Prince fttwert Daflp J3ctoi Monday, September 19, 1949. Ray Reflects . . . ... and Reminisces 4a IndepeniieOt SU newtyiper aeretea o M upbuilding of TWO Rupert ud ail temniuitlF) comprising northern and central Britten Columbia. (Authorised u second Cleja Mail, Port Offls Department. Ottawa,) Publisnea erry atterrjcua eicept Sunday by frtoce Bupert Daily New Ltd.. Srd Avenue. Prince Rupert. Brttien Columbia, O. A. BTWTER. MarMurtnc Editor H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. aPBSCfUPTION RATES 'Svt (Atj Carrier, Per Week 30c: Per Month. 75e: Per Tear. S.OO. S; iSj"!!-By - Mall, Per Month. 60c; Per Tear, 5 00 it !N Lor MAN'S VISION OFTEN DISTORTED Speaking on the question. "What went ye out for to see'" Re?. Lawrence Sieber at the First United Church yesterday forenoon said that people generally saw what they wanted to see. Life holds up a mirror to the individual but the UvdiTitlual does not look at the reflection honestly. He makes excuses fo.- It is estimated that Canada's the boom lasted nearly fiiiy wheat crop this yar will be about years, twenty million bushels less than I Devaluation fur Re.-vj. ; I r tJl"A . ' . - vx , . " ? y i' WfV EVALUATION of the pound sterling did not D i come as a surprise, but what was received with what It was a year ago This will The romantic north coast of be a matter of profound Iridif- British Columbia Is where men ference, so far as the grain ete- go to when, they feel the neces-j vator, situated at Prince Rupert, (slty at forgetting the ptt, at-! Is directly, or indirectly concern- cording to a Toronto periodical.! ed. fit U the land that beckons,1 " when cirrumstai.ces arouse the The R.C.M.P. not always ap-'need of finding seclusion and pear in scarlet tunic and broad silence. It is their place -jt its- , ( brimmed hat. Sometimes they Urenient when they crave, if not appear ft n d act, differently. ' isolation, a privacy riot easily There are occasions when at atl ( broken. The story, largely a costs drugs must be bought to flight of fancy has nevertheless: f nliufv thflt. mercilesM CttlVillff. mi if truth hut It i,T.,,....J From whom? Here's where evl-1 the coastal region of the Pu-dence that cannot be shaken elf 1c province, iww coming into comes in. Getting convictions grealtr prouilnetH'e, in a some-and' seizing narcotics Is an ex-1 what misleading liiht. acting sort of business. Thre his own actions or failure to act. Some look at life as a prison house, others took out from life with a vision of what can be done. Yet the world Itself is not divided. Nature is the same for all. Estrangements and differences are man-made. Co-operatiott will bring us to the open door" whose possibilities are innumerable. We must abolish fences and learn to live together. At the evening service Mr. Sieber emphasied the fact that mankind is a problem. That means that V oitraclvt?- are responsible. We often see that there is a problem but instead of working for the solution wt aggravate the problem. There are problems of traffic accidents and we blame the other person. There are problems in our city and we blame others. It is not good enough ENTERPRISING NEWSPAPERMEN Two Vancouver newspapermen, posing as spooners in a parked car in Vancouver's Stanh-y Park, captured and subdued a man believed to be one of the marauder of "Lovers' Lane.- following a wave of assaults and robberies in the park. Reporter Don McClean. )ett, disguised Kenneth Clark, a laborer who was as a woman, holds John .. .i.t. w,u itv.rr!rhpr Rav Munro. who enacted Is a lot to know. That $80,000 raid In Montreal the other day. U a ca.e In point Daylight saving for 1949 will To Investigate Alaf.ka Natives WASHINGTON P A seven-man team leaves here next Friday to study coiuiitkms among the natives from the Aleutians ! end in about another week. It Is (C. P. Photo the role of boy frieiwl, snaps the picture. too much to expect that this forth rieht Intrusion Into oeoDte'S to th B'rinR 8lrail 'r. Dreferenceo-thto fad of fads- BOY HURT IN I FALL FROM TREE will not be back In 1950. In all lh Intrl"r Department an- JUNEAU BOAT TOWED HERE nouncea loaay t Young Robert Cameron, son likelihood. It wUl. There happens , j of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cameron.1 to stul a ery determined and . 1 1070, Eleventh Avenue East, suf-! 0ca, minorlvy. bent on haring boat cut under the fered a severe s own way was ', armpit yesterday when he fell , , Ut Iibub, J to say that "Prince Rupert is it Pay iu Advertise! i . 1 W51 halibut Juneau, 5- foot Cape, of as good as some other city." Itj The should be as good as the citizens Ocean 111011 .HIIT u i,- u or,a that Huncnrtc 1 . . , r i. o i.. fpnm a tree in which M was boy. I -r-WTri . 