prince nuuerf Daffo Helds Friday, December lfi, 1949 stm3S Parly LETTERBOX I ICFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kl'3cycie the gaily decorated kindergarten :ronm, while the adults enovid "afternoon tea, served by Mia j Cordon Reade, Mrs. Carl Strand. jMrs. Bartlett. Mrs. Clive McL;od onrl sit U. 1 i led Church liny Reflects ... . . . and Reminisces (Subject to CTwngei FIRST TOl'RNEY 'Continued nuin Pa?e 4) TIMIIKK SM.K X-tX;.V! I Seated tenders will he received bv ' the Minister of LanlH and' Forests ' at Victoria. B C . not. later than i() ! a.m. on Thursday. 5th ttay.of January. 1!M. for the purr-haw or ' 1 irenre X-487S2. to cut 4 .695.000 feet of Ftr. Ceclur. Spruce and Hem-. Inrk on an area adjoining Ea?t I boundary I,nt 7. South . Bentlnnk Arm. Coast Ranice 3. Land ptstrlcL j Two I2 years will he aUpweci for I removal of timber. mher of parents and "Ps. 'fL small pupils at- ' ne first gilt from the Christ - rhristmas party at mas Tree was presented to Mr. J. rnurf h on Friday 8if bpr to be Kiven to the chiktn i :r" of Miller Bay Hospital on Sunday Sl'CGESTS NEW TENDERS Editor, Dally News: ' ! We have read with interest W. I 1J. Richard's letter in your issue of ; ! December 16 expressing his atti-Uiide to -'The Engine Deal." We ! concur with his remarks that no I specification sheets were prepared and, but for the courtesy and help of the City Engineer (who supplied what data was stad and F. Cio:-s. MIGHT TWO A. Ilinton and E. Mills. E. E!.m and E. Holmes; C. Noel and J... Bu.sscy, P. Foreman and J. Kullander; B. Sun-berg and M MacAfee, B.' B-ett and B. Stewart; M. Bussey and H. Silver.sides, B. Mills and R. Slade; G. Furniotis and L. Char-bonncau, S. .lamnicky and 1. Devaluation of the pound Is aid to be lmrlring the finance j of the Dules and Dwehess o! ; Windsor. But no long as that ; ranch in Southern Alberta r-; mains in good shape, they need not worry too greatly. One of those forty years ago columns reports a housewife f-.iving up serving bacon for bieakfast because it had Increased to eighteen cents a pound. Nothing is said as to the severity of the shock the wor.uin must, have suffered. SATURDAY- -P.M. 4:30 Sports College 4:45- Music for Moderns 5:00 Music from the Films 5:30 Prairie Schooner 6:0O-CBC News 8:05 Musical Varieties 6:45 "Coco th? Troubadour" 7:00 Record Album 7:30 Ornan Music 8:00-Whatcha Know Joe 8:30 -Current and Choice 9:0O-Byng Whittckar Show Further particulars of the Chid Forester. Victoria B.C., or District Forester. Prince Hupert, U C. presented a short "exi- f B'U was a scP-bo,k, ' "is and recitations, beautifully made by the children f-i Lawrence S!e-,01 lhe Kindergarten. religious Him, clc-! Mayor Arnold handed each a a : T'hl. First Noel," sung child a gift from the gaily R ,, ' .Christmas Tree which was toi- ftS"' and - cake lowetl b orangcs at the door. frt-am r ! , the children In' The Kindergarten will re-open available, we would have had a very poor idea of the requirements demanded of this proposed Pumping Unit. Finlay. J:hn Fisher, clear-voiced j Perhaps th.