REBIRTH OF VISION 1 ' n'.n ... 4 prince Rupert Daflp r3eto Friday, August 19, 1949 . (Continued from Page 1) hUities of development of tht- ' Junior p- . Capt. Adams Is Promoted northern line of Canadian Na-!meree and tM" iUnal Pol!tt'!1l'! OnH T H tlrt r,f lift.. . s - v : OF CASADIAf PPr? - ATDTT STF.EAu Of CI C1ATIONS CAACIAX DAILY NFX3?aFER ASSOCIATION An tudrpcnd eu v atuy AewBppr aerotM o c upbuilding of rtfnoe Rupert Dd il eotnmoaHiM comprtsm northern and central BrttHh ColumDls Autbormed u erond Clua MU. Po Oftl Department. Ottawa) PublUhea mrj afternoon except Sundae by rrtnc Rupert Dally New Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Bupert. Brltlah Columbia, O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. Ml "C ( '- x . r iiuuui - - ui mumi to Prince Rupert, but if the people p,-evloto of Prince Rupert and district did . mt i not stir themselves, Prince Ru- J St'nator j. q pert, despite all its advantages,' speaker at a would continue a second-class to the conyWv? 7VS IT -A if. SVe -X.h' tatt Carrier. Per Weed 20e: Per Month. ?5c: Per Tear, S 00. EEX- i'Jte A , By Mall. Pet Mould. bOc. Per Year. i uo Well Known Naval Officer Goes to Munificent OTTAWA Promotion of Captain K. F. Adams. RCN, 46. of Victoria and Ottawa, to the rank of Commodore and his ap poru ; 'aoy jv.kwil. ! V T Annlewhaite. MP-elerf ventii.n If'" a " , "!" - -r-- aujuu.rwi I perity and industrial expansion "ig. K M. were not a thing of the future, it was something that had already arrived and people of the area should prepare themselves I p-tt.l':v UhWi'- fV'V1 lY pointment as commanding of-! ficer of the aircraft carrier H.M. ; C.S. Magnificent, nd as Senior; Canadian Naval Officer Afloat J were announced yesterday by ) Naval Headquarters. His pro- j motion is effective September j 1. and he will take up his new J duties a week later. j Captain Adams, for the past ; two years Director of Naval Re- ' , to co-operate and take advantage of It. He urged that local I nannla nut WftrrV Kfl ITIIlph Uhltllt " " r"'1 what other people were gettinf; but to apply their energies to building up their own communities, j The convention passed rcsolu-' i serves at Naval Headuarters, was born in Victoria, and graduated from the Royal Naval College of Canada in 1922. As there PRICES! BUY HE were no naval vacancies at that . time, he entered the merchant ; (service and obtained his mas-j j ier's certificate, lie joined the , ' i Royal Canadian Naval Reserve tions urging Immediate establishment of a Coast Guard ser- j vice, the establishment of an airfield at Prince Rupert, the appointment of a resident of western Canada lo the board ot directors of the Canadian National Railways and the Installation of better directional road signs from community to community along Highway Sixteen through Central BritLsh MEN'S WORK pJ To SLM-Nw MEN'S 1IRF.SS P;i To SLOfl-Su, -MEN'S GAB ARID'. ' in 1928 and a few months later BACK TO DIEPPE Seven years older, these 32 veterans of he Canadian raid on Dieppe In 1942 are returning for special commemoration ceremonies scheduled for August 19, the anniversary of the raid Representing all Canadian units that took part in the raid, these veterans come from aU across Canada. This Canadian Army photo was taken as they left Montreal's Death's Handyman LIKE TO RISE in our wrath and impute the WE rising toll of traffice accidents to all sorts of causes. Liquor stands first in our minds, and perhaps it is well, even if it isn't quite the truth, for liquor, behind the wheel, is quite a killer. But death's favorite handyman is our own stupid selves in our stupid moments. According to an extensive survey made by the Northwestern National Life Insurance Company of Minneapolis, not liquor nor any other active hazzard, but just plain dumbness was responsible for 44r; of all the fatal highway traffic accidents in the United States last year. You can divide that up too. Thirty-two percent of the "dimwits" were drivers and 12' ; were adult pedestrians who took a chance that the driver would save their lives in spite of themselves. Not bad roads, or bad driving conditions or bad machines, but just dumb chance-taking humans resulted in 14,000 highway deaths in the United States last year. We suspect that the average would hold here. There are two- contestants for the place of second-best killer. They are rudeness and drunkenness. They share equal dishonor. The road hog who rides the centre line and the man who jumps the gun when the other fellow has theright-of-way are just as dangerous as the drunken driver. Each tallied of all road traffic fatalities. Which ought to remind us all that