TODAY TO Matinee w, prfnce Oupetr Dailg 13ctos Tuesday, February 8, 1943 THURSDAY i;v x. f C Dp Uadio Dial I I I 1 1240 Kilocycles (bubject to Change) filings HE BEST PICTURE OFWyS V ii i H i I .-.Sh.-r '., - . "fc (IJ Willi II on halibut landings could be, obtained from (he International Fisheries Commission but pointed out that a change in the season's opening might make the sweep impractical. On the suggestion of Cill Bremner, the executive was given the power to put the pn ject into operation or to discard it. Amateur Night will bi. neld in the Civic Centre March 11, according to Harry Swaffield, chairman of the committee. He reported that efforts are being iriade to have a substantial number of participants and plans are being made for a sustaining program to be presented between MYRNA LOY FREDRIC MARCH . DANA ANDREW, VIRGINIA MAYO HQAGYCARMICHAFt . CELANESE MAN IS WELCOMED Guests at the monthly dinner meeting of the Frince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last evening Included Charles KloU, project engineer for the Celan-esc Corporation of America, who was welcomed by President G. R. S. Blackaby aTid Vice-President L. M. Felsenthal who agreed that the new celanese mill at Port Edward was a community affair in which the people of Prince Rupert were as vitally interested as the Corporation itself and who would undoubtedly be ready to lend all assistance possible to the project. Speaking appreciatively of the welcome he had received since arriving in Prince Rupert and the ready co-operation which appeared forthcoming, Mr. Klotz, said that it would IvMtrROICItl I.SMWW000. i,i """'Um 'MI j MARGARINE TO BE LEGALIZED NAZI CAMERA MAKES INAUGURAL SHOTS Used by the Germans during the war to peer across the English Channel into British defences, this Nai camera or 100-inch focal length took close-up pictures of President Truman's Inaugural ceremonies from a distance or 1.300 feet. William H. Clark, of the Ft. Monmouth, N.J., signal corps laboratory, may be seen testing the equipment, on the roor of the library of Congress. Inaugural stand can be seen at the end of the camera. I ". i"r nicm VI CTOR1 .-Legislation to y branch, o legalize the manufacture and are wanted h sale of margarine will be en- eabaret ojM.-rati r acted at the session of the' H"' three . Legislature opening today. It is anu labor ,, expected i certainties for The liquor control act may - m.. . : 1 Steamship Movementi For Vancouvet Sunday ss. Coquitlam, 10 m. Tuesday ss. Cumosun, 1:30 p.m. Thursday- ff I'rincu Ruport. 11:15 p.m. Feb. 3, 14 and 24 ss. Princess' Norah, a.m. From VantuuTt-r Sunday ss. Cumosun, 11 p.m Wednesday ss Trlnce George, 10 a.m. Friday ss. Cuquillain 1 p.m Feb. 9 and 19 ss. Princess Norah. a.m. For Alice hnn ami Stewart Sunday . Camosun, 11 p.m. From Alice Arm and Stewart Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Falls Wednesday ss. Prince Ruper; 10 a.m. Feb. 9 and 19 -ss. Princess Link lied School HALIBUT SWEEP PLANS DELAYED Various Furthcoming Activities Considered at , Kinsmen's Meeting - When the halibuf season will open and whether it will be split into two jicrlods was again a subject of concern to members of the Kinsmen Club at the regular meeting held last night in the Commodore Cafe. Curly Barbour, chairman of the Halibut Sweepstake committee told the club that figure? 