- Thompson case in. .broadcaster, who never neglect Vancouver has something to do i the chance to put In a good word ' on January 4 . f :30 A song in the Air with it, yet there can be no de- !r Canada, finds it necessary to io:UO CBC KCWS ni:il that B. 0 paix-rs are print- I ?efend hU position. He says what ; 10:10 bc News FLIGHT TINtKK B. Timmer-j meister and J. Croxford, 1). Farmer and M. Ing; T. Cnjistick and L. Phillipson. G. Naylor and ; P. Tait, B. Bacon and L. I,om;. L. Astoria and K Hitrrtson; 1! McGinnls and I. Kristansen, J. English and C. Charbonneau; B. W ROYAL For the latest in IDEAS and , modern MATERIALS SEE ISLAND CITY ISI'II.DI'RS' SITPMES General Builders' Supplies a lot, jusf now concerning i J- rj true-too many Cana- jj0.15 Harmonniros mi' tin importune of drawing a will jflinn nave tne tenoency w oooxi The delivery of 1.000 to 1,200 gallons of water per minute n gainst a head of 400 feet requires an engine between lfiO B. H P. and 180 B.H.P. if it is re-ciilred to run for long periods at full load such as was the case recently when the city pipeline HOTEL ony part of the earth, .o long as it isn't Canada Their reluctance PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS I La Mothe and E. Nyhiis. to shout their own wares, he says, is a blunder. Of course It is. and the curious thing is most of us have always known it. 10:30 Dal Richards Orch. 11:00 -Weather and Sif.n Off BVNDATf AAI. 8:3ft-Recital ,4:00 BBC News and Commentary 815 Music of Many Lands 3:30 Harmony Harbour 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardener was damaged by a washout! Lack I Special badminton sessions Blue 820 505 McBride mf Awuy Tom Home ,,irll,Hot and Cold water jof a sufficient water supply to i have been arranged for the ho!i- :our city mains constitutes a very day season. The regular Sunday instead of allowing an estate to ,-t.iy at loose ends. Many a lamily ; tattle can be traced to the of properly. Often., the Iv.ordins of a testament can ;lih!i-h a double meaninc, i when ivithins like that was in-;!'nc! d. But. whether you leave j n tich. or comparatively li'tle, a i inWin rttrnn document reduces, if it doer, not entirely re-novr, the posMbillty of trouble. Iron and Brass Oasnngs Eieetrlc and Acetylene Welding There are all kinds of boards in Prince Rupert except i serious condition, since even In ! sessions have been cancelled, fa! t Prince Rupert we. could have a linR as tney do on Christmas and very serious fire, particularly i New Year's Days. There will be along our well oil stocked water- I c'ut badminton as usual on Wed- Just Mary . ihr Aort tlat tell strangers what : 10:15 krNCE KUPKRT, B.C. SPECIALISTS UN SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY ,i r.u. BOX 1D FOR XMAS SHEAFFER3 "TRIUMPH" it Is they wish to know. If they 4 10:30 Way of the Spirit lhad, firmly fixed in mind, how 11:00 CBC News and where the avenues and side 11:03 Capitol Report Iront where at times well over 500 boats are tied up. nesday evenings during the hull- ! days, and badminton on Tues- j day afternoon and evening, De- streets run, hall the battle would 11:30 Religious Period For these and other considera- 12:00 N.Y. Philharmonic Orch.'Uons s be won. Suppose someone Is look we, with our principals, 1:30 Church oi the Air lE-PRICED F0R cember 27 in the main gym and the apparatus gym. Another special day will be on Monday, January 2, with badminton in both gymnasia afternoon and evenings. after consulting pump and gear specialists, decided to submit the tender at present before the City Council. This covers a plant capable of continuous performance delivering the above quan ing for an address on Third Avenue. First of all, find Third Av-venue. There e such a sign. In-s:ead of being large and well up it's been cut small and indistinct in the sidewalk