PhOVINClAL PROVINCIAL LICHAHT, 113 VICIO?.IA, B. C. L'AT M1es..eo Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S KKWSFAPKR Published at Canada'g Most Strategic Pacific Port-rTrince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest. PH0IIE81 PRICE FIVE CKNTS nd Devaluation Mi BELGIAN SHIP IS AGROUND NEW YORK Oi The ZOO ton Belgian steamship Brabant was reported aground today off the southern coast of Cuba. A tug Is enroute to her rescue. cans uieaper Atlantic Pact Countries Confer Against Backgroun d of Red Might WASHINGTON (CP) Twelve determined western powers shouldered mutual military responsibilities Saturday under the Atlantic Pact. Reports of mounting Russian armed strength painted a sombre background for their decision. The foreign ministers of the Atlantic Alliance Goods ish In U.S. And Canada countries meeting for the' first Me Financial Action time as a council, ordered im- HERE'S MUD IN YOUR EYE DNUHII5 IIIUYU COAL STRIKE THREAT MOUNTS WASHINGTON 0 Danger of a country-wide coal strike In the United States mounted over the week-end, but hopes brightened for averting a threatening steel strike. The 400,000 coal miners were expected to stay away from the pits today because their welfare fund trustees and John L. Lewis voted to suspend their pension and other benefit payments. The union is running out of money for the fund and some operators, with contracts with Lewis expiring, refuse to pay the 20-ecnt a ton royalty to the fun'd. aimi:d to stimulate u.ks mediate steps be taken to draft "unified defence plans" for the entire north Atlantic area. While they met, two commit-Ucs of the Ur.ltl States Pna reported formally that Russia has more than 5,000,000 men under arms and appears to be carrying on a "deliberate" policy of adding to her military Btrength. In its smooth-running session Baturday, the Atlantic Council S TRADE BUT BRITONS MUST MUCH HARDER, CRIPPS SAYS CHICAGO A bartender was approached by a customer dressed as a railway engineer, carrying an oilcan. As the bartender was mixing the drink, the stranger squirted liquid In his eyes, and took $50 from the cash register. i (('I') J'nccs of British goods on North - ccrr It .A) M . t A'CiiLL-fe:- - SLO ...1 ?. ' . " - markets will take a sharp drop as a result ,,n of the pound, it was predicted here to- created a cabinet-level defence committee, set up a half-dozen top-ranking military planning groups and decided on Washington as the alliance headquarters. YANKS CARRY OFF RYDER TROPHY late (ii Mr ruauoro, Lnpps momentous nt Sunday night. ion brought the pound down from $4.03 i n.:s U $2 80 aii'l - Steelworken Union (CIO) ' agreed ;ed states professional tollers nt brought slmi- valuation was aimed at in- fii oilier countries Saturday crushed Britain! best j club swingers in six out of eight meeting with the federal con PEARSON HAY II r 1 f Tf ITIP A CuplAU HEAD POLITICA lULNlLAL area. n relative vahia- 0 ciliation service after the government stepped into the creaslng Britain's power to earn dollars for "that's the only permanent solution to our difficulties." i Britain's monev move touched matches to come from behind to I win the treasured Ryder predicted lor . .'I I M us denied by of- ana Drean tne spirits oi jz.otw IjU.II. , COMMITTEE British spectators The one-sided trouncing up to the last of the bggeSt world-wide round Ipps, Chancellor of financial juggling since the r made the an- (lays of tne aPpresson. Eleven; his return from cou,n,rics whose trede Is closely. the home stars, who surprised I lake SUCCESS The United COMMONWEALTH TRIBUTE British Empire Service League conference delegates from all 'parts of the Commonwealth pay tribute to war dead in a' ceremony at the National War Memorial In Ottawa. Viscount Alexander, the governor-general, salutes directly in front of the CHICAGO PRINTERS RETURN TO WORK everyone by winning thm ot Nations secretariat wants the Friday's four Scotch foursomes, 1 ost efficient diplomat avail- cenotaph after placing the first