uk TODAY TO SAT. EXCITMENT AND COLOR (Continued from Page 4) i -zr--zz n rT rm G :. prince Uupctt Dallp JSetoi Wednesday, November 17, 1948 Stone's in overtime .-! lKKtan KIN HEAR SEA TALE IContinucd Irom rage 1) Fashion started out strong witn Bud Pierce leading the way. Their passing attack was fast and accurate which enabled them to score. They piled up a 10 to 0 Tead before Smith scored for Stone's. The play was even In the second quarter with the Stone defense tightening up and their offensive starting to work. tinue on to Durban and course was set for the South American coast. Land was sighted near Deception but off-shore winds prevented the ship reaching safe anchorage and she was swung northward. After 3 days of anxious sailing they reached Valparaiso, Chile, on March 12. 1942. The crew spent six months there until arrangements were .nade for disposal of the cargo and the Alberni was declared unseaworthy by a Lloyds of London representative. The half ended 81 to 9 ln favor ternoon the crew was called to cleat the wreckage and to break ut-new sails. By midnight the mainsail was "bent," giving the shirr" enough canvas to provide steerage way and the crew, with the" exception of a four-man wateh, turned in taking off their mctlclothes for the first time in tlverjlays and nights. . Itiook two more days for the eras to recede and then It was decided the ship could not con 3l CROSBllh of Fashion. In the second half the game was all Stone's as their hard-driving play put Fashion back on the defensive. The V "xJf i K inn vi rnirl II 1 K itself m 1 , m " V II I HI f ? v 4- I 1 1 1 i I t "2 V 1 ''V jt.-.f,.... ' -win T' mi mi I, i n ii mm mi ri" r x. yn ruN w auarter ended 25 to 19 for Fashion. The final quarter had Stone's breaking in fast and I w ir v ( 1 5 I "v, I jil working hard to score. With seconds remaining McChesney scored a lay-up which tied the count, sending It Into overtime, The score at the end of regu latlon time was 27 all. In the 3-minute overtime Fashion settled down to their first half - ki 'Zl00 Poromoont p,eienh playing and outscored the fight tng Stone's team to gain the win RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE i I Sale 4 Men's , j h And Boys Wear j - Don't Come Unless You Want bargains Sir I5UY NOW FOIl CHRISTMAS! Z i e RUPERT MENS AN D BOYS STORE j Stone's played a very hard and fast game and, being younger in spirit, gave Fashion a scare that 1 SAME CHAIR. NEW LEADER In charlotte town to open a Martime tour, George Drew, , new national leader of the Progressive Conservative party, signs the guest book in Confed-, eration Chamber. The chair occupied by Mr. Drew was once used by Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada's first prime minister, during the Confederation conferences In the Prince Edward Tnrf rnnital At Mr. Drew's elbOW iS hlS Wile. At lett IS Dr. W. J. f. MaCftllUttii, r.v.- wlif probably warn the other teams in the league' to watcn out. Chrlstoff was tops for Stone's with a lovely display of left-handed shots from the corner. Fashion was strengthened with the appearance of Bud (CP Photo) gressive Conservative leader and at right is Premier Walter Jones of P.E.I. Customs and Ceremonies of Royal Births of Henry VIII, which took place four days after her birth at Greenwich I.iiace in 1534. The Lord Mayor of London and the Pierce, from last year's Co-op '(Continued from Page 5) team. LADIES' LEAGLfc The Ladies' game went to People's Store 28 to 4 over Mil ATTENTION SKIIERS: Our ski stock this year is larger and offers everything you need for your winter's skiing. Due to our larger stock we have had to open a ski de at her christening; Queen Victoria's other children were attired in crimson velvet. Nearly 600 years before the christening of the future Edward VII another English Prince Edward, who was to become Edward III and found that great wow Council were