5""""" m m Am Nothing Could Be Finer! Evening Gowns "For that Formal Impression. All sizes, 12 to 44. Style selection, too. Ami Not Expensive RUPERT PEOPLES STORE CALLS TO mm BLUE i'.kim.s riioMiT, i;xri;itT ' SKHVK'K SAANICH Plumbing & Heating A? Is Your Radio Sick?j . BRING YOUR RADIO i ; RADIOPHONE SET TO ; Ken's Radio Clinic i 'for SATISFACTORY SI RVlCi; Dealers for (iFNI'ltAI, DRY I'.ATTI'.KY i AND WI'STINCIIOUSF i 718 Second Ave. Phone 53! TUESDAY -P.M. 4:15-Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 -The Toy Poodle 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 The Looseleaf 5:30-Whatcha Know, Joe. 5:45 Tommy Dorscy and Orch. 6:00 Supper serenade 6:15 Dinah Shore 6:30 -Musical Varieties 0:43 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC New 7:15-CBC Roundup 7:3J -Leicester Square to Broadway i 8: 00 -Music by Eric Wild 8:30 Record Album 9:00 Points of View' U: 15 Recital Time 9:30 Heritage of Music 10:00 CBC News 10.10 CBC News 10:15 Neighbourly News 10:30 Biltmore Hotel Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:00 -Musical Clock 7:45 Singing Sam 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8: 30 -Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 0:00 BBC News and Cointy tf: 15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00- Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies i0:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodic 11:00 -Musical Varieties 11:15 Songs of'Yestcrday 11:30 Weather PoieceM 1 :31 Mess-w PriM 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45-Famous Voices P.M 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies- i2:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Concert Hour 1:30 Bernie Braden Tells ; Story 1:45 Women In Science 2:00 B.C. School Bdct. 2:30 Musical Program 2.45 Don Messer's Islander 3:00- Ethel and Albert. 3:15 -What's News 3 ;30 - Divertimento 3:45-BBC News 3:55 U.N. Comty. j I j ANTI-CONTAGION PROGRESS In 22 years the number o! deaths from contagious disea.'o in Canada has dropped 78 per cent. EARLY EXHIBITION I The first exh bition of any imnnrtrmi-n urns hpld nt. Puris in 1798, consisting of a collective display of the art factories of Fiance. , j OPSCRATCHING I -I gcieve Well in a Jiffy (9 ?!, MHlli'Wi lui 0, 0 ! fr.cpitl- parts of the regular shew. Lome Vanetta reported that an auction sale will be held in the first part of April. He suggested thai auctioneer R. E. Montador may have to sell everything from kiddie cars to eight-cylinder sedans. One hundred and twenty-five Kinsmen, wives and guests are expected to gather in the I.O. O.F. Hall on February 19 when a celebration will be held in honor of the Kinsmen Club ! founders. Chairman Russel Cam eron reported that plans for patcring and entertainmei.t have been worked out to the committee's satisfaction. s.nnOO 00 X1 TrisL "; 0 '",,,,. ''oorf Ay """"lee 71Aa iff tie SHOW rBrc 5r -t am" Hear the other simple -ruled of the Robin Hood Contest that offer $50,000.00 in cash prize H, 750.00 every week! Wi nneri announced every Monday. CBR 10:45 a.m. (Trans-Canada Network) Every Mon. - Wed. - Fri. I "Do mine the same as yours!" j "Parks during , sion uf the 22,': lwh,,:l1 is mnmt Canadian l.rior " ! I' t ' v -My COL Tak-y..; 1 1'din tlif la, SCIl'tllnr, is in r'vihi Ian sail Comic, m.l ctipiil -like t tqnall-siA'il PASSES AWAY ; IN VANCOUVER p Simon McDonald Wan Well Known Resident iff City arrl District Simon A. McDonald, aged 47, passed aay in Vancouver last Friday night, February 4. It was on November 4, he left Prince Rupert to spend a holiday in Vancouver and Seattle. Shortly after arriving in Seattle, Mr. McDonald was taken ill, and was in ho.fpital .there until a week ago when he was moved to Vancouver. He was well known in Northern British Columbia. He worked as hoist man at Premier and. during the war was employed here by the American Army as checker. Later he was' in the service of the War Assets' Corporation. Mi McDonald was (born in I northwest