I A IT vvx: s Daily D ' en NORTHERN AND CENTRAD BRIT TI COLUMBIA'S newspaper Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Pfrt "PrinceMRupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVIII, No. 32. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., HfESUAOffEJBRyARy,' 8, 1949 - PRICE FIVE CENTS PI T! 1 raent r or mmgarian laraiiiE '-'0 '.i" ' i - " b Imprison i CENT REDUCTION ID POWER 1 Pro-Cons Win Seat Extenuation Is Found In Case of R.G. Primate ; J3 U D A P E S T (CP) The Hungarian People's Court today convicted Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty of treason and sentenced him to life imprisonment. The 56-year-old Primate of the predominantly Catho DYNAMITE FREES STEWART HARBOR OF ICE MENACE Dynamite charges were u.-d last week by the provincial public works department at Stewart to clear the wharf area at the head of the Portland Canal to permit the entry of the Union steamer Camosun which made its first mooring to the wharf EDED 10 ENSURE SERVICE Cb-operation Shown by Industrial and jc Users Since Hydro Crisis Began l.il anil domestic users in the city today 1 to Ui ke steps to cut down their consump-tiirity during the current hydro crisis. '. ' " - " 0 ! S " r - vipr J, f 4 - f ' iu '.. im irZ&" , ... m- f f " ' v y m e" ' y E:'l,rL m,.'l iMC -f-"- . .. . . ........ -.;,. Jfe. . . ... lic country was also lound guilty of trying to over 4 V,. ll. f ' i , i " ... SI. Laurent Suffers It e verse in First Test or leadership NICOLET, Que., (P. Rene Chapdelainc. 37-ycar old lawyer, carried the Progressive-Con.servative banner to victory in the Nicolct-Yamaska federal by-election. It was the first time the Liberals have lost the seat since 1921. From the beginning of returns, it was cieariy a two-man lack, Northern V j. l'ower bo. manager, uuuw me ioniinunisi gover government ana speculating in foreign currency. I .spite apjieals, consumption of power has I 1 . II L niaiceamy, a Miuaumi mat may presage U it- power com- ilo cut down on electrical use. Installations May Be Saved i in three weeks Monday, nwt-I withstanding 14 below tempera -; tine there Sunday night, i 1 tie dynamite was laid on the i lee at the edge of the formation i in sufficient charges to break -off the outer edges. Then the I process was repeated until the "Porch lights, window light ing, ciecirieai ncating und appliances can be eliminated with i reduction of at t in the use of condition ex-S,. f;u flic u v.-ry pour. Re- out hardship," Mr. Black said War Assets Taking Customary Action But Dcmoliliun May Be Averted wan ro-operaiion in ims re ice had been broken back to the wharf. The loose floes then race with another lawyer, Paul Trahan, 40, the Liberal candidate,' giving a stif; battle. The Canadian Press reported Chapdelainc elected at 7:50 p.m. on 85 of 103 polls. The final vote: Chapdelainc 8.293 Trahan 7,999 The court rejected a prosecution demand for the death sen-1 fence but ordered the confiscation of all the Cardinal's possessions and the depriving of civil rights for ten years. All six of the Cardinal's co-defendants were convicted' on treason charges, sentence: ranging from three years to life. Mindszenty's sentence will be reviewed by the Supreme People's Tribunal following an appeal by the defence. The court found extenuating circumstances in the Cardinal's case. He had confessed and expressed regret and had lived far from worldly affairs. gard, we can ensure continuity of service for the greater part of the time." While water! ront installations ii.Mii only about is not noliee-,,niniitn ii.icli of wacr ;iii;tie power. QUEEN OF CARNIVAL Eighteen-year old Shirley Williams, only blonde contestant, was crowned queen of the Winter Carnival at Fort William tills week. This photo by Fryer shows the pretty queen wearing her crown after the coronation ceremonies. drifted harmlessly before the wind dowir the canal. The foot-thick ice formation previously had denied the Camosun entry to the Stewart wharf for three weeks. During that time, cargoes were lightered