Prince Utiprrt Dailp nrUis February. 8. l'Ji9 ! HIS FUNERAL I I! Mlii i -4 Li i AT KHVAUGA Mourners I n,,,, Many Villages j Gather at Khiva nga for ! I'ohcrt Harris Rites i Native people from many vii-! lages in the Skeena River dis-! tiit-t gathered at KiUvansra re-cemly to pay their final tributes of respect to Robert Harris i . t' ft"' . t i Vi - . SNOW SHOVELS ACTIVE AFTER BRIEF BUZZARD Snow, wind and low temperature combined last night to ;lve ii.,.tc ..licit i m- n,-aret thin--: to a blizard that has been experienced all winter but its fur) calmed during the nk',ht leavin; city streets- piled with deep drifts, despite a relatively l.'sht ' -nowfaTl. Snow began falling at 4 p.m. Monday as the wind built up. B . 7 p.m. the blow had reached It.. maximum velocity of 24 miles w'r n ana British Columbia (Au'hiir , iL"7 'T (Au.h..r..rt rt . ttwnd Cifca. . Mail. Post Ofric D-pnrtm.nt. OttwR rlw VS'1"1 '""n Sunday bv Prlne. Prince R,in.rt Rupert DUjr New, Ltd. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. Hrltlsh Columbia. A. HUNTER Manastng Editor H. Q. PKRRY. Managing Director WKKH OF CANADIAN PRESS - AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATION CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION . SUBSCRIPTION RATFn tlty ,-T trrler. Per Week; :-0c: Per Month. 75c: Per Year. R 00. alCPtC By Mail. Per Month. 50c; Per Year. 5 IK) ' . t Stalin's Peace. Offensive " Sr ANY .Experienced observers have been pre-? V1 dieting a Communist "Peace Offensive" for ' Home time. The shallow offer of Joseph Stalin to meet President Truman is one gesture which may .be more impressive to the Russian people and their Satellites than it is to us. Then there is the current who died in Prince Runert and v.hose funeral took place in hit,. "rename villace nn u . t umg native leaders of the interior, Mr. Harris was high in tne councils of the Eale Clan in which he was known as Chief Gilawana. Two bands - hP n-h -,., . , an hour from the southeast, cording to records of the Diby Island weather station. An iuoh of snow fell overnight according wis AQUITAN This famous 46,000 . ton, 868 ffM tUr th,r, .,,- . . ,CCtl Totem Pole Band and the S'-.eena Cro.--.sing Brass Band-took part in the funeral processions from the home of deceased to St. Paul's Anglican Church where the funeral service took place. Rev. J. Hayhurst. the resident missionary, officiated, assisted by Deacon Walter Douse of Kitwancool, Alfred MeDames, lay reader at Skeena Crossing, and Capta'n R. Thom Ion,,, ........... rMrnger ih,p jn th nuinrain regular sailim-s . to the official record, somethini: with which snow snovelic-rs may I take issue. , ' Combined with the blizzard, and adding to its unpleasantness, wa.-i a temperature of I'l degrees 'vhich put an edce on the wind and made the pariiclcj of snow sting like ice pellets Result was an ardent snow -m. .a"-"i5 'J - -' v ft and Halifax. Her schedule for 1949" .WlM' SOUTHAMPTd TO HtUFU Apr. ii) HALIFAX TO SOUTHAMPTON Mar. 17 Apr. 7 Apr. 23 May 17 June 6 July 2 July 23 AuK. H Stpi. j Sept. 22 Oil. li Ndv. Nov. 24 j"iy u SOUTHERN ONTAUIO BATTERED Y SO M.P.H. GALE There was not a single town in southern Orriarb that mis.-e.1 the 80-mile per hour gait that swept through he province, caus--unatse that lni'tao never be tutiy estimned. Tins sien beside the Huniber River in Toronto, Out., was smashed by the force of the wind. Thousands of people throughout Ontario lay in their beds and heard the gale. One outstanding feature of the storm was the lack o." serious injuries to individuals. lKt- On. 4 4-n,. Nov. 15 son of Cedarvale. St. Mark's Church choir from Kitwancool was present and sant the anthem "Rock of Ases-'under the direction of Albert Douse. ! Fo'lowine intei ment. there1 was the customary funeral feast sponsored by the eldest brother of deceased. Thomas Harris, assisted by the surviving brothers and sisters, the widow and sons and daughters. : Deceased was born at Kit-; wanea on Christina's D iv 18S8 i FIRST CLASS S22A TO $211. TOURIST eu, lor lr,aiiousa,uuJ,illJwmai (ouwl yuur local irm J "NO ONI CAN SilVE You UTTO. shovelling campaign in all parts of the city this morning. In tlv down town district, business places on the .south side of the atieel seemed to be Int) victims of the largest &r-nv drifts, some of which were two feet deep. ' Sixteen miles outside the city s westbound Canadian National: Railways freight train became stuck during the evening In drifts ranging from two to six feet in depth for -a distance of two miles and had to be doc; out by emergency snow ii-irair; equipment. Rotary plow was lushed out to cope with what wit; one of the most sudden and thickets fails of snow in loca) railway history. The eastbound train, which left here at 3 p.m., was held up for lu hours just outside the city. The line was reported ) -today with tonight's