1 1 I Local News It prince Uupcrt Dailg )3ctol Tuesday, February 8, 1919 ems " " ' t & t y.' r Charles OrmUton sailed this afternoon on the Cumosun for a trip to Vancouver. L. M. Felsenthal returned to. Alex Mitchell the city on Sunday from a four day afternoon . . BEAUTY. . . . UTILITY . . . ECONOMY WITH returned Mon-by air from a iihitlUiiiiimiiibuhHiiiU business visit to Vancou- v "ii- ' "' 9 v A m. ". brief ver. -'it"-.. "J A W vAPLY WEATHERBOARD uusmes strip to Montreal and elsewhere in the East. Olor Hanson is arriving in the city on the Prince Rupert tomorrow morning from Vancouver for one of his periodical business visits to this city and Smithers as well as his timber operations in t;,e interior Mrs. R. S. Woods sailed this afternoon on the Carnosun for a trip to Vancouver. ANNIVERSARY IS HONORED A surprise party, honoring the tenth wedding anniversary of Miss Mary Nelson was a weekend visitor from the city to Terrace, leaving on Saturday morning's train and returning the same night. i m-) esses l U'' Douglas I ir I'lywo odin sluck nit I! 1" 40 ft,t available fur early delivery Men's SLACKS. Made To 5ERT & McCAFFERY ITD. AUVailM not ices on iii.ii ii- JlAJMBKK - BUILDING SUITLIES Mr. and Mrs. Pat Phillipson, was tA Saturday evening at the Phillipson home, 859 Summit Avenue, by a number of friends. Uonal advertising being cal,.jcu PHONE lltt i Hp ill H T , - Jim J It !' j r "-"--i ,t ., iuu u. k. MacMillan Export Co. were among correspondence Presented last night at the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of The event also marked the birth cay anniversary of Mrs. Phillipson. Twenty-two guests were present at the function and Mr. and Mrs. Phillipson were 1- V U ;.J I if I I i 1' J ! I II I A I Hy I A "tit I The Annual Game Dinner of the Rod & Gun Club Is on February 1G. Tickets are limited and members are urged to get theirs without delay. 32 Dr. R. G. Large is leaving by plane tomorrow for a brief trip to Victoria. He wii meet A. B Brown, already in the south, and they will have a conference with the Department of Education in regard to the local school building program. Notice of meeting, the rourth annual general meeting of the Pacific Coast Fishermen's Mutual Marine Insurance Company MEASURE if COMES LEGION 1( ri(iram iwifiul evening I the Canadian Mrs. P. Bond, Mrs. M. Ritchie, Mrs. D. Gomez. Russian song and dance, Mrs. VV. Murdoch. Auxiliary Hotshots, members playing musical instruments, whistles, drums, triangles, etc. Scotch dance, In costume, Peggy Andrews. Barber shop quartette, Mrs. A. Marshall, Mrs. P. Bond, Mrs. D. presented with a set of stein glassware. ' . The evening was spent in dancing to music by Andy Mc-Naughton at the piano. A buffet luncheon was served, during Next meeting of the Pacific Northwest Trade Association will be held April 25 and 2G at Bel-lingham, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has been advised. Any members of the Chamber who may be in the south at that time will be asked to attend. IOOK U1C ;!,: wives at the iuii audience a 1,,; Can a i I d 1 a n which Mr. and Mrs. Phillipson cut a four-tier cake. , VICE-PRESIDENT will be held on Monday, Fcbru- J Gomez, Mrs. M. Ritchie. "Ilotcha" number, Mrs. W. Rolhwcll. Soldier song, Mrs. W. Osborne,! Mrs. A. Marshall. Irish Colleens, Mrs. A. Hoi-brook, Mrs. D. Kerr, Mrs. Pihera. :,U-us Wgni wncn eiicrliiinors "went iS i variety program. HE BELIEVES WHAT HE SELLS Harry Lange, veteran greeting card salesman, aided by an electronic "sentimeter" discovers the easy way that girls go for the sentiments emblazoned on St. Valentine cards, if the actions of Judy Sinclair, Norma Thornton and Abbe Marshall, chorines from "As The Girls Go-' are any indication. The sentimeter gadget theoretically measures the appeal of each card, but who needs one of those things with some live inspiration around. OF C.N.R. DIES mi.U! I rec Cleaning and Pressing at Ideal Cleaners and Laundry. To each order of $2.50 of dry cleaning