r BADLY DISABLED Prfntf Rupert Daflp f3ctoB .Saturday, October 9, 1848 O,0tfrd V1VM 1,D 5 ervrcc. 3 'hlch hega, sandwiches "le war hi- ,.J in to Jd Jypn'jDt Uiiv jW7ipsr dsTsta n tba upbuilding of- Prtnnt-Eup?rt ... and all eommunlt TomprMtig northern nd central British ColumUl .lAutiiorlrM as Bocond Class Mali. Post Office Department, Ottawa) - " Prtllhd vert afternoon anoept Btinday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. ,. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. . i MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS ATTDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS - CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ng. but a b(1 DO GOOD WORK 35 Sperial Factories In Britain Now Employ 1,200 LONDON, '( Seriously disabled men are turning out work that stacks up In quantity and nea. cleaning Av, j YVNiMyn" . ,.. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier. Pfr Week, 20c: Per Month. 7ftc: Per Year. as 00 By Mall, Per Month. 50c: Per. Year. 15.00 don -tt-t : t "i.oi quality with work done by nor for a1 mal workers, a report issued In Britain Indicates. thanksgiving Day HANKSGIVIN'G iDAY, to be. observed for the e4 V"' ,-lw., now. ' 'MOLE? of Hi Subject of the report is a successful experiment In social medicine employment in a specially equipped factory in Glasgow of severely handicapped men. The factory, which opened two years ago, has proved that 70th. -consecutive time. as a Canadian holiday, is -Jr... . I '"4"" '""I - s 'REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH ' (Fundamentalist) 629 East 6th Ave. Phone 860 m ' seriously handicapped ,men can DIRECTORY K 4' ' i'.J.. 1 work under carefully selected conditions. Output of ,the factory stand comparison with the EX-PREMIER Hon. Mitchell Frederick -Hepburn, former premier of Ontario, who is now living retired on his farm near St. Thomas, Que. BOUGHTON UNDER BLEAN iiii!iii5r J ft"' - I ! ServUu-s In. all Thurehesnt II a.m. ami 1:.KI (km.; Suydav XaJiwrf at 12:1.1 exeept an xhowu. ' W3 west VANCl "jlZ - As, output of one employing normal workers, the report said. t i! .The men are engaged in pro REAL K -4.Nlil.lf AN. CATIIKItKAL - th Ave. W. at Duuwnutr at. Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Sunday School BiOO p.m. Rector: Basil S. Prockier. B.A.. B D (Blue 733 Who ,Zi h A Wlrr ri-.i m 1 i t i t-i 1 INC0 Kent, Eng. ti Because the land is needed for agriculture, two: 15-foot high mounds, beliewd to' have been the burial places of wealthy Roman merchants about AD. 100-150. are to be ex-i vavitied. It is hoped to find glass, vessels, pottery and -FIRST BAPTIST Bth Ave.. E. at- Yo.int; St Minister: Rev. Fred Antrobua (Ocen &1S duction of . electrically heated blankets and work with tools and machinery which has been specially adapted to their disabilities. In some cases special ambulance transport is . provided to bring workers to the ' factory. First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Minister: Rev. O. E. Sendall, B A., B.D. . Music Director: Mrs. E. J. Smith. ETURN H.E.J FIRST PRE8BVTF.KIAN i 4th Awnue Kant Minister: He v. George E. Seuidall (Oreen wu, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 148 12:15 p.m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Gospel Service. THANKSGIVING -SERVICE Speaker: Mr. Bert Ewald Topic : ' CHRIST )l'R THANKSGIVING" .Note : i Fellowship Half -Hour following this service. ARe-' irofihinents). ' Wed., 8 p.m-f-Prayer Meeting. Thurs.. 3:30 p.m. Mission Band. ' ' Friday, 7:30 p.m. Young People's Society. 4Id-Fashiund Gospel Singing WE BELJKVE AND PREACH THE WHOLE BIBLE ADVANCE NOTICE For Sunday, Oct. 17 we are expecting REV. LORIMER G. UAKEK, B.A. (our missionary returning to China). For one Sunday only.. Mr. Baker is an outstanding . preacher ..and Bible teacher. SXARTEO IN 1946 The report states that a.nee1 the venture was launched In 1943 FU R Looks :l)im output per man has more than THANKSGIVING SERVICES 11:60 a.m. "Be Ye Thankful." Junior Anthem: "A Song For Harvest." 