talk of young Liberal "rebels." "They were ho rebels, God bless 'em," declared the delegate, "they were reai Liberals. It may be dlf flctilt for some people to understand a party In which Canadlan Northern to Vancouver. He pledged his support to tha Liberal party if it would be Liberal. In the chair at the meeting LIBERAL PARTY 'Continued irom Page One) protection of the consumers. Mr. Applewhalte perceived a bit of 'history in the making In the incident at the convention when the rtpiesentatives of t.m. I at IT PA YS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH I a member can argue his own was J. D. McRae, president ot r " h,rtlin. mlnlitd etiarW Bbo. Birth Hollow: Ltattf 'Situ Notice Punaral Notice Marrlag. the Prince Rupert Liberal Association. There was a good-sized and receptive audience. a 5 lo advahc. PleaM refrain from telephoning. IffZ-- ' ID 33) rwiounuiana, Mi. Smallwoiif. and Mr. Brauley. had been Introduced. Here, in the flesh and working at their mission, wen-two modern "Fathers of Cor- Correspondence coming before the meeting dealt with such point of view with the courage of his convictions, let the chips fall where they may, but that Is the Liberal party." No party Social Credit, C.C.F. or Conservative was in the position to conduct the affairs of this Dominion with the unity -TTwA- rOR KENT Sleeping rooms. B01 matters as the party's campaign iecierauon." " Prince Rupert Borden Street. Uf t ( t have amendement ef the Jones IS) Cigarette Tobacco Act to remove discrimination i Thurtiuaj. . 1 "P1 M.r I FOR RENT Flat In Rand Block. The dramatic incident of Prime Minister Mackenzie Kind's farewell as leader of the party against Alaska and Prince Ru Apply Max Heilbroner, Jeweler. (tf) M) and representation of which th;; Liberal party was capable," declared Mr. ADDlewhaite. "Here was described bv Mr . Arm-- " II pert, provincial aid for arteriul highways through municipalities, establishment of a major lighthouse and full aids to naviga wnaiie. The ereat ovaiidn ii. J piece FOR RENT One Bleeping room. WjfOOIl MUD. SWfBT, BRIGHT VIRGINIA was accorded left no doubt of ls the party wlth wnlch we can is crusade for freedom of speech, 656 7th Ave. East, phone ReJ 471. (tf) the genuine respect and affec tion on Bonlila island to aid Hilt. lite an1 stool , or call at tion In which "The Old Chief. freedom of religion, the maintenance of the right ahd prlvl- shipping entering Hecate Strai's was held. I fast. from the south in approaching prfnw Rupert Dailp rectos Friday, September 10, 1948 MEW HIGHWAY tu..,c ... . lpes of human rtianlfv. Are Hi FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, newly decorated. Men pre. ferred. 623 3rd Ave. Above the port of Prince Rupert and 2-ton ..!.-. ivclc many reasons wny - Mr. St. Laurent was electe l the9e not wortn ftShtmS for- the setting up of an authority OB TaXl. (215) SUP'T HERE dth Hat opck. Stt. '215) leaner out the outstanding reu- -And which we have a duty to govern coastal shipping rates Claim Negro Seamen son Mr.. Applewhalte snw vh'i.- u.i... n ..ihio.i The meeting passed a resoln tion condemning the Influx t Negro seamen into fhe i me: FOR RENT Four room fur Smuggled Into U.K. R. H. Hankey, who succeeds house, or lor larne F. B. Shannon as superintend similar to that exercised ovr railway and highway transport. J. Q. Steen suggested the desirability of the formation of a women's Liberal organization, a nished house. Apply 2161 Seal Cove Circle, or Phone Blue 461. (213) chant navy, and asking that tl , LONDON (!' A mysterious or- mmolete batn- - ift IMglltri mull iiktic H"". v.v.. because, beyond question, he loyalty. In tarrying ot that was the best qualified man in dulyi we can do no- better than Canada to hold the office of support and work for the party Prime Minister. A contributory the wnose principles are right, iactor was, no doubt, his eXper.- grandest and most powerful ent of the Highway Construction ganization in Aden was accused government take steps to chet jition on cement "abuses now current." of smuggling Negro seamen Into , piastered ana ucgestion which will receive the Company operations in Prince Rupert, has arrived in the city accompanied by his wife and dd1v Robert , FOR KENT nice, clean Park Ave. consideration of the executive. enee and capacity In txtenial Dttrtv ln Canada." - Cabin, furnisheo. and warm. 1112 Phone Green 224. (211 1 Britain by a delegate to - tlv: annual meeting of the National Union of Seamen. , (215) affairs COMPLAINANT A 'SISSY" BRANTFORD, Oftt., i ;..r. ritfuriywA th ll children. . MR. NICKERSON ALSO HEARD ;l! llr.oleum ni h J. Ockleton, district secretary Mr Hankev drove UP With SO SELFISHNESS BIT GREATEST .S0 s . . . . . p .i t . - r, $10 and i , . ,, local niagiatiatc ul.,.