PROVINCIAL LIB3A3Y, VICTORIA, 3. C. 118 CAT 31 503f.lE8;;DnUGS Daily 'Delivery ' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER vol Wis. W 1' Conodo' Most Strafegic Pacific Port - "Prince . Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' PH0I1E8I AJiXIX. NO. Bfl PRlMl'l' UIIDI'DT T5 tl 113 .t, ! vvi civi, o. v., riviuni, AfKIL 28, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS O f L ondon uock orkers rike s Plea :. f in r sri imz ni qpn PHJLPOTT STIRS ROTARY Federation of Western Ultimatum of Gov't Results in Call-off Iritain Hfllarc l.inkril t'p , Declares Elmore Bemocraoies and Oorld LONDON (CP) The government today hail. I apparently, broken a paralyzing wildcat stri J 14,000 London dock workers. Troops which had been is Forecast il jjduii should real- jfifare depends on , n r,rf Time has now been reached in the definite i away from the docks tomorrow to permit of orderly ail's pru-ii" " si jpw years uanaua resumption of work, the government announced Uiat Great Britain lt!i tu cat. declared today. ;X'7V;; I The solid front of the strikers columnist and radio pattern of history, where world government is due and the question is whether it will be in "blue" or ''red print,". Elmore Philpott, .newspaper columnist and lecturer, told the Prince Rupert Rotary Club in a stirring luncheon address yesterday. I some officials said their walk - Elmore Philpott 'f l5 ivs:; V A I m the Civic Centre flood is Emergency n you get fed up and dls-, last night under thn :hc Kinsmen Club, ott descri'xd a trio couraged at the superficial evl-! an our heritages are Britisli," dence which would make you mh- tmirtt ni0n,ij ti, out had bn communist-inspired was broken this morning. Faced with a government ultimatum to get back totvprk on Monday or lose therrJob3, 2,000 of the strikers voted' to' go back tomorrow. Other meetings of strikers are called. r.le took a short itestem Europe and swear that a terrific world war next few years will foe troubled WINNIPEG & Minister of is liable to pop up anytime, "I , cneg or Britain. Let Us make up Public Works Eric F. Willis said suggest that you read up on ' our minds to stand by Britain today that the Red River flood Mimical and polllic- jiiawry. iuu win iuia. and brine her throueh. I this vcar is "far wnrsn" than p those countries. ,cd a world govem-i years staling thai , in Red print. "But "One ' would not be realistic tn1 of 1948 when damage in trying to pretend that the amounted to a million dollars. I have done to my comfort, that there have been other times when war seemed Just as Imminent and never happened. . One hundred years ago,, said 4, White and Blue v.esiern powers are winning tne Mr. Willis, acUng Premier in jrsfd that the prin- cold war. We will not begin t. uie absence of Hon, Douglas L. I build security and protection Campbell, said the, deluge is "in I -tcin democracies be Mr. Philpott, war between Unit until we start to build from ln- world government J that this can be Confidence -Is Voted .. Government Sustained ta Two Divisions at Ottawa ' OTTAWA The HouiVvof Commons yesterday rejected two I Opposition motions of non-con-Jfidence In the government laat one of the two WHADDYA kEAN, DAYLIO r TIME' The cha ngr of dayiiBht time In Canada for the summer forties In Prince Rupert at 2 a.m. Sunday, April 30. But Bossy doesn't get it. Farmers; staunch opponents of advancing the clock one hour, use as one of their main arguments the contention that you can't change milking time. The Alber ta Legislature saw the farmers' side of the story and outlawed davltoht ti mi In that rimitlnA ti nn,n. U i . ...... mVH . . "18fau ol u"e m. and should receive immediate at- tTj ?': We,t 1 .U" !1S 5ma" l?n ment. The floods are of as na- rst by use of coin- liiitlligence and ac- i vnflaiiu oyuti wuiVJl VII ltuiau'd, Ulliueu OtdvCS, today 'They wanted the .Inter- Great Britain, Australia. New tional a character as were those in British Columbia In 1948 and . . f " "cci, uic cAtra uour oi aayngnt, is in effect in most sections of the country. (CP Photo) national border line not so very Zealand and France, too, if she far from where Prince Rupert, will come In a strongly organ- to prevent a war, or survivors of a Third till get together and national assistance should be made