PROVINCIAL LIBRARY, VICTORIA, B. C. 165 1 I I dips Roof Section (ivic Centre Front phoneA Mm STARCABS onr.iEs DRUGS Daily Delivery PHONE 81 nf roofing of Prince Rupert's ' Civic . NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to VOL'. XXXVII, No. 238. , PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1948 fft a maze of trickling water this morn-trongest gale so far this season whip-'Lifv Friday evening. M gale reached a peak velocity of 48 -Ht in the eve ' s : v ) ' v CI t W 7 1 Olive STERN GANG JAIL BREAK Jewish Undreground Prisoners Held for Bernadotte Killing Get Out at Jaffa TEL AVIV, Vfi Stern Gang torrAflcto rVri Vini Kaart V 1 H Hw Soviet Charged With Making It Impossible To Have World Peace PARIS (CP) Britain today branded Russian rri. sident Truman and Secretary of i.. Israeli police. V In connection m with,. ith ' disarmament proposals as and said it would not agree to them until atomic energy is controlled with Russia in accord. Sir Hartley Shawcross accused the Soviet delegate, Andrei Vishinsky, of holding out the "olive branch in a man FrancU Millerd Cannery Co. was toppled from its stilts and is now leaning precariously. Workmen who were in the process of putting the section on rollers to move it to the street so it could be taken to the dry rock, did not work this morning, leaving the leaning building until the gale has blown out. POWER LINE BURNS A power transmission line' which fell to the ground on Third Avenue near the Cow Bay bridge caused a large tree to burn to the ground and gave u sleeping family a series of light electric shocks early this morning. Joseph Ratchford called the city fire department, after he had been awakened by a ""tingling feeling" in his body and discovered a colorful electrical display not far from his home. Other members of the family re ceived light shocks, caused, apparently by the grounded current. The "hot" wire sputtered and sent blue and whit rays shooting through the neighborhood for about half an hour before the power was turned off. "If it hadn't been raining, the whole section of bush between Third and Fourth Avenues would have been burned," Mr. Ratchford said. uaie warnings Tiaay caused cancellation of the regular Can- adlan Pacific Airlines flight to Sandspit. The company hoped to make today's flights although the outbound plane was a little late In leaving shortly after 1 p m. Branch May Go To See Stalin Truman and Marshall Get Together on International Situation WASHINGTON, DC., 0) Pre- State George Marshall are to gether here today to talk over the International situation. The talks began while Washington was seething with rumors that Mr. Truman entertained a plan to send Chief Jus- Hop WrtA Trtenn in Urtuinnr t n wUh jQseph SUUn on how the peace of the world could be preserved. Catala Makes Last Call On Old Run Union steamer Catala, making her final voyage on her "present run, arrived in port at 2:30 this afternoon from the south and 1 will sail later in the afternoon on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Next week the Catala will start a new service from Vancouver with two sailings a week from that port, one leaving Wednesday nights for En-glewood and Port Hardy and tr)e other leaving Saturday nights for Englewood, Port Har dy and Ocean Falls. The Camo-sun and Cardena will make the Prince Rupert runs. OAKS HEAR CIHCH NOW 4,trr n 'n h - v 7 dying down to be replaced n,. eaje -this fall. taped damaB.- falthough the in the Cow .1f.hnlir- P ... H t,.jta!ea sed when the Lrtat was bc- jffecUve porno:. ml near m-' Leomer at ths to Centre oiam- more than juu L discovered at Wis Kerrlghan, M and con" , writable lane jt main lobby. and downstairs wt were also as and the gym- sSwium escaped ija about 10 feet Wlong was laid miher. Repair i immediately. hied its highest -ics an hour be- :dock last night. :i3r.g about the i the total rain-dock this morn- malning sections Kirtime Housing zUji Cove Clrcl prepared for tewuver by the kind lmi oHome Runs ie Victory miilous Win -LAND naians to within ampionship today imny Sain in a f World Series taier by Larry' to centre-fleldet who is set tin-? TUf fnr (U- e Russia s Hopeful Of Compromise PARIS, CP) Hopes for a compromise solution of the Berlin crisis rose . in some quarters today on the strength of conversations between Juan Bramulgia of Argentina, president of the Security Council, and the Russian leaders. He had two meetings with Soviet leaders. He said they, were "going along perfectly" and he was "very happy" over a talk with Andrei Y. Vish-insky. He also met representatives of the western powers. 