"L7 prince Hupcrt Daft? F2uo3 -." Friday, August 19. 1949 Sport Shots ITPAYS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH 22 DEAD IN AIR CRASH " OLDHAM. Lancashire $ A Jf BASEBALL MERCHANTS DOWN SAVOYS TO BOOST SPOT IN CITY LEAGUE British European Airways Dak ota transport DC-3i on flight This evening's football fixture in the Mobley Cup competition brings together the Heavy Battery who have not lost a game in the competition, and the General Motors who have not won a game in the series. Actually there is very little to choose between the teams and the General Motors could quite easilv come out on top. The form fell 20 Years Ago from Belfast, Northern Ireland, to Manchester, England, crashed near here Thursday. -Police here reported that a' Cigarette Tobacco MERCHANTS 8, SAVOY 4 Merchants Improved their least 22 persons of the 32 aboard I position in the City Baseball "This is the worst summer have had" has been heard frequently, so being in a curious frame of mind this columnist consulted the records of sport .wenty years ago. The tale re- League standing last night by I defeating Savoys 8-4 in a loose Mil D, SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA game. While the play was not Motors team will be selected from the following: Boulter, Lien. John Wilson, C. Currie, M. Bishop, Glen Olsen, W. Price, Bob Currie, Haugen, Pat Wilson, Stead, Owens, Halvorsen. ipnlprl was a sad san one. one. Softball ou.,, hih football had been i - ... iiw , u.a,,p onmrtition th s Da-seDau iuiu vear rained out for the b'st-or: tnere was acUon enough to keep worst- part oi uure , . u tm were killed when H crash?) Earlier reports placed death tol. at between seven and ten. Pol-Ice report said that eiijht per ons were severely injured. A British European Airways spokesman said that the plane burst into flames after crashing. The plane came down at Cew valley in desolate country on Saddleworth Moors about five miles from Oldham and thirteen miles north-east oi Manche.sttr. You saw !t in the New;! Kerr. If 4 1 S 0 1 Holland, rf 3 10 0 0 Ciccone, p 3 12 0 2 Ludwigsen, 2b 1 0 0 0 0 Rosedale, cf S 0 0 0 0 30 8 9 21 8 Savoy AB R H PO A B. S'm'son, ss 4 0 0 0 1 A. S'm'son, cf 3 2 0 0 0 T. Amey, 3b 4 0 2 0 3 Pavlikis, If, rf .... 3 110 0 Morgan, c 3 0 9 1 D. Scherk, lb, 2b .. 2 1 0 3 4 Postuk, rf, If 3 0 2 0 0 Sharpe, p 3 0 10 3 Bill, lb 3 0 2 9 0 28 4 8 21 11 R H E Merchants .. 200 411 08 9 3 Savoy 000 S10 04 8 4 the final out. NO ENTRIES IN NATIVE TOURNEY Bri !t from ! fourth straight football game had been cancelled. But all, games and players seemed toj .have survived. CENTRAL CITY SPORTS ASSOCIATION SEEN AS NEED FOR THIS COMMUNITY As one reviews the local sports activities he cannot but be impressed by the number that are carried on. This is a credit to those who plan them, to the players On the mound for Savoys, Jack Sharpe was not in his usual good form and Merchants Lack of entries has resulted i in cancellation of the native baseball tournament which was am. PERTH, Ajsv lltt's first ji. 