the traditional match between nji . !6 me KooKies ana old Timers ."-lK 11 M . J5cmce Unpfrt Oaflp r2eutf Friday, May 27, 1949 Originally set for the OLD TIMERS GAME SUNDAY Sunday has been set for the official opening of the Frince Rupert baseball season with evening pvpntnn IS MOVFft a' sash- , Dave oIJ: A AM an an ex- ex - Ban ., . . " an ma na of May 24, the game was gj ed out by rain, although , .. and fnMr1v ' lu 'his ,. perimental - ' me tun .. "- n IT PA YS official five innings played the TO ROLL YOUR OWN VITH u ,f urrent among uie ram drops revealed yJUrn, that the youngsters career, declined to meet Sherry In a challenge match. have lined up an array of power y(Jlm n4 s"nund the th(? olH. 0u. c... lw tonight KjMiftt in uumuil to u.r I tiling w mcn ,nay De Datj for g MitMa douc, mere win dp a senes oi ; gters ! .. n'S ght. TmSety in Spurt "GORGEOUS GEORGE" PAViCH SEES NEED TO SUPPORT HOME TALENT Gentlemanly Grunt and Groan Artist to .Meet Urcouth Invader at Civic Centre Saturday Night "(loreeous George" Pavieh. 'who k'lieves that the mat,), V ; m- c boxing prrllminuries of five houts. I Advertise In the Dally News. s Ht s VlrcMli,,.. . evC-. if 7 Cigarette Tobacco i i i iconimunity-mimled people should support hometown ' M I I D, SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA talent, is comforting himself with ttie assurance mat he will he warmly received by the spectators at tomorrow night's wrestling card at the Civic Centre, even though he anticipates a different greeting Irom Los Angeles' Glenn Stone, hi; this reason. ! the first to have its name m- The Legion eleven has been wribed on the new North Star strengthened by the susprise Trophy. M ina-.'or Alex Hai transfer of Stan Corn well from has sinned a very strong list of th Rnttprv and tnnieht's came players for tills season and. in opponent, linfi industry here. The winner rSport Shots Although he admits to behg will tje bjiert to mef.t one Jack a bit of a cosmopolite In thf Sherry, a 235-pounder who calls past. Yugoslav-born George now SS will provide quite a battle be-' addition U old timers Mih as thi tween the two former club- Greer. Eby. Yelland and Arm-1943 mutes Curnwell and Nick Pav-! strong, he has come up with a himself the heavyweight cham- has taken Prince Rupert to his .This evening will see official opening of the heart and sees no reason why of Europe, on June 18. mid not These bouts will initiate a he sf expect recripoeity. Afur a!!, he has bwi hrr two summer sea.son which may see i . ... ... l ; rt . likis. It remains to be seen couple oi curie norses in me pei-whether Nicky can score as sons of Paul Price and Baxter, inanv coals with Stan onnosinir; It is rumored that B.txler jt football sea.son at Roosevelt Park when the first game of lid when he was be- me league lor the new North i i m as he arrived here about six weeks a?o months. swn classic BiUiuers a ii mua ....... 4i,.. i i ..f o . .tc iii.i... h. h Vw.n lotv.rina and the w.v Jim ..... Londos come biar iropny win be played De- m hjm IIOJII Lilt iailli Ul u.iiiiiui- ouh o, in uiu w m w ' Ps tween two old and bitter op- -rne Eattery team has not yet knows a thin or so. about the in the general interest for the this way. way. A At I 1 ' least, that is what rQ,tp Incidentally, Lon-' i2S when at the height of his $ Mi te wfk J: ' i game. Price learned nis iixji- dst few weeks handling halibut piaom-u. lanned. on the fish docks and he feels das, that anyone who has been as ' pohents Canadian Legion and been announced but, with all 120uh Battery. Last sea.son the the old stalwarts on hand, such Battery made a clean sweep of as Dunbar, Ward, Ferguson, all four competitions in which James and Morgan, Captain they played but the opixjsit ion ' Gomez w ill be sure to field" a may prove somewhat stronger te;im that will endeavour to be ball in the south and is a bia; burly centre and will be very hard to check. But no matter how many players Alx can put on the fieR'. Matt Peterson's boys will 'be in tiil the final whi.-itie. The sec.nd game will be played on -M.mday evening when General !'' n:s will meet the Canadian Legion. This also should provide a thriller as the clii-sely ass'K'iated with fish as he has had addeil a worthwhile thump to Ihe heartbeat of Use city. His labors in the fishing industry have reduced him from a sturdy 245 'pounds to a shadowy 238 but he still feels that he can wring both of the required falls out of Stone who OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Hex Cade Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOI' SUEY CHOW MKIN old HLrh Sh.i 1 C:ut piaym; I under new sio:i-orship will have weighs 225. at of on hand tit or?e .shudders politely th uncouth mannerisms all last year's payer.. wiMi soint; m-w facs. . .. money- ,h ltJ our double- Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders Tr, in any lriuk, flavour comes III II UN I I TJg IS i j fir! first . . . tliat'it mIiv Ol.l InNM--tor XX'jfli Ml Teams are beini reminded Stone whom he described thu that games will start on time mornint? as being "rough." a end that the home team is. re- cliaracteiLstic entirely foreinn sponsible for marking the to the Pavich makeup. There ground. The Legion will wear was a time when Getirgr was a their bine uniforms and the bit "rough" too but he says he Battery will be clad in yellow, has mellowed lately, same as last season. j "I used to be that way my- golf jUt novv i )1;lV0 income a . , tftr. IMVa favorite roni. M How... Ill Sy... . 