. Ads get GERMAN LAD HAS "VERY FEW FOOD" MARGATE, Kent..Eng., f A 17-year-old German youth describing himit'lf as a clerk in Leipzig Town Hall since 1947, has asked Mayor W. J. Perkins to find him British pen pals. "We become very poor l:i London and certain cities in Austria but it is hoped to extend the service to European countries. These packages take no longer to deliver than ordinary airmail. Fisherines Ltd., after a brief visit here and at Port Edward on company business, left by today's plane on "his return to they may meet the teachers and be made familiar with school objectives and methods. It is felt that the best guarantee that the children will get school trustees. The chairman oi ine board. Dr. R. G. Large presided and those present were ! Vancouver. the most out of their years at The food cartons contain 24 Don't Worry YOUR kitchen WHEN faucet leaks fit to drive you mad or your oil NG.' school lies in the close co pounds, providing 45,000 calories. B Brown and W J.Scott; Sec-i. s t 8- Men., Bowllng operation between parents and ; fall-s ixrwy raia. m. m noper, in- , c.mur o Mixed 'T'BowUni League, September 10, Germany," he wrote. "We have teachers and it is with the idea of making this a success that this first meeting is planned. "Although everything seems to die a little during the summer months, there has been no letdown in the food parcels Ameri stove begins to act like an at Rex Bowling Alleys, 8 p.m. (213) Indian smoke signal, don't worry ... cans have been sending," said Grand Newton Randolph, international Executives of t he Trunk Western Railway, after Present at the meeting were Mrs. A. J. Dominato, Mrs. S. J. Anderson, Mrs. W. J. Lineham, Mrs H. E. Amos, Mrs. Wm. Mc-Leod, Mrs. C. Strand, J. S. Wilson and S.l A. Cheeseman. director of SAFE. "We expect a W. H. 8hortridge, building consultant. Stewart Public Utilities Ltd. NOTICE The Annual General Meeting of t he above will be held in the Registered Office of the Com Call BLUE 816 NSTALMSG new plumbing, (0 having made the round trip to Air... I... .1 i n xlm. fvrm thD fall and not the simplest things and very few food. Trie little, children pet no milk or butter and become' very ill. j "The people get cross to one another because they are hungry. Conditions are bad all the I way round. It is very ter- ! rlble ..." The mayor offered the Ger- ; man's name and address to any one wishing to write to him. winter." repairing the old, installing new oil burners or fixing Founded Offshoot Of Salvation Army steamer Prince George here Wednesday night and proceeded East by special car "attached to the regular evening train. They used the luxury car "Pacific" which had been brought out the old, are specialties with us. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Jefferics pany om st. Biewan at 3 p.m. Wednesday Sept. 15th. A. Russ-wurm, Secretary. (213) returned to the city this week by air from a trip to Vancou GREAT NECK. N.Y. Mis. FROM PRICES Maud Ballington Booth, at the ver. especially from Montreal to aC' nnri.v'aee of 82, died here late last commodate them. The SUPPORT FOR NAVY SOUGHT consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Har- montn. bne was co-iounaer oi old Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. S. the Volunteers of America, after A. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. a rift in the Salvation Army's In tour "ToTr 1 Saanich Piumbin3 'CHICKEN IN ! . and ! THE ROUGH I 4. ' ; INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT VANCOUVER it The Sea Island airport here has taken on new international signifi ililntium Morley, Mr. and Mrs. Bonbright, Booth family, half a century ago. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. E. McAllister She and her husband, a son of The essentially of trained men in the armed nedimy L,UJ4i;itWM.TN. cance with trans-Pacific routes the founder of the SalvaTion . ,,, l..,,,.r.1jm1,.,r,.,,. . operating from here. City coun Army, General Wm. Booth, or ill minn iT-TrrlT:i lu I I.'.. ,,..11. Itlno Rift 11 ITT. ,,rm;,"Tk f no i, :j and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Campbell. William Connolly, general passenger agent, Canadian' Nation Railways, Winnipeg, accompanied the group. ril has renamed the airbase ganize dthe Volunteers of Amer-1 i,ivn, iiiwrj i " jfe-rrit.'tr DINING ROOM ica. a religious and charitable! i it Ctr.ire "VancouiJ'r International Air port" reserves in view of present-day! conditions as well as the fulfilment of community obligations to the nation were emphasized by Lt. Cdr. Thomas A Johnstone of H.M.C.S. Chatham as he spoke before the Prince relief group. Hotel. . A rnais Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Boswell. Smithers; P. A. Meuse, Half y' l-'-.L Moon Bay: Mr. and Mrs. W. Mossev, Detroit; Lyson Arsen, Rupert Rotary Club yesterday In appealing for moral support i of a recruiting drive for the I local naval division which is be- j ing Instituted. He sought the, co-operation of Rotariansj through their sphere of -influence in encouraging young men to become actively Interested in the naval service. Another speaker at the Rotary luncheon