V' The proud wife was talking to her neighbor: "Mv husband Iprfnrt Rupert Daflp sVttog ... Saturday, October 9, 1948 6 rail shfpment to the -eastern United States. The Palisana, a frequent visitor here, tied up at the C.N.R. dock and the ice-packed boxes were transferred COMEDY, MUSIC COLORFUL FILM II ine thr Waterfront Whiffs AND THAT goes your ex THIS other week run plays tennis, swims, and m lor calisthenics. Does husband take any regular ercise , Not to be- outdone, the woman replied: "Well, last he was out seven nights ning. "TRY A CLASSIFIED Idea For Yacht Mooring In Interesting Spots Salmon Fishing Is Now Ended Fast Dry Dock Work . ". AD! "Three Darin Daughters" Coming Next Week to Capitol "Three Daring one of the outstanding picture, of the year, is to be shn . the Capitol Theatre here next muuuay, i uesaay and Wednesday. It features Jeanette Mac-Donald, the popular singing star, who has not been seen and heard here In a long time-Joseph Iturbi, the famous pianist; Jane Powell, Edward Arnold and Harry Davenport. The picture is in technicolor and is essentially musical in Over On Dio-hv Tclonrl are a large number of cement blocks which were used for anchoring purposes at one time. At Seal Cove are a number of buoys and chains which were used by the Royal Canadian Air. Force during the war. Suggestion was conveyed to the Prince Rupert Chamber iKjui at b:5O-9;00 I A nnvr m immediately to refrigerator cars. She unloaded 47 carloads and Is due to proceed back to Alaska for similar cargo. Crew of the Union SteamshiDS vessel Camosun had onlv a short visit in Vancouver this ween when they returned from the north after their final voyage on the Coquitlam on the Queen Charlotte Islands run. When the company instituted its new service to the Islands via the Inside passage with the Hsmn. sun, the Coquitlam's crew were placed on the Camosun nnrt sailed north again within a matter of hours after their ar- rivals The Camosun, Capt. Alfred wpinan, arrived here at 2 nvwir bvm . - vn,n;. ..lroml on Tjf-4 cu. . .u e sauea at io o'clock Friday'evenine for Awn CamP' gan Camp aa Bea v Anchora Cumshewa Inlet Sktdeate uee Charlotte City in Sklde- ? 16 Inlet" She wil1 return Sun- 7 Sa" for Vancouver, Z ' FREAK PIGI.ET CROXLEY GREEN, Middle- . . GOV Cnn Sti, A i i "-" a pigiet, one of a flrst of 12 born to a young . .. U, i 'sow, had one eye in the centre ,of lts '"ehead with two pupils arf.i ... LjAkk i f AKKS - ELLEN in Thr ".., M.ttl.o Ad.. s-rvm.. Inc. 2w' 'The Swords "I thought he'd been putting on some weight lately." SUNDAY MIDNITE SAYS MAN AT 40 STILL IN PRIME U. K. Labor Ministry Wnrriori by Employers' Prejudice SHEILA RYAN JAS. BROWN 'THE BIG FIX" ivnuun- prejudice against men over 40 is disturbins Min - week President Dr. R. G. Large that tnese cement blocks and buoys might be combined to Drovirl'p moorage facilities in inlets and bays in this area for the con venience of visiting yachts' in tying up at likely points for such recreations as fishing and hunt ing. Dr. Large pointed to facili ties of this kind which were to be found around Revilla Gigedo the island on which the Alaskan town of Ketchikan is located. The idea is to be considered bv the port and marine committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Salmon fishing on the north coast wm be virtually closed for the season within the next week as Department U Fisheries con- sprvnMnn mooc,,. , """" s ci - feet ft on r. the v, , few remaining , , net 1 and ana trollinc trolling Areas areas left loft non open, 1 However, this is not. particularly drastic as thP wMthor itoif acting as a Conservationist. C 1 ing practically all boats off the, i iua the north coast as far . as salmon . fishine fishing is is nnnrPrnpH concerned, has ho. been v.' the Queen Charlnt.t Tolonic , V.. 3 I wnere lair catches both by net and troll line have been reported. However, that too, will end . ihe salmon rtiircp calm, - t I---- "-"'t mem off the north Queen Charlotte Islands U, 1 ! fAvtlKinfA . . .nuuiaw s ui mm- nlirhf CnnA.. .1, i - 1 .cated ... , r ps o .. Lu Iturbi) rroatl- The, to the ! ?ieS of 18 "nallv so. ends on 8 h Romance are comhinJ day in vil fm Boston Aweigh." Daily Qui Results; bar! iti I istry of labor officials in many in in n,. me ministry - s pas-rn gion, plans iant are 0 h', being """I made . for an all-out drive to counter the view that men over 40 are in I ferior to men in their 30's. , The Ministry has uiiiivuikt