I Monday, Sfptember 19, 1949. $5 IT PA YS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WTH Australian Gov't Tightens Radio Laws as Election Nears Old Country :: Football :; English League kit. Dir. Birmingham City 2. Liverpool 3 Blackpool 2, Charlton Athletic 0 Bolton Wanderers 2, Arsenal 2 (tiei Derby County 3, Sunderland 2 GENERAL MOTORS' LINE-IT The team to represent Ui General Motors in the crucial football game afalnst the Canadian Legion this evening will be seieeted from Boulter, Robinson, Wilson. Charlie Currie, O. Olson. Joe Ward, A. MrKy. Pat Wilson, Bishop. Owens, Lien, Bob Currie, W. Price. It your subscription Is In arrears and you do not receive your paper, please do not 1 rm MtlfeM' j character named John Henry Austral figured prominently, Utirred considerable public in-i terest. j The presentation of incidents 'and debates unfavorable to llu? Cigarette Tobacco blame the publisher, uie new boy or the post office. Jut? do a little straight talking to yourself. Co-operaf.on of subscribers in this regard would be appreciated. It would lave a lot of trouble and everybody would be happier. Subscriptions are pavable In MUD, SWEET. BRIGHT VIRGINIA contain 'any attempts to give the impression or produce the effect of reality or actuality ir. any address or discussion by the use of sound efffects. Any attempts to use dialogue between any persons or characters, named or anonymous, real or fictitious, where these persons are represented by aetors or other persons who read or act parts. Any simulated voices." V.WAW.V.VA'.W.'.W Steamship Movement! For Vancouver Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:30 p.m. Thursday s. rrtn.ee Rupert, 11:15 PJB. Friday ss. Catala, 5 p.m From YnBto'iTT Sunday- Camosun, U pjti Wednesday ss Prince Rupe 10 a.m. For Alice Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 pie. From Alice Arm and Stewart ""uesday ss. Camueun, a.m. From Ocean Fails Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. For Ocean Fafia Thursday ss. Frtnec Rupert, 11:15 p.m. For Alaska Wednesday sr. Prince Rupert midnight. I nun Alaska Thursday ss. Prinze Rupert I r JW SCE By ANTONY WH1TLOCK (Canadian Precs Correspondent SYDNEY, Australia The Labor government, facing a general election in three months, has toughened its ban on some types f political discussion by radio. Through its broadcasting control board it has ruled out any political broadcast which contain acted conversations or attempts to create "dramatic situations" for political purposes. This action follows a recent ban by the New South Wales Stale government of any press comment whatever for 72 liouis before a State election. Most of Australia's HO radio stations are owned by private firms. Surveys Indicate that at least 90 percent of Australia's 1.500,000 radio sets, are tuned to the eommercial stations in preference to the government's stations. For several years the Opposition Liberal party has been providing dramatical political broadcasts over the commercial outlets. These programs in which a MEN'S FIVE-PIN BOWLING LEAGUE STARTS MONDAY The first of organized league of remaining alleys on the first floor within a month, Mondays and Fridays will be utilized by the Men's Five Pin Lf-a?i. The league will continue to be governed by the Greater Vancouver Bowling Association Rules and Regulations. An Innovation :uu pm. tbt rjL. Tliy, tsbJ Kim Sheffield Wednesday 2, Sheffield United 1 Southampton 2, Leeds United 1 Tottenham Hotspur 3. Bury 1 Everton 1, Wolverhampton Wanderers 2 Fulham 1, Chelsea 1 (tie) Huddersfield Town 0, Portsmouth 1 j Manchester United 2, Stoke City 2 (tiet Middlesbrough 8, AKton Villa 2 Newcastle United 4, Manchester City 2 West Bromwleti Albion 3, Burnley 0 Second Division Barnsley 3, Queen's Park Rangers 1 Blackburn Rover 0, Bradford 1 Brentford 0, Chesterfield 0 (tiei Cardiff CKy 2, Leicester City 4 Coventry City 1, "Swansea Town 2 Hull CKy 4, Plymouth Ariryle 2 Luton Town 1, Preston North End I (tie 1 1 1 Labor party caused more than a little heartburning in government circle. Last year the administration came up with a broadcasting bill giving a new control board strong control powers over all stations. The act forbade any broadcast dramatization of political happenings within five year of the event; but the Jolm IUnry Austral broadcast went on with token amendments, and only a few faint-hearted commercial stations refused to accept them. Then, because of the coal strike in July and August, the Liberal party was unable to get new recordings made and tried to replay some old ones. Most of tine stations, dependent on the government's goodwill for their existence, jibbed. Now the control board has forbidden political boardcasts which J C.'i No. I , West Ham United 4. Grimsby bowling of the 1949-50 sea-son over last year's play will be the will commence at the new Ru-' enrorcenu'iit of the foul line and peri Bowllns Alleys toniirht. The' Judges will be on hand supplied Mfn's Five-Pin Bowling League by the teams in the league, All gets under way boasting this year bowlers are asked to watch for Town 3 Scottish League, Div. A Aberdeen 1. Clyde 1 (tie) -rrscfiits vs. g. Fiu!pt. Eviu . Friday, S, Mallet vs. Oflc;. otian i Tlnjm Sheet - Celtic 3, Hearts 2 Dundte 3, Queen ol the South 0 Falkirk 1, Ralth Rovers 1 (tie) St. Mirren 2, Stirling Albion 0 Third Lanark 3, Motherwell 3 (tie) afllun Leiim 1 Brownwoods" cials many improvements and lnno-jthls column for bowling dates vatlons made possible by the as a season's schedule will not modern