11 I III "ii ID heart? ... over four eur old Oltl Inictor in I lie rum you erve iilh contidriict-! tig Kbdl gentleman." he said. Hut his refinement will not. : LING the TAILOR : NOTICE! Clothes remaining in this shop and unclaimed after one year are to le put on sale unless customer advises us to hold longer. Please give number. LING, THE TAILOR Sixth Street P.O. Box 36 (affect the quality of the bout, which is billed for six 10-mb Soccer Schedule' ute rounds or two-out-of -three falls. The fact that Stone has rjeon cuttmK a ' swath" down Schedule for the North Star r .,,,.,,., ?, :.. oainornia way means Utile tn OLD INSPECTOR Trophy football scries is as fol- George. JOHN JOHN H. H. j Tomorrow nipht's bout will i lows: 1 Mav 27 Canadian I-'" on v.b. actually be Ihc springboard TnvsTTTirr to momiim iital even us in tile wrest- BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL livUlVlora 4yeiiks ou) vs. I BULGER DPTOMETR 1ST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue vs. This ac'vertiserr.cnt is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Bi-ird cr the Government ol Biitish Columbia. Heavy Battery. May 30 General Motors Canadian Lee ion. June 3 Heavy Battery Genera! Mo'.ors. June 8 Canadian' Legion Heavy Battery. June 10 - General Motors Canadian Leion. June 13 Hi'&vy Battery GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving . Beauty Culture In all Its branches vs. BROADWAY CAFE i Ilea Re: ' ;' t . Hi re . I lKI .. ar ' trlel ' WI1 iiss o fisued Joult lotlce t tl Vom ion -l Jflc'a't .rUl BlW vrltin . D Ire, f iG rubu ncoi iBei 1 ! 61 nor -4- i i i I i 'rb i i t Tu R BP CM ) C 1 vs. 204 4 th Street Phone C55 vs NOW AVAILABLE KEN'S RADIO CLINIC ' For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 Second Avenue West General Motors. June 20 Canadian Legion v Heavy Battery. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS wr vs. June 24 General Motors Canadian Lesion. vs. I s June 27 -Heavy General Motors. July 4 Heavy Canadian Legion. Building and repairs of ail kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners A. HLINDEIDE WATKIN'S DEALER 517 Seventh Avenue West Battery Buttery Motors vs. JwTi; if' s.n 1IM July 8 General vs. Phone BLACK 890 Box 29G Canadian Legion. BEST FOOD BEST COOKING CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY July 11 Heavy Battery vs. , PHONES Black 687 Red 894 etenlng.-I , P.O. Box 1670 General Motors. July 15-Canadian l.( ;ion vs. : ARROW CABS 24-Hour Service . PHONE 646 Prompt and Courteous Service IXOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Heavy Battery. July 18 Canadian Lee, ion vs General Motors. July 22 Heavy Battery vs. General Motors. OR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 7C5 P.O. Box 1401 FOR TAKE HOME ORDERS 608 West Third Avci.ue PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 072 10th East ' t S' MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 52 330 Second Avenue Prince RuDert. B C. DRY KINDLING WOOD 50c Sack Delivered Chain Saw and Operator Available for Hire PHONE B Se W TRANSFER Green 186 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS i. for 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER B.C. MARGARET MeLEOD OPTOMETRIST . ROOM 10, STONE BALDING IMMEDIATE DELIVER! , 7 PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 w a. , f - t'- i ' ' ! r In 16,000 Pounds Gross Rating 150 and 165-inch Wheel Base BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Ayents for SIMPLEX OA3 and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of Industrial Engines ar Invited to jur showroom to view our various engines and tallt over equipment problems. f FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK Vel Replace That Old Truck With One of These Fine New . CALL BLUB W3W M. J. SAUNDERS JTew, Modarn Equipment '-' AH Work Ouaianteed SUPERIOR AUTO AND BODY SE WclU Cartage Ltd. Complete Moving Service QUALITY REPAIRS i. tot Downtrodden Ueui and Worn Sole MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Aox-174 . Second At. nil n Grf Third and Park Avenue PRINCE RUPERT 1 ,m CANADIAN CHAMP WINNER AT N Y DOG CHAMPIONSHIPS - Champion Robin of the Rouge, Canadian champion bull mastiff, won best of breed and best of winners in the Westminster Kennel club show at Madison Square Garden in New York. The dog Is posed with owner, J. H. Daniell-Jenkins of Pickering. The 73rd renewal of the competition for dogdom's national championships drew 2.5G2 entries from Canada and the US Cratlnf Packinr Carta ft I BLUE 78S RED Sl !