wreath. (C. P. Photo) linked with Britain followed suit, ' cheapening their currencies. made the final score 7-5 for the ! abVe for chairman Of its stormy CHICAGO " More than 1,500 ANGRY MINERS Americans who have held the ; political committee of the Gen-international trophy since 1935. erai Assembly nd it is rum-. I ored that Canada' Lester B. American Federation of Labor printers voted to end their 22-month-old strike against five LEAVE PITS MILITANT ATTACK ON FORCES OF EVIL KEY TO SALVATIONIST LIFE Others are expected to Join 'soon. Within a few hours, similar cuts were announced by Australia, South Africa, India, New Zealand, Ireland, Israel, Norway Chicago newspapers Sunday. The PITTSBURGH Oi Angry mln publishers said the strikers would 1 Pearson is the man tor the Job. i Some say his nomination, 1 which is being taken for grant-1 ed, will set him up tor Assembly ers stayed away from the pits in POLISH YOUTHS SEIZE PLANE I TO ESCAPE be put back to work as soon as possible droves today in an unofficial j wcrk stoppage supporting their Col. Gilbert Best Speaker at Citizens' Rally in Citadel on Sunday Afternoon I president, tn lsau. The settlement falls short of the demands for which the STOCKHOLM Five young 1 . Brigadier Carlos P. Romulo ot Denmark and Burma. France, Italy, 8weden, Holland, Greece and Finland suspended bank dealings In foreign exchange. . - - demands for renewed pension mwt- welfare; beneftU .... printers struck in Novbe!i X01e.Vrroea wttji lour loaded 1 'QR.-.CTmcraw, p- "p ponuw committee head, is regarded ; The Salvation Army's militant stand -against liqdor, vice7 sickness and poverty was emphasized guns and a toy pistol, forced 1947. It calls for a $10 a week their way through he Iron Cur raise while the original demand In Canada, linked by trade tain by air Friday. was for $14.50. a sure ' bet for toe presidency tills year. Herbert V. Evatt of Australia presided at the last session. tth Britain but whoae Sunday afternoon by Col. Gilbert Best, of Toronto, ties w Most of the 480.000 hard and soft coal diggers in the United Mine Workers union are expected to be idle by tonight. Flashing mixed weapons, they took command of a Polish air money mainly follows, united Army's field secretary for Canada, Newfound-states dollar routes, Finance . - . . . . , , , , Their new slogan Is "no pension no work." liner on a domestc flight and had the plane land In Sweden. The five youths asked asylum in Sweden as political refugees HUNGARIAN ADMITS GUILT Minister Abbott promised , t statement to Parliament tonight. Simultaneously, the Canadlar government ordered suspension land and JJermuua, at a citizens rally at tne utaaei. Col. l?est,who arrived; in the city Saturday night from the interior, is here iii con- -- - nectlon with the fifty-fi'fth an- jness and poverty, the Army has t FINED $55 ON FOUR COUNTS Joseph Daniels appeared before Magistrate W D. Vance in 5 OR!) CRIPPS and said they wanted to go to BUDAPEST C Lieut. Gen of foreign exchange dealing:. the United States. They had nual summer concress which j a Corps of officers all of whom eral Gyorgy Palffy, former chief $22 all told. U.S. f with the are. In some degree iraineu so cial welfare workers he declared. f Wa.shinKlon. f.v secretary John the local police court Saturday and pleaded guilty to four CRERARSEES charges which arose out of a col innance Minister llsion with a taxi on September WAR DANGER of Canada had until tomorrow. There was speculation at Ot tawa that the government might devalue the Canadian dollar officially at paf with the Unitec" States dollar, but actually discounted from six to 10 cents it. clay-to-day trading on the Ncv. York free market In London today, Sir StaKord "We still place empnasls on the salvation of the soul." The meeting was opened by Senior Major C. Warranter, di-(Contlnued on Page 6) Tuesday, September 20, 1949 High 12;01 19.5 feet Low 5:47 3.5 feet 18:02 6.0 feet !l "no" to remirtj( 10 on Seventh Avenue. 