construction and con-1 be compiled before the comple-venlences 1 of the new alleys. tion of the remaining alleys. At present a full entry of 24 j Monday Kept. l"th teams have been arranged In a Mansons vs. Watson Island men's 5 pin bowling league but Stores with further teams still enter-J Undesirables vs. Grand Cafe lug, another affiliated men's - Cold Storage ?i j Bob Parker vuj Teams to sup; Jague is to be organized. Any meu'e teams still wishing to rnter please get In touch with the bowling alleys as soon as 1 rZ possible. The executive of the Men's Five Pin Bowling League which was elected at the semi-annual meeting Monday, Sept. 12th, is as follows: PrekUnt Art Taylor; Secretary, J. H Mitchell; Treasurer, Stuart Furk. The ex ' " t! & A thirteenth of the earth's crust is aluminum, h is found in mountains and gems, in vegetables and cloy, in meat and water practical! everywhere. ecutive council Includes B. Win-file, L. Nelson, L. Oarner, M. Halvorson, L. F. Hopkins. J. Davison, W. Mallett, E. Blain, J. Weird. Although Monday night was voted tq be the regular bowling night, pending Uie completion Long ago the Romans knew it as a salt. They called rt "clumen" and used it as a medicine or for dyeing cloth. ? " f ' ' . -' Until the middle 1800's, the metal aluminum was rarer and more costly than gold. Napoleon III had his own personal loblore made of it. a 6l : Ji Modern science found a way fo make it clu. pst. That is why, today, everybody can buy useful and lasting articles made of aluminum, J r v In Canada we have none of the high-grade aluminum ore called "bauxite". Canadians bring it in by shipload born British Guiana a voyage of 3000 miles. This dJtrt,uinnt is not publisluJ or JisrUrJ hv the LnunC by liic vcrnnmt ut huliJi Coiunfc E Ai, can (Aluminum Company of BROADWAY CAFE... Northeastern Canada has the world's largest aluminum smelter, Alcan built it there, at Arvida. This site was cho;n because Canada, Ltd.) makes aluminum inuots. More dun 1000 independent manufacturers across Curuda ithaoe 11KST FOOD FINEST COC FRIENDLY SERVICE it is close to both a port for ocean ships bringing bauxite and an abundant source of hydro-electric power. "i kl ' aluminum inco light, strong, non-rusting articles lot Ik dvitliainmt n not publiihW WlUytdky Iki Liquet Conbol bottd w Kl At Coinn( ol Biititk Cslumblc Until Alcan harnessed this water power, It ran to waste. Smelling aluminum needs vast supplies of power. The electricity required to produce one ton of aluminum your use. the variety grows daily. In addition to supplying these firms ALan sells about 85ff. of its ingots to other countries. This aluminum is now Canada's sixth 'argest export, a source of much needed inontry from abroad. Because Alcan does market so much ab.oad, it is stbic to make aluminum in such large quantities tliat. in incot f..rm. it ,. Chinese Dishes A Sp FOR TAKE-HOMJ0I FflONZ W Hours 7 am. to H would light your house for fifteer More than 15,000 people opurate this Canadian Your House is an Asset NOW AVAILABLE industry. They earn more than thirty-five million dollar a year. These earnings flow across Canada. '..V can be purchased more cheaply in Canada than anywhere che in the world. ALUMINUM COMPANY O F CANADA, LTD. Producer, and Proce.son of Aluminum for Caikidits Induiiry and WotlJ Werto MONTREAL CUESCC IOOMTO VANCOUVER WINDSOR PRINCE I . B0WLIH5 fir 1 It Pays to Advertise! Prince Rupert Florists l ra00 3rdAve. Hox518 Tel. 777 I Flnwer fro1 All Occasion .itl SMITH &ELKINS OP TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Cafe Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN MAINTAIN ITS VALUE . . . MAKE NEEDED REPAIRS NOW! OPES " 3:30 P-M N Satsrdajr-- lo LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Deelnning, Printing Enlarginr OtJICK SERVICE PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 17 P.O. Box 274 I 'B0W1 GOLD SEAL LABEL V II Professional Supplies Amateur and Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 1:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders Far Estimates and Supplies PHONE 263 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. . "H Salt Lake Ferry Paper Towels - Paper VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun FOR SALE ONE 1938 FORD BUS WITH OR WITHOUT ENGINE WHICH IS IN GOOD CONDITION Sunday & Thursday CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT 8TUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photo? Taken at Home Phone Oreen 389 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. NEW ROYAL Deodorants - Disinfef Genuine DUSTBANK Sweeping Suitable for a Mobilestore or A Home On Wheels MOPS - BRUSHES Sunday, 10 p.ni., Coqultlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SKMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CUARLOTTB ISLANDS s.s. Coqultlam, Oct. 7 and 21 FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS g.s. Coqultlam, Sept. 30, Oct. 14 and 28 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent HOTEL A Home Away From Home 60 Room Hot and Cold water SCHEDULES Sundays Continuous service commencing li a.m. Thursdays Leave Cow Bay Floats 2:30, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. SPECIAL TRIPS FOR PARTIES BY APPOINTMENT Phone . GREEN 391 or BLACK 826 Price is reasonable suitable terms can be arranged REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED l or Cleaning ana jai pmnnF riipfrt SUPPL ': W mm W mmmw - PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) 712 m Phone 6.'2 Third Avenue Phone 568 LPhona 281 pn. nox 1961