prince Bupcri Ejallg f3tto Monday, July 4, 1949 71 imely Topics Mrs. C. R. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter PAT MAZZEI IN NEW BUILDING Pat who has bWr the taxi business for ntan" years, today opened his establishment at the com..' MARKETS BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR MRS. REID A delightful birthday surprise tea was held in honor of Mrs. William Reid at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. E. H. Tycho, Angus Apartments. Wednesday afternoon. Those present to extend best wishes to the honoree were Mesdames G. W. Abbott, H. Breen, J. Clarke, L. Georep. W Alhilrn W McT.enH ' - J. S. Irvine, A. McF Smith Frew and E. H. Tycho. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY PERSONAL ' Gordon, Phone 648 or call at 530 Sixth Avenue East, Norton Youngs. (i55i J " J strawberry crop, the srml-annual social meeting of the Terrace and District Board of Trade,! which Is to lake the form of a1 strawberry social, is postponed from Wednesday of this week to v J Appiewnaite, m. r. - eieci, ana uuicr visitors irom rrince itu- pert are expected. Mrs. Emil Haugland entertained at her home on Lakelse Avenue on Thursday afternoon, at a delightful birthday party, honoring her mother, Mrs. T. E. Keils of Vanderhoof, who Is her house guest until after the Haug-land-Miles nuptials on July 8. Invited guests were Mrs. A. Brooks, Mrs. O. T. Sundal, Mrs. McLaren, Mrs. Kirkpatrlck, Mrs. A. Klikaldy, Mrs. F. Baker, Mrs. R. Squires. David Wilson, aged settler of Shames, was recently brought Into hospital here suffering from severe burns on his face and chest sustained when he collapsed over his kitchen stove early in the morning. He was. brought by speeder into hospital and is reported to be progressing quite favorably. A party of U.B.C. students, with Oeorge Dargie in charge, has been in the district since May 14 conducting a soil survey and territory reconnaissance of the whole area. An Intensive survey of crown and reverted lands in the whole district has been made, also an economic survey on private lands. This comes under the Department of Lands and Forests and, due to prospective Industrial development this district has been given priority over others. In the party are David McBride who is with the department as a land use mapping draughtsman, Angus Henley, Cliff Faulkner, B. van S Tht George Mlltw Adamt Voir. Iwt. at the next corner, If that's all you people." RUPERT I PEOPLES STORE SUMMER CAMP 2 ' and : S HOLIDAY WEAR Z Complete selection for girls and wee tots of all ages, J sold at Vancouver prices. Our price must be right. RUPERT i PEOPLES STORE - "l a, ROOFING FOR ESTIMATES ON NEW ASPHALT ROOFS CALL 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STURIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th SI PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment Horns 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and a to 5 p.m. KVKMNU8 Monday and Friday, 7:30 p.m. tot those unable to come during th day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoons. ! COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made I VALENTIN DAIRY Your Da'ly j ! ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Home, , Jospeh Deveson, Dave j parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ir-Crossf ield, Alan McDonald and ( ving. Rene Boux. Their headquarters 1 . . are In the old Rochester home! Edward KenncVi son of the on the Rcmo Road and they ex- Hon. E T -Kenney, has arrived to be here until about pect the from victoria to spend the sum- Fresh Fruit Strawberries, box 25 Bananas, lb 25 Apples, cooking, lb 14 Lemons, large Cal., doz 45 Grapefruit, Texas (white). 100 s. 4 for 25 Oranges (Navel) 28-.57 Dates. 2 lb 49 Vegetables Celery, lb 17 Rhubarb. 2 lb 19 Beets, bunch 15 Parsley, bunch 15 Spinach 2 lb 27 Radishes, bunch 08 Green Onions. 3 bunches 20 Turnips, lb 08 Mushrooms, lb 85 Head Lettuce 15 Cooking Onions, 3 lbs 29 Cabbaee, lb 11 Tomatoes. No. 1. lb 40 New Potatoes. 5 lb -29 Canned Veetalles Dill Pickles, gal 1.79 Cut Green Beans, fey 2u No. 5 Peas, fancy 20 Mixed Vegetables 23 Diced Beets, per tin 14 Wax Beans, choice 19 Mixed Peas and Carrots 19 Pumpkin, 2 for 25 Baked eBans, 20-oz. tin 22 iBaked eBans. 15-oz. tin. ea. .21 1 Tomatoes, 28-oz 27 Tresh Milk Quart 22 Pint 12 Cream, V Pint .28 Eecs Large cartoned, doz -63 Medium 61 Butler First Grade, lb 64 Margarine, lb 39 Milk Evaporated Milk. i 16-oz. tins, 2 for 33 Case 7.7. Cheese Canadian Cheese, lb 55 Hour Pastry Flour. 7 lbs. 58 Flour. 49 s. No. 1 hard wheat 3 65 Flour, 24 s . 189, Tea and Coffee I Coffee, lb '. 