a Princl nsperl rfl reetof Monday, September 19, 1949. COUPLE JOINED AT ST. PETER'S . St. Peter s Church, Seal Cove, HEW SALVATION ARMY LEADER TO BE INAUGURATED Our Stock of Famoiu 1j . McLEOD I1IVEU COAL LOCAL NOVELTY Leartne on the Union steam- sWp ciuiUam last Frlday were I Pimrp HUOKA31 a m AIKl-U a in f n I Mr and Mrs. Bill Noble, M. Nlck- of novelty' em and J. Wade. Arriving from -gongs A program stories, Vancouver was L. J. E. SmUh of. and poems, prepared es- f Joe Chell and Bob MacDoug- Gordon & Anderson Presto Pressure Cookers. sell (219) was the scene of a wedding Friday evening which joined Miss ald senior matric students here. ,-hanir,. of mmmanrf In the Is Complete LUMP EGO NIT STOKER last year, have left for Vancou- fialvatlnn Armv., PlWp Bllnert Margaret Woods, eldest daugh pecially for children of Prince tne union aieamsnipa, uu F. J. Skinner as man- placing Rupert is being broadcast every ver to continue their studies at I ter of Thomas Woods of New ager here while he Is on holiday. m the University of British Colum-orsanlzauon wm oecome eueci-bla I ive tonight with the inaugura- Westminster and Newton Rob-lert Powell, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Ition of Senior Capt. William afternoon over station CFPR. The program is produced and narrated by Joe Goscoe. The rough use of trick record Henry N. Powell of 1501 Eighth Tonight in the Salvation poulton. M.B.E.. formerly of Tor Avenue East. Archdeacon E. ArmV f i f .wU.l 4hnra will Ko a i .... , .! V,.V. , . . v- ttO CUIIIIIlrtHUCI Ul uvftil 1.1 T. , ff..,. , , . nrttc - very special meetine at 8 o'clock. riivtainn onH inrn TirA I .... ing techniques, a feature star- I. H. R. Jeffrey, Inspector of Schools and formerly of Trail will be in the Prince Rupert Inspectorate during Sptcmber and October. Sons of Norway meeting Wednesday the 21st at 8 p.m. sharp. Initiation followed by a social for members and escorts. (221) . Mr. and, Mrs. T. H. Priest, Graham Avenue, returned to the city Sunday from a three-week motor trip to Seattle and 1 pn'p nf fnmilv mpmhprs find a' . . is i Senior Cant. Poulton. who . T n8 Coco, tne Troubador ert &McCaff ery uoionei Gilbert Best will be conducting the Welcome and In i if w ciuse iritruus. . .. . . ... .1 v.1th Mrs. Poulton arrived ln the I . . given wiae scope ior musical ex auguration of The District' and itv Rat,,rrfav niht. will roniar-M Wearing a grey suit with mar- pression. His vocal antics are WHY.. Go Watchless? expected to attract children and f n accessories, the bride was Corps Officers, Senior Captain senior Major C. Warrender in and Mrs Wm. Poulton. We ex- ,.wr. nr tv, Salvation Armv!8lven ln marriage by Richard LIMITED PHONE 116 adulU alike. Length of the 6eries is indefinite. It Is being sponsored by a city business firm. tcCVTFRS I battle W. R. Woods. tIUCJ. Victoria J. D. Clvde. tend to all a cordial welcome. ' division and Major W. Yurgen- (H) gen, Corps commander in a con- solidaUon of command . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mussallem returned to the city Sunday Bel MaJr Y"-Jf"' from a s,v u,,i,c v,, zander leave tonight for Orlllla, Howell. Her corsage was of red roses. Bridesmaid was Miss Nancy Hoff, whose costume was a grey suit with navy blue accessories. Her corsage matched that worn by the bride. Groomsman was Ronald E. Powell, brother of the . A.) I To Vancouver G. R. 8. Black- A tameron. i. aby, J. H. Black. C. Crookshank, A meeting of the directors of "Legion 27 Club," Executive Committee will be held at Canadian Legion Hall, Tues M. cartwrignt,, mik8 g. jarvte. R. Houston, W. Ontario, where they will take charge of the Army's northern Ontario division. . v- 11UI1UUJ III iJ W Prince George, Winnipeg and Kelowna. They motored to PrinOP tlfH,rnt flour n Tlrr- i H L. Hinchcim, Lcverett, L. Husoy, K. Dallym, Regular