0. C. Football English League, First Division Arsenal 3, Burnley 1. Aston Villa J, Portsmouth 1. Blackpool 3, Everton 0. Bolton Wanderers 0, Birmlng-' ham City 0. Derbv Countv 1. Preston North End 0. I Huddersfield Town 1, Stokes City 3. Liverpool 1, Chelsea 1. Manchester United 1, Charl ton Athletic 1. Sheffield United 0, Manches ter City 2. Sunderlani 1, Newcastle Uni ted 1. Wolverhampton Wanderers 0 Middlesbrough 3. English League, Second Division Barnsley 4, Sheffield Wed nesday - - -- -. Blackburn Rovers 0, West Ham United 0. Bradford 1, Leeds United 1. Cardiff City 0. Tottenham i Hotspurs 1. i Fulham 1, West Bromwich Albion 2. Grimsby Town 2, Lincoln City 2. Luton Town 1, Leicester City 1. ' Nottingham Forest 0, Chesterfield 1. Plymouth Argyle 1, Bury 0. Queen's Park Rangers . 2, Brentford 0. Southampton 3, Coventry City 2. Scottish League Cup Division A Aberdeen 2, Third Lanark 4. Celtic 3, Clyde 6. ' Dundee 4, Falkirk 2. Hearts 8, East Fife 1. Morton 0, St. Mlrren 3. Motherwell 8, Albion Rovers 3. Queen of the South 3, Partlck Thistle 2. Rangers 1, Hibernians 0. LOCAL TIDES ' (Standard Time) Sunday, October 10, 1948 Hieh 8:04 15.4 feet 19:25 16.2 feet Low 1:09 7.0 feet 13:37 11.6 feet Has Clinch the assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte last night broke out of Haifa jail today, reliable Jewish sources said. At least 20 escaped. Seventy-five to 100 made the break .overpowered the guards i and provided their own coyer ' with the guards' weapons. About 50 merely went for a swim and to visit with friends, then coming back. ' 1 None of the leaders were held In Jaffa jail. France Staggers Under Big Strike PARIS, 0 Already stunned by a six-day Communist '- led mine strike, France 'iday stag gered under sporadic rail strikes. The Communist - .dominated Confederation General du Tra vail Is the organizer of the strikes. AIR LIFT GOING ON Not Slowed by Fogs in Western Europe Although Russian Manoeuvres Are BERLIN, f Russian air manoeuvres In the air corri dors of Berlin were halted today "by" Tog:"TTie air life, hoir-ever, would not slow, calling for "KDeed "and more sneed." Foes. inreriiripri epnrrallv are now on but mostlv ln the earlv hours - - - of the day. SEATTLE BRIDGE SPAN OPENS UP SEATTLE, 0" A span on a Seattle bridge popped open suddenly today, injuring one man and endangering the lives of 20 others. Newsprint Mill On West Coast Big British Concern to Put I'p Plant on Vancouver Island VANCOUVER, (CP) Possl bility of construction of a newsprint mill by British interests on Vancouver Island was reported here Friday. The report says that Bo-walers, one of the . United Kingdom's largest companies, is considering building on the west coast of Vancouver Island between Nootka and Quitsino Sounds. . World-Series ner so aggressive as to be cal culated to discourage others to ! grasp it." ! MISSING BOAT SAFE, MOVING LONGBEACH, California, 0, The Canadian-registered mo-torship Malibu Inez, which was feared lost yesterday. Is safe and proceeding on her way, the fishing vessel La Semara radio ed the United States Coastguard today. HAD ENOUGH OF ALASKA PRINCE GEORGE Thirteen-year-old Louise McComas, ' central figure ln the trial of 24- year-old Gustav Wiegner, con victed injhe rifle death of her father, left by plane Friday night for Dayton, Ohio. , "No more Alaska for me," the - lKlrl said.. ITU .sure .be. glad to "1""1 "u , two years imprisonment, left for New Westminster wnere ne wm serve his sentence.. CASUALTY IN FOREST FIRES WINNIPEG, O) Forest fires, on the wane ln Manitoba, are still flaring angrily in northwestern Ontario today and the first casualty is reported. John Scribilo, 19-year old flre-flghter, Is believed to have been drowned wfaen paddling to a temporary overnight camp 30 miles south of Kenora. 