available in the same way." n id government. Mayor Harry Shewman today uty Parade neai Overhaul of Two Vessels Suspended is today. We wanted It near Portland but we settled it." The Russian question was by no hneans new. Rudvard Kinlin ized union of the western democracies a modus -Vivendi wtihout cordiality, if you will. "I predict a federation of the western democracies is asked Ottawa to declare Mani- ! niBht-both hinged to the March budget-and then knuckled down toha s Hood a national emer- tl lauded the Labor ol Great Britain s a really wonderful Is Fom'sht on to the concrete task of passing wum Oil IWO Vixllprl VDnmnmr In 1Bi fnim KCUUV. LllK UlUYUl UlflU till 111UK- I pendent member of the Manitoba the budBe- resolutions. c hied to do for the f the Canadian ctajiy after the Big Fire and was1 has been order- annoyed with the people of j Legislature, said the swollen Red D ye OI "a lo wie Choice I'rum Five Brine Made Kr Mis Northern li. t". Contest explained that th; ;! the population oastown ' because all they j ed suspended here pending clar coming within the next few years. Whether or not we like it we are going to have world government. The devil (the atomic bomb) is on our tail and we've got to move. tir status changed made ner ceieaieu a trogressive- River has 15,000 persons homeless in his constituency. Conservative motion expressing . , , regret that government policies Mayor Shewman i also asked j , ,, , . . . ." , . , . made higher taxes inevitable, in- lroin Ottawa: . i . , . ' nn Q,0 , couia lane aDouo was now siow the fire department had been iri rnmlnif frnm Hdv WJ mln tit "a tremendous Five beautiful Prince Ruur.-rt 1 - r . '-' .ification of new steamship fire LONDON Former Prime . regulations the cost of imple- stei and. what . superb weather j Minitcr WitiMUm Churrhill to- wneiitiiiR .wliicli.iight irve-pro- rn- a stirring peroration, Mr.t " " " 1. Prompt financial -aid , for , I T " V . hibtive.' 'The vs-sels arc the they had "Kipling thought .the j PhUpoU counsen.Cd Canadians: flood victims. a of the status of girls, will wear bathing suits and . lin li is the very gowns m they parade tonight at problem". All food the Junior Chamber of Commerce is absolutely fairly clance in the Civic Centre for the aid, and the aristo- favor of the Judges in the con- 'iglier class person test to represent this city at the Motor Princess and Princess Vic i toria. worrying instead about the I. To never forget their BrI- -investigation of the cause of ment ish heritage and the British con-, floods with view to the a prevent-; Bva y " yote ot 01 167 to 10 H Jt u,e tribution Stand L. to civilization. , . by Britain in her crisis. Equalise trade wth her even if it be oy menace of Russia whose fleet he thought might steam up any clay." . ; .' . Tracing the history of international relationship and its . namuer acicatea a ui;' aineiut- 3. Income (ax reductions for ', nent tliat government pof-persons who must pay for flood iPPS inriinntPri thB ,,nriimnr more food than the "Muss Northern DC" contest in : while the pooror Smithers May 4 at the interior 'd, Mr. Philpott cx- town's spring frolic. Fire Destroys Westview School barter or no money at all. 1 . ... . i " e"-"'w dainaee to Drivate Drorjeri. was prepared to accept the .pres 2. As tor Uncle Sam, our good;STiLi rising ' very definite pattern." ' Mr. ent level of production as ade Philpott recalled first the tribal The danger point on the Red quate for Canadians. days when there were thousands River continued to move down ne'tfhbor who saved us from bifing gobbled up. Let us make a simple proposition to Uncla Sam to marry not only us but the whole British famUy." President R. G. Van Der Sluys Tonight's lucky girl will bo hustled off to Smithers with all expenses paid as well as receiving thg prize here. If the lass from Prince Rupert can win at Smithers', she would be presented with a $100 matched of little governments and thousands of little wars, then th' others are lowered, s a serious tension try." net would, he another political elected. England ' faced with the m of having no re- THE W LATHER V Synopsis . stream toward Winnipeg today, ! shifting the flood's emphasis for the first time from the international border. A day-long up day called for an