As Day Without Laxatives In these days of exactitude, it's about impossible for a man to do without a watch. In these days of easily bought watches, who ins M. Head, R. a. w. Miller, Mr. Hoover, W. P. day, Sept. 20th at 8 p.m. (220) twrvillc, T. Beech- Stewart, D. Stewart, L. D. Clark. Yurgensen will leave peg, then returned to Prince George and motored south. F f y erhe , will be posted for the next two I H j. Blakely, To Sandsplt 6. Tremeer. Following the ceremony, about 30 friends attended a reception iid, W J. Mowat, from Vancouver Miss E. Miss Joan Cannon of tltie Queen Charlotte Airlines rushed by plane from here to Toronto on Saturday after receiving a to I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. 1 months before prooeerttng need go watchless ; "Constipation ai my bogey for yean and harsh laxative made thing worw. Since eating KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN, I am regular a Amxr tnnjv prt in Schwab. 'Johannesburg, South Africa, on FRANK MORGAN FOUND DEAD For $18 we sell a telegram that her mother was mission work. Mrs. Yurgensen and their three children, Wil seriously ill in that city, The couple have taken residence at 1348 Piggot Avenue. The bridegroom is employed by Northern B. C. Power Co. HOLLYWOOD ff, Frank Mor guaranteed watch, 15 iewels, in a gold-filled fred, Shirley and Julia -will spend 1 Donovan, H. Etoff, Q. Cook, R. 8. I L Edenshaw. ! m. Haley, A. Rosholt, H. LeRoy, jr,ier-R. Somer- Mrs m. Rtier, Miss Elliott, O $ ride, Mrs. Hood, Martin. Soderlund, N. O. from Sandspit -C. E. Salter. iS I (Q.C.A.) .tMrs. M. Nel- MasgeUF w toxee, Mrs. 1 I r Mlnnlrnr Mine M Mlnolrnr gan, well known screen star, was ! tne next tWo months at Victoria The death took place at Van case with leather strap found dead ln bed Sunday wrn- before joining Major Yurgensen couver Friday evening of Mrs. Elizabeth Passerine, mother of my work. Publish thia letter, it may help others," voluntarily write draughtsman A. Mc. C. Little, 114 Sixth St., Midland, Ont. Are you irregular due to lack of bulk in the diet? ALL-BRAN may correct your trouble. Eat an ounce Ing. He was 59-years old. He This is a special en route to Africa. Senior Capt. Poulton, who re Mrs. A. W. Allaire of Prince Ru- as found by his wife, who at Advertise in me Dally News! CPA.) value. cently has been attached to the West Toronto Corps, had a dis pert. Mrs. Allaire was called south a month ago on account of her mother's Illness. first thought he was sleeping late. Later, efforts of an inhal-ator squad were unaole to revive him. of crop, navounui u.L-Druui daily, drink plenty of water. If not satisfied ,jend empty carton to Kellogg'a, London, Ont. Getwou your money backl tinguished wartime record for which he was awarded Member of the British Empire recognl His Inauguration tonight will take place at the final public rally of the Salvation Army's annual summer congress at the Citadel. His work here will Include the PRESENTATION TO MAYOR ARNOLD BALAGNO Floristsl tion. Between 1940 and 1945 he was Salvation Army Force Director with Canadian Army headquarters overseas. During that time he served In England, Italy, France and Germany. duties formerly performed by separate divisional and corps Phone Green 781 Box 119J 1 leaders. trtisuiK is payable In advance. Please refrain from C assilieds, 2c per word per Insertion, minimum fc-th Notices 50c, Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcement: $2. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Mayor Mrs. N. Arnold was the recipient of an at tractive twin pen. desk set , ; i which was presented by N. Y. Knox on behalf of the Shell Oil Company of B. C. Small Phone WANTED TO RENT house or 3 room suite. Black 548. . thamplim black-tr liuu lb. anvil. A (221) (220) All Accounts Due to the Late Mr. Knox, who is the General WANTED Housekeeping suite for Beverages ate kitchen cab- - 19i5 JAMi Dr. C. H. Hankinson by public health nurse. Immediately. Blue 722 between 9and 5. 