1 r T T TAWA A W A - General oenerai Crerar crerar. nho rundHM were on two concludes this evening. ,: ; Sunday's rally was attended by a gathering which filled the Citadel and was taken part In by two business leaders and by three clergymen from other Protestant denominations. Chair-was L. M. Felsenthal, who headed the Salvation Army's Red Shield campaign this year. .Speaking on tne ouDject "Our !in had been ii was pending. addressing a Canadian Legion assault, ten charges of common inspector of the Hungarian Army, confessed In court today that he and his co-defendants had plotted to assassinate Hungary's top government officials last May. . He said the planned " putsch failed because the government had arrested Laszlo Rak, former communist minister of foreign affairs. Rajk admitted his guilt yesterday. Palffy said the plot had Yugoslav assistance and that the plotters would have seized the tfollars or five days on each; for, un aniioiincement ain was forced CrlDps said that Britons "mus' me continulnn failing to give half of the high- 'OK Ior P" w"ues EurPe ws more serlous today way under the Provincial High- way Act, ten dollars or five days, tnan ln 1938-and for obstructing an officer of In a reference to defence, he Standing Army." Col. Best point redouble all our efforts'' U ex pott goods now that the pounn ed to the increasing awareness area holdings p'llars. It. was in t'liiiii; this drain t rate had been the law, twenty-five dollars and mtimaiea tnat tnis was, or wouia three-fifty costs or fourteen oe covered Dy tne provisions oi tne Atlantic ruci. ayg I country. Eight defendants are charged The fines were paid on all : in Canada of the need for a trained standing military army as a safeguard for peace. "True democratic prepared will nev.r be a bedfellow of militarism," he said. "We want to lias been cheapened. Reviewing results of the Washington dollar talks, the Chancellor of the Exchequer told a press conference: "We agreed to create appropriate incentives to export to the dollar areas and counts. J. Harry Black left Dy air 10- with treason. ' a broadcast to lf"Ple. said that It 'irt "if events ni-nue Arrestlng officers were Con- day on a business trip to Van-stable White and Turner of the couver. He plans to return police. day. i iiSS!iiitSijifcsk I gone down a bit see the peace of the world preserved and we must be prepared 18' make a vlgoroua attack on pro- said, the de- HUGE CACHE OF . BAD MONEY TAKEN GUELPH, Ont. 05 A cache of $42,000 in counterfeit $10 bills was selred early Sunday by the to effectively safeguard It." This analogy he carried over to the field of Christianity, de auction. We have created the incentive all right." "If we are to succeed In teaching 6 .ong-term solution to Hopes Rise That Death Toll In Toronto Fire Maybe Lower claring that the "standing army" the dollar-sterling area problem, !)ip wlsnpd t0 spcak about, is a "christian army united and in we must regard it as a jumv ! one, requiring joint action." Royal Canadian Mounted Pol UX SCOKKS i '. 'MTlcmi !Clevelaiifi tiona! 0 Chicago 0 flJHDAY cluding all the churches or Christendom." ice and city police the largest find since counterfeit money be That, Crlpps added, was thf object of the Washington TORONTO (CP) Hope grew today that the feared death toll of the Noronic disaster, might lighten, although there was nothing concrete to in gan circulating recently acrois Canada. . Police arrested Frank Clpolla, and charged him with pos spire the hope. It was just a buoyant thought that eased the task of searching for the dead. ""rican session of counterfeit money. York 5 They said the bills generally Stork Wins Race With Ambulance "We need such an army to combat the great pewers-of evil which arc abroad.'' l e declared. The Salvation Army he described as one ot the battalions of this great and uncompromising Christian army which must militate against evil forces. The liquor trade with Its great economic waste and tieraucrrry of human lives 1b one of the enemies of the Christian way of Host. -ton 3 - As the hours pased from the time early Saturday morning when Toronto's officials ' were "excellent reproductions." MPhilarielphia 5 I Wa llllmt, s felt "almost certain" that the lcinally had .been thought had HAPPY CHANDLER death list would total more its beginnings in the unsuccess- PNDAY than 200, it seemed possible that, ful efforts of divers probing the Npw York 7 GETS SUMMONS the ghastly toll would not reach submerged stern section of the Boston a A race between the city ambulance service and the stork this morning at 7:30 was won by the stork, as a bouncing that figure. 