concrete and is barely noticed. Casual visitors and tourists, when sign-peeking, gaze ttDward and around. They do not Mare at their feet. Because sorm? folks who have been here forty years, and blind - l0 ELEEDUCTICM 20 ON ANY ITEM $10.00 OR OVER IN OUR STORE tities against the above head: I The badminton courts in the i auditorium will be closed during i the next three weeks due to the I heavy schedule of concerts, i Christmas parties and other events booked for there between The time at our . disposal to collect, assemble and deliver this tender was far too short and the GIVE THE GIFT THAT PLEASES "ALL-VAYS'? Sh.affw'. "TRIUMPH" rW and matching Finalin Ptncilf or a gift-choic that li built to pltai k vtry way . . . always. DIB6 PRINTING Company now and January 6. data not definite enough when ! ohe compares the range of power , i folded could tramp around town 2:00 Salvation Army Program 2:30 Critically Speaking 3:00 The Old Songs 3:25 CBC News 3:27 Weather Report 3:30 Winnipeg Vanday Concert 4:30 The Happy Time 5:00 National Sunday Hour 5:45 John Fisher Reports 6:00 Stage "50" 7:00 CBC News 7:10 Week-end Review 7:20 Special Speake 7:30 Little Symphonies 8:00 Startime 9:00 CBC Vancouver Siring Orch. 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00-CBC News 10:10-CBC News 10.15 A Canadian Discovered Canada 10:30-Prelude to Midnight 11:00 .Weather and RlRn Off hnckward, it does not follow and' prices submitted to the City Council. This cost of preparing Eiderdown Sleeping Robes Men's Jackets 0 Men's Dress Trousers Boys' Parkas Boys' 3 piece Tricycles Pedal Cars Baggage Badminton Rackets French Binoculars 7 x 50's Plenty of opportunity will be piven for casual badminton during the next holidays by arrangement of court and ! newcomer, this is a puzzling ! i sort of place anyway. Phone 2341 IBesner Block these tenders Is not negligible and, where there seems to be such a variation in the interpretation of what has to be supplied, it would be wise to publish definite specifications and call for new tenders on this project. MANY MORE ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST DON'T MISS THESE RE-PRICED XMAS VALUES AT I A 4 ' ! K . i A 2 4 Polling In Prince Rupert, con- , trasted with what it was In the i early days, ha; advantases it Is j ust as well Vj sometimes think j of. In the past, city election balloting took place as a ru'.e In the council chamber and that meant stair climbing, cramjicd conditions and all around Inconvenience. To say the Civic, Cent-e has everything is not an p- er-stfitemcnt. THE This would ensure the City of Prince Rupret getting what any MAKE IT TOBACCO TKe Gift a Smoker Always Appreciates All, SMOKER'S KtiPPMES Other Lines THE RTOI!E THAT IIAIi EVERYTHING IN TOY I'OItTS SII01 engine ana pump maKer ciesires, j i.e. a plant, that will do the work j when required and for as long us I AT THE PRICE YOU LIKE TO PAY MONDAY A.M. -Musical dock -CBC News -Here's Bill Good -Morning Song -Music, for Modems 3rd Ave. Box lfif) 7:00 :00- 8:10 8:15 8:30 Blue 6!) m required. I Irrespective of the fact that i y ,um:h.kM.M.fckftiixi ,;n:wi5.).i.5.ii,j x. x H X A r - i this unit for long periods may be y j idle ,it has to be considered a j $ heavy duty unit because when .required it must be able to carry s I Its full load for as long as an . "R:45 Little Concert 9:00 -BBC News & Comty. '9:15 Mornlne Devotions 9:30 MorrrnB t.