&xinu Uupett Dailp Jl3etoU Saturday, October 9, 1948 Local News It ems li i o ; 1 ft 3hl Moose Whist Drive anrl rlanpp MARIE AMADIO TRANSFERRED Transferred to San Francisco in the service of the Bank of every Saturday night, 8:30. Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Paul Taranger left this afternoon by air on a trip, to Van (238) Mark Hill j "LHASA" - WITH Montreal, Miss Marie Amadio, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis wl wuaj a plane lor a business trip to Van couver. Delivery as usual on Thanks- couver. GYPROC Canadian r. 1 11 h giving Laj . IttlHb w out early. Valentin Dairy. (238) V H V illlUIUti 1 I meetlna Civir. rpntra xr n 1 Amadio of this city, is sailing today on the Catala for the south. Yesterday afternoon in the office of the manager a farewell presentation was made to Miss Amadio who has been FIREPROOF wwava V? LU. id, I Mrs. S. A. Kielback returned 4 . iy .uu p.m. lea. Contact your ex WALLDOARD A TRULY FINE TOPCOAT. to the city this week from a trip with the bank for seven years ecutive member. (240) Dr. R. E. Coleman, pathologist Of the Prince RiWrt. r-.nori to Vancouver and Victoria. Mr. Kielback had also been south since leaving school. The gift nW Price, $192 per 4x8 sheet was a beautiful brooch and ear nospuai, left on this afternoon's but returned earlier. G. Johnston, manager of Inverness Cannery, Is sailing this ring set. piane lor a trip to Vancouver. II & McCAFFERY LTD. i BY H. J. Graham nf tVm Dnct afternoon on the Catala lor .rfi V f - tti niMn kitppi tps Moose Committee Holds Meeting. Office Staff left on this nftpr. Vancouver, following the clos ShifferlHillman PHONE 116 ing of the cannery for the sea noon's plane , for a trip to Van The Dublicltv committee of I couver ana Vancouver Island. son. the Women of the Moose held meeting last night at the Mr. and Mrs. Ian MacMillan Re-ODenini? nf t.h Mii rni O " " ww 10 VV American metropolis. She says home of Mrs. C. Erickson, 529 of Cassiar Cannery are sailing "LHASA" topcoatini; is Eighth Avenue East. After a this afternoon on their way to i - .. there Is something entertaining going on all the lime and' just to stroll down Broadway's great Vancouver following the clos ciough Studio of Dancing. Students will be enrolled Saturday, October 9, 1:30. to 5:30 p.m. 1161 Ambrose Ave. Res. Blue 480. Business Blue 322. (327) short business session, refresn-ments were served. Present were Mrs. A. Ritchie, chairman; Mrs. ing of the cannery for the sea a luxurious iui u;. . woven expressly for I Sniffer - HiHman, by Crombie of Scotland, j white way is an adventure in P. Calderone. Mrs. L. Keays, MILS. Itself. Financially, the workers of New York may not be as well son. Mr. MacMillan is manager of the cannery. Miss M. F. Piatt of the nurs Mrs r. Mpinivre. Mrs. B. Bel Mike O'Neill Of Smithefs whn CROWNED QUEEN Miss Audrey Cowan of Detroit, Mich., was crowned Quen of the Conclave by last winter's winner, Miss Eva Spahr, of Lansing, Mich., at the Alpha Iota Sorority Ball In London which concluded the 16th annual convention of the Michi-ana Association recently. . (CP Photo) went east recently to attend the lamy, Mrs. O. Irvine, Mrs. H Dickens and Mrs. C. Erickson. - The Border , nitra-modern ing staff of Miller Bay Hospital oft as their counterparts in Canadian cities. They may not own their own homes but they national convention of the is sailing Sunday night on the Proeresslve-Conxprvativp nartv Long Island, Camosun for Vancouver on her are likely to have more electric Lai characters STARTS CARD OF THANKS appliances and the like, even 'O Wn.L Is driving west on his return home with a car which he picked .up at Oshawa, Ontario. Lftient casnicr r way to Coqualeetza Hospital at Sardis where she has been transferred. in 2 Hotel.. econd To all my Friends and Patrons: On Oct. 4, 1948, Bud Barrie pur ner from north if such Items are being purchas-lel iiifl. Her order ed on the Instalment plan. ThU Because it provides comfort, style and ob- vious worth, the j "Lhasa" is the choice of j men who, seek a really-fine topcoat. ') chased the business known as was one of the observations GAGE neuritlc Mrs. C. R. DeKergommeaux of tabulated and e required num- Art's General Store" from me, made by the Prince Rupert lady Arrivals Terrace, with her sons, Duncan and I wish to take this oppor while she was on her travels. L dollars were All Loyal Order of Moose - Members please note that commencing October 12 all rerular