'Mr. and Mrs. William Reid left on last evening's train for Woodcock where they will pay a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Tycho. Mrs. Tycho, who is their granddaughter, returned to Woodcock with them after a brief stay in the city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Frew. land needs now to. cinch the," l" "IC . . . ' Wiegner convicted of Pacific Coast League Governor's' ,Iler Feature Third the Great Northwest." PRICE FIVE CENTS a. "fraud upon the world" DEMOBILIZING III TRIESTE ROME, tt The Italian news agency Ansa yesterday reported several units of Yugoslav troops hitherto stationed in YugoSlav-controlled section of Trieste being demobilized. Churchill Talk Grim Holds Little Hope of Settlement With Russia Atom Bomb Only Protection LAN0UDNO, Wales, tfi For mer Prime- Minister wmston Churchill declared at the Con servative party's annual con ference here that he could not "encourage you with false hopes of a friendly settlement with Russia " . h 4 Churchill rsaid tfealt the-ttjnj- ted States "would be guilty of murdering human freedom and committing suicide themselves" if it consented to destroy its stock of atomic bombs. MONTREAL UP ON ST. PAUL ST. PAUL, Minn, j Clar-1 ence (Spike) Popbielan gave up five hits Friday night as his Montreals Royals swamped St. Paul Saints 15 to 1 to take a two to one lead in the Little World Series which will ,be concluded in Montreal. The losers used five pitchers in a futile effort to stem a 20-hlt Royal barrage. Popbielan had no one hit off him until the fifth. The teams travel to Montreal today where the Series will be resumed Sunday. The Royals are expected to pitch their ace, Don Newcombe, while Morry Martin is slated for the mound on the Saints side. Bevcourt 35 Bobjo : ' MO Buffalo Canadian 09 Consol. Smelters ..: 119.50 Conwest - 1.19 Donalda - .61 Eldona 1.10 East Sullivan 2.99 ' Giant Yellowknlfe 5.05 God's Lake - .51 Hardrock 32 Harrlcana 06 14 Heva 11 , Hosco 30 Jacknife :. .03 Vt Joliet Quebec 45 Lake Rowan utm Lapaska 05 Little Long Lac 75 Lynx .07 Madsen Red Lake 2.40 McKenzie Red Lake .... .30 McLeod Cockshutt 1.01 Moneta .34 Negus ; 2.19 Noranda : 52.25 Louvicourt , .55 Pickle Crow ".. 2.05 Regcourt .04 San Antonio a 3.90 Senator Rouyn .45 Sherrlt Gordon , 2.36 Steep Rock 1.76 Sturgeon River (. .15 Silver Miller .33 Steve Gromek has Over Johnnv Sain 4 9 R 0 I 0 x 2 (CP)-Steve Gromek pitched the one victory of the world s when he bested Boston 2 to 1 duel in the fourth before 78,000 fans in Cleve-Municipal Stadium on the shore of Lake ON COAST N. B. Walton, executive vice-president of Canadian National Railways, to be here next week. Years ago Mr. Walton was general superintendent here. WALTON IN VANCOUVER Railway Vice-President Due in Prince Rupert Next Week VANCOUVER N. B. Walton, C.B.E., executive vice-prseident of the Canadian National Rail ways, Montreal, has arrived in Vancouver on a four day-' visit to the city, accompanied by H. H. Sparling, general manager; . of the C.N.R. western region. Mr. Walton is making a daylight tour of the railway's facilities In western Canada, using both passenger and freight . trains for the purpose. He will confer with senior company of ficials In the Vancouver area until Monday evening when he departs for Prince Rupert on therinee.''" Georgert&tf-'tje , couver-Ketchikan service.' Mr. Walton will proceed eastward from Prince Rupert by rail, inspecting the north lines of the company enroute. On his way to Vancouver, the C.N.R. vice-president visited all the railway points between Jasper and this city. THE WEATHER . Synopsis Heavy gales lashed the northern coast of British Columbia last night as an intense storm centre moved in from the Pacific. Gusts as high as 65 miles per hour were reported on the Queen Charlotte Islands. This same storm will give slowly deterioration conditions over tha southern coast today tith rain beginning tonight and continuing on Sunday. Frosts were reported again in' the interior of the province with the temperature dropping to 19 at Cran-brook and to 26 at Pentirton. Cloudy skies are expected over most of the interior tonight, however, and this will result in slightly higher temperatures tomorrow morning. Showers are in prsopect for Sunday. .', Queen Charlottes and North Coast Overcast with intermittent rain today, tonight and Sunday. Winds southerly, (25 