224) WANTED TO RENT By Dec. 15 or Jan. 1, 3 room apartment. Annlv Box 583 Dally Used lumber call 629 Bth Ave. Manager of the Company, in making the presentation said, "Since my last visit here four years ago I find that there is a very different feeling In the air about the future and I think the people of Prince Rupert have (I) are to be paid at the office of S. G. FUKK k It Lsed Furn- lure and ottlce New coul and what it takes to make this k ranaes, electric News' OUice or Phone Black 608. - A!fJ WANTED TO RENT Three room house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Re- ...l ..fro-oH PVinnn Id Taxi Room 3, Stone Building and Babies country great." "I was particularly surprised to find that they have a lady . electric press ins ton hand UM jacks. heay i paper, slightly :A bovs' birvclcs. "a,u ' (219) i JIF0B B.C. HOSPITHL WSUHAHCE tREMHUS ARE DUE OCTOBER 1st Hospital Insurance Billing Certificates are now being mailed throughout the Province vrlters, guitars, WANTED By Dec. 15, furnished) ANNOUNCEMENTS Advertisements in this column will be chareed for s full month house or suite, xoung cuujjre battleship lino-'.ervthlng at the B. C. Furniture rlnkers. i a no cnllnren. non Applv Box 1308 City. I Mayor here but snce meeting Mayor Arnold I see they have made a wise choice. As the representative of the people I want you to accept this little remembrance of the opening of the Shell company and my sincere best wishes that the future of Prince Rupert shall be great." REQUIRED By couple and ,.hiMil n-ie bov. 3 or 4 room I knon names suit or house. lurnisnea or unfurnished. Good reasonable rates for furnished place. Phone Mrs. Finney at Commercial Hotel. (220) for Cereals WANTED Furnished . 2-room feeder bn ivels, I a;lii,ps: Adam-. Littlelord Bros. ?'di iwutitenanc Ov.cn Clamshell 1 Kuck (irapuies; l Concrete Mixers; tfi Trucks; Neison dirs lor Stockpile emi'val: Rice t'ort-fual Pumps; Na-lliie Scrapers and National All Steel H"i.ts; National suite, close in. "PP'? DU, Daily News Office. (2191 - it X- -v i (Mi., ,f Thefolloiring important injormotioh should be noted: I ( 1. RETURN BILLING CERTIFICATE V, ITII YOUR FIRST PAYMENT.' 2. The Billing Certificate w of no value to you until at least half thfl.' premium. I paid. ; ..' t ; -j . I. Paid up Billing Ortificate becomes your Hospital Insurance Certificate for 1950. i " A' Your runancrwlll iden tify your choice of payment plan i.e. AnnuaLj Semi-Annual or sit equal instalments. - - I 1 m 1 !J JAittrtV WANTED Einoloyen respeci- at 25c per word United Church supper, September 22. Tickets now avail-' able. Loyal Order of Moose Men'3 and Women's Annua' Bazaar and Dance September 29th and 30th. Moose Temple ori the 29th, Civic Centre on the 30th. Dance and drawing for prizes at Civic Centre. Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. . Presbyterian Tea, October 13. Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. -28. ! Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 28. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Not. 17. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Baz ahle ladv Wltn scnwi UQR IJt) ' and home News (219) child desirous of room board. In Christian Annly Box 581 Dally Office. ttmills, National and Cookinq i and Convevuro ation from Na- S. ARREARS are shown on the stuD in in ana must we puiu m WANTED Auxiliary heater for oioririn stave Phone BlarK Bhery Co. Ltd., 9 c ufi (220) 1 to the premium before the certificate can be validated. 6. USE THE MAIL WHEREVER POSSIBLE. 