you win no martyr's crown by dying at the wheel, or letting others die for you because of your stupidity or rudeness or drunkenness. transferred to the permanent force as a Lieutenant. A period in the destroyer. HMC.S. Vancouver, and serv (C. P. Photoi Dorval airport for England Sunday. NEW NATIONALIZATION (Continued Ircm Paae One) Delegates from New Haw-'.'on ice overseas in ships and estab- Reserves. He relinquished the lii-hments of the Royal Navy former post in June, 1949, to de-followed until 1931 when Captain ; vote full time to his duties a Adams returned to Canada lor 'Director of Naval Reserves. ship is that it would "raise the efficiency of the building Industry." The largest concern In this To $13.50 Now YOI'NG MEN'S T ; SLACKS-T. Ill j Now MEN'S SPORT : S Washable To S3 Now 4 have expressed themselves two years service in the destroyer H M C.S. Skeena. In Decem- doubtful of the wisdom of na-i industry is the Associated Purt- Captain Adams was awarded the Greek War Cross, Third 1U4U .. .I.,.. - iinA r a m a n t Vln nil f n i't nrpri IP B LES tuir 1071 .flr furthor TT f llOnailZUlg HiaUSUlUI ilUI ame. I v.t...v J MEN'S SPURT 51 oversea,' Some opposition has come Iron00 control British Portland, he was appointed j Greece in Decernber 1942 for cement manufacturers. Their First Lieutenant of the destroy- his serviees while captain of he powerful co-operative- win, ; i Washable To It Now MEN'S CABARItl VthM fui rrmove OiP t air mat cko at pi!- jftttt grl trt ht'ilr r"ti lt. 1 tit i in trie rm-n lr tlfuiif tuf tint torturr , nr )jo Ujh (d.tig mtui ti(Jttjif yar kt bh!t iima the- :i.-r in lite nr Pyltin I rrjtmriil t-fmrs t :ta if i ( nf r f nipitnl t une. 'Mmi fur fir.irir nl PyMtMiv jyli'v l 75 ( t BHirru druiuU. '1 I D.B., Latest, rVrf, To $49 50 Not MEN'S WORSTEl D R., AIMVuul. r er H.M.C.S. Champlain. He was the Prince David. The Canadian of the party, which has Dig in-r Z 24.000.000 I tI1 $96.000.000 1. i promoted to the rank of Lieu- ,hlp was one of a number of dustrlal assurance interesU nearly tenant-Commander In January, warihips which escorted an- There have been hints, too, that uke insurance, the cement ln-1936. A year later he became 1 other carrying the Greek King not all the Labor Party execu- dustry has also Issued a memo-First Lieutenant of another des-from North African waters to tive are agreed on this national- landum opposing the hationali-troyer, H M C.S. St. Laurent. I England in Septembre, 1941. ization plan. zation plan. This statement de-Shortly before the outbreak of j Early in his naval career Cap- There is no opposition in the clared that the industry was theNSecond World War he was j tain Adams qualified as a phys- party Itself to the nationalization marked down for state owner-appointed to R.C.N. Barrack, icai and recreational- training of the cement industry. The of- . ship "simply because It seemed a H MC.S. Stadacona, Halifax.! officer. He has always fostered Tor ficial reason given wanting nice plum, easy for picking an where he was promoted to the and taken a keen Interest in to bring it under state owner-orchid-robber's Joy " acting rank of Commander in sp0rts and athletic programmes July, 1940, and confirmed in . jn ships nd establishments To $4I5-Not MEN'S S0X-f work. From, Tic BOYS' SCHOOL To S1.25 Now . BOYS' SPORT SHI n i "it i hi ii n in i in m i.y i in iiimiipmp immm I- HL ll; rank in January, 1941. He was'uncier his charge, executvie officer of the barracks I .' at the time. J- SAVOY H0TI1 W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT To $2.25 Not Tin- Capital Cil 1)1 Itriliali ( .iluml.iu Intilm Vuu 1 Hi u4n iiur 1 1 in li-r Kiliirulioii al BOYS' ANKLE rta From April until December, To tot Now FUMERAL OF VICTORIA COLLEGE hi (iiuiiwi II illi nirvrxity nf H.C 1941, Captain Adams was in command of the auxiliary BOYS' PANTS-! choose for sdw VIC JOHNSON cruiser HMC.S .Prince David. He then returned to Stadacona as CnmmanrtirLcy rvnpr nf thu dux! fit and From LADIES' ANKU To 50c Now, Pu Enjoy llicr many niKnnln-,-.: Smalh-r flanM-o allwing HT-oiiiil all.iiln,,,. I il,rur anil l.lli.irulrir i-i ill. allv iloiirni-.l for l-l ami 2ml trar Minli-nto. .mmI boartlint: lnu. Mi.rl .li-l line.. Crrparr you fur nil ra 111 e t:lrd y-ar An, S-inni.. ( Mamme. Im 2 yrnr prrpiaraw. lory lo M.ili. ini-. li-iiti-lr,, IVurhinu, AKrirullurr, ) Niimins. ami I y-ar prtpara lrv lo Applied Srirm r. I r in :S, ,,,.m.r -,, , April 2'. l'Cill. Wrile ''KritiKlrar" ii loria ...Urge, ii toria, HA., for l alemlal. Sliulrnl prrjmml al I irloria Ctillrf mri-l tUt reqnirf. menl nf ll,lrr I , lain I inn nmWv uifh llmw itrviMire,! ill llir I