FORT DAT (Continued tram Page One) Mr. and Mrs. R. 3. Crowe- LxajNews It Piince Uupett E5aili Jflctog LttL 3 Friday, August 27, 1948 ems . . . Swords were passengers aboard the Prince Rupert last night re f turning to . Vancouver after a C. A. Rprnap wii ..i Mr. and Mrs. James H. Smith were among visitors In the city yesterday for the Port Day celebration. They motored back home last evening. Rt. Rev. James H. Gibson, Bishop of Caledonia, returned to the city on last night's train after an absence of a month visiting the Peace River section of the diocese both north week's visit to Ketchikan in which district 'Mr. Crowe-Swords has mining interests. jj v ,.., Van- Miss Aileen Moss of Vancouver, who has been visiting here with her cousin, Mrs. S. J. Hunter, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on her return to Vancouver. Officers and members of the Terrace Oddfellow's Lodge will Terrace; Mcouver; B. 1 nr R. ,ver; " Miss Beuyc Uiscroft, Ter" visit Prince Rupert this week-i end. They will assist in the con-1 ference of degrees on candi-! UIV1onai bud-I e intendent. Canadian Nation- .;. 18 leaVinB on toi. evening', train for a trip to Smithers on official duties Jnk,net!,n,g f lnteational operatine Engineers Local 510. will be held Friday August 27, in the carpentert Hall at 8:00 p. m. (202, Flying Officer Jarvis McLeod Jr. arrived in the city on Tuesday night's train from Ontario herePn1 kVe WUh hU family Miss Dorothy Kergln is sailing tomorrow night on the Prince George for Vancouver where she will enter the nur Rfex Bowling Alleys will reopen evening of September 1. (206) G- A. Hunter is leaving on tonight's train for a week-end business trip to Prince George. Dominic Elio, who recently retired from the furniture business here, will be leaving within the next week to take up future residence either In Kamloops or Kelowna. Fishermen's Dance, Aug. 27, at 9 p.m., Oddfellows' Hall. Director, Nick Basareba. S. L. Wilson 8-piece band. Everybody welcome. (202) Special meeting Prince Rupert Lodge No. 63, I.O.O.F., Sat Mr. and Mrs. Emery Dyer, after a week's visit to the city with Mr. Dyer's brother-in-law and sister, Mrs. P. M. Ray, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on their return to Longview, Washington. Mrs. Jordan and Miss Joan Pearson were door prize winners at the Civic Centre Carnival Wednesday night. Again there was a good crowd to enjoy the stage show, dance, carnival features and other Terrace, dates at a meeting of the local lodge Saturday night. and south of the Peace River. WEEK-END EXCURSIONS to Terrace and Lakelse by Kaien Island Stages Ltd. Terrace return $3.45. Lakelse return $4.20. Bus leaves Prince Rupert 7:30 a.m. each Sunday. For tickets Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Bevington and Paul, will shortly be leaving for Vernon where they will take up future residence, Mr. Bevington having been transferred tawsoti, Lyons, i Evans, "j Lancaster, notice members of, hazel-TON We are now collecting $1 for our new hall fund in care of Johnny Moore, secretary, or isiieaa, " .. Urs. J. A. trlbuted prizes from the stage of the Civc Centre auditorium in the evening. THE WINNERS Here are the winners of the various competitions: Best Decorated Boat H.M.C.S. Cayuga's "Dogfish Queen." Rowboat.Race Dick Largs and Frank McFadden; Eddie Olsen and Herb Frandle. Salmon Collectors' Boat Race Glendale, Capt. Peter McKay; Pierrie Point, Capt. Paul Price. Cruiser Race McLean I, Capt. Henry Helin; A.P.C., Capt. Tony Crawley. Oillnetter's Race V.R., Capt. Fred Dudoward; Lillian O., Capt. A. Richards. Inboard Speedboat Race Ki-Ho, J. J. Donaldson; Wash, 3. Basso. Whaler Race Crescent, Coxswain A. Chamberlain; Atha- baskan. Log