Immediate general election. The government should not be allowed to abrogate the rich tin of Parliament through fear of an appeal to the country. COLDWKLL DENIES HEARING OTTAWA M. J. Coldwrll, CCF leader, refused today to scr a delegation of unemployed of the organization which was responsible for the incident in Parliament yesterday. Mr. been approached by the group Coldwell denied that he had before the incident. Apparently, Solon Low, Social Credit leader, was the only one of the leaders who had seen them and he had told them he considered thej were niertly making trouble. small nations and by the time WESTVIEW-The school bnllci-,ing h''re was (lest roved early to-, flay by an $8.r.nt)0 fire. Fire c't-! partnienUs came from nea'by j Powell River and Cranberry to 'assist in fighting the flames, j As a result of the fire three hundred school pupils are with-jout classrooms until emergency A storm over the Pacifid which threatened to give rain is dying surge sent the levels at St. Jean 37 and 30 out now and is likely to give only Baptiste and Morris, was In the chair at the Rotary i luncheon. He thanked thej speaker who was accorded an ovation of appreciation. Irasshe did previous ill. a few showers along the northern of World War I when there were 60 or 70 nations. Through history nations had, so far, been unable to adjust their relationships except by war. The law was within the nations and not between them and only power politics governed relationships. J for us to realize set of lueses, an $80 dress and acccsorics, an engraved compact, j and two other Kilts in the $25 to , $40 prize range. All participants will receive a I gift, in the $35 to $40 prize range. The candidates here are Joyce j Big Blaze In arrangements can be i.i-doe. It was the second fire to school property within a low hours. s crisis is Canada's e should wake up Pour minds to buy Britain as much as '"i us", Mr. Philpott Both of the two great wars no had .... . -v . Earlier a school bus was utiroyed ' centred on the coming up of , 1iriftMa Ulatll miles north of the city, over the 1948 mark. The spring run-off from higher western slopes, despite near-freezing temperatures, sent the water roaring over highway bridges to isolate the towns except for rail communications. At Morris the rise was 15 inches in twelve hours. The Red River rose again today at Winnipeg but the level here la still lVz feet below the 1943 when the home of Uie driver vaa Germany, Italy and Japan. Now. ' " Ivlvl III . I I U 1 1 1 coast tonight. The southern interior valleys are still repotting a little cloud after yesterday's downpour. However, sunny and milder weather will return there by this afternoon. From Victoria and Vancouver and northward to the Cariboo it will remain clear ; today and tomorrow. Forecast i North Coast Region Cloudy 1 today and 'Saturday. Scattered burned down. as a result of those two wars,? VICTORIA Damage estimated Tattcrsal, 18; Biivtrlca Ma won. 17; Margaret Oagnon, 17; Edna Ronald, 17; and Betty Campbell, 20. Alt Worthington will emcee tonight's show. wnvisced Germany F"ld cr"x of the world the division of the human family into nations had been knocked into a cocked hat. Today there were three major groups: Today's Groups 1. The western democracies. at $100,000 was done by fire which swept the plant of the Victoria Box and Paper Co. here lately yesterday. Several firemen were overcome and one spec- TOD A Y'S STOCKS si'd.Hc stated that fearful of the Rus-itcrc not for that, have began demon- "me ago in an ef-c the allies mil. nf LI. lohllhtlill o. Mil.) (Courlpsy R peak. The crest Is expected to showers overnight. Little change be reached Sunday. in temperature. Southerly winds 2. Soviet group challenging tator went to the hospital suffering from injuries sustained for leadership. uniy iwo spois oi uie town oi uoi. uiws tonight ano h;gns Before Uie coming of the white man to America, most of the Indians cast of tile. Great Plains lived In settled villages and cultivated the soil. LOLAL TIDES F'- then, he added. J. me neutral group India, when he tripped over a hose. The Pembina, just across the border tomorrow at Port Hary, Sand-Africa and Asia more sympa- fire started in the basement of in North Dakota, remain abov spit and Prince Rupert, 40 and