train due on time at 10:j CUNARD DONALDSON l He was employer! on river boats Reminiscences By W.J. ano7 Reflections "move for non-aggression pacts with the Scandinavian countries which, having a knowledge of the basic strategy underlying Communist and Fascist endeavour to achieve world domination, will, no doubt, be distrustful. . Those in opposition to Communism as presently practised in those countries embracing that faith, are asking them if Stalin peace overtures could be sincere and hold hope for real and permanent peace. ' The lessons of the past should provide a guide for the future. Let us then examine the record written in the history of the totalitarian states through the years, modern excerpts from which are the deliberately broken solemn pledges, the perversion of fact, the subversion of authority by criminal methods and the crude Nullification of western statesmen, so characteristic of Communist Russia, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, as well as the Kaiser's regime in Germany.' All evidence points to the active support of the theories that ..the end justifies the means, whatever the end, whatever the means. Twice in the quarter century lying between 1 14 and 1930 we were the victims of our own Christian ethics, in that we trusted others to keep Agreements and promises as we would have kept "3.hem. Twice we suffered the. effects of our own weakness, and all humanity suffered with us. Again, the lesson of the past should provide a guide " for the future. - Continuous and lasting peace is our most cherished hope and would be humanity's greatest t achievement, but in this materialistic world it can-; not be attained without payment. What price (jencral At;t-ni in the early days of navigation i on the Skeena. For ten years ha lived at Skeena Crosshu ' V'!yl i iuuer Sc.. V anruuvfr where he took an a. -five p u t in I local oiyaniatinns and where' VlP IllPf iVlo fnV-iiirt.- T .... t- HT A magizine specializing in giving the startling news that, industrial problems says .the the weather was cold. Dames who became his wife At housing difficulty will be with n : f , ... n 1 ,-...- n 1 e r ua iui at least another 50 years. The flair i.ssae. -after havin. the outbreak of war he came to A few, in Rupert are' that old hf-en thmmht sptti,-..i w u-r-iii, t'nnce iiuuc Rupert nuprii and ana ' worked worsen at at FOIl YOUlt ' . w.. the Dry Dock, having made hrs all'eady. look about 75 and how home nome in in the tne citv city siiife smre. He He was was hP-v fcel is someihing e,.w again. coming before Pariianu at. A lew yell's .su.esiions as to i'cnerai dt.aan were invited and Heaven knows th, re was no scarcity of banners with strange device." And whne on the subject, why is il that Prince Rupert seems to have more flagpoles than flags? It's been that way. on occasions. SECOS7D-HAXD NAME The name Australia was fir.-.t applied to a group of iouih - ca islands. also throuh the years well known as a worker at Skeena River canneries, last summer havinir been at Port Edward with Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. Besides the widow, Mr. Harris is survived by three daughters Miss Hat-el Harris, Mrs. Robert (Lily Jackson and Miss Molly Harris, all of Prince Rupert .and two. sons, Roy Harris of Kitwanga and Kenneth Har Fancy Carl that will pkase your one that Mill tickle a friend's sense of bM Indians are requesting that Japanese fishermen be denied a return to this coast. Well, the natives were here and catching halibut and salmon Ion? before Nippon ever heard of B. C and the same goes for ail other nationals. Suppose natives from Skeena undertook to engage in commercial fishing Cutout l!uokk fur the children uhu likfjfc oivn Valrnlines. GET YOUR VALENTINE SUPPLES REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PRflKIPHD Hi f i i i ! : i'.'V along the shores of Japan? ris who is studying for the Ro- sin! buy$r 6 m W m be "honorable Possibility of United Nations bases in Norway is giving Soviet Russia an uncomfortable half hour. But, for the sake of argument, how calm and content would Washington be should alien bases ever be dis-coveied on the foii of Canada? Which, of course, "isn't, clone." man Catholic nrie?thnod at the i There v. ould jiuuju we e pay nav:. i,. vvp we gnow tnnw that that tK Seminary of Christ the King at protests." New Westminster. Brothers ai' i , the, price can be r ; too high ; it will be too high if it mortgages the l"";-tlcc f " dom dom anrl and u-r.ll well be h,, inn- of tuture fnfn,.Q ... . m, , 1 I O 1 a l T k rwy ii. r,. Mini 1 1 m 1 tjt ! 