Rolling Contest Charles Currle, O. Piers. Special Cruiser Race McLean I, Capt. Henry Helin; Scripps, Capt. Morris Barnes. Outboard Motor Race J. H. Jefferics; crew from H.M.C.S Ehkoll.. Inboard Motor Race Verne Ciccone; Yvonne Simundson and Rusty Thaln. Fishing Vessel Race (45 to 60 feet) Cape Bail, Capt. James Green; Rose City, Capt. John Ryan. Lilly, Terrace; waslJoe Smith, president. Box 41, Considerable interest ses training school of Vancou j, Inverness, taken in the bathing suit which ' Hazelton. (103) there in the service of the Royal urday, August 28, at 9 p.m. Lakelse Lodge will attend and Phillips, tu-fttson, Van- Miss Margaret Brain (Miss P. N. E.) wore in the Dicture1 Bank of Canada. Stanley Cor Weather or not The sun shines, it rains, or it freezes the coat that meets all needs is the Dual Purpose. Daymac RAINCOAT with removable, all-wool plaid lining. Fine poplins and gabardines, made up in double - breasted, square shoulder styling with full belt, the DAYMAC confer Third Degree. A full at Watson, Van- nell arrived yesterday from Port NOTICE shown in the Daily News yesterday. It was a Rose Marie tendance requested. H. M. Dag Moody to succeed Mr. Bevington ver uenerai Hospital. D. G. Miles, who recently transferred from Winnipeg to become British Columbia sales manager of Imperial Oil Co Ltd., and H. D. Foster, coastal and Cariboo district manager for the comnanv nation -jiing, Burns -hH Bellc- gett, N.G. (203) here. Reid original swimsuit in star f Smith, Re- faille lastex supplied through arrangements by Wallace's department store of this city. THIS AND THAT ,'mcouvcr; A. V. McGeer, Scuby. New A Lelfih. ;, Vancouver. The Northern B. C. Power Co. Ltd. wishes to announce that changes have been madev ir the refrigeration : service staff. Mr. Harry Fernie is no longer an employee of the Company. Jack Wyllie will now be J. Harry Black, Richard Long, George Hooey, Mickey Fudger last night by the Prince Ru-! pert on their return to Vancouver after spending a couple of days visiting the local branch. They had flown north since the first of the week to visit. and Johnny Garofani are leav ing by car tomorrow for a holi day motor trip to the Manson ' Creek country, Prince George In charge of refrigeration i and Telkwa. One of the two totem poles to the company's various stations along the coast. E. C. Craigen, of Powell River, grand master of the Oddfellow's Lodge for British Col stand by the entrance to the Terrace re-terlor today :iess visit to in and had Anderson, m and Mrs. .1am reports -5' active in now with a , out of the at present. service and James N. For-man will act in an advisory capacity on all .refrigeration problems. Guaranteed service will be maintained to our many customers as in the past. Ladies' Row boat Race Rusty Thaln; Yvonne Simundson. museum was erected yesterday. It is somewhat lower than the height of the building but is. nevertheless, well toward the top and makes a fine impression for an institution like a museum. The second pole will be Fishing Vessel Race (over 60 feet) Kanawaka, Capt. Perry. Special Large Boat Race P. M.L. 15; Naskeena; White Cloud. umbia, will arrive in the city on the Camosun Sunday evening from the south and, accompanied by W. C. McKen-zie, district deputy grand master here, will leave by car on Monday to officially visit the lodge there that evening. Mr. Craigen will return here on Tuesday to visit the local lodge that night and will then pro SMART AND FIED AD! ALL-WEATHEK RAINCOAT is the ideal coat for fall and winter wear. COMFORTABLE placed in position, possibly by today. ceed to Smithers, Prince George and other interior points. Mr. iNTELAL. August 6ib Do your curUim "bnlrandfd " t