to the wharf at Hydcr, farther down the cajial. Manscau 432 The campaign had been re-; . I i ; 1 1 rain, the Iimvc to discoti-i'.ni Kiver plant ! curded an a lest, of Icadf rSliln ' Chiang May Come Back? the. week, Mr. between Prime Minister St. Laurent and Col. Drew. ii ; would nii'an left by the United States Army i here after the war may be of-j fercd for sale by War Assets Corporation in the usual way. there Is every reason to believe that their demolition may be, forestalled. This was indicated last night at the monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce which for the past year has been actively campaigning for their retention. The War Assets Corporation flic United States, through NANKING, (F Chinas civil war flared into a llgUi Local Concern Takes Over Island Resort-Development Planned tho minister here, had "made TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8 U. Jolmslou Co. I.U11 Capt. John Uowden, who brought the Camot.un to port this morning from Stewart, said that' the vessel had taken the role of an ice breaker to clear out the remaining chunks of ice him hope that the United States would start a war and this war fight on the Yangstc River 40 miles west of here today. ,ik sicini plant, r company lias ild be employed bulk of the cl-i.T.l. d. The rest in lh'' Shawal-ii! which now nil tin' M'y dock I he Shuw.iUaiis ...it I miiii the would help him attain his aims. The Cardinal is the first along the channel. The area is cleared right back to the tide Pnee of the Catholic Church notified the Chamber of Commerce that it is the intention to advertise the administration Vancouver, Uayonne .00:,i Hralorne 0 .00 U K. Con ":!' n H.X 12 Caribou Quartz 1.30 Government patrol boats attacked a flotilla of Communist supply craft west oi Wuhu. Several Communist boats were sunk und 31 junk were captured alone with a few ComniuniM prisoners. Meanwhile there were sug tuilding for demolition but. m ii.,'.ori li 1, a k c Acquisition of the , well known Sangan River pleasure resort seven miles from, Massett on the famous North Beach of Graham Island and a five-year improvement and development program thereon is announced, by Neil Kingston, , president of the flats at the head of the canal J lo face penal measures of the and no further trouble in that ; government while actually a respect is anticipated. member of the Sacred College Temperature at Stewart on ofCardinals. Monday was eight degrees be- j . connection therewith, notice il :i also is sui ler- will be given to the effect that the Prince Kupert Chamber of Commerce has some iuterestinr it.i., mail'1 ap- I I IE WEATHER Northwest Construction Co. here, who has organized gestions that Chiang Kai-Shek may be coming to the lore information for prospec ttiMl iim'Is which active ! ! purchasers in regard to possih! issiWc i'gain. It is announced he will pa. ! ol the cdy s I i . lint results " ':!) .iiniuiUii!'." preside over an important Na I Synopsis An uetive Pacific disturbance was ' moving Inland over the s-jnUjcrn British. fJulwtnbla. coa-tt Conuress ,0ri',2 ! Medley Mascot 51 ' Pond Oreille 5 HO i Pioneer 3.25 Premier Border -03 V2 Privateer 19 Reeves McDonald , 3.10 " Reno : " ..: " ' MVt .Sheep Creek 1.4!l , Sllbak Premier 33 Tuku River 33 tionallnt government meeting Hnryav Rets Pact Facts conversion for hutisim; purposes. jto ic"nie K.-.-u ut-J --.n i sion, it was indicated at. thu meeting that this would fall in-Continued on Page 3) low zero, Capt. Buwdcn said, and j a moderate northerly wind wao blowing. Snow level at Stewart is more I than 23 feet, believed to be an ! yll-tUn" i' cor.1 a"d , five feet, j greater than not mal. Weight of snow has broken down the roof of the mine hospital at Premier, despite snow-shovelling efforts of a skeleton ci' w which remains at the mine. About $300 worth of dynamite this morning. Mixed rain and the Limberlost Lodge company to operate the property. Ross Kingston is proceeding at once to Massett io open na the resort 'tor opera.ion cohinichcihg "Jufy 1 this year. There are at present nine' cabins with capacity for forty guests. .Within two years the capacity will be Increased to 100 guests with 500 the ob Vananda ' .Salmon Gold .30 1) widely scattered showers of rain; and snow today. Cloudy tonight,1 becoming overcast with intermittent rain. Occasional mixed' jective for five years. I nited States Secretary of State Giving Delegation Information WASHINGTON. 