--- of the northeast coast section to Qf fl mm wh went L t ii I ,nA the ha mon 11 who nil . . O. W. Nickerson also gave d FOR RENT Comfortable anu neatly furnished bedroom with fine harbor view, suitable for Mcrcle, new eon- ' IS HONORED AT FRANCOIS LAKE FRANCOIS LAKE The Partington home was filled on doctor after getting Diacn ey of the union .said men, often could speak no English, of the convention, Mr. Apple- brief extempore report ori the Scot AlwatT In a fioht as "Sl-SSV-llke. Business woman or schorl whaile declared, was that never convention. At the outset he of $100. Spanlsil were flown into England, where mnn nlpndintr cuiltv to commoi his family from Boston Bar where he had been ln charge of company works at that point. It ls the first time he has been irt this area since he worked for the Carter-Halls construction company at the Terrace airoort in 1943. Mrs. .Hankey, teacher. Across from Borden I throughout the proceedings had spoke of the hard work of Mr. t0 1 assault was aiven euspeiUiu Camp bed and I Phone Blue they gave "a big rake-off agents who found them Ftreet Brnooi. wiay dp see:i me vuite ui seiusiiness Deeu Appiewnaite. ii was n l003 sentence and the. marristrati ; (213) Friday evening when Mrs. Partington entertained in honor of Betty Munro who left on Saturday morning for her home aboard British ships. at 895 Borde:j (tf! after 5:30 p.m Street. raised. The whole spirit of the dication of the work which Ire convention had been to achieve might be expected to do if he the greatest good lor the great-' was elected member. ruled that the doctor's bill' wa the responsibility of the com- plainant. . ,T,iture. Contents White seamen were often dis placed ,he said. in winninee. She had been est. niimher. Hwe lin effm-r. n...nnrntu nvinntnlps Vn1 house including FOR RENT 6 room apartment, nrw nil heater, 209 5th' Ave. West. Apply stavine with the Neave family at the Landing for the summer. after a Brief visit in the city, left Tuesday on the Camosun accompanied Tfy the children who will attend school in Vancouver this term. Work at Denise Arm ls pro iilo. double bc'l Prince Rupert Realty Co. After games, refreshments were - ... . 1 1 inv. i akiv ji - - - to set class against class, section been maintained at the enthu-against section, but a genulm siastie Ottawa convention, Mr. and concerted effort to bring Nickerson said. There was a the power of the whole into pla marked difference between that l Phone Keel (U) it 1955 5th Ave. served by the members of the Women's Institute of which WANTED (216) ior me oei ein oi an. univir- convention and one he naa a'- WANTED Reliable taxi driver I for 123 Taxi, Cow Bay. (tf) tended some year3 ago in Kel- full sued rr!r. 1214) Miss Munro has been an active member. Mrs. Keefe presented th guest of honor with a pair of nylons from the Women's Institute and wished her gressing favorably according to the superintendent and he expects to have all the gravel j contracted for by the city, plus 5000 extra yards, stockpiled within the next seven or eight owna. -sity Liberals were to be seen active on union security, residents Of the prairies workii.g for tht' betterment ol the lisning Industry, the pet-plt cl Quebec in Mr, Nickerson approved of the election of the new leader, Mi rTTI 'WANTED Car batteries, car !7? 11' radiators, brass and copper; :z u 5 . b C. Jl 115.00.' rURNTTURE CO.. Black 324 IhaDDiness in her future worx weeks. Chief difficulty of haul lev.- . normal She Intends attending st. Laurent. Turning to provincial affaire terested in the piublems of the ing gravel from Denise Arm is. a sandbar at the head thatj must be crossed at high tide Pacific coast. "1 must admit, toy, that people fiom Montreal Beem- in tanuv- Mr. Nickerson expressed the opinion that what was needed herj ?I2 o U 218 WANTED TO RENT By October k;t (214) i 7 Bmii r.'i rt lu f urnKliert linup school. After refreshments, W. E. Funnell, Gordon Funnell, Clar- -., cm,Aar Noll Kellv Mrs. ed to Ri.ow more about Prince was the Liberal party practising . t-lll.C UlllUt... ' M rft ana tne uuve nama ivuv-.v. tuss and scows require high Ml Dwlge Serla-n Rupert than I did about Mon Liberal principles. Otherwise he psneton and