Scotland, November 4,' 1901. He is survived by two sis-' tcrs living in Seattle, as well as relatives in Vancouver. A cousin is Simon Fraser McDonald. He was a member of Enoch Lodge 99 A.F. & A.M., Stewart, Kaien Chapter 13, Prince Rupert, Kin- ! eolith Prcecptory 59 and Gizeh ! Temple. Was Forty Years Atlin Postmaster A pioneer of northern British Columbia and the Yukon died recently at Vancouver where he went mst iM f,,r treatment. He was Robert Nelson, for 40 years : postmaster at Atlin and for the j last four years customs officer I at Carcross, Yukon Territory; He j was well known among pioneers of the north. He passed through Prince Rupert in the late fall enroutc to Vancouver. , ' Classified aQvcrtl.siiig iaya brings results. cmiDS take the co-operation of the' whole community of Prince Rupert and of the province and. Dominion to bring the, project to a successful fruition. Other guests at last night's dinner Included Eric Speers, official representative of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, and C. L. Bosdet, a new local young business man. Upwards of 40 members were in attendance at the meeting and many matters were taken up at the session. Norah, a.m. For Ocean Full:' Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. February 3, 14 and 21 ss. Princess Norah, p.m. For Alaska Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert midnight. February 3, 14 and 24 ss. Princess Norah, p.m. From Alaska Thursday--ss. Prince Ruert, Feb. 9 and 19 - ss. Princess Norah, a.m. Hoittr, African .Style i, i POST'S BRAN FLAKES HE LIKES and NEEDS I A FroJuet of Gflnarnl FoJt By CHICK YOUNG . r i He rrjppiE5 i 'Fr CHEWED IT VP ,y,V.) 7'TWi3 AFTERNOON " JU I ' I km. Am,,R , hrmK sl(jfd by (, N Trls(rMh, (. ri, H Lake huccfss is lh first rpporl from one of its own rfrular R.ruT. rrffr VS Truslw''hi """ The .-port con.rrn, Ru. imla-l rundi and TanSan.vika and cover all phases f native life, includuu health, economics, social welfare and school, (above)! NO W is the Time... HOLLYWOOD! VMti ffS HAPPENS. .... WHEN HE DOESNT WANT TO EAT OR PtAY . TRY THIS I -a m 1 Most U))-to-late I'al the City Open from. 8 !'" 1 i 1 1 SURE-il't We Spt'cializc in Cliimso Disli, CHOI' SUKY CHOW MKI FOR OUT.SIOK ORDI KS MONK 133 to mukti changes in your retriei'atioii sysk'in. We will be j-iad to assist you in any improvements contemplated. Have your machine checked to see if it is in condition for the heavy work season which is ahead. SEE US FOR YOUR REFRIGERATION REQUIREMENTS Walk-in or Reach-in Coolers Frozen Food Cabinets Ice Cream Cabinets and Domestic Refrigerators Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. FIIONE 210 or 2(H) Q Yes -fof POSTS BRAN MKSsuppfy llran - tl.e natural I.ulk food that helps you keep regular, and on jour toes. Flavor that keeps you coming back for more anil Of icr Parts of Whcul - for good, wholesome wheat nourishment. Skeena Construction & Cabinet IU'II.I)i:i;m anii : yiimi. niM'KMf T11K I'luint i l.ftltlt iiM)iii: Avii AIMM 1 Ut'liK" ' ' K3T1MATKS FREE ON HEQUEST I. O. Itox 1070 ' : : Posfs BRAV FLAKES ANNOUNCING ... Ormes Dd 7?p -Is He Smoking!! J f-f STOP GROVUINS 7 UIKE A Pt'AP IP VOU ASK FOP .-'lv.r " "NIWC, ILL. kl ,S TELL VOU VTlti 7wim Re-OPENING THREE SISTKI BLONDiE r 3 .hi tC ? PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS 1 T14PPP PIPE IS ? STORE HUUItS WK&K.-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO pi 8UNDAY8 ANU HOUDAYS-12 NOUN 10 7 P.M. TO P M. COFFEE SHOP 351 West Third COMPLETELY RENOVATED AND REFURNISHED ' ' BETTER THAN EVER Daily car deUvery icrvlc Bmtl nmllll I irom v a.m. uu 6 p.m. ana PHONE 81 Downy:FJakc .Do-Nuts Our Specialty A I I -nr- r ' tin