7:30 p.m. "We Shall Reap." Anthem: "Render Thanks Unto the Lord." The Solo tJ. A. Tengt: "Great Is the Lord." doubled. The men work a 40-hour week . and .both during training and afterwards are paid standard wages. The suc FIRST VMTBn 36 6th Ave - West Minister: R.n A WUaon; UA (Oreen 613. ; FI LL GttaPEL T.tBKRNAri.E 221 6th Ave. West Pastor: Paul A; Barber (Green 6201 .SALVATION AKMV Praser Street CO.: Oapt. Earl Jarrvtt Directory Class 2:80 p.m. Sunday School 3:00 p m. (Black 2691 KT. Pl IS I I TIILRAN 8th Ave. at McBride St. Pastor: "5. Sollaod I (Black 610 1 When it's this Canadian SQulrrel collar ... on a beautiful wine -toned wool coat sophisticated enough to go r anywhere. Note the easy-to-wear fulness. Many of our coats have fur trimmed cuffs as well as collars. cess of the experiment is judged by the regularity of attendance, a modern, version oi an immemorial custom. .Most, agric.ultur.alj peoples of the ancient world set : .aside ..at .least one day during the autumn equinox' to pive: thanks for the.fruitfulness of the earth. ! In Rome: the; period was marked by feasts .and - parades in -which cornucopias "horn of plenty" ' symbolized man-V; thankfulness. for "the. year's" bar-;; ' vests. .Druids,' Greek?,, and Israelites also-selected ' similar festivals. ' IiTthe'NewWorld,themolern holiday was first observed as. a day. of-religious thanksgiving by. the New : England fPSlqrims, who set apart a day for thanksgiving at i Plymouth immediately, after their ' first harvest in 1621. "" " Later, George Washington and succeeding presi-11 dents of the newlytformed republic named various 'V. ' thanksgiving days for war victories and good crops. ''".In. .1804, .while the. Civil War still . ravaged the United -States. .Abraham Lincoln appointed ; the fourth Thumlay in-Nevember . as an annual day of national thanksgiving. In Canada, Thanksgiving Day has been observed " annually since the. -Marquess- of. Lome,- then- gover- .... nor-general, fixed November 6, 1S79, as. a day "to .J., attend church and give thanks for the blessings "i with which Canada has been favored during the year." . Nowadays, ,a day of rest, recreation and family .reunion, Thanksgiving hits ..lost much of the;re-JT.'., ligious or. patriotic fervor that inspired it in i ormer tStears,- - Early chroniclers tell of victorious 'British "troops celebrating, the-storming. of Quebec .and defeat of French i forces on the ' Plains, of 'Abraham - with a thanksgiving service in the' Ursuline Chapel """ at Quebec! " " D uring the Fi rst World" War the religious, aspect Of Thanksgiving t Day became deeply , rooted . and ' t -ltmo it .generally fell .'on Armistice ' (-from;191S Day, November .11. But representations - by vet- TTerans' . .croups led . to the Dominion establishing IST November 11 ,as Remembrance Day, hich became 'a statutory- holiday- in. 194(5, and Thanksgiving was moved forward to an early Monday in October. . ST. ANDREW S CATHEDRAL the steadily rising output and above all by the elfect on the men themselves. This : enterprise .was started by a private non-profit com-1 pany. Another . experiment of THANKSGIVING SUNDAY October 10 8:-30 a.m. Holy Communion lltf)0 a.m. Festal Service wu.i Sermon by the Rector. much wider .scope is. at present being undertaken by the ministry of labor. When you .are . wardrobe-buildinr, be sure you ee our WOOL DKKSKKS, SWEATKKS, BLOl!Si:S,. I.IXCiKKIK. .. Christian -Science Society Prince Rupert, B C. Branch of The First Church of Christ Scientist, in Boston, Mass. XT. PF.TF.H'8 A(il.HAN . Swl Cove Archdeacon E. Hod son Sunday School 1 1:00 a.m EvrnUtg Prayer 7:30 pjn (Blue 827) COMMUNITY SLMl IY SCHOOL East End Hall, 2:30 p.m. Undr the , Disabled Persons (Employment! Act of 1944 ,x special corporation was set up to provide work for those whose . - High Schcxjl girls solve your jacket il WRITTLE, - Essex, . Eng. it A 1 disablement prevented thent Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. Reading Room ppeued Wednesday and Friday from "from 2 to 4 p.m. , Thanksgiving. Borvijae on Monday, Oct. 11, at 11 a.m. 2:00 .p.m. Children's Thanksgiving Service. This service is specially for the children of the church. Parents are also most welcome to come and worship with their children. Conducted by the Rector. 