1 M on how good they wish to make;morning (or engine r6patrs ,tw; - h h" winners I a ion. rr vm mi j v ii i ' she had been adrift for several ired to close the wound test, passed through Umi Ft- There ar m folks whose life and , '. Tw.. features of tiv tlV entrance nlK, vouns Robert is restlns in actions are part of the solution. ' , had Impressed Aem - k.ntfwew miles General H,nl,ai Hospital mh,, today. astonishment was the length to which it went. A thirty percent further reduction means that today the pound sterling is $2.80. Sir Stafford Cripps, British Chancellor, made the announcement Sunday, and what he said made a profound impression. It is not so long ago that Mr. Cripps told parliament the Labor Government had not the slightest intention of devaluing the pound. However, it was after this, that rumors became current of the possibility of a changed policy, particularly after the heads of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank commenced urging such a course on " the. dollar shortage countries. In the British Isles, the effect on Labor, and fox-that' matter, the general run of wage-earners and public generally, cann but be immediately felt. It is a situation that, so far as this generation is concerned,"1 never been faced before. It is true that in certain respects, the record of the Attlee Government has been good, but it is equally true that despite what has been accomplished, the drain on national reserves had not been overtaken. This was a position of affairs that had to be corrected, if true headway and the final achievement of seeing the coudtry on a sound and progressive footing were to be reached. It had come tothe point where more dollars were to be earned, or fewer dollars spent. Today, in various countries, stock exchanges are. closed, these including the United States, Canada, Ireland, France, Sweden, Denmark, India and Australia, but this suspension will be of brief duration. The momentous step that has been taken, so far as can be judged at the present time, is regarded by the British government with satisfaction, but there will have to be national co-operation, unity and the will, once the start has been made, to carry on until real stability is in sight. It is rather early to consider what effect, if any, the devaluation of pound sterling will have on the Canadian dollar, although an announcement can be expected from the Department of Finance at tawa. Great' Britain needs what Canada has to sell. Wheat, bacon, eggs are but a few of the standard commodities required overeas. Canadian currency, of course, is only a small part of the vast total of currencies throughout the world, which are certain to feel a reaction as the natural result of so drastic a change in pound valuation. There are many .who are part of; the problem. There is a need for ' south of here. ' of people and British Co uir.bis I Mr and Mrs Mae Ford of scenery. That's publicity of the church in every community Thg 0cem Cape packing Guernewood Park, California are value Leave it to the boys to and a rare opportunity for every i soattte. visitors t the city, guests of describe each. UUUV1UUU1 LU IIU L III Government Aatnt and Mrs. sent sent out out a a call can for ior help neip Satur making the church a powerhouse; aauir- . M ror, u The St. John, N B. Drydock tor the work of God. day night after her engine broke brother of Mrs. Forbes They Ltd., which landed the hi;? re- In the morning service the oown. , ; j arrived in the city Sunday eve- d necessary when V1 The can was answered by Ar- ''"" w-"' I the aircraft canter Meu'iilfK-e.-.t wok p.ace. me junior cno1r; mour Salvage c a whl ch sent out & Real evening service the senior choir ; lhf help,psg nw The Cape carrJed R crew ran on a Nova 8cotln re?f. has also been awarded a contract to conxtruct a mine sweeper. Mur.t make bluenoses tlilnk of the woiKlen shipbuilding dayj leuMwauiguiB. neur, . i-.u,.,.Wataon Roc. 2 aud of six. She probably will be here was organist. ! docked here with It In tow at 7 for several days for repairs. ! NAWOAM.K. WUKK FKOTKCTKIN j AIT R.S.C. 111-!; i'll;iilrr 1 SHILt, OtL COMPANY OF BRITISH ' COLUMBIA LIMITED Hereby giver notice that It has. under Section 7 of the said Act. deposited with the Minister of Public Work, at Ottawa. vivniii Pric MML Don't Pleasant surprises are clue for ? ? ? MEN'S SPORT ! and In the olice of the District Registrar of th Land Registry District of Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert, B. C. a description of the site and the plans ot a mariDewsvrvlct float and float approach proposed to be constructed and moored over a portion of lot "A" of Waterfront Block. "E." Map 1161. Prince Rupert. B C. AND. TAKE NOTICE THAT after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of Vliia notice the Shell Oil Company of British Columbia Limited will under Section 7 of the said Act apply to the Minister of Public Works at hu offtc In the city of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans. DATED this Ith day of September. 