9 The Uni- Sheep crecK 00' uo',i The Sangan River project marks the first large enterprise rain and snow early Wednesday drew a re wet snow has been associated with the passage of this storm and some scattered shower activity will follow. Cloudy skies and widely scattered snow flurries will be quite general over the interior. Another Pacific storm which is 1200 miles west of the Queen Charlottes this morning will move into the northern coastal areas tomorrow morning. Milder weather is gradually spreading to most of the B.C. coast. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Variable cloudiness and was used to blast the wharf area I at Stewart free of ice. TOO MUCH FOR LOCAL FINANCE Oils-Anglo Canadian 4.00 A.P. Con 22 Atlantic - .72 Cnlinonl .41 C. & E 5.10 Central Ledue 1.1 (5 ply to Norway's questions about (25 m.p.h.) in the exposed areas. for the handling of tourist business on this part of the coast. Plan is to operate it not only as a summer beach resort but Light elsewhere today, becoming P,1(,e of admission to the At- lantic security alliance. State morning. Little change in tern- Department experts got order !?lso in at oir tlmfs (0J year connection with the hunting does not, ap-ible for the Local linaiieing pear l be avail, and fishing that abound on the Queen Charlotte Islands. perature. Lows tonight and highs' from Secretary Dean Acheson Wednesday At Port Hardy 30- j to give more facts at a second 37, Massett 30-37, Prince Rupert session today with the visiting 25-35. Norwegian delegation. conversion of the former United Margarine, Public Worlis, Home Oil .. 11 05 Mercury 15 Okalta . 1.25 Pacific Pete 2.10 Princess 34 Royal Canadian 09:!i Toronto Atlmna .12?2 Aumamte 33 Beattic 57 Beveourt 28 Bobjo 12','z Buffalo Canadian .14 ' Consul. Smelters 110.00 Conwest ., , 1.20 Donalda 55 Prince Rupert will be the embarkation point for visitors to the resort which is reached by the. Union Steamship Co. service irom here. Mr. Kingston states that negotiations are under v.ay for the steamship company when traffic warrants, to operate a 120-passengr motor vessel from here to Massett, Massett may also be reached by a Help School Tax Relief, . " ' " ! r . -, . . .-; i " . i' ' ' " ' I . W ' ' - . ' " . ' : $ V t ' " S ' ' I V. v. . ', I l . f ,:, i m Ik ' x r-J ill . A ?-V'iN ii " 1 Jf. lt"'fnii....in mi., iiaf! i-u To Industries, In Speech States Army administration building on First Avenue, now in the hands of War Assct,s Corporation for disposal, Into an apartment building so a special housing. committee of the Prince Rupert. Chamber of Commerce is now endeavouring to interest outride sources in (lie project. The special commit lee, through It. K. Moi.tador, so reported to the Chamber at lis regular monthly meeting last, night. There have been estimates varying from $75,000 to $200,000 oa the cost of such conversion. The Chamber, at il,s January meeting, receved a complete structural report from W. II. Short-rldge who had been employed for the purpose. In order to en here in view of new Industrial developments has been spurring the loeal Chamber into seriously studying the situation and activity in connection with the administration building resulted. Meantime, it has been reported that the Celanese Corporation of America has been in communication with the Central Mort- courage the project, tiie Canadian National Railways has ad- shuttle seaplane service connecting with Canadian Pacific Air Lines at Sandspit. A new construction program will be Instituted this year including the building of five or six more cabins and a 100 by 40 foot lodge Uiis fall. Eventual plans call for separate recreation hall, dining hall and kitchen. ' Sangan River Is connected with Massett by a plank road. The property composes 123 acres and is being acquired by Mr. Kingston from the estate of the late Dr. J. C. S. Dunn. Mr. Kingston made his announcement at the monthly meeting of. the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night and it was greeted with interest and applause. Several local reservations have already been made. rd that It would he willing to gage and Housing Admlnlstra- v I 1'K IILSAi'IM.'