'went to work on his offerings There had been a baseball coect two runs in the open-two-gaine series between the Jng frame rjahl walked and Elks of Prince Rupert and the on DaviS- triple, then Elks of Anyox, both games being , g(.orwj on Kerr's single. to have been played at Roosevelt Park this week-end. i who Lake nail and In thp litvtatfir vtlm uiniu, V k un'' vice is bm I them. But could not a better job be done if the groups played at Anyox They had pro- j Four more nies were chalked a. "simundson, Arney, Postuk- were organized into a central body? up in the fourth on two hits. Errors, Davis 2, Earned runs, Merchants 5, At present in the city there, two free passes and an error. Summary: vided the best games of years. The Prince Rupert visitors won ! the first game 4-1 and the Anyox home team tle second game 2-1 is - a baseball - association with Abel, B. Simundson, Arney, Bill savoy 2; Winning pitcher, Clc- P0" "I Wyndt, tralia. About will be llown t 20 weeks. HOME Miiuijt-u iui u .'sjjoi is o;iy on i Up to this point Ciccone had the Savoy siuad baffled with 2; Two base hits, 'Arney, Pav- cone; umpires, Montesano, Le-ian active senior league, which July 1 It was suinethlnc of his wide hook, allowing only one urns, enaipe. nun, inrre uaac tourneau, K.ara.sosKy. scorer i is aiso trying to promote more mhtpks Had the Idea been fol- runner to reach first base and hits, Davis, Kerr; Stolen bases Santurbane. and better baseballers by means lowed up this year it is certain Bill; , Sacrifice, The Trades and Labor Council had struck out six of the first A. Simundson, Game called after 7 Innings ; of a Junior league. There is the Uiat there would have been on balls off ' darkness, football association with its three' hi tr r, i .v, W ol C, was very busy making final ar-, ten men to face him. However, 1 Hartwig; Base for the bi Labor in the fourth Savoys began to Sharpe 4, Ciccone 1; Struck out tenms. There Is little in the wav r, ,,.. .-... - lUUan home m rangements a commu- by Sharpe 7, Ciccone 8. Lambie! Dr. Awl Mm;;; acK a,1c 'le'a sports though nity with iUs would-be athletes League Satnding W L Pet. Savoy 8 5 .015 Merchants 6 7 .461 Commercial 5 7 .417 the Hleh School rilri tt nin (,..;.,j ... ai u acuun lor ! 4 U,... . llILt(lc-u uiiu tuutufu so mat 5; Hits off Sharpe 9, off Ciccone 5 in 4 innings, off Lambie 3 in 3 innings; Runs batted In, Hart- Day sports program. In the click. A. Simundson was hit by forenoon there were to be child- a pitched ball. Arney singled, i ren's sports In the afternoon Pavlikis doubled, Scherk walk-! there were to be 100 yd. and 200 ed and Postuk singled to ac-yd. dashes and a mile rare. 'count for three runs. from aspirants and sent them south could learn what they could . w world. Dr. Mb to tane part in a provinc-wide ? rio and thpn pumnpf in hiinmr . scon0"' eoChoos Ui ! Baseball between the Elks, faons After pitching to one hitter j High School meet. Then we have meet.s. At the same time the1, ' tlie Gyros who have been doing community would develop its, such a grand Job over manv ,,.Mrtt.,., r..,.n,.., .i I Junior Royalty Crowned At or cATook of Canada and the Gyro teams jn jfth cjccone retired ..... ir.n-iH Ti thp pvpninif ! vear in nrnviriinir onrt main. - i j i.. - .... . . .. lO S.UVA.: ;7'c t"""'"-"- " favor of Bill Lambie who allow- Colorful CarnWal Ceremony jt -con01"'' tnere was iu ue a jumui njwmun ! , ..,.- wulua uf a wiuer nteresi in tne pri , taming ulaverounds. ! "usimu j i This vear ,.KiH.i. i a game. I ea one additional run dui naci j the situation in hand. - . 