752. B 10 Ford Deluxe tes 8ej!r M class condition 'j price. Apply IIIXP WANTED BOYSANDGIRLS-Opportun-itw fnr earnlne. after school f Diauon. (zzui - 1647 Royal Enfield ' H) c.c, $375, or ' r. I'nuiie 648. . IncreU ,. fUnerMilk in any can hours by delivering Dally News routes. Honest, reliable boys and girls apply Btj Daily Nows office. (tf i i (2241 7. Notify District Office promptly of change in marital status, dependents or address. 8. Make cheque, monev orders or postal notes payable to the B.C. HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICE and return with th Billing Certificate to lMMrict Registrar and t-oUector, B.C. HOMllAl liTsURNCE SERVICE AT THE OFFICE AT WHICH YOU ARB REGISTERED. REGISTRATION OF NEW RESIDENTS. As soon as new residents taka up residence in B.C. they are required to register by contacting their nearest B.C. Hospital Insurance Service local oflice. aar, Nov. 24 St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. Crange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. 'ir.2 machine 1 "C'lndltidn Annlv Service Sta eSwms. Black 241. HELP WANTED- (221) tion attendant. preierauiy , with considerable experience. ; Bob Parker Ltd. (u xmm.i!jr Ru.. i 9 lt Plnril n,,l i;,rn FOR RENT IN PRINCE RUPERT AT THE Island City Builders Supplies 05 IMcBride Street Blue 820 B.C. HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICE ' tme background. I or call at 623 6th I (219) Enullsh buggy, n. Green 72ii (219) Glidden, Paints FOR ALL PURPOSES BLIE 846 FOR RENT 3 room apt., qj)pt couple. 100 4th West. (221) FOR RENT Furnished two room suite. 1235 Park Ave(221) FOR RENT "Tourists sleeping room. Phone Red 471. (" colored Wilton I . . III. i class condl- Rjreas can be! Rurslike Cream! ( Try th small s! ) iuu.uo. Phone (219) KKAL ESTATSS Regal Printers Used Khilvrlos FOR SALE Bayvlew Hotel as i Si nn SAANICH PLUMBING AND HEATING ft' firm- etslin.. i This Week per thousand: 222 Second Ave. PHONE 24 m and 1" x 6" f 'O Per thousand. J (243) ;J) Piece bedroom rooming house, Jo ru""" Rte-am heated. Phone Red 320. P. O. Box 121, Prince Rupert, ri. C. 219) FOR SALE House $1500 down, also some furniture. AW'V 1136 Hays Cove Avc. (2isn FOR SALE Large four wartime home on 1st. overlook. Excel ni com ton heatinir Ktui 'ini n " "u i. (242) Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 WANTED I' lent view. Close to Fishermen s floats, busline and schools. Immediate occupancy. Reasonably priced. Enquire at Armstrong Aeencles. Phone 342 or Eves. Green 297. 222) PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES orders f- mon'a rtelivpr direct to K TRatroyd Sales twelve samples ror sue nM in niuln pnlfrf wramcr. n k. Toronto (219) catalogue included. General ?9 Fr V-8 Coupe. v at ni... Novelty Co.. Dept. 'PR. 71 Major St., Toronto, Ont. HAVE number of people want it Ave., evenines. $25 allowance for your old washer and payments as low ,220) MfV4ol A W i HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to I) p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE ing homes close to nowniu" district, and elsewhere. Forj prompt action list your prop-. 'iune Biac,k 269. 1 .50 a week on the new a3 CHIROPRACTOR John T. L. Hughes, D.C, Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOIKS 10:30 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. and a to 6 p.m. ' EVENINGS . Monds and rViduy. 7.30 p.m. for those unable to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoons. . one. S41 contents fn or after 5 -. (221) ertv witn Armstrong nww-Phone 342 or Green 297 Eves (228) BlTSINESSOPPORTUNITIES FOR. RAT.TT C!nffpe Rhmi on 3rd Borden's IRRADIATED EVAPORATED MILK l( H'S 8ordr't rr's QOTQ bftgood Xman oil heater. sh Ave. Apuly Box No. 568, uauy News News Office. Office. (223) PHONE 79 4k GORDON & ANDERSON --y--. (22 1 ) -iSf Results PARTNER WANTED with $5,000 to finance a business that will Rive a substantial income and securttv. Anplv Box o5 Dally News . (224'i