8 Iprfnrc Uupctt Dailp J3rto$ I PREMIER MINE IIS REOPENING : J MAY DAY tu f : V -CP I, " ' "f m Hit Rupert . Peoples Store" MCM's 'OOUCtl MINUTES j Ono little girl in the parade j Gail Bolam, had difficulties wi!h; I j her hooped skirt but she pusher! I r back the tears and went on to win a prie. j in' 0 Hry Rose Marie Reid STEWART Keports filter-in!; in from the Silbak-Prem-ier Mine are lo Uie effect that there will shortly be a fair-sized crew engaged on the work of rehabilitation of the plant which was closed down last year when the miners went on strike. Some of the old officials arrived here on the Union steamer Monday. With th posibility of the early reopening of this great mine and the Morris Summit Mine there will undoubtedly be a resurgence of activity in the mining industry here. Angela UNSBOffKS VINCENT FBICF . KrrSiu Z?M Tart way through the race AT unn ouuufi . BIB program, a diversion was created wlvn Harry Sheardown noticed ! s m o k e rising from the Albert v SATURDAY SHOWS 2:00 - i:30 ' and MrCaffery truck which had been used as the Queen's float. as i P! 7:00-9;3o . . fc: A short circuit in the PA whine; r J Mrs. John t t.., system used on the truck during the crowning, caused some of the proper spirit and their stan-thc serviette decorations to dard bearer kept the color flying last night on the pr Pert for Vancouver atu Ms the last wttk in ' I visiting hnr h,,. 'smoulder. on the field until the last no' Mr. and Mrs. Will Robinson of Terrace were overnight visitors In the city .arriving from the Interior by car yesterday afternoon and returning to Terrace today. They were 'accompanied by W. H. Spencer, Terrace garage operator. ' dog disappeared. ;head of the accounur, Under the direct of R. G - STAYS IN INFERNO 38 SECONDS IN FIRE SUIT New foil suit proved most protective to fireman in fighting flames of burning plane at Wright Patterson airbase, Dayton, O., when six types of suits were tested. Fire fighter stayed in flames 38 seconds, said he could have stayed longer. Other times ranged down to six seconds. .... " oi v.niumbia Ctli Their two sonSi Ian an(; 'IH remain In the cit iRuninur. I j Moore, T. G. Bateman, Steve clowns- Benny Windle and jjciieeseman and Jimmy Melior, Louie Van Pykstra had a heavy l ! did an efficient job at the raco afternoon and there were times I j starting line. w llcn they were hard put to keep I . '. ahead of the kiddies. Clarified Ads. Get Results. NEW BRIDGE AT PRETTY TEA BY FAMOUS HOSPICE The Alps hospice founded by 1 St. Bernard, and famous for its i - . Him life-saving dogs, has been In existence since about 1081. sees n CATHEDRAL W.A. Affair Thursday Afternoon at Home of Mrs. W. S. Kergin I There were more than 7,000 'serviettes stuffed into the wiia netting which formed the framework of the Kinsmen's Queen Float. BITTER CREEK STEWART-The new Howe tniss bridge across Bitter Creek about nine miles from here has just been completed by the Provincial Department of Public Works who have done a fine job. FOR COAL TRANSPORT Harry Sheardown and hU sports committee had a number of photo-finishes that tested their judging ability but, with the co-operation of the young runners, all situations ended happily. 1 The home of Mrs. W. S. Ker-, gin, Fourth Avenue, was a Railways in Britain were first! constructed to move coal fromj collieries to the water. ' RUPERT : : PEOPLES STOReI Bill Noble, on the PA system, and Pierre LcRoss did a fine job of keeping the spectators and participants posted as to the R. E. Montador and his parade prize winners of the races. committee were kept on the hop cnarming setting for a very successful tea held by the ladies of the Afternoon Branch of St. Andrew's Cathedral Women's Auxiliary yesterday afternoon. The guests were welcomed by the hostess, Mrs. W. S. Kergin and Mrs. Lionel Holtby, president of the Auxiliary. The beautifully appointed tea lining things up. There were a K. F. Harding left by air on a business trip to WHAT ABOUT Self Winding Watches! Some people are afraid to buy them btmiw they do not know how they work. They have a weight inside the case which swings to a different position every time tin wearer's arm is moved and this winds up a snui. wheel a tooth at a time and keeps the watch always wound. The watch runs ftiore evenly than one which Is wound only once a day. They are satisfactory and convenient. Two of our staff have been using them for some years. Prices range from $15 to $95 1 few tense moments just before Eddie Garner, assisted by his the parade started when the committee and a number of the QUml-s float arrived without iwi sla, nau a uusy mrce noui s the "Royal" party. Advertise In tne Daily News'. meeting tne demand lor hot dogs, soft drinks and ice cream. 1 table, at which Mrs. R. L. Me- I Tl 1- 1 . . It was a hectic -day for R. C. Barbour and his committee who Prince Kupcrt Florists 300 3rd Ave. 3ox516 Tel. 777 Flowers for AH Occasions Although the First Prince Ru-1 were busy selling tickets, col- peit cud Patrol, under the lead-Meeting completed books and 'W si'' -- 4.rr (jitkc t4m ckim iiw I iiiiusu aiiu ans. w. j. rjeison presided, was covered with a madeira banquet cloth and centred with spring flowers and white tapers. Seiwiteurs included Mrs. O. E. Moore, Mrs. T. B. Black, Mrs. J. T. Langridge, Mrs. A. M. Budin- ership of Canon Basil S. Prock-1 registering the stubs in preuara tcr, didn't win the cup they had tion for the grand draw. No luxury tax now. ft - BULGER'S Ite: ,, w ,,n" (ar "trlel WH ftss o fBued iotllt lotlce It tl om Jon .1 'fflc'at rUt alld vritln , DH Ve, fay o ieh and Mrs. R. I. Thompson. Home cooking was in charge IHOLLYWOODcafF I .1 3 'J". MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Disbes j ' of Mrs. Arvid Mattson, assisted by Mrs. J. R. Carr and Mrs. S. A. KeUbaek. , A profusion of spring plants 1 were offered for sale by Mrs Shelford Darton and Mrs. W. M. Watts. j Mrs. L. Potterton was in charge of an interesting variety of sewing. I Mrs. J. Greer acted as cashier. Tea convenor was Mrs. R. E. I Mortimer. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIX Commodore Cafe "Better Th-n Ever" "Did you say daughter's date was with a foreign diplomat?' For Outside Orders PHONE 133 jBest Food and Service In Clty ? Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders - - TEST YOUR SKILL ON THE - Divid Chow, Mgr. G ) tubU ncoi Be! Third Ave. j CLEAN UP! PAINT VP! BEAUTIFY. WANTED SKEEN A RIVER BARREL DERBY, A TERRACE ISRIDGE TO EAST KWIN1TSA For your gardening supplies, paints if all kind, and tools and equipment. SPONSORED BY V 61 hdr x. i I Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOl'R DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAT CASH PHONE 950 tamasamammmmmtmtmwmmm This might happen to us . . . but the customer never Uses when he deals at DAN'S SERVICE STATION "Where the Workingman Gets a Break." Mc Bit IDE STREET The Rotary Club of Prince Rupert MtBricle St. WE DIXIVKIt Phone 311 Prizes Prizes $750.00 i j i Tu IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE Iii tin- Matli-r r I hi l.-iate of Duiiiiiii Mmis.iii and In (hp MalliT or (h Ailiiiliilhlrulliin Act TAKE NOTICE that hv rirrtpr nf WIN $500.00 CHIROPRACTOR 10 PRIZES OF $10.00 $100.00 $50.00 SELLER'S PRIZE R June 30, ami IWrcl will hi dropped from the Terrace bridge at 2 a.m., in linish at a line just Mow Little's Mill at East Kwinitsa. John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone RLL'E 412 for Appointment HOIKS 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. tml a to 5 p.m. KVKNINOS M'inday nd Friday. 7:30 p m. fot those urrnblo to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoons. THE Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. IJuilders and General Contractors FLOOR HANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING Houses built under the N.H.A. Plan 20 down payment-balance in easy monthly payments over a period of 15 to 20 years. Free F.stimatces FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHuwK BLACK 221 P0. BOX lU7o His Honour JwIkc W. O Fulton. rrmlp : the 20th day of May. A D. l'.)W. I wan ' nppointrd Administrator of the Estate of Dunran Mornun. dcciain d. ' latR of Cnuiiina Inlet, luar Ocean Falls. Drltl.sh Columbia. ALL PARTIES having claims against the said Estate are herclfy required to furnlah same properly verified to me on or befoie the ninth clay of July. A D. 1949. arter whleh (lute claims filed may be paid without reference to any cluiniH of which I then had no knowledge. ALL PARTIES Indebted to the said Estate arc hereby required to pay the amount of their n.dtbted- PF uess m me lurthwith DATED at the City of Prince Ru- ' jert, in the Province of BrHlsh Col-i ; imibia, this 20th day of May, A D i 1041). ! OORDON PHASEIt FORBES. I COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made , VALENTIN "DAIRY i Your Daily ! . ALL-WEATHER SERVICE The main channel distance is approximately 50 miles. The barrel will he kept in the main channel of the rivcr as much as possible. Estimate of travel time is to be made in hours, minutes and seconds. Estimate forms attached to tickets. fact(n-st-im'lli0n f th Ulne takt'n f01' tllc iriV wil1 l,l'l,c,ltl 011 Uu; iAoK'm Skeena River current. Course that the barrel may follow, especially rounding binds ' in the river. Force and direction of wind and tide. The barrel was timed over a portion of the course on Mav 7, IDA al1 travelled at a speed of three miles an hour. Should the barrel be obstructed it will be released as prointly as possible by the convoying party and diverted i nto the main channel. I Official Atlmlnlstrator, i Prince Rupert, B. C ' (1!)0) I AMI KDCIS'HV A( T ite: I ertllleiiip f line N. 130 i For that SHOWER, WEDDING, BIRTHDAY or ANNIVERSARY In I lie Norlh Heterly Five uerex, more or le .'.f i ... Tlionviiifl Tivo Hundred and Fllty C NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home " 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water The VAUIETV STOKE has a wide assortment of lovely gifts including Greeting Cards for all occasions MANY TICKETS $1 AVAILABLE FROM ALL ROTARIANS AND uaiiBe rite i iiast IHs- (rlct. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of Uxia of the above Cwtificate of Titlt". Issued In the name of Georite Wlillam Hoult has been filed In this office notice is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the Xirst publication hereof, Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to jue In writing. DATED at the Land RepiKWT office.. Prince Eupert, B.C.- this 29th day of April, 1949, A D ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. (1-58) BUSINESS PLACES PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ; f 'f (-I 0 ' Phone 281 P.O. Box 106 518 3rd Ave. W. Proceeds To ROTARY ROOSEVELT PARK BEAUT IFXATI0N PROJECT Phone Red 400 Advertise in the Ddiiy Sews! i