commanded to row in state down the Thames to Greenwich for the event The walls between Greenwich Palace and Grey Friars Church, plate had to be brought for the ceremony from the ChafJcl Royal, St. James' Palace, London. In this old palace for many years Royal christenings had ler Bay. It was their first win of the season. Miller Bay made its debut and scored a hit wltn the fans. Many of their players are just learning the game and their play was good considering where the ceremony was to be held, were hung with tapestries always taken place and the Order of chivalry known as the partment in our basement store. We cordially invite you to drop in and inspect our stock. nrri the streets strewn wltn ordef of ceremonial preserved on; 0rder of thp carter, was bap ENSURE YOUR SUPPII such occasions was impressive. Uzed at wir,(lsor ln tne old rushes. i Nevertheless ln 1842, the Prin- the short time they have had U In the church noblemen with! chapel of St. Edward. practise. The game was never in doubt as People's scored BY freely. Icess Royal's new brother and' I heir to the Throne (Edward VII t was christened at St. George's 1 Chapel, Windsor. The old Duke 'of Wellington, hero of the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, carried the It is interesting to compare the simplicity which surrounds the christening of mocle,:i Royal children with 'the great ceremonial which was emphasized The Junior game saw Norton aprons and towels round their necks guarded the Fon This was of silver and over it was a square gold-fringed satin canopy. Between the chancel and the choir a closet had been prepared with a fire to prevent the Star go Into a tie for .lrst place with Kinsmen, as they won their second game 37 to 10 while de ago. Let us consider Sword of State. The Princess , centuries H-McBride St. Phone 311 SHOPPING EARLY! ALL TYI'HS' NOW ON HA) , , at the infant from taking cold. Citi November 14th to 20th "EDUCATION WEEK Royal wore a blue velvet in-, the baptism oi that other Prln-fant's robe trimmed with ermine cess Elizabeth, second daughter zens who were debarred from the church led the Royal procession. feating Rupert Hotel. North Star had. too much experience fo; their opponents and quickly Jumped into the lead. Rupeit Hotel's defense was very weak and North Star's forward line The Earl of Essex bore gllt-covrred basins arui the Marquess of Exeter carried a taper of vir- rr RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC gin wax. DroKe tnrougn vo score munj tastiv the Roval Infant ap-' times. The passing of North peared in the arms of her great- Star was weak but this didn't grandmother, the D o w a g e r,noia mem aown. nuperi woiet t n.irhPKs of Norfolk. Her kins- offense was alright but their "I'VE THOUGHT THIS THING OUT..." Says Tom Franck men held a canopy over her head. The baby was wrapped ln a purple veivet and ermim mantle, her train of regal Christmas . . . shoitim; nkws from shooting was poor. . Senior Co-op Lindsay 7, Holkestad 18, Domlnato 2, MacPhee ,19, Beynon 8, Murray 3, Vannettu. Fitch 8, Brew. 63. Brownwoods Forman 3, La I think I ran make up bv on mind hotter than anv f length held by important noble-Inipn. A flourish of trumpets I sounded as the Royal Infant was (Going Steady borne to the altar. The Bishop vlgnc 5, Shier 18, Gurvich n. with B.C. ... Anneft WOOL PKNCIL-SLIM SKIKTS AM) NOVELTl Pierce 4, Thompson 15, Owens 4, Johnson, Sampson. 53. Intermediate ,. Stone's Christcff 13, Duma of London conducted the cere-mony. And tlfat high, official, the Garter King of Arms, cried ' aloud, "God of his infinite gorid-I ness send a prosperous life and WOOL SWEATERS ... All Sinrs and ( 1. Smith 2, McChesney 8, Mar shall 5, Wesch, Young. Krlst- Just what you art- looking for to complet that Christmas .shopping list long to the high and mighty Princess of England, Elizabeth." ri m s:4NOVKLTY STVI.f S-AII Colors manson. 