'iiifitvriiv ntivn mm an n t . . " ....... K.ing Larry ana yueen snar- their rulership, both King Larry ----- imeer auenuance at tne events.; Rl. ssian iiavi: junior rulers or the Civic and Queen Sharon received en-, & J 1 t"u"u'n6 nie reason lor the existence Savoys threatened to rally inion- Taking uart in one baseball sund, oft to f. be salvaged fc .n.i.u.uuB poui sucn as very 0f a sports association is not to few centres, most of which have dominate but to correlate, that n mnrh hioour rv,,r.,.l.. ! ir, 11 , . . . .. .. . i ne DC 1 the seventh when game when the Sons of Canada Sharpe '. won from the Elks by 5-3, were doubled and Bill singled with (the following: Sons of Canada none out. However, Lambie was ' W Mitchell. Lambie, Windle, equal to the occasion, forcing centre carnival nad their su- graved loving cups from the preme moment of the summer civic Centre, but there were gala last night when they were more lasting rewards as well, crowned at 7:30 before a large. Each received a $100 "educa-aiulience. tion bond" which will be held B'"t'"'l'",""u" K IO CB togetner all the' uitl we have, can boast of. Thirdly, various interest and then byiZf we have th Pm lr n,,arii oh,,.,, , . waiMiips SUlli . uiscussion or muie a wiaer nrn- Mpnzies As- simunttson to ground out, tnen Downey, Smi'jLh, struck out the last two hitters King Larry Is Larry Veitch, for the purpose of helping fin- duUes are to maintain and im- glam that wm benefit the whole pi-ove the grounds. coniniunltv. The success of such toria, Phillips and Frizzell. Elks Harold, Arseneau, A. j3a(j'5'-2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. ! ance their educations when Highlights It was Mitchell, Loblick, G u r v I c h, night for the outfielders, not a If your m: arrears and y., your paper, p blame the pi. boy or the pi do a Utile s::. Stanley Veitch, judged the most they become older. perfect boy from among entries' Their four attendants were in the carnival committee's second and third place winners ! Gosse, Stevens Budinich, Moore, single put-out was made by a ! , Mi nuies was the winning fly-chaser .... Don Hartwig However it Is probably a fact a association would depend on that there Is no common meet-' the measure of support that each lng place or opportunity for group wov,id give. At its best no these groups to get together. one sport would suffer but u!l Surely the community would would benefit benefit by having such an or- (This L, tne flrst of a seri,s eanization. Last year the local o three arUcU,s on lhls Uu.mp scored his first run of the sea- pitcher. "perfect child" contest. in the competition. Queen Sharon :s Sharon Will- A uniformed guard-of-honor son .... Dave Abel had his ankle yourself Co-'.;- son, 3V'2 year old daughter of Pf By Scouts accompanied the v ,, , hurt stretchinff a single into a "'U'" lTlLr'Z.oixble. then he took another Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Willson, who Ryal Pty to the platform piC ou uu uuHra u thP ted competitors in the eirls- cturnig the coronation. Drancn or the Cflnai ian Ijpinui scribers in th. be appreciate a lot ot tw body wuuid it scrlptions W vance. j miiiiru uy mi i uvtr i-iiy ajjii 1. man. Ed.). BEAUTY TREATMENT Kegiment z-i. worrington, I i . , 8ame 'as owr Alex Bi was cIi'"flcat'- ooened the scoring for the Regi-' spiked the knee at Botn black-robed, ment but Chenoski equalized on P1 the King ! 1 i : ,. A mat, .... ooine neeuiess jii leei- uiiu iueen ana tneir lour at-ing devleoped among several ,tendants Donna Leah Ritchie, players and threats were flying' Donna Elaine Deane, Georee FOR YOUR CAR and then Marks put them ahead. The game was in the Mobley Cup competition. Soccer Schedule thick and fast but the Smith-1 Fowlie and George Frederick ' ' ' " ' ers series at me weeK-ena . lu sette, demonstrated the fu should give tempers a chance In soflball, the Superintendent's Office beat the team from the Drydock 9-7. dignity of telr position as they marched ceremoniously down the long hall to the auditorium stage. to cool off. Tribute was paid to the memory of Jimmy Hopkins who died a year ago players and fans stood in silence. Merchants AB R H PO A Dahl, ss, 3b 2 2 0 1 4 Their introduction was made by Roy Wheeler, master of ceremonies, as they took their i m. Mar & Im.v . hml .m- . . positions on the dias. Miss Marjorie Brain, Miss P. NE. 1948, officiated at the cor -: - 6 fJI Hartwig 2b, ss .... 