TODAY TO SAT. Prince Huprtfl Dafl Httfif Friday, August 19, 1949 SAT. MATDiij MAURICE IENG ; OAKY COOPER MAOELIINI CARROLL , -- '"?7tt7-!inr,i r., 3dW3$ i i SJ &H-4'risk fee H"' A PARAMOUNT lttutt j7fyL mmm CHANDlJ PORTRAIT H "n l anishins Flash Photuj tik. Phone Green Jsj PRINCE RUpej ADDED CARTOON NEWS Charles Carter and Miss Mayi Carter, called to Prince Rupert by the death of their father, Al-J fred Steele Carter, left by ah today, for Vancouver, en loutt to their homes. The forme; lives in Dewclney, B. C, and th( fatter in Edmonton. reaped im Z HERE'S WHAT HAPPENS Drive your car aga inst a stone wall at 55 miles an hour and you'll get about the same results as were obtained in Toronto Monday when a 1931 model car was dropped from 90 feet in the air on the grounds of Casa Loma. Two dummies were placed in the vehicle to illustrate what would happen to passengers. The photo at left shows the car just before it was dropped. Photo at right shows the results. The stunt was staged as an Ontario-wide safety campaign was launched by a service club (Kiwanisi. (C. P. Photoi LUli IHUMPiUN hou... akkivals I i . OF CARNIVAL, CORONATION TONIGHT! Eighteen-year-old Lois Queen of the Civic Centre her selection by a panel of judges as first choice in 'c.Evana. Ketchikan; o. J. Mos- -, , n , . icrip, W. A. Chambers, A. E. the Beauty Contest 11 against competitors. I Hutt Vancouver; John Bowles. Final judging in the Contest Was completed last! White Rock; E. P. Harris, Prince FKSHeP ' 3.1 iu 11 nnT;:rr Prince Rupert , Jr. and Mrs.E. S. Goourlch "iS'? Edmonton; Miss e. Evans, Mr. George; V. Hill, Vancouver; h. H. Bergman, Vancouver; L. Hol land, Klemtu; H. A. Dunn, Van couver; Mr. and Mrs. S. Odd- Vancouver; Margaret Fraser, Mary Dunnigan, Edmonton; J Todhunter, Wm. Walker, Van- couver; Mrs. J. Lee, Kansas City; Raymond Wilson. Seattle. I Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. H Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Hogland, Houston. B. C. H H-1 H) UllrrN! Thompson will be crowned Carnival tonight following eta oft,,- 4U , "Miss P.N.E of 1918 who also presehled nosegays to the other contestants. Queen-elect Lois is the daugh- ter of Mrs. S. McPherson. A graduate of the city schools, she is now employed on the saff of the Bank of Commerce. Advertise in tne uauy News! -7 ISHOOTS TWO BEARS IN CITY An encounter between Maurice Teng and two black bears which invaded the city on a berry picking expedition ended fatally for both animals Thursday after noon when they fell before his; gunfire along Hays Creek. i The young transfer operator ! shot the two bears a female ; and a cub while hunting in the i berry - covered bushland along 1 the creek just below the 00 block on Eighth Avenue East at !3 o'clock. ' j He carried a special hunting permit issued to him last week end by Game Warden Ed Martin after he had twice spotted a large bear in the east end of the city. However, it was not until noon yesterday that Maurice picked up the permit. Then he went hunting. ' "I started in at the Hays Creek bridge and followed the creek to McClymont Park, then doublet! back again," Maurice said. "I didn't see anything on the way up, but on the way back 1 spotted this cub running up the creek." He shot the 60-pound cub through the back. After that he sat down and waited for a few minutes, certain that the mother bear would be looking for the missing cub. He was right. When she came into sight, a bullet from Maurice's .32 calibre rifle struck her behind the ear. Her estimated weight was ween 9uu ana ouu pounds. Maurice loaded the cub's body into his truck, then advised Game Warden Martin of the incident. Mr. Martin took pictures of the larger animal before it, too was taken away. Maurice thinks that the bear is the same one that made an appearance at McClymont Park last week and that there is an-1 other cub in the area. The cub that was shot was obviously less than a year old and stood about ' two feet high. "It was a real thrill." he said ! mere is another b:g one a male prowling around and I'd like to get him. too." Because of the warm weather, the bears' pelts are not suitable as trophies. PRELIMINARY ENQUIRY OPENS Preliminary hearing of Earl Johnson, charged with the murder of his brother Vic Johnson, skipper of the salmon seiner Izumi III began before Magistrate W. D. Vance at 2 o'clock this afternoon. OXFORD, Eng. CP Oxford University's new department of geology and mineralogy was opened by Calgary-born Vice-i Chancellor John Lowe. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Ii. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) HOLIDAY PICNIC PACK THE BASKET WITH (JOOI) THINGS TO EAT from .Terrace Meat Market George E. Peters, Prop. QUALITY SERVICE 1 j 1 ACIV AtJPTfiSV&ZWll. Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) ummammmmtmmmmmmmmt FRIDAY P.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Footllght Favorites 4:45 Sleepy Time Story Teller 5:00 Melodic Moods 5:30 Johnny Aucoin and His Herring Chokers 5:45 Supper Varieties 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Musical Varieties 6:30 Prairie Schooner 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Our Special Speaker 7:30 Lubka Kolessa, Pianist 8:00 Vancouver Theatre 8:30 Canadian Summer Concert 9:15 Canadian Short Stories 9:30 Guestin" With Kestin 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Miscellany 10:30 Take a Chorus 11:00 Weather and Fish Arrivals SATUHuAt AJ4. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News , 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 Melodies for Juniors 9:59 T me Signal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 Continental Serenade 10:30 Concert Favorites 10:45 CBC News and Com'ty 10:55 Weather and Interlude 11:00 Saturday Date 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude ,i 11:45 Personal Album SATURDAY P.M. 12.00 q-qq News Magazine of 3uos jo spcOH-lH O0:i 1:30 T3.A. 2:00 Ba'llet Club 2:45 This Week of 3:00 Piano Classics 3:15 CBC News in 3:25 Rec. Int. 3:30 Divertimento 3:45 Gordon Howard's Sports Review TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Jotmaton Co. Ltd.) Vancouver Bayonne 05!j Bralorne 10.25 B. R. Con 03 Cariboo Quartz 1.14 v-ungress uo'4 Hedley Mascot .23 Pacific Eastren ... 05 Pend Oreille 5.00 Pioneer 3.50 Premier Border ... 03! 2 Privateer .22 Reeves McDonald 2.30 Sheep Creek 1.22 Silbak Premier .... .39 Vananda .15 Salmon Gold .12 Oils-Anglo Canadian 3.45 A. P. Con .17 Calmont .29 C. & E 5.30 Central Lcduc .76 Home Oil 10.00 Mercury .10 z Okalta 1.50 Pacific Pete 2.49 Princess i8',z Royal Canadian 07 Toronto Athona 13 Aumaque 16 Beattie 64 V2 Bevcourt 27 Bobjo 15 Buffalo Canadian 12'2 Consol. Smelters 99.00 Conwest .: 1.17 Donalda 59 East Sullivan 2.35 Giant Yellowknife 6.35 God's Lake .42 2 Hardrock .23 Harricana .08 2 Heva .10 Hosco .17 Jacknife .00 Jolict Quebec 49 Lake Rowan 08 Lapa-ska .06' Little Long Lac 62 Lynx 13 Madsen Red Lake 3.10 McKenzie Red Lake 51 McLeod Cockshutt .... 1.16 Moneta 43 Negus 2.40 N'oranda ' .59 Louvicourt 15 Pickle Crow 2.29 Regcourt 06 San Antonio 4.6O Senator Rouyn 41 Sherrit Gordon 243 Steep Rock 1.09 Sturgeon River 19 Silver Miller "32 LONDON 0i Ernest Hastle hurst, 83, landscape painter, died here recently. His works are "rep. j resented in art galleries in many cities, including Vancouver, B.C. PEOPLES STORE ? 1 Saturday Specials I I I ! 1 I i 1 10 a.m. No Try Ons Z DRESSES Kcjr. $5-S7 $11-820 " $2.99 $3.99 : Assorted sizes including matrons, First come, first served. 3 p.m. No Try Ons BLOUSES Sizes 12. 14, 1G. Clearing a J bunch of regular AQn stock blouses tftJ RUPERT PEOPLES STORE : Your House is an Asset MAINTAIN ITS VALl'E . . . MAKE NEEDED REPAIRS NOW! For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 263 MITCHELL & CURR1E LTD. Builders and Contractors ll!lllll"lll!ll!lli!!!'ll!i,llt'l!l'!l'll'Pllrlil!ll""fl!l!tW,l!lltllllli!llH ll;llliiili!!!!l!i!i!ll!i:!l!llk Advertise in tie ljaily News! MEATS FISH- BITTER y NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL nio-Vit rlm-ino- tliP rarnival bathing suit-clad girls had Decn presented to the audience from the Civic Centre stage. Ilcl Vltlu ""eu a series judging sessions during the early part of the Carnival week which the girls, in groups of six, were given marks for beauty of face, figure and personality. Queen Lois' two princesses will be sisters Nina and Lorraine Youngman who were awarded secuua ana imra piare3 respectively in the competition. The