7:30 p.m. Festal Evensong an.i Sermon by the Rector. Special Thanksgiving Offering. problems with a green, red or navy blue BLAZER $7.95 oigaret a day less for 20 weeks for 300 parishioners here will j ' save the church roof, says. Rev. from obtaining industrial em-' ployment.vAlready 25 special factories . have been opened ..and jobs found for 1,200 workers. It is 4he .intention of the corporation eventually to have over 100 ' J. O. Nicholas, appealing for funds to iight the death-watcn . beetle. I Sweet SJxteen's Personalled BUDGET PL.ti for your convenience. . HO INTEREST NO CARRYING CB i of these .factories, SO of which will be In operation by the end of this year. CHURCH NOTICE We invite you to the C.C.F. Club Room, 522 Fulton St. . SUNDAY. EVENING, 7:30 to hear our talk on the Kingdom of God as given in Christ. No collection taken. Speakers: F. Stelfox and H. Stewart. - SOUTHCREAKE, Norfolk, Eng. 1 0 A .funeral bier dated, 1688 was found burled under the be!--" fry of the parish church her-' WORTHING, Eng. P T. H. Tessier, 80, who broke the worlcj speed record at more than 60 miles an hqur in 1903 on a motorcycle he made himself, died here. ' Vou H-'lt In iit- Jji.ny Newp during excavations. i T (PS 4 Jtlatfii MORS day, son, Senc at 2:C0 Irite vie takt met FOR hou FOR Caf ; Pho FOR hou to T vlet FOR,, Ne1 out Mil for' var Pal for; net 828 - FOf cot dit sor . FOI Fit j flfi Sri I FOR 1 laj erl ' "? I Ri : FOR i wl ! 3r i FOR S a j FOB " k oi i f Pi ! t . rrj H at ' f r foi ! 1 ft FO IV w h 1 t TO C at I Sell Perfume, but . . . Reminiscences , By. w.J. .Reflections TheN. Sixtv vpars nirn Rpnt.t.lp w.is .rvprt ulth rnartc ufltH tho oli I mprplu Qnf.tV.or . nnanf tnurn mltn .tpnlnir rthfrnnic n , . 1 1 GOOD1 i .''' -lit Sinter - (; TIRE that rive you the new kind of ride high hopes, a high mountain ture. over yonder and always out to j The Denny school kept abreast try and lick another community of the times and it was not the known as Tacoma. I fault of the teachers if pupils j Front Street was the chief Av-failed to absorb knowledge. A enue of traffic and the centre small kettle drum helped in the Of things was down around Pio- orderly assembly and dismissal neer Square and Yesler Way. It 'of classes jind Old Glory flut-was near there the pride of tered from its staff, daily. 'At Seattle stood, this being, the one time, the Denny family, Occidental Hotel. t was quite a, among the original pioneers to hostelry at that. Streets were locate in Seattle named after steep but living costs were not. an Indian chief) owned a good Buildings were of modest size. jized proportion of the- towasite. roads ARE HERE. P.eplace convrnti tOO-15, 6".0-15, FflO-16 and 650-16. 1 CANADIAN POLITICS THE SUMMER, politically speaking. -has been active. The by-elections and conventions to choose national party leaders have been singularly ' ! free from extremes of language or over-emphasized zeal, ' , . ; In : f act., compa ring . public : life in . Canada . now, ' . with what it was a: few generations ago, reveals an impressive difference. "There was. plain speaking in the eighties, the nineties, as well as. later." Numerous scoundrels were at large. So; platform-speakers declared although no one was under compulsion to believe such . remarks. 'Campaigns were as hot as prejudice, -old scores ,-race, religion and hard times . could make : them. iThe Northwest . Rebeilion, the '.'Manitoba school question, and North Pacific eal-5rXg: were onlv a few of the higher fights: Many other matters-bristled with, unsolved, points. .Today Canada has her problems but differing in 4 -character and on a wider basis. Unit y, continues, to -be urgent but, there1 is less. necessity and reason. Canada is gradually .moving further, away .from purely domestic ..disputes and drawing Closer to - -nationhood, and the; broader outlook, v .' ' , . Your regular Tire Dealer can i akes the guprr-(l GOODVEAR TIRE & Rl'BBLR ( OMPAM - PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY jods were not plentiful.