6fi DeLuxe Quality, lb 1.14 1 Juices Tomatoes, 20-oz. ea :.. .15 28-oz 34 gallon 5!) Apple, 20-oz. tin, 2 for 29 48-oz 30 ; urange. zu-oz i of Insect StopItch Bites Heat Rash Onirt! Stun inJiine nl in-ect bitca, heat niK. erzriiia. hives, pimples, scales, scaliie?. athlete I foot and oilier externally caused skin trmiMpa. tr 'Hii'-k -strtini:. -m'tliing. ;nuieptic D. D. O. DCcrDIPTinN .ti.j lr- tUmlc-. Siii'M I itch or m"nev Kick l"ti't "'ifier. Yrur druggist baa . D. D. PRESCRIPTION. 1-9 PRINCE RUPERT BOWLING ALLEY OPEN DAILY FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 11 P.M. Saturdays 12 Noon to 12 Midnight PHONE RED 709 Bo4' in Clean and Pleasant Surroundings EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.I I. A. 1: Phone Green 883 Box 58G C" ,W f, J, wrTr.. - A ,WGIFF0RI " from Terrace Ing by car for a three weeks' holiday In' Victoria. Relieving him In the government liquor store Is Irving L. Wiley of the Burns Lake store. Mrs. J. McArthur will be leaving this week for her home In Prince Rupert after spending the past month as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Robert. Having sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Klrkpatrick will be leaving on Tuesday's train for the south to make their home in Langley Prairie. Until recent years Mr. Kirkpatrlck conducted an undertaking establishment In conjunction with a carpenter's shop, having lived in the dis- trict since 1920. Mrs. M. Lemon and two chll dren of Frince Rupert arrive.! this week'to spend the summer holidays with their aunt, Mrs. M. Simpson. Miss M. A. Way of Prince Rupert Is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Felber. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Norrington returned last week from a three weeks' holiday motoring trip In the southern part of the province and the state of Washington. Victor Irving arrived home on Thursday from Edmonton whore he has been in college. He will spend the vacation here with his mer holidays with his sister, Mrs. L Johnstone at Lakelse Lake. Mr h Sotn -n m, n. drcn ,eft' on Saturday to spend the next two months with her mother In Vancouver. Due to the lateness of the ZTJ X I V 1 1 IN.'" M 1 iinveniol'''r lit uxlrc, tree ed. .irn ami oa- , .lr.;,t WiW "lro"g Ut 1 Wed. ;ron n . d an extra djtboov ihoru. fern?' PAINTS & Contracting LIMITED CjJ ina KOSHETZ CUGAT i "" "!. ! XAV1ER ORCHEMU middle of this month. S. R. Yates, Rehabilitation Officer of the D.V.A. was in I Terrace at the beginning of the! week on one of his periodic sur- veys. David Bain, with his wife andl children, left on Sunday morn- T time. Ju-V lant to Third Avenue and Seventh s me uuiiding wnich C0I1! modern rest rooms, lOOin. chprk mum n,wl -i; L.. in.. U1W ii o nunc, was con.stnipti,i Mitchell and Currie Ltd. i trlcal lnKt:ill-jH.t, . - mciuc floureseent and recessed llf was carried out by Grant Newton. Fred Scadden did decorating. The interior been done in two shades green and the exterior win cream with red trim. The building measures 52 16 feet and is single story frame construction. Cost 1 $5000. James R. Mitchell arrived the city on the Camm.m aay Irom Vancouver to the summer here as the Rue: fiis mother, Mrs John P. chell, Atlln Avenue, Westvit 1 -v-.1 ,". , 1 1 POII.TKY CAFE IN THE CITY 3:33 A.M. Dishes MELN c; lor t 9V K1 I Look over our t V Cold and Canned FOR YOUR i t ( r . EATING J ' tiafJJ :f'S PLEASURE I S fel-T,irffi 1 TERRACE MEAT MARKET George E. Peters, Prop. QUALITY SERVICE -FISH BITTER EC.GS- I EATS "I'm going to make a right turn right with Blended (oranee and grapefruit, 20-oz 15 (aimed (Tuils Pineapple, crushed and pieces, 20-oz 30 Apricots. 20-oz Cherries, lancv, 20-oz Loganberries, 20-oz Peaches, choice Lard Pure, lb Shortening , Soap SoaiS, face, bar Laundry, cake 2 for Soap Powders, large Glace Kuii Cherries, lb. pkt Almond Paste, lb Coconut, ib I Fruit Cake Mix. lb Dates, fancy, 1 lb. pkt. I Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs i Seeded Raisins. 1 lb. Shelled Walnuts. lb Shelled Almonds. 6 oz.. 39 Shelled Bra.iis. u, lb. .. . .45 Jams Pure Strawberry. 24-oz 5g' Raspberry, 24-oz 39 nia?,erroV Zlb 11 1 vnrii.y, Ot Peach. 4 lb , .83 Apricot. 4-lb 79 Soups Canned Soups 13 to .20 Meats Chicken, lb Ham, boned and rolled, lb Ham. reg. lb Balogna, lb .'. Weiners. lb Garlic Sausage, lb Bacon, pke.. lb. Hacon. side, piece ... Cottage Roll, lb Liver Sausage, lb. ..' Spare Ribs, lb Fresh Pork Ham. lb-Pork Chops, lb Pork Sausace. lb. . Steak, T-Bone lb 85 Pork Tenderloin, lb 90 Steak, round, lb 75 A. J. Squire, steamboat inspector, arrived in the city on the Camosun yesterday afternoon from Vancuover, beinu here on official duties. Mrs. J. P. Cade returned to the city on the Camosun yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. " i SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, ProD. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT 1 n 5 GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS FLOOR SANDING A SPECIALTY RED SSI P.O. BOX 721 u,,l ..wrnCLKi1"., ., ,i i9 HOLLYWOOD mfe L PRE-COOK.E1 Celebration Was Success Terrace Civic Centre Benefitted Many Prince Rupert Visitors TERRACE After two days of rain, wind and chilly weather. Friday, Dominion Day, dawned fine in Terrace with the sun breaking through by mid-l morning and lasting all day. crowds tnronged the civic Centre where there were sports, games and refreshment booths Eoine all dav and evening The Civic Centre's first annual Dom- inion Day celebration was successful beyond all expectations. The arrival of the excursion train from Prince Rupert marked the beginning of the day's events with the starting of the parade which was lined up at the station. Leading the parade was the local fire en-j gine followed by the young drum majorette, Marilyn de Kergommeaux, in white and red satin and the Terrace orchestra. The floats were followed by the cubs with their leader, John Haaland, and the children with their decorated bicycles, - tricycles and pets. The parade route went north from the sta tion to Grelg Avenue, west to Kalum Street, north to Lakelse I Avenue and as far as the John-' stone residence whence it re-i turned by way of Lazelle Aven- ue and down to Lakelse where It continued to the Civic Centre to be dispersed. It was a good parade though not as large as had been expected. 1 Two pasengers from the train were asked to judge the entries and prizes were awarded as follows: First, J. H. Smith store,' second, Empire Meat Market. : Decorated bicycles and tricyclesfirst, Agnes Normand-eau, second Margaret Procter. Pets first, Ann Tumilson, second, Joan Gavan. Special pr.zes were ' awarded to the Terrace- cub pack and Marilyn de Kergommeaux. Following the dispersal of the parade, the children's races were run off on the grounds of the Civic Centre with Harold Whalen and "Curley" Casey in charge. In the baseball game between Terrace and Prince Rupert the home team was beaten 12-6. In the evening, a crowd of over 300 gathered. In the auditorium where uancing to the music of the Terrace Rhythfn-aires was keenly enjoyed. The drawing for the gate prize took place on the stage and the grand prize of an electric refrigerator was won by Mrs. Sam Kirkaldy. Fred Gibbs won the vacuum cleaner and Mrs. A. Olson the $15 merchandise certificate. The net proceeds from the j day's proceeds will be used to provide chairs for the auditorium. Sealed tenders will be received lip until noon July 12th, 1949. by the Chief Forester, Victoria, for the construction of an office and stores building at Terrace. B. C. PlanB and specifications may be obtained from the Forest Rangers at Terrace and Smlthens, the District Forester, Prince Rupert, or the Chief Forester, Victoria, on a deposit of 15 00. which will be refunded upon return of plans, etc., In good condition within thirty days. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . Tenders must be submitted In an envelope marked "Tender for the Construction of Ranger Station Buildings at Terrace " (154) choice 8T'n,-7To . ... ..r,MCS. ton". , , . MOST UP-TO-DATE OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO We Specialize In Chinese CHOP SUEY CHOW V . UieVitammBco. IIHSZ 'SS'-iita from For Outside Orders PHONE 133 fuUy ' L) miner: calciuinau' uicasureo tern Let Us 3 . 11 ti . Before Setting Out On That Motor Tour We are equipped to Vulcanize and Repair your Tires-Prompt Guaranteed Service HOUSEHOLD NEEDS STEP LADDERS CLOTHES LINES CLOTHES DRYERS IRONING BOARDS KITCHEN UTENSILS GALVANIZED WARES limn muHMY in TJ THE VALUE OF A DIAMOND Depends more on Its perfection and purity than on its size. It should be pure and clear like water. It should have no flaws or dark spots. It should sparkle. , It should be well cut and symetrical in shape. . And of course it should be set in a good looking setting. Our diamonds are guaranteed perfect and set in well known makes of settings. Our prices are standard and reasonable. SATIN-GLO VARNISHES ENAMELS THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 1 'iJ PACIFIC A Representative Warehouse Stock to Save You Time and Money from : Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. General Dry Battery Co. of Canada Ltd. Canadian Wcstinghouse Co. Ltd. (Lamp Division) Imperial Wiping Rag Co. Ltd. G. II. Wood & Go. Ltd Duslbane Co. of B.C. and others at PRINCE RUPER1 SUPPLY HOUSE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR U2 Second Avenue Phone 632 P. O. Bo "2 Stevedoring COMPANY General Stevedores and Contractors Stevedores for Canadian National Railways j CABLE ADDRESS HEAD OFFICE "PACIFICO" PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. j Vmu k ...uifc aar 1 in "rrrrfffffTff.ujjjjfjffwfwff' f