Two highlights in their New Prince Rupert A. C. Paddock, Vancouver i. counter but, in and George DeKergommeaux, and daughter, Mrs. Jaqueline McNab, were in the city yester- tunity to thank you all for your patronage while I was in business. ART. TAFTAGER. York entertainment, especially R. C. Stewart, Sunnyside; J. ( the correct the lady tossed enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Pa v lodre- meetines will be held day for a brief visit, having the interior Smith, Sunnyside; Miss J. Kon- mm (It) hkls, was their evening at the every econd and fourth Tues- motored in from , a-cent piece. ! movement, the dra, Port Esslngton; Miss E. Olynick, Port Essington; Mr. town. (238) days in each month. "Latin Quarter where they heard and saw Ted Lewis, his orchestra and revue and their WAY"" a cash drawer You will appreciate the tailoring and the smart It Pays, to Advertises Advertise m tne uauy News! August Wallin left on this j on the first and Mrs. W. Robinson, Klemtu; Mr. and Mrs. E. Preston, Sunnyside; George Cope, Port Edward; "Civilization is a race between education and catas- tnnh " eoit U (1 Walls Tf Vnn visit to Radio City Music Hall. afternoon's plane for Victoria where, in his capacity as presi :lti it back with -fe don't want The Prince RuDert couple appearance the minute you try on a "Lhasa" dent uvtm of the v- Prince Rupert 1 jvii Mr. . and aiiu Mr3. W. n. E. Bottomley, F viwiiii, oaiu aa. vji. v Vila, u are interested in the race, come found meals in New York offer- Trades and Labor Cuoncil, he srnithers: W. H. Williscroft, Ter- topcoat.. ed plenty of variety and were to the King Edward School, Canuck money x It was com- well nrenared but the best down wh rw n at n n'Mn.-k in wm attena meetings ncv & race; G. Nicol, rrinc ueorgc, of the Trades and Labor Con- ( A c Vlck, Vancouver ' there couldn't top the dining hear Mrs. W. D. McLeod, pre- m show as the gress of Canada which will Dei ' in its annual sessions. I ,,-,v A r, .Afto&-iED AD! service proviaea oj me ana- sldent of the B.C. Farent-dlan National Railways on the; Teacher Federation speak on erated a few of iriesies observed jraphically com- Jasper to Prince Rupert run today's education problems. Mrs. Pavllkls isn't a member iwnered treat Discussion Group Modern Etiquette' By ROBERT. A LEE ived with the. of the Chamber of Commerce, (240) FANCYWORK FOR ,, visitor, are but it mignt be an idea, wncn Course Coming Up Q Which' would be correct, she left Prince Rupert on her Considerable interest Is beins Paul's letter was dated Chl- MOOSE BAZAAR eastern trip she carried a stack of city tourist folders' with her manifested locally in the visit mso" or "dated at Chicago?" led by Cana-a4 Mrs. A. Pav-a got her two-faction if not to the city next week of R. J. A. The correct form is "Paul's and when she got to the Penn Numerous articles of fancy-work for the tall . bazaar on Burroughs of the extension de letter was dated at Chicago. sylvania station she made a tour October 14 and 15 were turned partment of the University of ot that large depot placing a U Pavlikis. who in by members of the Women folder at every likely spot, on of the Moose who attended the British Columbia who will conduct a course of discussion , erouD methods on Wednesday to her trip Mrs. Pavlikis meC a i Burners U$2 Overhauled CV7i " r teek from a '; 'Jiat took them E'icroa the con-:Jtw York city sag. Mrs. Pav- number of Canadians who did regular monthly meeting of the not know there was a road chapter this week at the Moose Temple. Business matters large through to Prince Rupert. Sunday evenings. The program) secretary of the Civic Centre,! Rowland Miles, Is booking en-! trants. for the course. .' ly dealt with arrangements lor Those few know now. Sat no one ever a in that great it's fun to dine out oil . . . THANKSGIVING the fall function. Chairman or Although Mrs. Pavllkls found New York an exciting city to the meeting was Mrs. Thomas visit, she much prefers irinccjoienn. winner oi me lucny uua Wementi Rupert as a place to live. "! A In la column draw was Mrs. V. Miller, who was absent from the meeting. Following the business session, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY tu,i n..T Koom lor gentleman only. Board if .desired. 