6 T Prfnre Rupert Daflp rectos Friday, May 27, 1949 . n independent dally newtpaper aevon-c to oe upbuilding of Prlnc Bupen aid ii communities comprising northern and central Brltitn Columbia (Autnoruea u Second Class Mail. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published ererr afternoon e?erjt Rimrta h fash Phnl... I I Phone rw7 k( PRTVr-o Prince Rupert Dally Newi Ltd.,' 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. BrltUn Columbia ' O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. aCEMbEH OP CANADIAN PRESS ATTDTT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS Canadian rAir nttwrpapito AssivnTinn POLITICAL BROADCASTS witn reierence to the he two fOV ( in your V f car-: M broadcasts mentioned eouonai, me.se were not lot SUBSCRIPTION RATES Wv. any Carrier. Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Tear, 8 00. at&rA'JtEC By Mall. Per Month. 60c; Per Year. 5 00 lt--- ried on the National or Trans SMITH & Hi Editor, Daily News: In the interests of fair play, ; I would appreciate your public- j ation of this reply, to your edit-orial of May 25. ' The CBC has made available i & limited amount of free time to ; all parties. This time has been i "AVE Had , YEARS OP .S Canada Network, which feeds into CFPR, but on the Dominion Network which. Is a supplementary one, serving another audience. The logs of Station CFPR will bear out that the opening talk, in this free series was made by, the Hon. St. Laurent on May 9 PLUMbino J. AND HEATTMn apportioned according to the : standing of the parties in the j House of Commons. On this j ! basis, the Liberal party has a 1 EXPERIENCE it at 7:31) n m Fnrthi- . ...!,. PHONE 171 time allotment of five hours, j cjirect you attentJo t th the Progressive Conservatvies . . .... , , , three hours and forty-five min- ! lP"t,cpal aVr, thwe Liberal 5- ' th 9 f ' May utes. the CCF three hours and fifteen minutes, and Social ! tl0"0' thcftDfy News' lI0le' Credit one hour. Air parties. J"' ,Hon'S La"r Prime through mutual agreement.' f?'n,stfr f Canad' Peris the have arrived at the days and l?3.18" 7:M " times of broadcast. Your local j 8:0 CFPR Quote. There political parties can each furn-! hav(e bfen er broad- r 1 rOerc clnio than n 1 Salt Lab fJ It., ,,, Daily Serviced i i Monday ONTARIO'S NEW PC. LEADER AND PREMIER Mrs. Leslie BJackwell reaches aero Mrs. Frost to congratulate Mr. Frost, the new leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative party. At right Is Education Minister Dana Porter. The election of the 64-year-old Ontario provincial treasurer clhnaxed a three-day convention at Toronto, Ont. ; iu-ho juivc iiatru itu mure arc ! scheduled as the local Liberal Committee can easily assure j ish you with the information as to the time and dates of these broadcasts, or you could have very easily obtained this from me. I,uats' 5. 7 and PRINCE Rl'PERT M.ECTION (Continued Horn Page li law- under which charges have been laid was generally dropped following the ruling he quoted, Mr. Brown said. you. There is absolutely nothing technical about any explanation, as to these free time po-itical broadcasts, the only requirement being a few moments TECHMCALITY In the case of Dominic Mon- Mr. Branca's second point. 'txtra Wp aftrnaon. 2 SaturdayEWry '"gat a a.m. Sunil4,sc,jminu;)i, commencing nam Last bf.ut leaving ? at io pm. Phone - study of the published sched- ond the one on which he askea tesano, who according to police ule, which is readily available t0 submit written argument, as testimony, had made the re- BROADCAST TONIGHT mM tarsal 1 1 1 1 1 1 to you. Any interesNed " party can easily obtain facts re these broadcasts, by contacting my that, since the formal charges mark that he had paid $6 for against the men did not name a bottle after receiving a tele- the Government Liquor Act or phone call for the police, Mr. any section of it as the statute Branca argued that Montesano alleged to have been broken, was merely acting as a pur- i I ".PLA' $10,0 5nee CAI HE1 ) Ilea net- ..r self, or any of the political par wW v n,ii t- na IrvK n iV hi ties concerned. Surely. If they there was no basis for a charge, chasing agent for the police have enough information to Under common law, it is no and, therefore, did not keep the insert a paid political ad in your offence to possess liquor or to liquor for sale, columns, drawing attention to sel1 it, therefore any violation He contended that since this these, they must know the whole ' one of statute and the testimony had been brought out picture. j statute involved should "have in his cross examination of a Should it happen, that CFPR been specifically set out, he police witness at the prelimln-does not carry any of the sched- i contended. ary hearing, it should be con-uled free time talks, it will be Mr. Brown argued that the sidered defence evidence, solely due to Interruptions of wording of the charge "did Mr. Branca was granted three the line service bringing these keep liquor for sale contrary weeks by the court to submit into Rupert. Over this, CBC, the to the statute duly made and his written argument on the telegraphs, or no human agen- provided" was sufficiently spec- wording of the charge, after cy has control. ific under a previous judicial which Mr. Brown would be al-C. H. INSULANDER. ruling. The practice of spec- lowed 10 days to submit a re- ! iflcally citing the setions of the buttal. VANCOI VKR - vi SF.ATTIE Tuesday, 1:30 pm, Friday, 5 p.m., C Sunday, 10 pm, C (ALICE ARM, m POKT SIMPSli TONIGHT at 7:30 HEAR Frank McKenzie "Taxation On Resource" Grace Mclnnes "The Sales Tax' Alec McDonald "Public Utilities' CFPR Re: r to .'