you may add one ary 21, 1949, at 10:00 a.m. in the! Fishermen's lall, 138 East Cordova St., Vancouver, B.C. (33) Kenneth Han-is, who is study ing for the priesthood at the Roman Catholic Seminary of Smart Fabrics including Gabardines.Wor-steds, Covert Cloths, Flannel and Tweeds. Made Measure - to - Trousers assures you of complete satisfac-tion in styling, good fit and fine tailoring. nk r. Mrs. O. V. :(i:Ui id such num-; 'fciii Girl Choir," J. F. I'ringle, in Charge of Central Keeion, Passes Suddenly TORONTO, 9 J. F. Pringle, aged 67 vice-president in charge of central region, Canadian National Railways, died here suddenly yesterday in hospital from Christ the King at New Westminster, returned south by Diane today after having at Retail committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, Jack Marchant, chair of the following articles: blouse, slip, skirt, sweater, slacks trousers, sport siiirl or up to G lies which will be cleaned and pressed absolutely Free of charge. Phone 558, Ideal Cleaners and Laundry. (Hi INSTALLATIONS Choir numbers. Accompanists were Mrs. J. R. Elfert and Mrs. J. S. Black. George Elliott contributed to the program with music on his piano accordion. A running patter of commercials in behalf of Legion members was kept up by the man, reported to the Chamber Historic Sites Committee Named Mayor Nora E. Arnold, Robert McKay, John Bulger, Carl Zar-elli and Dr. R. G. Large .have been named to represent Prince Rupert on a district committee f A iH;uy members, ill the best Jack , iiiy Mrs. Charles .J wide variety of -:rs, drawn from U.icd an hour jit sin.' audience r '; lull time. Con-c (if .mi'.tee was Mrs. :, vjt president. Hot tulf" were served at its meeting last night on a lecent incident where there had been complaint from a Califor.- a coronary thrombosis. One of Canada's outstanding railroad executives, Mr. Pringle was born tended the funeral recently at Kltwanga of his father, the late Robert Harris. ' Mrs. G. J. S. Anderson, wife of the manager of the Bank of Montreal at Stewart, was a passenger for Vancouver on the Ca- PRICED FROM (Continued from Pue 1) in Cornwall, Ontario. He was formerly vice - president and nian who had visited the city last summer about slow arrival of goods that had been pur on historic sites which is being to the hands of the Canadian general manager of the C.N.R. 's Atlantic region. $15.50 TO $22.50 Three Weeks Delivery mosun this morning, ' having been called south by the death of her father, George Dobbs, who AIR PASSKNGEItS To Vancouver Mrs. Jackson, From Vancouver C. II. Nichol-E. Marris. son. Miss N. Watson, A. Mitchell. eve.:s!-. chased while he was here. It was a case of a letter having not been promptly answered. The incident had been straight organized at the Instigation of the Terrace Chamber of Commerce to co-operate with a proposed government program of development and suitable designation and maintenance of his ins consisted several years ago lived in Prince Rupert, having been employed by the Canadian National Railways. ChM's $h golds costume, From Sandspit A. W. Priest. National Railways by which it I would be retained. The warehouse will also be advertised for demolition but it was suggested at the meeting that, unless bids were made in some measure commensurate with the valuation which has been put on the structure, it would be retained iniact with the co-operation of the Canadian National Railways President G. R. S. Blackaby ened out to the satisfaction of all. It was suggested that many tourists who came here were not fully cognizant of the technical To relieve iniycrics VICKS V4f O R'JB without dusiiiB. r'J) c'a toric sites throughout the province. Will Robinson is chairman of the Terrace committee and already has suggested a number of unique native mementoes such as rock carvings in Protest at the recent increase of forty percent in railway express tariffs on fi.sh was sent to the Board of Transport Commissioners, it was reported last requirements connected with the sending of such goods into the United States. Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. 3ox E10 Tel. 777 Flowers lor All Occasions night at the monthly meeting , the area adjacent to Terrace and Classified Ads Bring Results! Prince Rupert. The local committee was named by CJ. R. S. ' Blackaby, president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, and approved at last night's meeting of the Chamber. of the Prince Rupert Chamber) of Commerce, but, so far, no j acknowledgements have been re-, ceived. , I Earl Gordon was added to the executive at the regular j monthly meeting of the Prince and Secretary E. T. Applewhalte reported to the meeting on an interview with Bernard Allen. 1 British Columbia manager of Canadian National Railways, who, on behalf of the company, had been co-operative and favorably disposed to every effort being made to retain the installations intact. FOR YOUR CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM m mm w HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert A. W. Priest, Sandspit; C. II. Nicholson, Vancouver; G. J. Dodswell, Prince George. Mr. and Mrs. B. Allen, Vancouver. JOTHERS lou heard of llw new bKOROL" 's the jureatest piece of convertible liaby furniture in Canada. Uially converts to eight different uses. - These are as follows: tty High Chair Walker e'y Play Chair Bassinette :i:.b; uutjMows the.se you still have these uses: I'dle Table Tea Wagon Chairside Table ne iiMustiiition in your own home PHONE 53 Sold exclusively by J ::t!d tor prises A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" Skinny men, women Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night. He will serve on the council of the board in addition to those who were announced elected at the annual meeting a month ago. Dr. R. vv. Ball', assistant to the president of the Celancse Corporation of America, is arriving In the city on the Prince Rupert tomorrow morning from New York for a visit here in connection with the institution of construction of the Corporation's celancse mill at Port Edward. Coming north with Mr. Ball will be the company's Pacific Coast consultant, D. O. Stenstrom. It Pays to Advertise! Advertise in the Dally News! SKEENA RIVER PIONEER DIES Death has claimed another pioneer of Prince Rupert district In the person of Harry MeCavour, veteran Skeena River canneryman, who succumbed to a heart attack in V'livou-vcr on Sunday. Mr. MeCavour was born at St. John. New Brunswick, upwards of 60 years ago and came to this coast as a young man. Identified with the B.C. Packers he was located at old Balmoral cannery and later at Claxton gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor ... is in, iliis TIIRIiE-l'lKCE ENSEMBLE of smart, smooth gabardine . . . made, for mixing or matching. Simply pian-laiiored wit h a flare -back topcoat, slim fly-front skirt. Choice, of colors. SIGN POSTS TO SPRING TROP1CANNA SUITS, GABARDINE COATS - swing back or belled -S1IORTII5 COATS and uncr ush able SILK PRINT DRESSES are highlighting Sweet Sixleen's prc-spring display. To match your "smoothie" skirl choose a( sweater by Grandmere or Bonnie Brooks, a Blazer or a Blouse. Just Arrived ! ! CHINA CABINETS in popular waterfall design with sliding plate glass doors and roomy linen drawer Price $N2.50 Phone 775 327 3rd Ave. triit a ftmlt Pnv limb All fWlf. njlv holtnvg I fl" up. iikIi mi itiRt mrmtij : Iuh'v Ii-ihpo tutif-Btsrvwl, m."k!Y 't8ii-iH.lp' Uy. rt-.n;truS tit g flu, wntnpn. turn. hu iipvw rn'ihl gun t"-firf, jirp low p.'i'tH) ot nhnifh. (if s't lu -hkutii t"t'r. I p t tin k t hp mr'iHl i liinr-bu'hWu. 1'psti-huti'ling ' t' tnc (mm liji ionic!. Htumiittnift, iiivnjiirattTK, lr,,ii. T'amn Pi rn'num pnru-h hUtui, )inii-"ii H-tipfMP ttnrl ri(fri'n SO ftxt p' Irfi-SIB nrl mi;rtimm iitit flfh t (i trp tvtif- l mi r trv ift luitf rut rtit" vi.n tm vr ermirti th S, lit. j (ii .n Dm vo'i uppiI t"T IhtiuhI v. . I mt Utrl Nui "lift n iiimin'cd' iM wiv ')"' 1 rv furn'Mlw tflPfTi I'tiiiK1 InlilvtB tr new viirrf nri adiittl iiouqUi, Una very iy- At all iltuibu. Deluxe Delivery PROMPT? YES SIR! . FAST? YOU BET'. COl RTEOUS? YES MA'AM! PHONE 383 We Buy and Collect Bottles 718 2nd Avenue ' ' ) Valentine PLAN is "designed Carrying Charges. Sweet Sixleen's I ersonalized BUDGET for your cony.miencc. No Interest No (lily Merchants Candy titj. ANNE S '210 FOURTH STREET A N TED Pi l l) 1 OR THE rOLLOW- City merchants are askeu In future to have copy for all di.'