-No one Land could be bought by the v, V-- I'l V AVt - Prim) 712 Second Avenue , Phone 632 had ever heard of the Klondyke. acre, instead .of -the foot. The word would have been meaningless as wejl as sounding .. wv. .v..o .every " --now. ana then it -ap nnnKlv I 1 .... 1 i k"u, jj.a.iu uypu.ijL-; pears necessary to hold an ln- eo resiauranis, with pork or ouirv. with nr. nffiiai finnr 42 ham among the favorite dishes. to delve and deliberate about Seattle was a town nothing another increase in prices' The more and nothing less. There Why and the when and the were only two cities on the-Pa- wherefore, etc.. etc But no AT t -.. .w ou ,,cii-u aim assistance from Ottawa is need- l rv-v w i 'Overstocked in certain " !ed by the average family in Seattle was llt41 little more than getting the lowdown. They dis-30 years old in 88. It took a wver ali about lt rom thelr bnglsh trudge to go out to Lake grocers and meal dealers with-Unton or Lake Washington. Mud out the ieast deiay of my salary .comes from trees" "It didn't mean thing when the boss sid the value of B.C. (orest products reached a quarter of a billion dollars last year. But when he said it put 42 cents in every dollar in ray pay cheque, I sat up and took notice. Imagine that . . . and me working in a department store, tool" PULP AND PAPER offering attractively TIONERY at reduced r $1.79 and 5' onv-mj nu ine croaxing oi Irogs seemed to increase as twilight came on. . Sold In World Markets With an annual production now , t -V u"f lamuy oi live lived in aj cottage with picket ; fence and garden, and convenient to Lake Washington. Fuel could be had for the taking if one had no objection to bestirring himself. There "would be - the .sound of SI 8 3rd Ave. W. exceeding $70,000,000 the Pulp and Paper Industry in B.C. accounts (or nearly 30 ol the value of our ' total forest products production. Nearly 80 of this product was sold in the United States for much fawing and chopping as trees that had been felled and burned rf . 2tdit) DRUGS v Grrfics U I NEWFOUNDLAND (TO ; BENEFIT I!? 'EARNING- ONE'SILIVING .Canada, while, not X- exactly easy, or. entirely, f reef rout the anxieties a and responsibilities involved in.gaining a liveli-1 hood, should, neverthdess.appear. in a highly: favorable light to the people of Newfoundland oitcethey find themselves part of Canada's population. Newfoundland is an austereiiand. .Tlenty of, effort is 'necessary for- even moderate returns." .The, general f, .run of toilers are, on the- whole, aecustomeci to- the hard way. Itaiiighf le said they expect to live their lives in that manner arid perhaps feel a morcor Mess -dour happiness. .This is oiie saving that Newfound- -landers Jack, luxuries. but-not.all.-are. on the same fcial and economic' level. The cdony is centuries old antl, with the. passage of time, distuictkMus-oannot but slowly, and perhaps imperceptibly develop. ' - ' o become a province oi Canada will go- far- to- ward , changing conditions. There will : lie .a j far wider outlook, a greater ense of power ful privi-kg$ ; r the taking: advantage of opportunities un-,tltn?wn-hefo,e''the throwing aside of narrowing restrictions and in chiser, more intimate association .with the sister provinces," broader. aid more satis-rij incLvay.f life -will ensue. over, were cut into bandy length Consult us lor your needs In all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Fountain Pens Card for every ceasion win Printing needed American dollars . . . thus greatly aiding Canada - to accumulate essential American exchange. FOR THE SAKE OF THE FUTURE BE KIND TO .LITTLE TREES" DDFQrniPTION CHEMI! and loaded on rigs to be hauled home. Without having luxury, as understood today, people were comfortable. There was no housing problem. -AH had elbow room. Neighbors were friendly. Practically everybody had a a iiaviu - j bttidu uniibo wnrFK-DAyil, ' i 'HOLIDAYS -!2 NOO SUNDAYS AND 7 PW TO 8 PJ garden. Winter, as -recalled from i Emergency H fvmiaSSri . DUy car delivery aenrlc BESNER BLOCK -THIRD AVENUE D0 from. 0 jn. Ull 0 pin. long ago, was like a mild, prolonged autumn. Many homes mere Ivy covered, and settlers enjoyed coming around for a chat. It was a pleasant suburb and countryside spacious and well PHONE 81