2 10 0 Davis, lb 4 12 5 Abel, c 1 4 0 1 14 Lambie, 3b, p1 4 111 onation ceremonies, placing the; crowns on the heads of the twoi (Mobley Cup) Aug. 19 Heavy Buttery vs General Motors. Aug. "52 General Motors vs. Canadian Legion. Aug. 26 Heavy Battery vs Canadian Legion. (Stuart Shield) Aug. 29-Stuart Shield Competition-First Round. Kept. 1 Stuart Shield Final (Mobley Cup) Sept. 5 General Motors v.s Heavy Battery. S'pt. 9 Canadian Legion vs General Motors. Sept. 12 Heavy Battery vs Canadian Legion. EASTERN PRAIRIE RIDEHS Ancient Persia had a pony-express system for mail delivery. monarchs and a sceptre in the hands of King Larry. As immediate mementoes of t i This new beauty treat ment makes old methods obsolete. It cleans, beautifies, pre D0TTLHD serves your car's uf : :. . i .'v f "XT- I S :;vr! ? '- . i - 1 - r l . . v -;,:.( , BUHC3 Phone 654 finish for months. Amazingly easy to apply. Liquid (.ittt ( leaner anil Liquid Glaz Sealer available in handy 8 oi. tins. . 1S49 VANCOUVER VICTORIA 0TW i AI FRED Un HEADACHE?- LONDON, j I BOB PARKER I LIMITED "The Home of Friendly Service I PHONE 83 PRINCE RUPERT BOWLING ALLEY OPEN DAILY FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 11 P.M. Saturdays 12 Noon to 12 Midnight PHONE RED 709 "BOWL FOR HEALTH" FREE INSTRUCTION SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON . Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOITH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS S.s. Coqultlam, August 12 and 28 1 5c f doim paid lot amptlM Ubaltd by any B C Bitwary tVb arfytiDwaitnt h not pubMi4 pUyd by th. Llquoi CoRtol 6o44 m V dta Govtmawt BiWifc Cslwabla, This dveMv disp!ayittL''' by ihc Go"'' a &a. 'a - - '-z j,k f. Etegal Print, ROOM FOR ONE-There's plenty of room on this ice cake to help Arlene Green of Lethbridge, Alta.. beat the summer heat Applicants for the Job are requested to bring their own ice cream cones. (C. P. Photo) FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coqultlam, August 19 and 31 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5G8 PHONE 24 222 W PLAN TO ATTEND , Terrace and District Civic Centre Labor Day Program Barbecue Loggers' Sports Children's Sports Carnival Games Bowling DANCE in Evening Frank Cavan's Orchestra EARLY ADVERTISING COPY Is APPIj GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Paper Towels Paper Headquarters for Canning Supplies Class Jars and Fittings (207) KM aaaV)S7 J aMl V ! W- MM! nfec Deodorants - Disi Medial 1 Cans arwl Canning Machines . CONSTRUCTION J ALTERATIONS ? REPAIRS i SEE THE LATEST IN . . . fad Pressure Cookers Preserving Kettles Genuine DUSTIJANE Sweeping nnn)t EFFICIENT, MODERN HEATING MOPS BRUSH E Commodore Cafe "Better Thn Ever" ? FULLY AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT AT LOW COST. For Cleaninrr and Janitor Sup FIXX)R SANDING A SPECIALTY Floor Modi-Is in Stork. Your Inspection Invited. THOM SHEET METAL LIMITED Best Food and Service In Cltjl PRINCE RUPERT SUrW Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders 5 RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 ' Third Ave. David Chow. Mgr.! cm 712 S" ? 253 FIRST AVENUE BLACK 884 f McBride Street WE DELIVER Phone Zlf Wi'AWAVWiViWWVW