f 0R a NEW 1Mb ROOF ULU OR UNE REPAIRS TO Local News Items . ' ! 'Tl"" Wt"mtt Friday, Gupri May Daiip 27, 1943 iScim 3 , '' if II L CANDIDATE AT "Meeting of Operating Engln-j See Page 4 ftr specials at eers. Local 510, Friday, May 27, William F. Stone s Stock Rcduc-7:30 p.m., Carpenters" Hall.'ing Sale, starting tomorrow. Film will start at 7:45 sharp. ' Friday morning. (It) f LA SIMPSON Insist on IP Square Butt Shingles Beauty Durability Economy lir Shades and lilack, per KM) m. ft. $10.75 Members of Local 115 are in 0' (123) vited to attend. GRADUATES See W. F. Stone's suit specials for your J. D. McRae, Coalition candidate for Prince Rupert in the provincial election, was an honored guest at the Victoria Day Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Branca left , graduation. (124) today to return to Vancouver by finite irinnntitc: cln1ro pnni-t plphra Hnn at Trrt Qimncrm air after spending a couple of ts ' - . o ' ' ' , j hp(no,. .,.. ,nuitpr, fnr tij days In the city. BERT & McCAFFERY LTD. prices at William F. Stone's 1 occasion at the opening of the starting Friday morning. (It) celebration. Mr. McRae, ac- Baseball Sunday! Double-Header. 1 p.m., Juniors; 2:30 p.m., Rookies vs. Old Timers. Roosevelt Park. (124) KVEKYTHINO FOR THE BUILDER-PHONE 116 ERNEST LLOYD Sonja Sale of home cooking,' a rv rv t - r. sewing and tea May 28, SO N. lAll HrirU Hall. (123) I IAD STREET JL'S PARTY Undcr Martin Stuart, PTA president, as master or ceremonies, the party got off to a start at 8 o'clock and did nut break up until 1 a.m. companied to Port Simpson by Walter Smith, gave an address to many native people who came from various villages, particularly Kitkatla, to jojn in the proceedings. There was a full day's program of sports, races and entertainment. A baseball game between Inverness and Port Edward was a close affair with Inverness winning 11 to 10. Softball was also played and in the evening there were boat races followed by a big dance. Reg Sampson was chairman of the sports committee for the day. u t, m . J Death took place at the Prince Z- h 1L Ke"neyffarrlVed: Rupert General Hospital yes-in the city Thursday afternoon Pd t of Ernesfc Garin. from Vancouver after spending , hig seventy.fithear y De. he last few days on a speaking ; ceased fa ty, featuring danc- . mm ' 'fa- rnze winners nf tvin .,,,1' 1 pf' .re-mnriii, ...u party, which took up the first' , i,ul up activities for half of the evening, were as fol-l "Who put that 1932 menu in the window?" . was enjoyru uy i, ( lows: whlst, M. Girardef crib-nbers and guests of thejbage, Mrs. Darrow Gomez and Street School Parent-, bridge, Mrs. L. Loughlin 'Mrs - .Association In the Gomez donated her cash ptbe 1 basement. Proceeds toward the projector event will go toward ' ,e Atter a delicious supper of ,h,se of a projector forlhot dogt gnd co,fee mwi by )l I Mrs. W. Davidson, Mrs. D. Owens, AIR PASSENGERS wut, ttu wiii yxaiL a ci i acc aiiu other northern points during the next week in connection with the Coalition campaign. He left for Terrace by car today. Constable and Mrs. Richard Howe arrived in the city on Wednesday from Victoria. Constable Howe Is here to join the city police force, succeeding Constable A. J. Davidson who was recently transferred to Fort Nelson. ploy of the Canadian National Railways for a number of years, formerly resided at Aleza Lake until moving to Prince Rupert to live three years ago. Mr. Gardiner was a veteran of the First Wisrld War serving overseas with the Twenty-Eighth Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. He leaves to mourn his passing, his widow, 1451 Plaza, Prince Rupert, one son Raymond L. Gardiner, and a daughter, Announcement All kdvertiscuMi m cms column will b charged for a lull month at 36 eaot worri Mrs. T. Glenn, Mrs. H. M. Harper, Mrs. C Juhansen and Mrs. L. Colussi, dancing to the piano accordion music of Mike Colussi was begun with a grand march led by Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Bate-man. Scotch dances were under the direction of Robert Cameron. During an intermission in the dancing, a quiz program was conducted by Miss Jean Urqu-hart. The winning team consisted of W. D. Griffiths, Mrs. L. Murdoch, Mrs. B. E. Eyolfson and Mr. Saunders. The opposing team consisted of M. Girardet, To Vancouver K. F. Harding, J. B. Collins, A. Larson, C. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Branca, J. Jackie. To Sandspit-A. C. Pallant, F. Boudreau, J. Brlllon. Frqm Vancouver Miss O. Owens, Miss I. McKechnie, J. Ewing, G. E. Wide, W. Wenstob, M. Bazinet, S. Johnson, T. Wy-lie, J. L. Green, A. V Hill, Hon. Mrs- H- E- Smitn, all residents of Ambrose R A Me T onrl Sonja Ladies Tea May 28. United Church Tea June 8 at the home of Mrs. Nickerso.i, Borden Street. June 2 Annunciation School white elephant sale and home cooking, 2 to 5:30 p.m. Catholic Hall, June 9 After- Avenue is sailing next week f or I of Prince Rupert. BUY The funeral wlU take PIace Woodlands, California, to pay a visit with his son-in-law and from Orenvllle Chapel Sunday riauphter Col and Mrs a s next, Rev Archdeacon Hodgson ki unniuiK It pyble la dnoe. Fleur refrain from wiepbcalng Lv c pr ird par tnaertlua. minimum churn, toe. Birth " Mu. . Cnii of Thank. Dith N-jtlnet, Funeml Nnti- u.--. officiating, and interment wilU noon , tea and home cooking sale; t. i . Kenney, C. Milne J. S. Wilson. Van Aiirnn Col Van Anrnn ! ml KngaKNiient Aiuiouncf munu: tJ tik'MSIAL DISPLAY. UOBLB i-KICK evening, final card party and Prince! be ln tne Soldier's Plot, Fair-Rupert who was stationed at view cemetery with members of during the war. will be r. Campbell, Mrs. H. Thorn andj Mrs. W. Murdoch. Tickets were in charge of Miss Hilda Howse. Mrs Percv Kmitsen nresided at (1ST AVI FOUND WANTED distribution of tournament prizes. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking, June 11. the local branch of the Canadian Legion in attendance. From ear on Highway 1 WANTED TO RENT Thrpu nr . . .... HOTEL ARRIVALS FASHION CRAFT CLOTHES An Investment in! Good Appearance retiring from the United States Army at the end of this month. Mr. McLeod has sold his resid four bedroom hmi3 uiii tne Goor anu miss jean urqu- . , Strawberry Tea, Presbyterian pay top rent for suitable' hart was in charge of the soft p!ar,1; Contact S. S. Gilmour drink stand. at Blue 923 eveninoa nr at I n Kupert and Kwinltsa 21st Fishing equipment, Lines. Fly book and tiers with flies, basket tc. Phone A. R. Nichols. U23) uoiumoia Cellulose. (124) Prince Rupert A. Larsen, New Westminster; George Cope, Vancouver; J. F. Church, June 16. H.M.C.S. Haida I.O.D.E. Tea, June 25. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. bridge, ence on Ambrose Avenue to Mr. McBride who arrived here recently to assume the management of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative general, store. NOTICE I, Frank A. Calder, nominated FOR HENT WANTED TO RENT 4 rooms or more, house or aiartment. Larce Tour wartime ideal. Fur lumiiy. Phone Red RJXi. (127) ureen, Vancouver; T. E. Wylie, Vancouver; Pearl Knox, Ketchikan; L. W. Clay, Vancouver; E. Welns, Prince George; L. Lor-entz, Prince George; L. Willing- whist, May 30. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. WANTED TO RENT House or suite, 2 rooms or more, for family. P.O. Box 1000. (124) .ENT Furnished Rooms, a Ave. West. (124 .