.AUINfi-WwHu nf II, n ,.l,l It..li ir . .. , . -v.. I',,, rtt ikwui van- "'milling under the wreckers' hammer now the In- lion on the matter of housing here, arousing the hope that the government company might Interest itself more actively in new housing here. sell the land on which the building stands at Ihe assessed valuation which Is comparatively low. A threatened housing shortage Eldona 65 j 1 East Sullivan 2.95 Giant Ycllowknifc 5.50 God's Lake 14 Hard rock 10 Harricana 09 U Ileva 11'- Hoseo 27 Jaeknifc , (H't Juliet Quebec 41 IkiUc Kuwait 00'z I.aja..ka 08 U Little Long Lac - .92 Lynx .13 Mad.scn Red Lake 2.70 McKcnzle Red Lake 40 MeLeo'd Cocksluitt 1 10 Moneta 18 Negus 2.35 Noranda a7.00 Linivlcourt 3D Pickle Crow 2 10 Regcourt San Aiitonio 125 Senator Rouyn 43 Sherrit Gordon 2 )5 Steep Hock I Sturgeon River If Silver Miller 33 stripped. In the backuruund Is. the rear of the ''y The workmen arc on the lower section of the l;iri;c department store may eventually be built on (CP Photo) VICTORIA (CP) The Speech from Hie Throne, presented by the Lieutenant-Governor as the session of the ix'jrislature opened this afternoon with usual formalities, included the following proposals: Removal of the provincial ban on sale of butter substitutes. Equalization of borrowing powers for public w orks and iower development. Relief of school taxes. Extensive program of public works including main highways, bridges, secondary roads, schools, hospitals, public institutions and" office buildings. Further financial assistance to enable the University of British Columbia to proceed with its program of expansion. Further alleviation of the burden of text-books costs. Improvement and development of the government-owned Pacific Great Eastern Raihvay. Revision of the policy for irrigation. Further expansion of forest protection work. Establishment of a New Haven Borstal-type institution for young offenders on a basis which will make it more effective as a corrective institution. Further development of Mount Seymour Park near Vancouver as a recreational outlet. Encouragement of industries' particularly pulp and paper manufacture and processing of alumi num ores. Flood control measures. NOTICE ' l'...-, brrn very little co-operation from the great-''' "l users of electric ty to date, as outputs from LOCAL TIDES Wednesday, High I Low February 9, 1949 . 9:58 18.8 feet " 23:28 16.4 feet .. 3:44 ll. feet 17:04 5.4 feet BaskettfocQlID Vancouver vs Prince Rupert ARROWS . WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY S:"o0 p.m. PRELIMINARIES: Wednesday, 7:15 High School vs. Morgans Thursday, 7:l.r Merchants vs. Stones ADMISSION: 80c - 55c - 30c (tax included) Claim Reservations by 5 p.m. Night of Game f 'Mow veiy little reduilon. 1 xtre-nely important f i' avoid more drastic nieas-i every economy )r ali"e.i,ed In the use of electricity Tu Hie riPinnnniity. ;M'i"vd to ou io cut youi yequlreiuents by at least yr "" present situation ht-ts. J11 lights, window lighting, iiimeeessary use of In-"''"'U. electrical heating, ;Vd appliances, can be I' d without harrlKhin Norman Baker of the Civic Centre dining room made a week-end trip to Terrace. 1 Basketball TONIGHT 7:00 p.m Port Simpson Series lurcenlly request your co-on ration to ensure con- srvne for a greater period of time. CONVERSATION STOPPER Dumb cane, a plant found in tropical Africa, has an acrid juice which paralyzes the power of speech of one who chews the stem. j NORTHERN R.C. POWER CO. LTD.