812 2nd Avenue. (243) pltntull month Father Monet O.M.I., who was miM vord refreshments were served. stationed In this parish before Don't wait until the mercury sags way below - freezing. Let our experts check and overhaul your oil burner now. Be prepared! Phone 108. PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING AND HEATING Bud Schuman (Old Post Office Building) iihedral annual World War II and became Ro r.al Thanksgiving man Catholic chaplain in this !, October 11. area, later going overseas, Is CUIIARD WHITE STAR .... especially for Mom. She and all the family can sit down to a leisurely, dellciously-preparcd old-fashioned turkey dinner complete .with stuffin', cranberries and pumpkin pie! Superb .service, moderate cost. Make your reservation for Thanksgiving dinner here now. DINNER SERVED FROM 4 P.M. TO 9 P.M. back In Prince . Rupert. He ar k, Oct. 14-15. Eve rived this week from Ottawa '.sent. and is on his way to the Yukon r R. Civic Centre where he Is to be stationed. j.m. LODE. Bazaar, Hormone Rust Cream I' . For hint rirvrlonmcnt. Each lr con- Choir Tea, Oct. talm the Eatrogentc Hormone. tht (maxtng Ingredient that may be ab sorbed by the akin during your aircw ' Rmit. win itwilutalv amaze you ivic Centre Dining Room FOR YOUR CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM '? and Soma Fall Tmi it vnnrwir io dava. then ludee for yourself. If not satisfied return and money m-Ul be promptly refund-nl Prlra An oo Pcwtoald. Mailed In (238) PHONE RED 705 Rm, November 3. plain wrapper. (C.O.D.'a postage 1 by Mr. Joseph PASSENGER SAILINGS CANADA TO ECROPE xtrav. HAPKX reoUKTH (llept S) Bni Q'J SLatlnn B. Montreal. Que aywian Church. TO LIVERPOOL ltaillljHaaBBajSBBHHBBHBJBjBjBJBJBjBBBaBBBaBBW , J -- (It) A Leader In The Catalogue's Mighty Parade . . . . . ' The Satonia Label An llama bearing this nam must conform to etrlct standards oi quality and manufacture. You can't beat &alonia tot reliability and valuel I 111 fiom Montreal " Halifax " Halifax P(rt Symphony A SCANIA Nov. 5 ASCANIA , Dec. 3 SAMARIA Dec. 10 Calls at Greenock 8ltert for Bov EE A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy VENETIAN BLINDS Strongly made with steel or . i In a warlfrv n, Civic Centre Three-Piece SNOW SUITS TO SOUTHAMPTON AOI1TANIA Oct. n WA. Bazaar, aluminum aid to, m .w-j t of smart colors with har-. t A ,r fnViaVP Tailored in smart, water- Nov. Dec. Dec. AQUITANIA AQIITANIA AQUITANIA F Fall Bazaar, Nor renellent cloth, lined with from Halifax Halifax Halifax Halifax from Quebec " Quebec " Quebec ' Halifax oulited flannel, these suits lapea. no """ Unionizing our estimator call. We 28 18 9 30 16 6 20 24 BED MATTRESSES Ask ,foV them by name. Beautyrest, Deepsleep, Slumber King, Lady Beaty.and many,ther3 fnr vo'ur Fall requirements. f HntTl A Tj)Diriin TO LONDON T.EATONCli. are practical and attractive F J;50 D m.. Rnn nf measure your windows and 'instal the blinds. WE ARE NOW TAKING Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. SCYTHIA SAMARIA SCYTHIA SCYTHIA Phnni. 775 327 3rd Avenue rrr h RATES OF PASSAGE ORDERS FOR THESE SPECIAL WINTER GARMENTS! Order today for prompt delivery. lChedral bazaar, srvTHlA SAMARIA Flat rate $175. S! $140. 1st Class from $2 0. -Tourist . AsCANl.t r,. frnm S220. r'' Bazaar, De AQUITANIA - our.St ";-- When you see the sample :!co Bazaar, Dec model on display at our store you" will see the Ideal Phone 311 1 McBride Street REGULAR SAILINGS FKOM J1" Mary Mauretan.a ue ElUabeth Queen Med.a Parthia Britannic -See your local agent. No one can serve you better HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Horn 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 231 P.O. Bo 196 to. rhrlsl.mnji nrpspnt for Jim P'Wns of Norway I " 1. or Janet, Jack or Jane. Sizes 2, A, 5, 8 and 6X. THE Aoic Available! P Bazaar, De- lor iSi510 Tel' 771 TOMasioiii STORK SHOPPE 303 3rd Ave. W. Blue 10 West Pender St., Vancouver, B. General Agents-626 . IU' RUPERT-MARINE REALTY If you have any electrical problems, Consult us, we can help you. WE SPECIALIZE IN: Commercial, Industrial & House Wiring O Appliance Repairs O Planned Lighting . O Refrigeration Service The Northern B.C. Power Co. O LIMITED O. 3rd Ave. & 3rd St. Telephone 209 or 210 fitt & BRIDDEN JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd, Third Avenu . rND CONTRACTORS (J, CLAVauw ot ou"' WROATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER RUPERT MARINE REALTY S" r"l C HCK SALES OR CHARTERS V! f ;; vJzxl ol Upsets, WaterfronU LOOK FOR THB NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Construction Alteration! Sandinir k SoeeUltT B?MataBsBa"JsaBMBBSa ..if -r -m - W x V rrX l-J 'Mi....... VSJ.lx.'iA