miles per hour), little change lit temperature. Lows tonight" and highs Sunday At Port Hardy 47 and 55, Massett 46 and 52, Prince Rupert 44 and 52. VETS OPPOSE CONSCRIPTION Urges Government to Make Voluntary Enlistment More Attractive VICTORIA, Q) A resolution urging compulsory military training for men between the ages of 18 and 21 was rejected Friday by delegates to the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans ot Canada here. The meeting sub stituted a resolution asking the Dominion government to give young men greater encouragement to enlist voluntarily in the active armed forces. NO PAPER MONDAY Monday, being Thanksgiving Day and a public holiday, the Dally News will not be published. The next regular edition will be on Tuesday afternoon. make the IcllI ln the best of seven series tomorrow with Bobby Feller ready to face otm s, Wnrppn Rnahn and the Braves mUirv mr,,4 1 I 1 Johnny Sain, who bested Fel lpr In n nno tr nnt.hlne onener ha.l!for Boston's only victory, allow- hnf. flvp hit in a touch-to- Cup Is a win in Sunday's doubie - header with Seattle. The Oaks went ahead' last, night by cuffing the Rainlers 5 to 3 to take a 2 to 1 edge in the best four out of seven series. Batteries: Seattle, Hall and Grasso; Oakland. W. Hafey and Lombardi. HOCKEY PLAYERS HURT IN CRASH MONTREAL, Four New York Ranger hockey players were Injured in an automobile accident near Rouse's Point, New York, last night when their car collided with a truck on the Canadian side of the border. Star Centre Buddy O'Connor, with possible broken ribs, was most badly hurt. Edgar Laprade, another forward, and" Defence-men Frankie Eddolls and Bill Moe were hurt. The exact seri ousness of the injuries is not known. All four players are in Western Hospital. The Rangers are to play against .Montreal at the opening of the National Hockey League I season here next Thursday. talLlE , v f L. : :: TODAY'S STOCKS :: Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. take defeat Merv Rlckert scored the only run for the Braves with a homer in the seventh. Today's was the first error less game so far in this series, It was also the first game hi, which home runs were made. mP u U p " 1 1U1IU 111 Boudrcau score ln thc,PH "hen his double Rtai home Dale singled. n-hlt tnumnh a command-'m lead over the "now all set to mi Sweeps 'Missing Wouver Wand DN POSTED - B.C. Coast ilFlLILPwUKIp' Heavy seas are battering two cannery tendera with ten men aboard off Point St. Elais ln the Gulf of Alaska. An Army tug has been dispatched from Ko- Vancouver Bralorne 7.00 B. R. Con :.. .02 B. R. X 08 Cariboo Quartz 125 Dentonia 01 'i Grull Wihksne 04 Hedley Mascot 31 Pend Oreille : 4.80 Pioneer 2.30 Premier Border .... .02 V4 Privateer .12 Reeves McDonald 2.15 Reno .0614 Salmon Gold '.0934 Sheep Creek t 1-35 Taylor Bridge .31 Taku River .32 Vananda .31 Congress 3A Pacific Eastern -09 Hedley Amalg 02 Spud Valley 06 Central Zeballos 01 . Stlbak Premier .27 Oils A. P. Con .21 Calmont ......... ........... .42 C. & E 5.40 Foothills 3.20 Home 9.20 Toronto Athona .0614 Aumaque .16 Beattle .58 ana coastal ;;e;ansing "-Oast Paci- roL aiak, Alaska. Only meagre details are available. CENTRE EVENTS ARE POSTPONED NverTai: :? 5 ' Afcka Way Monday, being Thanksgiving ITS A' N th, . uay, regularly scheduled Rud Rcc and hobby classes at the ivic centre have been post 5 fifty the 1 .lashlg the ' I r,r ,( poncd until Tuesday, the class iiiiiiiimTT-" U'1 Of I n, .oueciors have announced. How Oeorglj fmm Halifax harbor Is Canadvs arcticsentinel for her storm- ever ,the building will be open (during the dav and tio tEirPt, Tmrvi .... .. - arlotte Kti. '1 r Wttu tnis..i . uuii; i Van... iuj UP the he ... na clinic conductprt hv the PrnariptVancouvOT will Art be ARCTIC o.Nii.ip . he,r lasfc l00k at jand f0f three weeks .wept Post between PlirfT. Canadian Navy, starts on her trip back to her the l St. Stephen weau b more as stations. Formerly .or in the North Atla nc c h of weather. a navy patrol post as Station Baker tQ (.estroy delicts and lcebe Jn. ship during the war, she commanding o-ficer of the ship. A dashing sea S.'STLo'Sii wonNuSpramou, tbeard- nebers ot hU crew. (CP PUoto) ; it rfin rr--l- iy pc fcy te Chrtne Club band cas also been pospor.