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFI'Rt i 51 tnl ve. XV ' : Phil 1 Thomas Harris and Matthew ! Here's the latest low-down on t 8- generations. That ! Harris of Kitwanga and Frank ' the fishing industry. It appears WHS tufi Hl'lfP VA'P IllllVl l"n IOIO O 1 - i Harris Harris nf of Hazelton Haiolt and onH sisters dOoro i th that O in in England TTn-rlnnil fresh fvo-h enrl cod anrl and haddock, processed into a pul-! fQ Attend Session Mrs. Edward (Florence' Tait of Kitvanca and Ms. Alex L, Charlie of Fraser Lake. if Of Totn-ist Council a perfect substitute for cake icing and cholocate fiilin;. The'-e is not the faintest suggestion of fish. We'd never have the hart to vole against a government like that, even if :t does lean a bit against the lefo. E. T. Applewhaite wiii be Prince Rupei i's ivpivntative at a meeti.ig of the British Col-vr.ibia Tourist Council to b:? tit Id in Vancou.' -c March 3. Tran.-,- ... 5r ' . ' j " . J a: 1.1. 1 poi ta':oa ana i)-..v ci; m t" Year Day was oe P-d by the Col Chinese New r umbia Travel Bureau which in cbierved lat week but few ap 1 ' - - V fV ' ,"1 . 4 ' - ' 1 NEW AIRLINE PILOT HERE 1 Pilot Bob McGinnis of Canadian Pacific Air Lines arrived ; in the city Monday afternoon ' to take over command of the , company's Prince Rupert-Sands-pit flight, replacing Larry Dakin, j who has been on the route lor the last nine months. Mr. Dakin will take command of the Van-. couver-Sandspit plane. Mr. Mc-; Uinnis has oeen flying out of j Vancouver, mostly on the Van-; couver-Calgary run. -eared to know it. Mythology says that o,n that day it is pos-f'ble to stand an egg on end at 7:45 a.m. So far as Prince Rupert is concerned, it is doubtful if anyone was found trying to perform that feat. Instead. vited the Pi ii.ce Rupert Cham- bt-r of Commerce to nominate a dolesale. A;j; oi. :::ic:;t of Mr. '.p1' vu'.tc v. a ; made by the president of the Chamber, G. R. Biavkaby, jnd was confirmed at the monthly meetine last. , ' " i""t i.'io, ounie ouservers be- ..heve the presently incipient peace overtures are an ,-effort to weaken the determination of the free ! western powers to remain strong through unity, ; in order to' soften opposition to a forthcoming coup' ; We believe this to be" a valid observation. It is ob-; vious then that our down payment on peace is the J cost of remaining strong, strong morally, mentally . and in a material j sense. The final payment may be , war, unless there be a change of heart, and not a ! cnanJ?e ,of tune behind the iron curtain. It will take ; more than even the lifting of the Berlin blockade -and the removal of a few minor sources of irrita-S Uon to convince us that such a change has indeed ! occurred,,"; - j All peoples, all rulers should have learned that 1 the statement -that, "war is the surgeon's knife ; which cuts away the gangrene of peace" is falla-; cions. Some have not assimilated that' lesson, and . do not believe that the x-rays- of human under-standing and the therapy of earnest endeavour can diagnose and cure the world's ills. Until they dq,: we must not relax our vigilance or dissipate our strength. The man, or nation, with the strongest bodyguard is least likely to be held up in a dark street. there were hundreds breakinu nioi,t a boiled eg ft or eating- a fried 1 epg (with bacon) and solemnly I You Saw it in The News. r ! ' ' '" " V V ! i . y r 4 ,,-' i t x, h r ' " t ' f ; HiiRh Aird, district pensions t n uo 1, Sdtocate from Vancouver. Z'Jr tl.P ri wt viiv. wunuiinju FJM1- cries sailed this afternoon on the Camosun for Vancouver on official business. arrive in the eity on the Prince Rupert tomorrow morning from the, south. He will discuss pen-siun problems with local veterans while here. v '4 y 5fy ; iw , . ' ' - X fit - - 'y " . . . ' 4 Alvertise in the Daily News! Afost of tin Jiavc a saving flccoimt.- T-l i nere is a Tim to make il really mean hoiiiciImi' calls for '""" DIFFERENCE in LUBRICANTS ' Raving; . . . an.l a slrong mini. ( )ne way is In work towanl win' von wanl most: a new Iiume, a car. nn riliicalioii frj" tliililreti, ill.- exira secnrily or oorliinity t Iiit t a "net c?S T.r,.i :.!... c... .i - rl'li. inii""1 , .... ,,, iiii run mean so man' sn ' Our Chassis Lubricant is not just a grease, it is an Engineered B-A Product, compounded to assure maximum ul.ricat.on under extreme v.ater and road abrasive eS, we uo pay more fr lhis tvpe of chassjs lubrj, cant. DU. you. pay no more Tor your lubrication job, and you ta not buy a wash OCT type grease. .Ur Mt0r ils to are on,v first ,ine .canned or hulk PENNZOIL 100 Pure Pennsylvania or B-A PERM ESS "It's Alloyed." iLintf i to Mart ...nml ii .,, .,.:... ... .......l, m-il nvn sir. " 1 i"'" . Ifeinemlicr, .some ate Lorn Juck; sinarl icojlc silV' LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. THE ROYAL BANK of CAN AW iSChC,S CHARGE Arthur Matthy, Bel- i "on jail in Toronto S Sa mXdT r?",0' Bel-is Arll J S Un auU"'iliM- H? PL charged with killing 3 man by the name of w . . co factory in mWnb 3!. W. G. STEWART, Mof PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH :, t J.