thetlc to the West. the plant. ' water. . - . - "In my opinion," ventured . . B'-at lie 64 Bevcourt 31 Bobjo 13 Buflalo Canadian 15 Consul. Smelters 100.35 would move in and ;- H is reasonable to ir in Allied rule. , 2 possible deal bc-CLmmunlst govern-i iushioned German Uie speaker, "the present great j world struggle will be decided i in the long run by the moral Judgment of the third bloc." As a result of the two great wars, Great Britain was' no Saturday, April 29, 1950 ! High 11:18 19.1 feet ; 23:36 20.8 feet Low 5:09 5.1 feet I 17:25 4.5 feet1 1.36 .G4 .32 Va 6 80 8.40 .35- Coliwcst Donalda '. Eldona East Sullivan Giant Yellowknife God's Lake tf Very Ti, C(1 Vancouver Bayiuine 03 Bralorne 8.75 B. R. Con 03' ' B. R. X -05 j Cariboo Quartz 127 Congress 20 I Medley Mascot 34 Pacific Eastern 05 Pioneer 3 " Premier Border 03'4 Reeves McDonald 2.35 Reno m 03 ''2 Sheep Creek M3 ' Silbak Premier 36 '4 Taku River -H Vananda -16'''2 Salmon Gold 08 Spud Valley 05 Silver Standard 00 longer able today to hold the front line of trade, commerce and economy as she had done through the years, enabling United States thereby to build up her greatness. -1 desci ih.-cl France "i aii'try and a na-r,al cmtiadictlons. v'sible shortage of fra"cn". Miles of op-,"ls ist and cities ; contact with the r..ih,.t t .. .. . clared, "what would have happened If we tried to set up a market on that greensward In front of Parliament buildings in Victoria." Mr. Philpott urrted I I 4 It was to Canada's advantage , saio lie n.i' i to do everything in her power to restore British influences in : . alii-Amerlcan ' . ,,, , o.M,1rbnit to find out . - it" 'i'ai,ce. the Western Union. The crisis for Britain had not passed, he how such a nation works. Italv was nrobablv the mast doming, ),,, ' believed. Regardless of wht.t form of government she had, Hardrock .42!2 Iiarricana 06V Heva 07 Hosco "9 Jacknife -OSVi Joliet Quebec -66 Lake Rowan 13 Lapaska 05 ',a Little Long Lac M Lynx -23 Madsnn Red Lake 3 00. McKenzie Red Lake 51 MrLeod Cockuhutt. 3 GO Moncta -35 Vi Negus 1 Noranda 6J.50 Louvicouit .'-il Pickle Crow 1-75 Regcourt 05 San Antonio 3.00 IJlla'Hl is not so amusing country, Mr. Philpott ( oils -z , 'If ill f "lust or ih said. There extremes of wealtli j i there were deep and funda war the "Puircd and . r 3. X il,M J .1 ft. ' Mlolc, spick and Forked. 3. if ' mental problems which she would find it extremely difficult I to come through. "Britain's crisis is most sureiy Canada's," the speaker declared. : He described as "Insanity" Can- PI'- thn,,,,!,. ....,. . &, -"L owu.z- rrJ wonderful co-n-e down to and poverty were found. He said great gobs of American capital are invested in Italy. He added that there are lingering traces of Fascism. Mr. PhllpoU said that in 1938, while on speaking tours throughr out western Canada, he predicted the Second World War. But, lis i i-yofih epoonlennd Anglo Canadian 4.95 A. P. Con -32 Atlantic ; I-91 Calmont ' 50 C. & E. 8.00 Central Leduc 1 35 Home Oil 15-25 Mercury -Va Okalta 115 Pacific Pete ..: 5.80 45 Princess Royal Canadian 06 Royalite 1325 Toronto 13 Athona 3U Aumaque rranormkktiem an .iuLl isX-Stei stea-i-'. ked i Senator Rouyn 2i that "Pen air Parked , ada's protest at the competition j from British cars. "What do wo I want. Jam on it?" He could not I comprehend how Canadians j could expect a system to carry on whereby this country sold three times more goods to Brlt-, uln than she bought back. I ' Why, all our traditions and on the dror- F Parli; Murnt. "This IT'LL GET WORSE This is the town of Emerson on the Manitoba-United States border after Uie Red River went on a rampage. The town's main street which runs diagonally across the photo from centre right to upper left is Inundated. When this picture was taken residents had been evacuated and every shop was closed. The flood . crest is not expected until the end of this week. In 1948 Red River flooding caus?U millions of dollars of damage in Southern Manitoba. CP Photo Shcrrit Gordon 2.31 Steep Rock 3.20 Sturgeon River 23 Silver Miller ...., .72 , Upiier CMiiaflu ..) he stated, he is not predicting a Third World War, but is just issuing a warning. Stan Savllle presided over the meeting on behalf of the Kins' men's Club. a u tJnilllnii " Mi, ""v'i ne cic- I