the Neave boys or suite for adult family. Central location preferred. Box 390 Daily News. 213i i Iton Island treal," he said in naming. would just as soon see the C.C.F contributed amusing 'songs and slack water In order to pass into (tf) 'in contra:! to a philosophy in power. ' anecdotes. I lne harDor- of hatred which ls being preach bRTBDti-30 ft. I Mr. Nickerson was critical of the reeord o. the Mackenzie King ed in some nunrters touay, this n ifpiy Care-.i:Qit. (215) convention s'tnieii to breathe a regime and the Canadian Na tional Railways tor failure to Francois Lake News PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau At Sons, 829 Blxth West. Phone 543 tf) spirit of lovt ior mankind, a spirit without which no malm1 im size 38 in utilize the port-of Prince j Ru- a 815 9th Ave. P;sfr fjprr and" develop 'this seetirin of the country as had been plan (2181 UJk. - Rita Bolton, Mrs. Jack Nel-on school meeting, There was a Saturday afternoon at the, son's sister, is staying with her Paradise Lodge for her holi- school house, for the purpose ofjOt LOST ' ned by Sir Wilfrid Laurler and Bus Driver. Apply This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Llquoi Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia Stasn Ltd. (tf) LOST Brown leather walkt days. She lives In Vancouver. movement can accomplish-anything of value " In the conduct ol tne convention, there had bn-n tlie broat est principles ci democracy. There was no runhinn from the top here. Rather there was the opportunity foi everyone to have his say and many did. There might have been heard fesox.u containing about S370.CO Phone Oreen 897. Reward. 1214' enrolling the children for tne teacher, Miss Burton, could have the opportunity of meeting the pupils and their parents. later approved and promised by Mackenzie King. Mr. Nickerson spoke of lack of use of the gram elevator, cancellation of shipping subsidies, the making of the Orand Trunk Pacific Railway to Prince Rupert branch line to the N SERVICE in After a few days dry weather it rained again. Farmers were able to get a little more hay un- ripr onvpr. Ho Friction Pleasj2 f. stop at Telkwa miles from Prince H. A. S. West and party pass LOST Black wallet containing money and discharge papers. Please phone Archie, 355. (2141 way to Prince ed through on Friday. They are SeDtember Women's In (tf) finishing up a topographical stitllt Meetlna was held at Mrs rr. survev for the Dominion gov-, Tnhn i-pefe's home on Thursday ly Topics from Terrace The Terminai Newstand Onen I ime ernment which started on June . af ternoon. it was planned to 1 Thev have travelled by plane,. A t h - rwnher meetine in - - - - nuiu v - Mrs. C. R. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter Durban Hires Women At Postal Carriers DURBAN, South Africa W it.1. u.nt mn ciirp fit IIS boat and car. 7 day, to give you tan In every way. ; best coffee too. Mrs. Cassidy's home at Coney- Has the Oil Filter on your car beenxhanged at the manufacturer's recommended mileage ? And while on the subject , have all the other points requlrhlV periodical attention such as: " - . Wheel Bearing Repack Change of TraasmissiAt Lubricants Cleaning and Re-Ollmg of Air Cleaner, etc. been taken care of according to the instruction book? Many of these details are overlooked even by the owner who conscientiously has his car lubricated regularly. We remind our "Regulars" as these services became due, LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. mount. It was decided to have Will Robinson has been on a will make her future home in xtr s-riknn hns her narehts. a sicture show and dance dur (tf) Vancouver. ' . u Tpnicins vlsitina ine the mouth. There was very m. n,.wnmen to deliver mail In motor trip during the past few to 'OH 8ALK i from little business to attend to and ...u .,..1; 0f th on with her. They came up Durban and suburbs Is to be , days into the interior. served refresh- i jatli rvii aumj in v v.. , pr lumber more i wi..nri itnr hpraiise in-" of last week for Vancouver to the meeting was nct rfirA ennnot Kt enoufih i Miss Evelyn Bussey of Prince the Fraser Valley ana mei Mrs., n-eeie their little grandson who is now ments after a month old. closed..,,.,,. use the mnriurn lte type National resume his studies in Applied Science at the University of British Columbia. Rupert has been visiting nere with' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Judd. men for the work. Its fiekl ctaff is 25 ner cent under mannf