1 COURT , (Political Speculation ptfnce Uupert Dafi? 3eto3 Tue.-day, February 8, 1949 ' UPHOLDS SIX Ihilpott, Evitt heavy anti-government vote in . probably never would be put through. No Election Before 1950 the local elections. The Dispafch said the government could en to Ihp coun ASSESSMENTS Valuations set by City Asses -full Classified Ad., Bung Results: try this vear with em- and Co. Ltd. Can Supply You With ployment" as a platform p'.ank. ' : British Party Organizers Are Preparing Nevertheless By JAMES McCOOK Canadian Press Staff Write !pRIncluding Fir, Cedar, etc. "More difficult conditions in 1950 may cause en p. wTient t' fall," the nevvespapi i mliieti. NATIO.VAMZATION ISSIE Labor sources said the prospect has been that Labor will ORING In Fir or Hemlock sor H. D. Thain were sustained by the Civic Court of Revision this morning in six apptuH against i49 property assessments while one was slightly leducefl and three Weie held ovev (or iwither hearing on Feoruary U'. The court nich convened a: 10 a.m., had completed iu morning's work an hour later with Use exception of the throe appeals fur which further in-toimatiou was requested befor JDING-AU Types i ngni tne general election on L i : 'ifi . , U - ' ' I' ) . A MEN'S TWEED TOPCOATS Reg. to $25 NOW $15 MfiN'S ALL WOOL YARN DYED WORSTED Sl'ITS SASH and DOOR and - ,, FOOTHILLS ALHERTA COAL in all sizes LONDON, ' ! Government spokesmen who ought to know say there will be no general election before 1950 but party organizers disregard this assurance. They tell their supporters to be ready for a vote this year. The election date may be decided by voting in local elections in April and May when county," municipal, parish, urban and district council menw bers are elected. issues already plain, such as I the nationalisation program, a! leading issue on which the vol-1 ers will decide is whether the ' bill nationalising the iron and steel industry will actually be Implemented after 1950. If the ; Conservatives are elected. It 1 PHONE 651 imuu.n," cvvn a iitcis'.on. Court members were Alderman T. B. Bluck, chairman; Alderman H. M. Daugctt, Alderman George Rudderham,. Alderman J. N. Forman and Aldennun II S Wuulu.. BLACKHEADS In the important municipal Hearing of an appeal by Can OTICE elections, last held in Novem- wkr fc Biopif method tht t- ' ulVM llwm. Get two nuncu of proxln ber, 1047, Labor was badly beat- o.r from OUr iramti.t. npi with LADIES 'B' BOWLS LEAGUE SCHEDULE adian National Railways against llot, wt eloth gntlr ovur th blackhaftds I , assessments on various propei Nl'WS Wishes t(l a4 tm wUl maaOax Lr lAm k ues was deferred until Febru- it .nil U) I"'- (1 and tran.sicn! s payable in ad wk.J ' a ri--prc.sentaUve of the raii- MillPr Rnv v n ,.. way lands demirtment THEY NEVER GOT THE WORD Two Japs who just never got the word that the war was over were Matsudo Lmsoki, of Tukyo, and Yamaka je Kufuku, of Sendai. It wasn't, until January Q, 1949, that the war ended tor these machine-gunners of the Japanese navy. At that time they gave themselves, up on lwa Jima, Where the, had been living in caves, and foraging at night, ever since the invasion "oT February 19, 1945. After the surrender to. air torce personnel, they were flown lo Guam where they are shown being questioned with Cpl. Jolfn Kataoka, of Los Angeles, Calif , iicting as interpreter. ' School Patrol Practical Safety to b? Sizes 42 to 4G, Reg. to $6uNOW S42.5S Men's GABARDINE COATS English make, Fully lined sizes 30 to 44 Reg. $27.50 - NOW .... $20 MEN'S ALL WOOL Pt'I.L-OVER SWEATERS, Waffle Stitch, Special S3.50 MEN'S DRESS PANTS, Worsteds, Tweeds & Gabardines from $4.75 MEN'S WORK PANTS, Cotton St Cotton Worsteds, per-feet fit. a laree assortment Price from $2.95 BOYS' SHIRTS for School and dress $1.'!5 to $1.75. BOYS' SWEATERS, assorted styles and low in price From $1.25 BOYS' Rl'BBER LACE BOOTS. NOW ... Sit-I BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTH & DRESS OXFORDS, Brst Quality at Reduced Prices !fc Wiek vs. Boosters; Bis Sister en with a final score of C95 seats lost and 43. gained, compared; with the Conservative record ot C43 gains and 18 losses. Labor received another pounding in the urban and rural dis- trict council elections last April! when the party hfd 260 losses' and 101 gains compared willij the . Conservativcp'-' 'JHG gain1( present tociay. CAFE office at Urn" co)y for adve: . linking to ad is manner In ti.