6,900-ton Noronic to locate the Washington 2-" life. He described "social" PllilnrinlrViln 1 Figures early today were little "50 or 60" bodies which firemen drinking as one of the great changed from those given a few aid Saturday were trapped un- evils of the times. NEW YORK n Baseball's commissioner A. B. Chandler, appeared in court today on a federal subpoena probing the business secrets of the national game. He was summoned for "examination on complaint" hours after the Canada Steam- derwater. ( Uj 4f n ;r- s "riiUii mf ti,ii, maltiaP11 1 Muli , w- ii T "If we could put a stop to the ship Lines cruise ship burned at Three tarpaulin - wrapped, Its harbor Dier within reach of charred and blackened forms nractlce of 'treating' we wo t do much to stop the drink evil all the modern fire-fighting ap- were taken from the ship to Join Wlinnal TURDAY it, Louis 2 nritM,rKh 7 1 Cincinnati 0 1 Chicago l St Louis 15 0 H'lncinnatl 7-1 .. he declared. ' naratus of Canada's second others laid out ln the death In Its battle against vice, the largest city. I building. Salvation Army has a number of homes which are designed to re baby boy was born to Mrs. R. Robinson of Port Edward. The event occurred halfway between Port Edward and the city hospital with fireman Jack Ewart acting as midwife and fireman Jack Franks driving the ambulance. The nurses took over from Mr. Ewart at the General Hospital. The flreboys seemed to be very proud of their accomplishment considering it was the first time that the stork has won out against them. Mr. Ewart says he was glad that everything turned out all right. store and rehabilitate those who have fallen. preliminary to the trial ol Jan-ny Oardella's $200,000 suit against organized baseball. authorities as survivors. Efforts are being made to track down these unknown survivors. Plans for a memorial service, to which civic officials and clergymen from Rochester Cleveland and Detroit will be Invited, ' "One of the encouraging things In the temporary morgue at j A second fire which broke out the Canadian National Exhlbi-(on Noronlc's upper structure tion's horticultural building were' Sunday was quickly extinguished. 121 bodies of the 684 passenger 'Adding to the difficulties of and crew members. There were ' determining the number of dead 479 known survivors. Eighty-'was the fact that many sur-four persons were unaccounted' vivors apparently had returned lor. immediately to their homes In Tho hrmo thci tho rient.h toll ' American Great Lakes cities about our work in this regard is CROSS OF JERUSALEM This cross, now being taken on a world tour by Dom. Thomas Bacquet, left, Belgian Benedictine monk, arrived in Quebec recently from Great Britain on the Empress cf Fiance. The tour began last Good Friday on Mount Calvary-In Canada. It will be taken to Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton and London, Ont. At right is Rev. Philippe Lussler, director of pilgrimage at St. Anne de Bcaupre Shrine near Quebec, first stop of the cross. S. C. Osborne, Biitlsh Roman Catholic layman who accompanies Dom. Bucuiiefc, Is the third man in the photo. (C. P. Photo) the fact that so few who re Pittsburgh 4-7 .bcramcnto 2 Jki Portland 0 (10 'San Francisco 6 s Angeles 4 celve help fail u:;. Only a very small percentage slip a second time." might not be as high as or-' without registering with Toronto' are being made. Tn Its stnieule agHin,t biek-