29. Fashion Slatta 7, Intermcla Haugan 4, Pierce 12, Gill 2, Teng. Arnsten 6, James 2.-33. Ladies' O0 0 OSKKUHfOOtKi 0 OOOO CH5 (Hi TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy H. U. Johnston Co. LU1.) Sizes. Perfect for your Gabardine Suit government official can flo it for me. And that's v.hy I'm plugging for our free oporl unity demoeralir system. To me, it means freedom of choice; choice of education and vocation, choice of employer and of politics. Like most young Canadians I want lo elioose mv education and fit myself for the job or llic profession I've decided on . . . not be told how and what to do bv a politician two thousand miles awav. If I'm capable and w ho doesn't try to be I'll succeed. . And what's more important, our free opportunity democracy makes it possible for others like me lo gel ahead as far and as fast as thev can. hut our polities are or who our families were doesn't mutter. We'll make it on how well we do our jobs . . . not bow vtcll we know a political boss or how well we serve an all powerful political party. I've thought this thing out. By comparison and on its own merits, our free opportunity democracy oilers more to me a Student than any Sociulisl or (.omiiiunisi 000 OOO OOOOOttOOOO&OOOO OCH People's Store Bill, Quick, Budlnlch 10, Howe 6, Sedgcwlck 2, Bailey, MacLeod 2, Dumas 2, 'GIFT BOXES F Buy with confidence at Vancouver Bralorne C.60 B. R. Con 03 Youngman 4.-26. t Miller Bay Aschoff, Vincent ii. Ii. it UO-2 4, Letness. Wood. Dickie. Lock ANNETTE MANSELL I hard. Plowman, Hills, MacKay, .Cariboo Quartz 112 Grull Wihksne 04 McBroom. 4. Junior North Star Sedgewick DKKSS SALON 525 Third Avenue West 2 Walsh 2, Simonson 10, Young 8 Hedlcy Mascot 32 Pend Oreille 6.00 Pioneer 2.60 Premier Border 03 Privateer 13 Reeves McDonald 3.00 Reno 07 Vj Kelcheson 2, Johnsen 7, Sathc 6, Currie. 37. i (( sssd&srX Rupert Hotel Jordan, B. Mc- state would. And by "more, I mean more choice of Farlanc, A. McFarlane 2, Stacey 2, Morrison 2, Donaldson, Markl what I want to do, more opportunity to succeed, Salmon Gold llVV Sheep Creek 1.55 Taylor Bridge 35 2, Becker 2 10. more rewards if I make good, and a higher standard Taku River .: Vananda Congress Pacific Eastern .34 , .53 ' .03 Vi .07 .00 .01 of living for everybody. Certainly I want a free opportunity : democracy. And because I want it, I'm going to work 1 to defend it and Steamship Movement! For Vancouver Sunday ss. Coqultlam, 11 p.m Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:30 p.m. hifJm a 4 - iff THE ft PARA Spud Valley Central ' Zeballos improve it in every way I can. ;??' $ , ' i'.";;? TWM ii mi Ourrew stock is gradually arm nnrlalnlV certainly nlUliy many ver. VCiy there are WE'VE aft Li" .r- ..; .'.-- new designs thlsear. (vj CHRISTMAS. the A shipment has just oon.e in J J 8 the ..rnr neoule and 1 J X': "'Sv ' at w v .y.-.f. . ." - s.r. & ?F Choose today from our quite reasonable at $100 to $ -".selection of beautiful Christ- '-4 i-grtmas Cards and gay Holiday V-,.v. . ir,.,k any11""' wrappings. to nave style" We'd ... like you - udvnt y . 8t.lS UK , Tom Franck, L'nuersily Si it . i ,wr' For smari jewui j - visit our si 'Jt 1 i-.--jtt'-'&?J.JW:. t. ifr-'; W IVfupRiMi: I . u flt thp. UU1SC a price ii i& v - Come ln early and select while our collection Is full and complete. r.icciiTciiEon , PHARMACY Limited Third Ave. and Sixth St. Phone 79 Standard Oil Company, of Rritish Colunilna Limited Marine Building, Vancouver, B.C. iT'" er'e f advertinetnenla fponsored by Standonl of B.C. and itt attociales, the independent ChetTon Dealert, to pretrnt the people's views on the rr ( and opportunities mvailable to us in British Columbia under our democratic free opportunity system. This vfm. M are convinced, offers the greatest incentives, tha hi ghe ft standards of living, the best job-stnurily and f freedom of thought and action. f ' I