difficulty placing trained executives at salaries or of $4,000 S4.000 a a year year STARTS MONDA B' eirs uKe an plnphnnf onrf ,. in.. . NO HOLLYWOOD FOR MARGARET Although Talent Scout Suggests She Follow Up ' Hollywood still pursues Miss year.old Prlnce Rupert brunett3 ,wn0 charmed Vancouver last .l . (summer reiuses to yield to the blandishments of the film cani tal which she visited after winning the title "Miss ,P.N,E." Margaret, who now works at i " tne fmance office in the city she had any screen ambitions while she was in Hnllvwnnrf . onH she affirmed her attitude Friday when Questioned about a report tnati she had- received a Hollywood offer. It wasn't , an official offer from a film company at all. shp explained, but a suggestion from a talent scout that she go to Hollywood ,to take a course in dramatic studies which might 1 or might not result in film sue- rpas .... The Metro Goldwvn . Mavo. and,ha11' forthrightly dented that ....v, uuiiuaj, mj au types oi net lus ion, wnicn had her bot-fishlng. This week, some 16 to patched after going aground seiners, operating out of Nadpn ! 20 miles south Of hpTP Roluarra nmr tViA cAf rrmrinp station cents during September and October, while pinks, which were set at seven cents, went up to 834 cents. A fast and efficient repair job to the American freighter South- eastern was done at the Prince ut . rf. u . uw un. uu wets ana llthJ: ' '! n .her V Z cJZ Z,T 7 PPfS 252Tii?S fwTnn, 'lf be tons of f('f Z , J? " Se ShSrn -"T h . S thp evening and came off again Friday mnmin. ,ifK fr V ." pawn ,inac will make m.c her ner nun hull uroto- water- proof, barring further similar ' u i accidents. Skipper of the Southeastern 'irm iu.j L, imiisi-.i as aeiiEhted l ... ucapatcn wun which the work was done at th yard. Beforp nrwuH!nn v.n-n. . I 'e nuiiu, me- n. Southeastern rpppivori ' rtliictmnt .. . ' Pass adjustment from Harbor .Master Cant T . o . ph..! v. U t V ljlt?l f. I When the Southeastern went On the nnntrw-me cV, n , ' luiiuwtu , nnnl.riAr d m , . . . '""ciii.au vessel wnicn ha(l received emergency repairs. . . Th o f l J wo uib nmencan Army f f rtvifln ..... Jl pffnrt.s hi tv, a I " j vjc in i j i il oaivage I Co. brnntrht. tv. t,, I - o - - v..v vu pui i anu eVia nm . - mi puil- 100118 on Wednesday afternoon and proceeded south a niri - m ouvi b tlme later. The Northland Iransnortat inn . .... - "' -o. ireignter Palisana Friday completed unloadine n shipment of frozen fish here for P,T'S TIME INSULATE Make sure your home is warm and snug this winter. Let us insulate it completely now. Mitchell & Currie LIMITED Phone 363 Builders and Contractors f NEW Hollywood C Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe In Pri Open from 5:30 p.m. to 3:30 am rA cot bat 1 4 MORS day, son. Sen at i 2:00 Irite vie taty mei FOR,, Nei out Ma FOR he) 82f , FO cot dit sor POJ Fl( fit cd Sri FOJ 01 iH pi u 115 a Foi p; A B FO it b 1 t Harbor, rainrht 4nnnn i j ' o-.v , cnuiiis averaelne 2.500 paph fnr - - f ion , Miss!week . Wpplr i "'"- b'vcu temporary the southern norf nf u Dalrs. Shp pnmo rf tv. We specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP 8UEY - '""jvi talent scout was IS fna one ntV.nM whom : farain had met during her brief Hollywood' visit in August. She suggested,' in a personal letter, that Margaret attend a Hoiiv. I wood dramatic school. The sug- gesuon was Dased, Margaret believes, on the result of a screer j test she took while there. Margaret was positive that s had no intention of taking up mi- oner, and was extremely hesitant about' allowing. t to je-ceive any publicity, " " "After all," she said, it wasn't official. It was merely a . tiesiion irom a person T mef , down there." 4 . ( A3 lor Hollywood. Mannmtv , onei acquaintance with the nit,. ; . j . . , " I and the Industry which gives) w"""ccu n" mere is w jawo 'llie mmo ' ' . f utiMflw WAS LUCKY rlll!JtMARITZBURG, S. A A fireman unknowingly stood atop two large drums of turpentine and ci-iiisuisiiea extineulshprf ames which surrounded him in ft nalnf ihnn v, . " jicic. . ne was un- lauroa t t """"i uw aanger until the drums started to swell from the Vinot "v"1' - ASTHMA AND HAY Fives BKEA TIIKA8Y OF C ANADA - tin. vanrouver, BC SEE and HEAR the New De Forest AT RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Dresses At WALLACE'S Of Course rzz Sailings for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Cardena Sunday, 11 p.m., Camosun STEWART and ALICE ARM ouiiuaj'3, 1U p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Oct. 22, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS . Oct. 15 and 29, 10 p.m. ; '" - frank j. skikneo- Prince Riinert. Aonnf Third Ave. Phone 588 I COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made j VALENTIN DAIRY ,Your Daily j ALL-WTSATHER SERVICE - j c ; Phone 651 for "Foothills" Alberta Coal All sizes in stock. I PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Order your supply NOW Be comfortable later. Don't be left out In the cold when the first chill blast strikes without warning.; We're ready to serve you promptly ... our prices are right.. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Lumber, Building Supplies -- GIVE YOUR HOME THE "NEW LOOK" BY WIDE CHOICE OF BEAUTIFUL TINTS fl Satin-GIo Enamel Satin-Glo Fit w vjjii .. aistnct, the salmon purse seine area near R;vera inlet, as wpii ----- as the Rivers Inlet gillnet area, will close to all net fishing- at 6 p.m. Sunday. .. The waters of the Queen r.har. lotte Islands will close to salmon trolling as from midnlcht. Fri day, October 15, terminating a season that has been successful for many fishermen. ' -The- industry -Is -also" advised that, in the interests Of rnn. servation, the salmon nnrsp seine area at Bella Bella ani me namu ; gillnet o'....wv area ttl ttt will W1U not HOI, be re-nnfinpH M ,ni ine dnrinir tna . " " season. Trollers operating out of Cum- snewa inlet on the south Queen l v J. 11 day midnight. Chum and .v. pink y,Lta. salmon oauiiun fisher- iisner- men also have done fairly well ii. . . lalLlJ weu i me matter of prices, ' havine 8 reeeiveH . v.n,aoco uver tne price schedule set with the hnver earlier in the season. Demand has forced the price of chums from the agreed price of 6i cents a pound to as high as 12 THOMPSON HARDWARE CQ . 11V.C lur nappmess in Islands a.nanotte .this week replace where artificiality Is nor- Ported good catches. However mai rather than If the" exceptional and current rough weather life seems to be spent in the continues, it is unlikely tha' rathe??!1 lPKf, falSC Slaiour, any will try to fish again he-rather than basic verities. fore the area closes vt ttv. more and has noted that 50 ner cent of advertisements for ad ministrative posts specify "Only men under 40 need apply." "Many of the over 40's applying for executive jobs have had yejirs of experience at salaries ranging from $4,000 to $16,000 a year," and official said. "These men are in the prime of life and as vigorous in mind as most men in the 30's. They nave reasoned and balanced juuguicui. anu a sense or responsibility often lacking in their juniors. "We are appealing to business heads to judge these men on their merits.'' .oc.crtise m the, .oaiiy News! " is i I,. . ENGLISH SKATING CHAMP ARRIVES WITH HUSBAND British, amateur ice skating champ Daphne Walker, and her husand, William Keefe of Detroit, Mich., are shown as they arrived at New York's LaGuardia Airport recently. The couple were married in London, Eng. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Oasungs Electric and Acetylene k Welding SEE THE Q ROYAL PO 'Down there thev IIVp ra Me dian eirls becnnsA th, .,.. j i natural and unaffected. There verv Httiu t ui Ulttl among Hollywood Peonle themsolvo - -v, t o. They are all overly sophisticated, Meteors are usually so small they are burned nn irmr h.fo, r o WLi'v. they reach the ground. witn FINGER FORM KEYSI New I The most aensational typewriter improvement in years FINGER FORM KEYS de signed to cradle your finger tips I And only the New ROYAL PORTABLE the world's first Improvements ami I truly modern typewriter has this revolutionary feature I And more, besides! New Beantjr! Speed Spacer! Rapid Ribbon dunger! "Matfe" Margin! And many other important 1 'Magic" is a registered trade Portable! St Qu1 model, 7 mark of Royal Type LUXURY STEAMEB - TIRES CHANGED in a PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FdR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ,;,H"7 -l...tfc.y'r. bene, Ao, STL Cps...,Keyr. better themr, It takes us no time at all to fix or change a tire saves you the time and trouble. We're experts on all auU service Jobs we do 'em quickly, efficiently, inexpensively. Drive in today. .. .. . . hi rasiK Chandler & Cowgill . Photographer .Developing, Printing - Enlarging Box 645 218 4th St SPECIALISTS UN SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY ;iryKUHUirm.1 8o icrffi