. a rr Tim ..(:!. t ri(1 WM ttss o psupd loult lotlce It U torn Jon .1 'ytcat Jertll alld vritin . Dfrl Ire, h LETTING KINSMEN DOWN Editor, Dally News: Hats off to the Kinsmen but what happened to the rest of Sunday, 11 pJ IOR SOITH Q! Pacific Security is something ominous about the fall of THERE Shanghai to the Communists. A few months ago such an eventuality would have seemed remote and unlikely. But now it has happened and only four provinces remain in south China before the whole great nation of the Orient comes under the Red domination and virtually falls behind the iron curtain. As the President of China says, the Communist sweep may have been diverted in Europe but now it is overflowing into Asia. Next Hong Kong may be imperilled and possibly then the Malayas and westward The pattern, in fact, has some aspects of the Japanese overrunning in World War II. The European situation, as a result of the Atlantic pact, may now seem more secure. Danger may not yet seem immediate to us even in these parts. However there seems good enough reason, as many observers of the international situation both in Canada and the United States are suggesting, that some more definite attention to Pacific security might be given before the situation in the arena in which we ourselves live becomes too critical. NATURAL GOOD NEIGHBOR IT IS INTERESTING to read comment in the Vic-I toria Times about an incident which occurred in Central British Columbia during the recent visit of Premier Byron Johnson. Says the Times: . 'Ths unassuming 'Good Neighbor' personality that h;3 ron friends for Premier Byron Johnson throughout ihs many portions of this province which he has visited represents the sincere feelings of a man whom high office has not made artificial. The airs and affectations that occasionally accompany political leadership, the simulated enthusiasm that masks dislike or boredom, are not his. " Boss' Johnson is a man who likes people, and people hke him. On a tour of the Burns Lake area last week where he stopped to talk with Indians, scnool children and hundreds of adultsi who lined roads and filled meeting places to greet him, that basic sincerity was evident. A3 one report of the tour noted, 'he made so many impromptu calls that he was late arriving at Burns Lake.' "There fs a sense of security to be derived from this. The man who can be considerate of others, view them as worthy individuals with worthy life objectives, see their need and their right to be accepted on a basis of equality and respect, will in turn be given similar consideration. His public will be his friends, and, knowng this, he will work with a full measure of devotion for their best interests." SMALL BUSINESS MEN THE BACKBONE of local Canadian communities is their small town businessmen. Retailers are by far the most numerous and besf known of small businessmen. Not only do small businessmen provide employment and supply a variety of goods and services but they are important citizens of their home communities They have a personal stake in the welfare of the community and they are the ones upon which its civic undertakings, from good schools 'to community advertising, depend. In all civic betterment movements or good causes the community merchant or service dealer takes a leading hand. It is true that large corporations now pay more attention to their public relations and responsibilities in the small communities where they have plants and outlets but still the chief interest must come from those who live in the communities and know their needs. However large industry may grow, small enterprise grows alongside and in a large measure keeps pace if it does not always lead the way. The presence of small independent business men is a wholesome influence in our community life. The opportunity to enter or leave a business, to lose or grow by one's efficiency and judgment, is one of the basic freedoms of our way of living. C'H.'