19 SHELL OIL COMPANY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA LIMITED. H. L. HlnchcUff. Ant. (H) 3. Farmers. elrrirhal prr htlA wr raral arrat to do nany lutrd jb, niaL hum life mure cviufuruMe aud Now - '' MEN'S WORK SBlt " Vow mex'S wohk rvi Now 1 MEN'S DRESS M" awtortmfnt, 1 Sow ..r. c ITI.HOOI Lillian Franklin Is Honored a dainty lunch to the 18 friends who gathered for the occasion Miss Franklin left the city yesterday for Vancouver and will leave for Australia Tuesday. 4. Motorists - lo find driving tmMitiVr and inift-r on the , fine nr mad and tiialiMuv ihut , lile inturaiwr dullnr ar hrlpiug to build ihruuKhiMU nutiun. 1. School Boy and Girls hrfau life inurunre tltli;ir. iiivftfj ' (or polkbull-r in fovrrnurui, art krlpiui ! bailii mure prut tirjllv ittiinrd, ,U-niliiily uird new irhHili in euuimuuiliet from cuul la eeasl 1 i FISIIERMtVS f.W A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Franklin, Lotbiniere Street, ...1 ' ' MEN'S RAINCOATvJ inursaay evening when they en- a chimney fire at the home of fitting MEN'S CABARDW Full lined irv f'OVERT CI' tertained in honor of their H. Rensvald, 102 First Avenue daughter, Lillian, who leave? West was attended by the Fire Vancouver September 20 for Department lasx Friday after-Australia, Mrs. Jack Chrlstenson noon at 3:45 but no damage was assisted the hostess in serving done to the building. 5. Everybody! Ri Inveftmi-nu of life imnriinre iltiirt ! hr)p build waHr tlrmt, power pining kariMiuris ret wWstmii remre and oilier prejerK ial 1e rnmnilinilf welfare. F.arh vear. life lnnrapje rempanUt COATS-Topsii1 SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Proa PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT 2. Workers in of lite naliou't vllul indutriea uliiib ' arc expamiiug rrouk of invented Ufe inur:inre dollara. , These new plunts are rreuling man; new jtb I fit MEN S SLEEVEUS SWEATERS - BOYS' AU-W cii riTf RS-No i 1 .i irjtl in (jinmlu wore than 2't million oVIkirt in ibeea siieful kaw 1 S life immraawe eevrt a double purpe t It provide! fiuanrial pritterliun for you and your fumilv. And it hrlpt ireult a higher 1anilttrd of Robert A. Wenner BOVS' 4U-W001J 1 i V living lit whi k you sAare B.A. boys' schooi n 1 i BOYS' RAINfOATMj ROYAU-IVO A Helpful Citizen in Your Community Thee aiJ to beller livine are founded on llie work of tin hit ituuranr reH-ewnbtfive. It ia largely because of hit rlforli that o ni;ny people buy life to.orarM e and pay premi-lunt - the major purt of whi h hi invented In vital prejerti that benefit (Canadians in rountlrM rwnmunitim. Thue the life uiauranre repreirntutive it more than a helpful adviMM on rinumial M-nuily. He'i a helpful liliien, lost JACKETS cnvSo Bins a"- BOYS WHO Special r"Ti BLASKETS-r; i - OPTOMETRIST - i V 1012 Vancouver Block 1 VANCOUVER, B C. :: Wishes to announce that he will be available '; for eye examinations at the ! Prince Rupert Hotel from Friday, Sept. 23 to Thursday, Sept. 29 Reg. ' SI IT CASES- t.tnn ... FARM AND ORCHARD 5.74 Acres HOUSE FULLY MODERN WATER FROM MUNICIPAL MAIN FOR QUICK SALE $3,000.00 Cash E. T. KENNEY LIMITED TERRACE, B.C. (223) A meuaee from iht mar llum fifty Lift fiuuranre Com (uim'ei in imili nnrf Iriei'r fte;rrriiM're IT IS GOOD CITIZENSHIP TO O IT LIFE INSURANCE ' TKINKS-C Now Evenings by appointment (H) WHAT'S YOUR PROBllM? TOO MUCH GRINDSTONE ISN'T GOOD . Resell ORMES DRUGS DRUGS for the household We suggest a little relaxation such as a Dinner Date at the BROOMS DUST MOPS PAPER TOWELS PAINT ROLLERS J0HN,! I BULGE 1 r ThlrjK BRUSHES GALVANIZED Tt'BS CLOTHES DRTERS CARPET SWEEPERS PRESCRIP1ION CHEMISTS STORE HOUPJ3WEEK DAYS, 9 AM TO 9 P.M SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 1 P.M. ' 7 P.M. TO P.M., EBY&SOMS Contractors REPAIRS REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green g(3 Bos 511 Civic Centre Dining Room For Reservations and Cfilcken in The Rouh Phon Red 705 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD, Dally cat delivery leivlct rroin m. ttll "i p m. rsmergenry bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 6 em. rid Sunday 255 THIRD AVENUE PHONE m