yesterday was John A. Clarke, executive of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd., who expressed the opinion that Prince Rupert people were not display-1 lng the active Interest in the fishing industry that its econ-j omic importance in relation to Vancouver; Stanley Jaminsky Montreal; T. Hartz, Saskatoon; . n ii.ii : TAPIOCA Hi PUDDING I f t m jUk)A 01 " An .U.otive Chinchilla KrjCtw Carriage Cover will add to his comfort when he is wheeling j . j. down the avenue in his buggy. A r,tr4or nnps 1 tA 8. G. Nay lor, Vancouver; Jacob Skog. Vanderhoof; Frank Cal- der. Namu; George Dol.sen, A L. McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Goss- kins, Vancouver; J. H. Gaily and children, Telkwa; Mr. Rob-son, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Rose, Seattle; H. Singleton, T. Jarvis, E. A. Clarke, Vancouver. the community justified. There. fTT'S Blue! " uhlt linen . . , "eU unci clothes was a tendency, he felt, to overlook the fisheries in emphasizing interest in other less concrete industrial projects. President D. C. Stevenson "11)9 when vou TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! twl it' easy . . . ' two of Reckitl's V'Kir final muting "the truk: I net 1 Wue Rinse t . -. . . . At liilrf II F" I N if r7 ric-ir a run u mHiLCil i . .,. . was in the chair and guests at the luncheon, in addition to the speakers. Included Lt. John Quinn, staff officer of H. M. C. S. Chatham. "r crystal ,nd j "kit um)! .nnvicrr wn, - w uabaraine MacKs. MoorefG fT 206 6th Street. . : A 5 idi milk . . . mix wH I , I "wriraarta,. In m tit lh,Hli,t. ' " ,ad,4 M f" in, Here' one of jour family's top desert favorites, now in convenient ready-mixed form. A delicious vanilla-creaui pudding with tender, transparent granules of tapioca -so tiresome soaking and easy to make. o long, cooking, no sugar or eggs or flavoring needed. Just add milk and cook briefly. Results r-wouderful always. Made by makers of fam- Announcements All iKlvMlinemein m tu column will b rhurgrd for k full montn t as centa word Prince Rupert VUnM QBOSfDOQIl i. I v ... stir whil bringing h bil. f1' J Coo', stirring onf atfr 15 it iS or 20 minutM. Thn chill. i , Jcll-O. Ask your grocer for Jell-U I apioca 300 3rd Ave. Box 51C ftL TTT Flowers For Ail Pudding tomorrow ! Job's Daughters Fashion Show and Entertainment, September 17, at 8 p.m.. Civic Centre. Boy Scouts and Cubs W.A Bazaar, Sat., Sept. 18, Conrad Street School Basement. Cambrai Chapter I.O.D.E. Tea V Daliciom) wiHi whipped crom anil .Ornish of ansrod choco- JEU-0 i WRATIIALL'S . PHOTO FINISHING Developing Printing Enlarging. QUICK SERVICES Amateur and 4 TAPIOCA PUDDING loM. Dlitou ploin. Oolmout with ruil or a tavoritt soocov joll.O It frodo-monV ownod by General foods, limited O O O O 9 H 48 Professional Su Ormes Drugs e o o p o e o O O 0 Fashion Show, September 23. Dance every Saturday night. Oddfellows' Hall 233) Presbyterian Tea September 30th, Mrs. 3. McL eod, 833 Borden Street. Catholic Bazaar, October 6 and 1 NEW ROYAL CRIPTION CHEMISTS A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy Hollywood Cafe ' Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe in Prince Rupert . open from 5:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. f R&- WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO B P.M. ND HOLIDAYS -12 NOON TO 2 P.M., 1 7 P.M. TO 0 P.M. Moose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Evening entertainment. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, HOTEL A Home Away From Horn 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water ? PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone Ml P.O. Boi 1B October 20. SEE THE WONDER MOP at our store. It washes, drys and wrings without need of placing your hands in water and, no need for bending. Phone 775 327 Third Ave. We specialize In Chinese Dishes and Sonia Fall Sons of Norway Bazaar Oct. 22. ry '"vice I1 P.m. Emergency bicycle deliver; from 1 p.m. till p.m. and Sunday FOR outside orders Phone 133 CHOW MIEN Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, CHOP 6UEY C November 10. I PHONE 81 Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 18. Salvation Army Home League SAVOY Sale. Nov. 23. 2:30 p.m., Nnrwav Hall. , . ri,,lpr. I.O.D.E. Sale ! 1 JUST ARRIVED HOTEL GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS II IK mm. ' -r' 1, Repairs Construction Alteration Floor Sanding a Specialty uaniuitti vi'.K November 25th. nranap Ladies' Bazaar JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd, Third Areuut raint your rooms. ' Use them the same day. One coat of IMI "Fresconette" covers wallpaper, plaster and kalso-mine with a washable satin finish. Cor. MeBride and Third Ave. PRINCF Rl'PERT, B.C. De- MENT M OOLD SEAL KttOS AND Js ni,(K oi'U STOCK OF MOIRE I UlI) UNOLEUM, UY THE YARD. N W i Pallcrns in Tabic Oilcloth. s-."e cember 1st. United Church Bazaar, December 2. of Norway CCF Bazaar, Sons Hull neenmber 4. . , Carl Zarelli, Prop, rhon 17 r.e. bo m FRASEK STREET Prince Rupert P.O. Dox 721 Phone RED 561 I Write De- DROP IN 251 3rd West Box 11 27 St, Peter's Fall Bazaar, cember 9.