- are asked t) ffice and respect pfraining fro; classified adver- vs. Stars; Tollers vu.'Brown-; woods. j k'tti. 15 Rosa Lees vs. Brown- woods; Miller Bay vs. Boosters, i Tollers vs. Stars; Busy Bees vs . ...oi.t; Noble & Wi:k vs. Big Sisters. i Feb. 22 Toilers vs. Noble Si una 21 looses. Always the Best Place to Eat HIGH QUALITY FOODS TRY OUR SPECIAL IHTSINKSS LIIXCHES Aa aamej.ijiu:lkl 111 4uU (lit two lots owned by Mm. Irma Juhan-sen, cornel oi Conrud Street and Hays Cove Avenue, was reduced to $350 when the cuuri agreed that one of the kt.s should not be assessed as h;ih as the other which is in Ijv ccner. The court decided to coinpleu-.earings of appeals by Hobeil Kelsey, 19'9 Filth Avei.ue Eai,. RESl'LTS A SHOCK These results shocked Labo: adherents, still tubilai.t over their overwhelming general election victory in 1945. Tncv Wick; Busy Bees vs. Rosa Lees. Big Kistet-s vs. Belmont; Booster? vs. Brownwoods; Miller Bay v.s Stars. Measure at King Edward School Safety warnings are more than verbal oflt at King Edward Elementary School where, for the last three months, students have put them into practice with unif ormed school boy patrols which keep a sharp eye on heavily-travelled Seventh Avenue East and on their fellow tmpils. The only school in the city to weakened the confidence felt, bv 1 the party after a long series o: i JUL II "- A s fur Your 4LPAPER "'jlREMENTS Macch 1-Big Sisters vs. Miller ; and Albert L. Stiles. 315 L'iehtu Bay; Boosters vs. Belmont.; j Avenue East, on February 18 Brownwoods vs. Busy Bees; Ros.il wncn tne C.N.R. appeals are heard. successes in holding Labor Commons seats in by-elections. The political correspondent ol the Sunday Dispatch (Independent) said Rt. Hon. Herbert Morrison, as government House Leader, may ask Prime Minister Attlee to recommend disso- BOAT OWNERS! Asses, nteius con.irmed were: Vivian Garten. $400 on wiui, lot 13, fiiock 18, .-eciion I Seventh Avenue ta.'t. the complete have such patrols, King Edward yellow stickers is finding that tl system pays', uniform. TRY OUR CHINESE DISHES Fxtra Special to Take Home! C'how Mein Sweet and Sour 608 Srd Ave W. Phone 200 l.ers v.s. Toilers; Stars vs. Noble & Wick. Alarch 8 -Busy Bees vs. Stars; Toilers vs. Miller'Bay; BeUnont vs. Noble & Wick; Boosters vs Rasa Lees; Big Sisters vs. Brown-woods. March 15-Miller Bay vs. Noble & Wiek; Brownwoods vs. Stars Booster vs. Busy Bees; Big Sis John U. Mcrris'i. $a00 iin-loff- Twice a day, 270-odd, The patrols are chosen from provenients, lot 1. bi'otk 6, sec - j V 0 u n B 1 e rs DUlst Uom lr'e!the nine to 12-year age group, most of them being in Grades' Z1""" , '"-" is not a sensationally Four. Five and Six. The 10-yea. ,there olds seem lo make the most dili- tion 1, Second Avenue West. school doors but they come to Joseph Okey, $100 on land, lot ja halt at the safety yoae wharvj 30, block 19, seciien 5, Seventh a uniformed boy stands on punt Aviiiij; vves;. ( j duly. That unitorm stands for T. Ftystay, Kins George Hotel 1 authority and safety. . 'and $2,350 and improvements! The patrols were formed at $0 000. j King Edward because it lies John Tokur, land $400 and along 8eventh Avenue East, one improvements $500, lot 2", blo.tt: 0f the heaviest-travelled routes 32, section 5, Fighth Avenue in the city. So far. it has not Kaien Co-Op gem. paiioneis, uccortiing 10 mr. Moore. Tliey scvni to feel IhcL j iesjoiVsibility most keenly a' i thai aiii;. j Howevei, iot ail the patro!.-' ters vs. Rosa Lees; Toilers vs Belmont. - ' i March 23 -Busy Bees vs. Big ! Sisters; Boosters vs. Toilers; Rosa Lees vs. Stars; Noble & Wick vs. Brownwoods; Belmont vs. Miller Bay. are computed ol boys. Becaiut CHART YOUR COURSE for the ' THOM SHEET METAL SHOPS COVER YOUR FLOORS NOW! 10 OFF ALL FLOOR COVERINGS INLA1DS C ONCOLEVM REXOLEl M BAROLFl'M A number of other items (30) at cost price PHONE Feb. 7th to 19lh only WRITE 179 251 3rd Ave. Box 1127 we!l- been felt necenary to torn simi- fc Cavenaile, ptiit of water- h.lr nn,m,, - ,u, M V m front blot:k "I" SCul Cove, land! March 29 -Toilers vs. Busy ' Bees; Big Sisters vs. Boosters. Miller Bay vs. Brownwoods; Bel when your craft needs a new $270, improvements $4,530 Ta.rk, Muffler, Tialley Stack, some of tne classes are held ai j the Civic Cer.tie, fcirls have beer; briefed in patrol work so that; they can t;;ko over when thi: boys' classes aie at the Civic Centre. i Monday afternoon's patrol 'consisted of Millord Wick, 12 and lUrbie Q.ui. .11. both whom thoupiit :i was fine. '"We don't hav; y;.y trouble. ' mont vs. tttars; Kosa l ees vs Noble Si Wiek. i . "Our aim is iiot tu tlu Iraf-fice but to hulil back ovcr-eajer youngsters lilt the road Ih clear," said, Prinjiivl R. G. Moore. "The patro' buys hae good control over the tlniilii . but they tin rely biavily t-i (! co-operation of inuluiil', tot.. or any other metal work. PHONE 884 MIND AND BODY "Trie-factors responsible fof any subnormal growth in u child can be grouped as nqtii-tional, p.4thoii(;icai and pwt BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 253 EAST FIRST AVENUE aid Hei bie. "Pi -a: iciniy all the PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs At' 8:40 a.m. the morning pat- kids cross the street at the rol, consisting of two boys, or safety zone and don't give any NOW AVAILABLE MATTSON'S UPHOLSTKRING Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue Prince RupcYt, B.C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL Home Away From Home 0 Rooms. Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Phone Ml 4 P.O. Box 1M two girls, takes lis place on each trouble.' side of the street at the safety "So far, we haven't had tc j ?one. They remain on duty unUl report anybody,' 'said Milford.' just after 9 o'clock by which "Some of them have had to be iwpn iii iUfWi;" i! r ; It I Mrllriile St. U: DELIVER MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East DRY KINDLING WOOD in sat K.s FIR AND CEDAR 50c Sack Delivered PHONE B & W TRANSFER Green 186 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS j lime the last of the youngsters warned, but they all act O.K. has passed in. The same pair when you tluvatcn to turn, their, .are out again at 11:55 until 12:10 in. The cars all slow down when , when the children leave for their we are out, too noon lunch. $ DOMESTIC HfSUAPfJ Accidental iniuries occur in Ajncrican homes at the rate of one every six and a half Cate . . for Tasty Meal Chow Mein 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER Beer, Soda, Perfex and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 !) Suey LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL I Two different patrol boys come on in the afternoon. The work is divided so that no particular ' group is overloaded. The second group stands by from 12:40 until 1:15 when school goes In again i and again between 3 o'clock and i 3:30 when thu building clears for ; the day. UNIFORM NOW KNOWN The uniform is becoming well Chinese Dishes a Specialty second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS PIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of In dgstrial Engines are invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. P'i to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders mmmm MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING CONShU .YiTIVE SENATOR Senator Iva C. Fallis of Pet-erbopni'-h is the only Progressive Conservative, woman senator in the UprxT Chamber. She was summoned to the Senate in 1135. tiT Photoi known to city motorists now. The white visored cap and white Sam Browne belt stand out whether the day is bright or dark and the bright yellow signal sign, marked with a bold "stop" cannot be missed. In wet weather, Greer & ; ; liridden CONTRACTORS and ; r BUILDERS ! GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tat Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 rilONE BLUE WW P.O. Box 1184 (ilch THIS AND THAT nivlessness PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Latest Shades, Styles and Color' J. P. MOLLER Phono BLUE 155 V. CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS N .ilihey delibi rately drops his watch or inten-i.buses it. 't'i' thousands allow their watches to run, or v to run, when they ought to be laid up for HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Finily-appoinled "Princes" steamers offer unexcelled accommodation and tempting meals for a restful, comforl-trip south. PRINCE RUPERT SAILINGS Southbound MONDAY, FEB. H THURSDAY, FEB. 21 MONDAY, MARCH 7 For in formal ion and reservations contact DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ''? ir.,. SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 Floor Sanding A Specialty RED 56 1 P.O. BOX 721 WHAT IS THE RESIXT? I't'i'iiianently injured watches. V" maintain a perfectly equipped repair dement here. It is no trick at all for us to handle M;uis of repair work. We can start working for you almost any min- you ray. '1 '" si our ability to give you good service. Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys OH Burners D. II. E. Maclean, General Agent " " ", " "What Is It? A baby" FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evenings P.O. Box 1670 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. Box S4t FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT IT QUALITY REPAIRS For downtrodden Heeh and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Av " WRATHALIS PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing I nl.irsiiiR QUICK SKRVIGE Amateur and Professional Suilies Well Cartage Ltd. Complete Moving Service i Crating Packing Cartage I BLUE 788 RED 516 ' PHI, ! ' -1-0'