.RLOITE ISI s s. Coquiilam. June FOR MIBIH Ql Prince Rupert on Victoria Day? 1 went to see the parade and thought it a very poor show on the part of the businesses, the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Senior Chamber of Commerce who are always shouting about being a Prince Rupert CHARLCTTE ISL s.S. Coqaitlam, June ! rRANR J. SKIN Prince R'lpm A Third Avenue F HON. FRANK PUTNAM Minister of Agriculture 6:15 p.m. CI PR 7:30 booster. I did not see any floats representing their boosting. Maybe it was just a little too much like hard work. I Jeel It p.m. MP I Jg ncoi 'Bei ! is too bad these various organ- ( A. MaiKENZ I'TRMTl'KE I izations couia not support tne Kinsmen better In the wonderful work they do or maybe they don't like children. Thanking you for your space, Mr. Editor. INTERESTED. "A Good Place t See Our Winduw D SIMMON'S and RE' IScildin; 327 3rd Ave. West F Published by the B.C. Coalition Organization Advertise In the Dally News "&pfab Morgan's ? fotv?; I "fiOVKRNMF.NT l.Kl H ACT" Plumbing Trou 3tt mm t j t 61 hir i f PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR Try Captain Morgan's delightful recipe for a Rum Frappe . . . Place a quarter pint of orange sherbet in a tall glass. Add IV ounces of Captain Morgan GoIJ Label Rum and stir until creamy. Smooth as a golf pro's swing! Captain Morgan GOLD LABEL RUM The rich flavour tnd j tl My r,J apt aim Morgan Libel Rum result from matter blend m r,f let ted rare eld rm CiptamMtirga l! Notice nf Application for a flab Licence Notice is hereby given that on the eleventh day of June next, the undersigned Branch Number twenty-seven of the Canadian Legion, British Empire Service League Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a Club Licence in respect of premises formerly krsuwn as No. 3 Officers' quarters, a two storey frame construction, approximately 196' x 36' with addition 0' x ' and situate upon certain lands described as ( 1 ) Part of Waterfront Block E of the subdivision of parts of Lots 2S1 and 1992, Range S, Coast District, Map 1965; and (2) Lot 1. subdivision of Block 3 of Waterfront Block E as shown on Map 2028, containing approximately 2 903 acres. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Province of British Columbia, to entitle each member of the said Club to keep on the premises a reasonable quantity of liquor RUM SAANlCh Plumbing & Hi I i I Tu AND INTF.KMKMATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT THi ABVCMIIMMtNT IS MOT flMLtlHrO Om DISPLAYED Y THI LIQiXMt CMfTM UAI0 CMt ST THE GOVtRNMIN T OF ( TlSH COUJMWA. PRINCE RUPERT BOWLING ALLEY will be open daily from 3:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Saturdays 12 Noon to 12' Midnight Bowl in Clean and Pleasant Surroundings For Reserevations Write or Call CITY OK DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. hia" AI.L-H00L ior personal consumption on the premises, and entitling the Club to purchase liquor from a vendor and to sell by the glass the liquor so purchased to Its memnerg and jests for consumption on the Club premises in accordance wltb, the provisions of b i the "Government Liquor Act" and ! ;ijs HiR assorlmH-Special S!W MEN'S SII0W'ER-r WINDIUiEAKlRS- S khaki pant made. Special MEN'S FIXE SPOUT r;TS All-)l. MEN'S FINE WOK BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEL For FLOORS, LINOLEUM and WOODWORK Supplied in nine attractive colors IT DRIES IN FOUR HOURS IHUMKON HARDWARE CO. LTD. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED "fiOVKKX.WKNT l.iqt'OR ACT" (Section 27) Niittre nf Application for consent to Transfer of Veterans' Club Licence to ttier premises. Wotlce is hereby given that on the eleventh day of June next, the undersigned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer Veterans' Club Licence Number tne regulations promulgated thereunder. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C this 10th day of May, 1B49. CANADIAN LEGION. B E 8 L., Branch Number 27. (Philip M. Ray) Secretary-Manager. (132) R. E. MORTIMER J24 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) r,Tfrct fil. : 661, issued in respect of certain pre SI ITS Special MEN'S DRESS ANP PANTS Well DltESS mises situate at 314 3rd Avenue West, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, upon lands described as Lot 16, Block 20. Beclton 1, Map 923. and being numbered three and four, and seven and elRht respectively, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, to certain premises formerly known as No. 3, Officers' Quarters, a two stent IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TIMES perfect fit Rupert Motors BOYS' KHAKI M shrunk, all ORMES DRUGS C ( Ltd. ,ukts. frame construction, approximately 196' x 36' with addition 80' x 6' and situate upon certain lands described as (1) Part of Waterfront Block E ot the subdivision of parts of Lots 251 and 1992, Range 5, Coast District, DRUGS OVERS and S ' assortment. WHEN FRIENDS GET TOGETHER for a LUNCHEON DATE at the ... W woo' ,Sprials . .... o. 1 1 I. DRESS PAXTS-W" PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS-WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. and go"'1 111 S2.75 1 NOW OPERATING FROM NEW GARAGE BUILDING, FORMERLY LINDSAY MOTORS, SECOND AVENUE AND FIRST STREET. PHONES 566 and 866 Specials - Map 923. containing approximately 0.518 of an acre, as shown on Map 1965; and (2) Lot 1, subdivision of Block 3 of Waterfront Block E ar shown on Map 2028, containing approximately 2,t03 acre. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, In the Province of British Columbia. Dated at. Prince Rupert, B.C. thli 10th day of May, 1949. CANADIAN LEGION. B.E.S.t. Branch Number 27. (Philip M. Ray) Secre.ary-MUniager. (132) In! Civic Centre Dining Room For Reservations and Chicken In The Rough Phone Red 705 Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 pin. till 9 p.m. and Sunday