nitrnitr. LADIES' STIM'Klv To 55c Now R.C.N. Barracks, 1 Final ritcs for tne late Capt Between February and De-!vie Jnnnson of Nanaimo were cember, 1943, he commanded held Thursday evening at B. C. j HM.C. Ships Assiniboine, Ot-. Urn rtaker's Grenville Court tawa and Prince Henry, then'Cna , Canon Bas g Prock. took up an appointment . as . , . . -, , , Z iter of St. Andrews cathedral Director ri0- of t Tir j Warfare and Train-j ing at Naval Headquarters. In' officiated. August of the following year he Te remains were sent south was named Commanding Off:-! on the Prince Rupert to Van-cer of H M C.S. Somers Isles,! couver where burial will take the Royal Canadian Navv's i nlar? from the Home Funeral : CHILD'S ANKLET ' To 40c Now JOHN H. BULGER 5PTOMETR 1ST John Bulger Lid. Third Avenue MHraaananni l trainin? base in Bermuda. Early Chapel on Monday afternoon. C. D. Brown, brother-in-law of the deceased, accompanied the body.. During the service last evening the congregation sang the in isHD ne commanded the destroyer H M C.S. Iroquois, and in July of that year became Commanding Officer of HMC.S. Stadacona. for the second time. Captain Adams assumed command of the cruiser HMC.S. Uganda, in July, 1946, and was f A ft i I hymns, "Jesus, Saviour Pilot , Me." and "Lead Kindly Light" Pallbearers were Frank Mc- B -PROTECT ON AUGUST FURNITURE SALE ODD C HAIR C LEARANCE 25 REIH CTIONS Rest-a-Guest Chair May be used as a chair or chaise lounge or as a comfortable single bed. Res. S!)8.00 SALE PRICE $73.58 Princess Rocker Has Restmore concealed rocker. Like a chesterfield chair in appearance but with the comfort of the "Old Rocking Chair." Reg. $9f.00 SALE PRICE $72.00 Odd Chesterfield Chair Modern style, full spring construction, with homespun cover. Reg. $33.00 SALE PRICE $41.25 A. MacKENZlE FURNITURE LTD. Phone 775 327 3rd Ave. innnHBBHmMi ln tnis ship for a year before! G jwan, Harold Kenny, Billy taking up the dual appointment I Stewart, Rufus Whit, Billy Mc-of Deputy Chief of Naval Per-1 1.eod and Joseph Van Walleg-sonnel and Director of Naval I ham. ANYTIME m t,me TO CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY ... Let us Inspect, repair and clran your chimney now Be prepared for Fall. We also specialize In repair of gutter), down pipe and roofing. AW.W ShirM your ear from enr orut teni ! iet frefh, compounded RI'M Motor Oil from any (ihron (iaet Station, i'or rxlra engine protei-lion, It's i UNSURPASSED Chest X-Ray CI mic Final Week At the Prince Rupert Health I'nit Office 2nd Ave & 4th St. August 22, 23, 24, 25, & 26,-9-12 p.m. 1-3 p.m. It's Easy! It's Free! It's Wise! INTERCITY CHI MNEY JB GIFTWARE. Reason 0w Free Estimates ' Authorized Licensed Chimney Servire. AllV Vases Figurines Fancy Glassware ill Tfl J OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Caie Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN sure to see our .selection of GIFTWARE and rememher wuauity Sl'PI'LIES FB 111 PBINTINC you can get your GREETING CARDS and GIFT WRAPPINGS without leaving the store Save time and effort Select your gifts at' I STATION ERV F,IB 14 BUSES FOR SALE GREETING C PENS AN" ' EE Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to S:30 a.m. Phone 17S for Outside Order DIBB PRINTING DESNER DLOC.: 518 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400 Modern inter-city type buses, also suitable for school runs . . . contractors ... or oilmen . . . mobile offices, etc. -Now in regular service . . . steel bodies . . . recliner seats ... air brakes . . . adequate baggage facilities. Seating capacity 28 - 37 passengers. Inspection of buses can be made at Calgary. WRITE OR PHONE WESTERN CANADIAN GREYHOUND LINES Calgary, Alberta y Fargo Trucks AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Notice to Patrons THE Ovic Centre Dining Room HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. CHEMISE PRESCRIPTION STEP LADDERS CLOTHES DRYERS KITCHEN UTENSILS CLOTHES LINES IRONING BOARDS GALVANIZED WARES TO' will be closed from AUGUST 11 TO STORE HOUF.S WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M- , wnnN TO' SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYa i 7 PM. TO 9 P-M. SATIN-GLO VARNISHES Rupert Motors Ltd. I Phones: Rfifi Office, 566 Shop ENAMELS This will allow us to turn over our farilitiei to the Civic Centre Association during the Annual Carnival and will provide holiday time for our staff. NORM BAKER, Proprietor. AUGUST 28 (inclusive) -PAINTS tier Emergency .ii - mi Ul Dally car delivery service from 9 .m. till 6 p.m. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO.. LTD. A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRINO RESULTS