-.NT -.Sleeping room, 801 ii Street. (tf) KK MALE as C.C.. candidate lor Ainn electoral district in the forthcoming provincial election, advise that I have appointed Charles Lake, prospector, of Stewart, B. C. as my official agent. Frank A. Calder. NOTICE I, William Duncan Smith, nominated as Coalition candid ton, Vancouver; J. G. Anderson, Victoria; W. A. Craig, Vancouver; L. Therien, Vancouver; J. E. Smith, Smithers; W. van der WANTED 2 first class motor mechanics, top wages. Superior Auto Hi Body Service. (124) ate for Atlin electoral district In the forthcoming provincial election, advise that I have ap Advertise In the Dally News! WANTED Part time work eve -MI.LV KNOWN NAMES Speeder Shovels, . iJiaulmes; Adams tiriutirs; Littleford Bros. Tun Kind Maintenance nii-iii; Owen ClamHhell 's mid Kork GraiiDles: Weil, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. Hardie, Victoria; Mrs. Forsythe, Pacific; J. P. O'Brien, Jasper; ninns and week-ends. Box 52 Daily News. (123) V. Hill, Vancouver; C. Milne, pointed William R. Tooth, landlord, of Stewart, B. C. as my Official agent. William Duncan Smith. HELP va; lil) VSinili Concrete Miters; Toronto; w. H. Spencer, Ter itriiiMiii, iiuiKi; neison race; Mr. and Mrs. W. Robin THAT'S RIGHT! we're a SERVICE STATION Your car is our baby. Whatever it needs top quality gas or a thorough grease job, our complete line of services save you time and money. BOYS WANTED Reliable boys de.sirinu Daily ;.ews route should file their names at tne son, Terrace. VelMous Ice 6ream! FUNERAL NOTICE : Loaders for Stockpile :"' lienioval: Rice I'ort-Omrilimal Humps; Na- Drauline Scrapers and :; National All Steel .iip Huits; National lir Sawmills; National v Screens and Conveyor, iniiiniiatioii from Na- Marhinerv Co. Ltd, BALAGNO Florists,; Phone Green 187 Box 1193 1 1 Daily News Of rice. (tf) HELP WANTED Male or female to operate News Stand at C.N. dock. Apply in writing, stating quanitcations to Box &28 Daily News. AND SO SERVICE HOl'RS: Weekdays 8 a.m. to 13 midnight Sundays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. uv,r. B. C. 'tf) HELP WANTED Women want- EASY TO MAKE ed for part time work on GARDINER In the city Thursday, May 28, 1949, Ernest Lloyd, aged 76, beloved husband of Mrs. Esther Gardiner, 1451 Plai:a. Archdeacon E. Hodson will conduct services at Grenville Court Chapel at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, May 29. Interment to follow in Fair-view Cemetery. B. C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. (It) ALE-New row-boat, 15'. STAMP COLLECTORS We have a very fine selection In stock. Also F.G. and Scott Albums, etc Come in and look them over. KEN WILMOT 718 SECOND AVENUE labelling machine wens Cartage. (124) WRATHALL'S PnOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies fur luind trolling. 8ee n Beach Place. Green I BOB PARKER'S , UPTOWN SERVICE STATI01I (125) i HELP WANTED Opportunity iLE Hendix Washer, car PHONE 7!)1 Second and McBride lor bright youth, preieiaoiy able to use typewriter and with some auuptibiiity tor olfice work, to enter employment in newspaper oifice Some outside work. Could commence part time. Apply wa.'nn, baby carnage, clo'.hes basket, electric Sm.beam Shavemaster. Oreen G13, mornings. (128) m,AW.W.,AWWVWW,.WWV.l WW. i For Daily News. t il.F P'nlht rilmhoiirflnh WANTED Experienced Construction ' Alterations Repairs " table model, almost. HELP fish buver wanted lor out J.alll). Lox 527 Daily (127) town camn. Better than av See erage salary and bonus to one who can qualify. Kindly state experiences and references in reoly. Box 529 Daily News (125) GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS ALE 30 ft. Gillnet boat "'It II. in good condition. Floats. Box 517. Daily . (1261 L:ICK SALE Excellent n boat Petrel No. 22. 15-) Heuul engine. Length Fully equipped price Apply 500 lithe Ave. 1123 WANTED Woman to do light housework and look after it-year old boy week days. Phone Blue 128 alter 6. tf) Floor Sanding a Specialty P.O. Box 721 Red 561 To Masset HEAL ESTATE TERRACE FARM FOR SALE 9ii neres all under cultivation. For Building Supplies PHONE 363 U.E-10 tube radio, large "t. SH0.OO. Suite 1. Bel-Hotel alter (i p.m. (125) n. i r ;$12 Fenced. Good garden plant-Pt one acre small fruit. Farm You Buy it omgie rare fALE ' Beaver" Wood hn'ildinns. farm machinery,! one cow. one calf, chickens, i like new, with acces-aiul tools. Phone 855 160. (tf) Five roomed furnished