-play advertisements into the Daily News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-opcratlon will greatly assist the mechanical department in keeping to the regular hour for publication. and Sunnyside. A year ago ire moved to Vancouver and had been employed in that area. He had not been well since last winter. A widow and son. Don MeCavour, survive in Vancouver. Mr. MeCavour was a member of a local Masonic lodge. Announcements All rtvortiwi..M. n tms column will be -hiHtl for k I 'ill month t 25 cuU word Cambrai Chapter. I.O.D.K Valentine Tea at Mrs. G. O. Withers, 715 5th Ave. We., Feb. 10. Cribbage, Whist, Bridge at Catholic School Hall, Feb. 10, 8 p.m. Lutheran Church Valentine, Tea and Home Cooking, Feb. 12. RpnnTRMAN'S NEWS- Annual 5 FWin i M(rM.M)U CHILDREN'S PHOTO SPECIAL!! ONE DOEN PORTRAITS FOR $in.oo For Appointment Call at T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT .' .ll.l.llll,l0 1H)AT CltKWS ONK SKHTKlt .1. CLAISI N & SON FOR ALL TYPES OF -PRINTING Chandler & Cowgill GREETING CARDS " PENS AND PENCILS OFFICE SL1TLIES HOME STATIONERY Hi! PERT MARINE REALTY . Green 38') 216 4lh Street Prince Rupert, It.C. SEE SHlili B'tifiJiiig Uk Commodore Cale For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Phone 231 Kcsncr Block OPRACTOR Mlunhrs, D.C., Ph.C. Ilesner Block Vill i) 412 fur AflHiiiiluirnt ! Mm its "f '" Usui p ,n. ,ti,il V" h Pin. IM AINii Moving, racking, Crating Shipping and General " Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenuc3 Established 1910 riiitncs t0 and 68 For trK i r vri 1 tilf fWOODBOSS) Game Dinner, Feb. Hi, 19J9. j The United Church Valentine i Tea at the home of Mrs. A. J. j Domlnato, Feb. 17. j Canadian Club Public Meet- j ing. February 23. ! Minstrel Show, Prince Rupert : Rotary Club, Feb. 17 and 18- j Duchess of I'ldiitnuryh ' Chap-! tor, I.O.U.E., Tea and Home j Cookinjr, March 10. March 17, Tea, Catholic Hall,! Presbyterian Tea, Church Hall A-uJLLv.! ' tj OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE in the WOODS You Can't Heal (be '"'Ifluy. 7.:itl p m. fin cnini- iliiilni; tin I-I'IONIUT In hUimkI- !"!, !1. i VANCOUVKIt VICTORIA SKATTI.F. Tuesday, 1:3(1 p.m., Camosun Sunday, 10 p.m., CoquiUam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND POUT SIMPSON Sunday, 1! p.m. roil soi mi qi'F.F.N CILMILOTTF. ISLANDH s.s. CiKpiillam, Jan. 28, 10 p.m. 1'OIC NORTH Ul'KPN CHAKl.OTTE ISLANDS s.s. Co(uttlam, February 4 and COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Thau Fver-' Best Food and Service n City Vhmie 17 for Send -out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. BAPTONE IE WONDER WALL PAINT 1 P. M. WOODBOSS Power Ciiatss Saw with 2(i-iiuh blade, $29.1 .Ti-iiuh blade $315 plus Sales Tax if applicable PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 71 Second Ave. V.O. Box 772 4, 'Mile , 111 14 number of utlnutlve colors, it f""' quickly with COTTAGE CHEESE j New Creamed Fresh Made! March 24. Orange Spring Sale, April 13, 2 to 5 p.m., Oddfellows' Hall. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 21. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 27. 4 The United Church Spring Sale, May 5. St. Peter's Bazaar, May 12. sort flat finish. $4 50 gallon 1.40 quart 18, 10 p.m. r VALENTIN DAIRY I'luiiibiiiif vr Heating Call SMITH & ELKINS PUoue 174 Box 274 Your Dally I 'ALL-WEATHER SERVICE 1 FRANK J. 9K1NNKR Prince Ruoert Aaent Third Ave. Phoua 568 jgSOH HARDWARE CO. LTD. 4r-f 1 1 9 -r -