-oncert 9:59 -Time Signal 10:00 -Ellen Harris 10:15 -Sinrdng Ruin 10:30 -Melody Time GROTTO I0NDIE "" ' 'Thot'i Water .Under the feridgeVDeoT!'' -By CHIC YOUNG l' W ,VS , OiNG CXJT TO J V WH'XJUDHAVETO . , EXPLAIN THAT i- i : bLAib f WAIU'f 1Mt- kiTCHFn ') ( wJHiT TO the kiTMn, A AGAIN -- sJXr- ' I "i WLXJLON-T yOU ? r-- vJjf ( I DiDN'T Tk CIGAR STORE emergency exists. j Thanking you, Mr. Editor.' i STANDARD MACHINE SHOP; Per George Rodger. ! 10:45 Scandinalan Meiomes Give Your Friends A Gift That Will Be Appreciated A 11:00 Kindergarten ot tne mr 11:15 Roundoup Time 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11 :35-, Recorded Interlude 11:45- Personal Album 12:00 MWi Oav wieiodles 12:15 -CBC i7ows A A A A A A A A A A A A' HVWAVEBRAHD tsra ai I ,;:ife rfy?V1 .... jQssrJk-aT 1 1 -1 I zu,,:a 1 A Cornel's Hair Escape. OP in ttir JTTr-nEM1 rntmT BRITISH COI.TTMB1A ... mv, uimTP rF THE "ADMIN- tSTRZ-TION ACT" AND IN THE . MATTT.R OF THE EST AT E Or Malcolm Mcdonald, deceased. INTESTATE. TAKE NOT1CF chut hy Order or His Honour Jucln W. ,0. Ful on I local jurtse of the oupreme v u.-- $3.95 L 10 Pound Box 20 Pound Box 30 Pound Box T $7.50 $11.50 i.f Britlsn uomminn. Bt dnv of Derember, AD 1940. Admlnlstrntor oi the Es-t appointed lie or Malcolm McDonald. fate ol bower Post. British Col urn-bi, who died on or about the 13th 1949. at the dav of September. Columbia. All persons md,ebt. settlement of Dawson Creek. Br tish Columbia. All persons 'ntebed, the said estate are required to pay their indebtedness ; to the amount of me forthwith and all persons having ilm. i.niTist the said estate are PROCESSED. IN 'THE PACIFIC COAST'S MOST MODERN SMOKEHOUSE Prepaid to any points served by C.N.R. Rail in B.C.. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Freight extra to other points. Use Coupon Below Send to I Name required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 15tn of January. 1950 falling which day Sfstrlbutlon will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall havt been notilied. DATED at Telegraph CreeK. B.u this 1st day of December 1949. ERNEST EARL ALLEN, Official Administraror. 294, Telegraph Creek, B C " ' Just o Couple of irre s! " T"ijil!i!!i!ia ' .',W1,,''J , 1 ( THFPfS NOTHING '" 00 MDU v - . OKAV BLONDlE. L- HEPE PUT , ( SUPPOSE WE W C C (v PINiSHbD CRACKING A EOvv.'LOP -Vv CZ? ATE EM Vllfc' V V B J tfZ THE BOWL OF NUTS , fwPTV ,'.! t V?(ALL WHILE Address y f l f A Xma's Card Will be Enclosed With Each Shipment Sent by Name Address Indicate by X in circles below FOOTNOTES J For Christmas f y v V 9 9 A i 3 A A A A A i 4 A A i- A A A A ' A A A .1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A . A A A A A A A A A i A A A ' .- A A A A I i I 9 Clienne O Monev Order O Cash I lo L. SUEDE DOLL GREY BABY O $3.95 O $7 SO O $11.50 J mm'r ft wis Hygienic Hi-Jinks! , -f , , , El Iwill '""iT l' NOT BWSWING ) Av-v . I 5 A A A A A rt 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 V 9 9 9 9 9 : 9 ; 9 M ' &95 Fisherman's Co-operative ' TU 1 fW 1 4 1 1 Producer and Processors Hy Wave Brand Fresh, . i 11 lyf Hvl- 11 1" "I I ' Frozen & Smoked Fish also Mild Cured Salmon ) Canners of Challenger Brand FIRST QUALITY CANNED SEA FOODS Processed at the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Plant P.O.BOX1S80 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. At the FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED rd Ave. Box 638 Ph. ctWi",,,'-;l",ll,ii: 1 S- . j' & I, -'---JL. ' 3 J I . . :