the' end of the MimmerT So Craigen is electrical superintendent for the Powell River Co. at Powell River. iior-iat with summers open windows sod Announcement We will be closed from August 16 to September 3 Inclusive. CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM mi brccits! so hfrei a tip to lighten your wuuat chores by many boursl W hen you : vour rurt uns . . . rrnienibcr to nurch them ; loixioriul UMTI Vou sec, Linit keeps cur t a-mter kmyer, lit tuat lamous fine starch Aoic Available! "Sometimes I think you broke your arm on purpose!" HUM d.ttimlt ironitut ev .. .eliminates the Rev. and Mrs. J. A. McAllister arrived in the city from the interior last night and proceeded on the Prince Rupert to Vancouver enroute to Montreal. Mr McAllister is going to McGill .r anil n ir of too-irpquent laundering. Ho you t mm us rwuiy a fail ilouseclcaninf vi-ry popular with homem&kere all over -ii i ondcriul for shirts, cottons, blousts. 1 ur?c you to tsi jour grocer for Linit next University after having been stationed at Terrace for the pat.t two years as United Church pas w w, vmi julf a Tmar lit Vn n PAYS i ikcuucal nin e hu TO toll YOUR OWN WITH V lixibm, at the li of M a!.kp taking their e i.Mot MUM KKAL ttf ru! value of rour-ai y, 1 ilav feel I m Mtisltasds Announcement Ul adertumen x mu column wUl be charged for a ruU month at lib ceota a word -w 1 ic to the Jof M ! Hft WH find the BofM people glad of the BLOUSES Sizes 12 to 44. CARDIGAN'S Sizes 12 to 44. SKIRTS Sizes 12 to 20. Moore's 206 6th Street LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Cigarette Tobacco Special excursion train leaves Prince Rupert, 8:30 a.m., Labor Day, September 6, for Terrace ! b, too! for the i frte I Likt to Till Ye Svccei StWs about "avoiinte buy-words of mine. Here'e one Barbecue and Logging Sporto. Return fafeLaiut8, $3.60 chil ft' Vilntlt,,-- I T. BABY dren, $1.75. tax included. Tickers MILD, SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA at C.N.R. ticket office and ' u K R I nude itli islam and comfort f0 tor Z.B.T. !"t from of "acid W'I'y and Orange Tea. Proceeds Pro WRATHALL'S PnOTO FINISHING Developine. Printine Enlarcine QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies testant Home. Oddfellows' Hall, September 1. that a grown around a raeuum-packed tin... a fin of freahlv-pa'ked. Havourful CHASE k HAMJORN COKH.E. folks who like RKAL coffee jut 'an t help raving about Chaw & tunboni, ao naturally when tliey found that a acuuru-puckitig could give them Chase A Sanborn flavour at ita vivacious best... they Paid thoe few extra eenta for full flavour value! Once you've tasted thu REAL coffee fresh from the vacuum-parked tin, you'll know exactly why ita so popular .. .and becoming more no dav by day. V 'li L t .i L. Boy Scouts and Cubs W.A. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenu Bazaar, Sat., Sept. 18, Conrad Street School BasenWnt. -!...Bar-foil Si ou haven't r. lu re )-ou KEEP THE PIECES YOU LOVE Don't discard your favorite pieces of furniture! .Let us bring them back to new life and new beauty at little cost. Cambral Chapter I.O.D.E. Tea COTTAGE CHEESE , New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY , Tour Dally , ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Fashion Show, September 23. I Vou senr) a; L " U o a part 01 uie uiiaae . SALT LAKES FERRY SCHEDULE Daily except Mon. & Tuts. Leave Cow Bay Floats Wed., Thurs., Fri. 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:10. Saturday Every hour from 10:30 a.m. Sunday Continuous from 10 a.m. Last boat return 9:30 p.m. Adults 50c. I'nder 16, 25c Return Ail schedules weather permitting. Inquiries 123 Taxi Moose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Evening entertainment. . Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, October 20. ?' " your t suborn 8ucesa 8lory... fla- vour-wiac enthuaiastl Ta H,l,f Here't a dc.crt a small daughter jyiwrr-to the whole faiuilv'a aeclanri! Ita -U-aiiy of the delicious - loc'ked-in " flavours. And oh the captivating colour, the mutcb-!iy flavour of Jell-Ut A grand ending for any I -Plain, or in any delicious combination of iMiula of Jt-ll-O or Jell-O and lruit. t or iivtance. We'll reupholster them, put in new springs and cushions. Besides Upholstering and Woodwork repairs we make up Drapes to order and recover car seats. Ask about our Plastahide seat covers and sponge rubber cushions. Sons of Norway and Sonia Fall Bazaar Oct. 22. Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, November 10. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 18. Phone 818 HI, FOLKS! When you visit the Civic Centre Carnival be sure to inspect our display in the industrial show. If you are interested in a comfortable home in winter you will be interested in our furnaces. LOVI NS Next to CFPR r-u.mui (icert: i:hill Orange and Lime Jell-U w civ in shallow mn. When firm, cut in cubes t e lu a'trniate lavers in nerving glasses. Simple effective! And like all Jell-O diahea, as (Now operated by Mr. and Mrs. A. Mattson) Advertise ii. the Daily News! I ' can aen e Salvation Army Home League Sale. Nov. 23. 2:30 p.m., Sons of THOM SHEET METAL LTD. inot ita ue it, they re bound to get KKK ' -? ' k'J1v"" ' l'"-m tho care Pj MIRIXE night and morning, f ! w',lll0ut the quick, welcome relief I W Norway Hall. Cambral Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale November 25th. Orange Ladles' Bazaar, December 1st. 253 East First Ave. FAWCETT DEALER Black 881 . ----- iui4. UK U'l U ICUIiltK nntmning seven ingredients that blend per- - , ,.vrBi murine rir'ansea aim wkjui The Suaire Way IF YOU REALLY WANT TO REACH r ' leur. Jutt put 2 drops lu ia h eye! Aak . . uae regularly even before your THE BUYERS Mwc W fill ftikitm-Tmlk iaof Mocking-. ..(or the exquisite hosiery now available at your favourite store Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home SO Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 231 P.O. Box 1U tf HEINZ l!'t ieciaj, V- and fla-l1 Magic Win Ilcini ! IVd " worts 1 of urilm- fSK and !T,1EME newamaking! Yes, the news in hosiery ie nylon in fasliion-wise eiiluurs to harmoniie with your Autumn ensemble .. .navy, grey-ed-Wue, bronic, burgundy, forest-greea and all your old favourite!. ( house your atockings bv your favourite brand name for fit for comfort for styling. And look for that important signature . . . 'C--L Nylon Yarn". It'a ynur Bssurance of eaBy, eaay washing aud the gossamer yet duible idicerneaa you love! ln' inch '. Stir cups hot. 1 onion -o. Hin Consult us "lor your needs in all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Fountain Pens Cards for every occasion DIBIT Printing BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE It's th e ADVERTISE WHERE YOU CANNOT M'ISS THE MARKET IN . . . THE DAILY NEWS NO HIT OR MISS HERE P HP,nr. t'- ahout Rex Caie vl i. . . . for Tasty Meals I Chop Sucy Chow Mcin 'red'h,'"m''y "e PfuB'l Biautifully li cl,i I"01""'" l'Hinted by a leading aftiat for lervU?Vil,d KELLOGG '8 KRUMBLES J ih.i; . m pvery Package of crisp, u'lio '!!"" wbole-whcat Krumblea . . . you'll one$i "criM of Kl,1"KK bird pietures... Chinese Dihhcs a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a m. unit; ki iii ui uoiour ana oeauiy. fivnii,, Cufw'-H . i"11 bo fl,:s,'.ttte" y ?" anJ tint ai il lr rauiUHlBBUO IlllnlH ArUIIIDIca different flavour that different, form ... m,fe"irti. whole-wheat nourishment!