full pomp associated with the coronation of Civic Centre Carnival Queen will be on display this evening when MUs Thompson receives her crown. Miss Thompson's selection was announced to the crowd in the Civic Centre auditorium immedi ately after the completion of Judging by T. Norton Youngs, chairman of the Queen Committee, who then introduced thc-three winners and the nine other contestants. Mr. Youngs then presented the Queen-elect with the $100 first prize. Nina Youngman received $50 second prize and Lorraine Youngman $25 third prize. Each of the 12 contestants also! received an award for taking part in the competition. Large bouquets of mixed flowers were presented to each of the winners by Marjoilc Brain Don't mill 'in. Wnlrh vnur fnmilv in up ih crmpcr fink of louri-tung whntl unit limn. Tot, milk! And giMritnt-ri KfllntiK-frmh! Try them at no rHkl Ilouhle yimr ini'i v Iwkih W KollngK'n nn; fresher than lHr ir-n flnkw. !; carton lo KcIIokb's, Dept. 4-A, l)nii)n, (Int. Htlpful, tool Conlrtin the tmlk ninny mtd to ittf Try Vtn! J 2h S 1 i 1 14 CANADIAN REUNION AT SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA It was like a family reunion recently at the home of M. R. M. Dale, acting commercial counsellor for Canada in Sydney, Australia. Several visiting Canadians attended a reception at the. Dale home and almost all the city's Canadian colony were present to present their respects. Chatting with the Dales are Grant McConachie, left, air lines president, and Senator James A. McKinnon, former minister of trade and commerce. HOLLYWOOD cafe B J,V iV tl, iU, -V P.- v-'f "i--v - MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE (j ft OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 3:30 A.M. We Specialize in Chinese Dish CHOP SUEY f CHOWMEIN 11 For Outside Orders Orders PHONE PHONE 133 133 MEET THE BAYLEY'S ALL 16 OF THEM Ha rry "Bud" Bayley, of Troy, New Lork, had something of a "bee in his bonnet" when it came to Tiding names for his brood of 14 Bayleys He decided to stick to the second letter of the alphabet and called them (left to rihtt Beverly 18' Buddy, 17; Barry, 16; Barbara, 14; Bette, 13; Mrs. Harry Bayley; Benjamin Nealc one- ' Mr Harry Bayley; Bradley, 12; Brian, 10; Bernice, eight; Blake, seven; Brenria, six; Berna'dette four; Beryl, three; and Bernard, two. To meet the family budget plan, dad is' active as a florist, expert accountant and director of mail service. ' EGGS POULTRY WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing. Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies SMITH & ELKIIIS PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Salt Lake Ferry Daily Service Except Monday SCHEDULES Tuesday Leave Cow Bay Floats 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Leave Cow Bay Floats 2:30, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Saturday Every hour starting at 11 a.m. Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m; Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK 926 SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE RUPERT HOLDEN AT PMNCE RUPERT BETWEEN LEMUEL RAPP, Plaintiff and DUNCAN C. WING Defendant Under and by virtue of a Warrant of Execution issued from the above Court and to me directed against the goods and chattels of the Defendant DUNCAN C. VING I have seized' I Ford Truck, model OIC Engine and serial numbers 1C9344, Registration number 213975, License Plate No C17734, mounted on trailer with pneumatic tires, and 1 Roofing tar heating kettle and on Monday, August 22nd, 1949, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon at my office in the Court House, Prince Rupert, B. c, I will offer for sale by public auction all the right title and interest of the defendant in the above goods Terms of sale, cash and this sale is .subject to the Social Security and Municipal Aid Tax. Dated at Prince C.'this Rupert, B. twelfth day of August 1949 M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert: . (195) TRAVEL THE EASY, COMFORTABLE Regular Trips ... . To Queen Charlotte Island l" (Daily, Except Sunday) To Alice Arm, Stewart ("very Thursday) . CHARTER FIJfiHTS THROUGH01 for Information and Reservations C: QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES1 w " A -