an. PHONE 866 O Rational Machinery vie Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mangnall and son of Vancouver are visit 1 (tf) ing here with Mrs. Mangnalls Get extra gcxxl-looklng. XTED We can supply all your needs in .... strength, so It ls seeking 50 youim women to help make up the deficit. The women will carry mail-bags welKhlng about 30 pounds five pounds less than postmen. Every six months they will receive a free uniform comprising tunic, skirt, shoes, helmet or father, George Little, iney motored up from the south. comfortable shaves tvitn ff-D-Boys desirln? ould leave their MINORA BLADES Alf Yoxall, Dudley Little, Hank Pache, Tony Cote, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chesher, Mr. and Mis. Steve Howlett, Mrs. C. R. DeKergommeaux, Mrs. R. Cooper, Miss Colleen Whalen and Miss Vera Frank comprised the ticket selling and demonstration party which visited Prince Rupert last Saturday ln advance of the Labor Day cele f e office as vacan- Canada's fayourite in Mrs. Hazel Cole and son, of Prince George, are holidaying here. occurring any dav quality and low price. ED. Mat it rilt 4 for 10 -12for25jt cap ,and protective clothing for wet weather, Poslwomen we-e used ln Durban and other cities for a time during the war. Rev. and Mrs. Pervieal Mal- etperlence for Permanent "SffT 12 BLADES 25t Sood working lett arrived here a few days ago fmm Vancouver. Mr. Mallett is bration here. BUILDING SUPPLIES ; including f WALLBOARDS, FINISH LUMBER f VUt WOODS, SASH AND DOOR, NAILS, PLUMBING SUPPLIES t PAINTS v:: PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. I'P'y Box 393. (tf) MAY BE RECORD the new United Church pastor here. KITCHENER. Ont.. (f A gH" .iynf(der flight from Kitchener air It's tb e factory pr,f ot ?" c"tlflcte of Title port to Malton, near loroniu, may win Albert Pow, of London Ont . a new duration rec- Miss Irene Pratt left at the end of last week via Prince Rupert for an extended trip to the Utilted States after which she Eex Cafie h th , "L"?."": noU.cfll D..,.' rt loose at I,' mil, IS llieiu. ruw a Biiv.ii., v, lS'1;, 'rem the hnoo feet, stayed aloft six hours. ... for Tasty Meals ChooSuey, O ChowMein -Servlne the North Slrice' KZO" KtZ.H'The present record Is 5V2 hours antin wild owtifioata j held by "Shorty" Boudreaun, ui Phonei 651 tjnw objeo- Ottawa In Ottawa. in writln wrltln COTTAGE CHEESE ew Creamed Fresh Made I VALENTIN DAIRY 1 1 Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SEKVIC1 Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel LUMBER PAINTS COAL TOO a.m. to 3:30 a m. : , : ' ,LUnl Reg-tat" Of- WDRRW THOMPSON f 1 Rlltrar ot Tltlwi. t (aiB) ISoic Available! Your Best Eating Place FULL COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners and Parties Chinese Dishes BROADWAY ' nt.NHT pir.nric IN THE 8TJPREMB COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IW THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" nd in THB MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF REGINALD GILBERT LIPTON TAKE NOTICE that by Order of H Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, made the Tth dny of Beptember, A D. 1H4H. I was appnlnU-d Administrator of tne Estate of Reginald Gilbert Llpton, etc ceased. II : : BLONDIE -Just An Old Folklore! JSK JVm LTirwSwA 'Ifi ' -..I VMOTHER T(XD ME ) f"! GoTlCEQ.. ANV I Tit, .. &BY OIVEN that K t'"lms Kalnst the ? Henry Pteree. de- t N on the lath dat i 5,b "quired on cKm( TWMT ITUK (l THINK 9a) CXDEf? THEV ENJOV " LfJ V.., PUNISHED WASHIrTWBRNEOfJ i C) f S AN ERS MTOO K tHW-rT n,T ( AND EARS -v- '(e , ALL PARTIES having claims against. w send by prepaid" the said Estate are hereby required CAFE ito nirir claims I to xurnisn same propeny - tnnZ .,mrJo''8Ki'el at me on or before the 20th day oi ; ?uPrt. B.C., as October. A D. 1948, after wnicn w 808 3rd Ave. W. claims filed may be paid without rei-erence to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. At.t PAHTIES In, I.-til ctl to the Sflltl (EVh'ft the Ithe .. WUl Procwd Z?rson'' entitled Estate are hereby required to pay the amount oi their inueuieunesa v" LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE , Chandler & Cowgill Photographer Developing, rrlntlni Enlarging 218 tb 8t- Box 845 men nave ay of September, forthwith. DATED at the City of Prince Ku-oert, tn the Province of British Columbia, this 8th duy of September AD. 1948. GORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B C. (S4' GOLD SEAL LABEL Pierc, (334)