house, n.i ivib Hi-neh one and one- i,ir miioo from town Price 1 tr. noniui rash AddIV Will ii We Deliver it FIEUSE AT THE B-Y MARKET YOU CAN BUY THE FINEST OF FRESH MEAT, FRESH VEGETABLES AND QUAITTY GROCERIES. JUST CALL RED 411 AI-E -1912 Chevrolet Se-m very good condition, fly owned Can be seen Bedore, Terrace. B. C. (127) MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors i r-Nk i RETURN $21.60 Three Regular Return Flights Per Week to All Queen Charlotte Island Points FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS rilONE 795 C.P.R. OFFICE i sale 4 room furnished "iR Motors. (tf)'FOR I house close in. for particu I f! lars Phone Blue u. " AI.E - Ml. Ill n.i.l ITo,.J Cn-1 '', Hariiunro o.wi nrtt. vnu rat v. Furnished Wartime llllilllllllllllilUli!!!!!!!!;.!! iil,l,ini!l'l'lll'i!:ll'!r;!ili'i,iin!l,l,':1lt;i!!l'll rps. iiiwi..r..i iv,k. iw.miti and naraide. Across i V...,;; suction B uost of lice.' ROYAl VANILLA ICE CREAM Easy at ABC to make this family favorite! Follow limpla directions on Royal Vanilla Pudding package. Downright delicious! Economical, tool Get Royal Vanilla Pudding tomorrow. Call at 882 bin nvc. (127) '"Kadi os. Bedroom v f-liairs. New Floor Cov-rri'.ss irons, Rugs, Din-'is. Paints, Cups and "'K etc. For good prices FURNITURE CO. JI4. FOR SALE 2 lots on Eleventh near McClymont Park. Avenue "In K.iiit Hnnh p earau:e. and 1 Home Appliances 1 (Formerly O. D. Haugen Grocery) 869 Sixth Ave. E. knocked down army build-: a 1 fng 60 x 24. Here is an oppor- i.Tii.v for a handy man to! ALE -Tenders wil lbe re-" V the undersigned (IP FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 24 222 Second Ave. Box 423 erect a home at low cost. Only ilOOO cash. Apply P. H- Lm-. zey Prince Rupert R'tC"- ! ,n of Friday, June 3rd i,'1; Purchase of District -!. Range 5, Coast Dist- . "'RCtlier .uiilh imnmud. J,S Siln.,lo,l n K nA FOR SALE-House 5 moms and lot 1140 liay& hnth on one rfwe Ave. $2700, $3300 furn- Delicate, tempting, creamy-smooth! Royal Vanilla is pudding perfection by itself, and a special favorite for making into fancier desserts- pies, ice cream, custard, and candy. Easy to prepare, easy on your budget. Nourishing, too! Reach for Roval the world's largest selling puddings butterscotch, chocolate, vanilla and maple. fny thi whtlt 0fAi family l aesstrti. (124) ished 4 mm ciniiu furnished , " belonging to the e, "f Karl (Carl) Johan , 'c'.. deceased. This ,"v is situated on the - Road about 8 miles 01 Terrace. Arrange-L inspect the property 1 " w made with the B. C. . IhPMhi, r i-n KOK b-?. I""-' v,;.r,. nir-elv WAFFLE IRONS $12.00 j 1TWIN WAFFLE IRONS $16.93 j ISILEX STEAM IRONS . , $23.50 gj 1G.E. AUTOMATIC IRONS . . $9.95 to $12.50 H jjfi.E. HEATING PADS $8.93 g MCE. TOASTERS .v. . . $9.95 to $14.93 jl H ELECTRIC CLOCKS $6.95 to $14.00 jf g STEAM RADIATORS ..... $41.00 to $48.00 jj INorthern B.C. Power Col Ltd.! BUY GENUINE . . ) Dustlbane for greater economy and saving on jour Dust Control problems in 70-lb. drums 150-lb. and 250-lb. barrel- PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE; SaSand nVw furniture. SinW 1532 2nd Overlook (127) be- Jween 5-7:30 p.m. FOR SALE-4 room house. Apply 1326 8th Ave. E. after 6(P-m. 0rHnn tr o.vi rff ,,A'jmini.strator, Adminis- 11 01 IViii t:i ... j. t- I World famous i K ; I..MUI.C Ol IVKll "metal noiii SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT ,;d unan Osterlund, for flavor! and PLUMBING -InstUatlons PERSONAL fTS," "X n,,iiRaf. lnM""' WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR . ; yK t sons. Va." DRITO KIlMnPTFS tf) BESNER BLOCK STEWART, B. C. mit. i,i-1 mi I-"- , Sixth West Phnne 543 g PHONE 210 H PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. econd Ave. Phone 633 r. O. Box 713 s l(irH(?('sl twelve samples P(Kt,Pllid In plain seal-led ?PPr- catalogue in- Advertise m the Dally News! ". 'PR ' ii Novelty CC. ... out" 71 Mair st- .T"l7 iijii you Saw It In The News!