THE WLATHER print Rupert Dan? JTetof Monday, September 19, 1949. ................. I Vt- I i I -numosi 1 wcitiiw hiiTi mi Tk. i in I Radio Dial 1240 Ki'ocycles CFPR Synopsis A small storm which developed off the Washington coast yesterday evening crossed the southern sections of B. C. during the night and Is entering Alberta this morning. Cold air and wLHKK GfiRll (SuMect to Change t .. ALEXIS SMffl MONUAT TM. clearina skies will spread Into 4:00 Bernie Draden Tell the southern Interior during the day in the wake of the storm J4'! WENDELL WENDELL COREY COREY-AUDRFY . liiimrv Tnm Turn,' and will set up conditions ror a rUM H0N . Mn ST0 . l(IS 5T.,"LI sharp frost tonight. A 6evere Ik Mon. ano wed. 5-7-9 pm ' Tuesday 7 - 9 p m CARTOON NEWS storm developing a thousand miles to the west of the Queen Charlotte Islands is expected to move rapidly towards the coast and bring rain and southeast gales to the Prince Rupert area Tuesday morning. Forecast THREE "WIVES" Y P - H I . -f ; Ipsr Ny SEE BIGAMIST North Coast Region Cloudy with showers today. Overcast Rood to the ehfifr' hai5uachiRr 1 ca't help but to Magistrate TV ascribed,u0" to society." tonight with rain commencing SENTENCED about daybreak tomorrow. Re mainlng cool. Southwest winds (15i increasing to southeast Story :15 stock Quotation and Int 4:30 Gayle Gordon Show 4:45 Bluenose Island 5:00 Music in a Mellow Mood 5:30 Don Messer and His Islanders 5:45 Supper Varieties 8:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Summer Fallow 8:00 Reminiscing in Melody 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show 9:00 Musical Comedy 9:30 The Bandstand 10:00 CBC News ! 10:10 CBC News ' 10:15 On Mike Tonight 1 10:30 Stringtime i 11:00 Weather and Sign Off I TUESDAI A.M. 7' Musical CIock 8:00 CBC New.' ! 8:15 Morning Sonfj i 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty I 8: 15 Morning Devotion i 9:30 Sunrise Serenade i 9:45 Coffee Time ! 9:59 Time Signal TORONTO 9 John (Blackio Costello, 25, wavy-haired Lothario with a reputation for whirl gales (40) by noon Tuesday. Low tonight and high tomorrw at Port Hardy, Sandspit and Prince wind courtships, faced three of his four wives In court Saturday j 5 Rupert, 45 and 55. GREt BRID as he was sentenced to five yeans I DRESSES FAIL 1949 You'll See Them In Montreal You'll See Them In Vancouver G. R. S. Blackaby left today by air on a business trip to CONTRACT! TO BE HANGED FOR MURDER Bl'IUti for bigamy. t Attractive Doreen Romaniukl who married him last March, described him as the "most romantic man any woman could ever want." Brunette Jean Frances Cola-tello, who married him in Kingston in 1911, described him as "a rat, a dirty rat." CURTAIN GOES VP Prime Minister St. Laurent greets Viscount Alexander, the governor-general, as he arrived to open the first session of the 21st Parliament in Ottawa Thursday. Viscount and Lady Alexander arrived at the Parliament Buildings shortly before 3:00 p.m. After they inspected a tri-service guard of honor, they entered the Senate chamber where Vhe governor-general read the Speech from the Throne to the combined houses. C. P. Photo) MARKETS' NOW See Them at RUPERT j fre!h fruit C0NSTR! ALTERA' Peaches, Hales, 2 pounds 43 Tall, blond Sophie Iltchlch, of bv Canon Basil S. Prockter VANCOUVER Walter Prestyko will be hanged December 7 for the strangulation on July 5 of 86-year old Michael Geluch. Prestyko listened without emotion Saturday to his death sentence, after an all-male Assize court Jury found him guilty. John Worobec, jointly charged In the murder, goes on trial MILITANT ATTACK (Continued tiom iage 1) REPAIRS St. Andrew's Cathedral. PEOPLES STORE: Crate $2.75 Prunes, Case : $2.19 Bananas, lb .25 Apples, cooking. 3 lb 29 Lemons, large Cal., doz 50 raepetruK. Calif., 3 lor 25 Oranges (Navel)..: 22-. .50 Dates, lb 35 Canteloupe, 27's, 2 for 43 Vegetable Celery, lb. .13 Foreign Money Trading Stopped Instructions have been Issued to local banks that foreign currency is not to be accepted until further orders which are FLOOR SA' GAMES POSTPONED Wet grounds caused postponement of the Savoy-Merchants double header baseball A SPECUd .15iepected tomorrow. This is due i RID 561 f Rhubarb. 2 lb.... games Sunday afternoon. Thsj the to the drop In the value of English pound. Beets, bunch 10 Parslev, bunch .. -15 Turnips, lb. .07 j During the rally, the Salva- visional commander here. Major tion Army band accompanied Warrander Invited Canon W. F. the hymn singing. Rushbrook to deliver the opcnr j The congress officially opening prayer, after which Rev. ed Saturday night In the form Fred Antrobus of First Baptist of a welcome meeting to Col. Church gave the Scripture read- Best shortly after his arrival Ing. from the interior where he had Major Warrander then turned visited Salvation Army posts on the meeting over to Mr. Felsen-' his way west. Delegates from thai who acted as chairman dur- throughout the division were on hand. Col. Best was welcomed ing the following proceedings, Mrs. F. E. Anfield sang a vocal by Major Warrander. solo, "Breath of God." j Senior Capt. Offutt of Port Following Col. Best's address, Simpson, representing the native he was thanked by G. R. S. officers of the division, brought Blackaby of the Regular Baptist greetings and presented Col. tames were ror me league championship. School Secretary Mrs. M. M. Rqper returned by air Saturday from Qualicum Beach where she attended the annual convention of the B. C Trustees' Association. 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodie 11:00 Songs to Sing 11:15 Songs of Yesterday 11:30 Weather Forecast 1:31 Message Period 1:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Mediodia P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CUC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Summer Symphony 2:00 In a Lighter Mood 2:30 Records at Randum 2 : 45 Commentary Allison Grant 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Serenade City ambulance was kept very busy Sunday with a total of four calls in all. Taken to General Hospital were Mr. Vano Margor in Prince Rupert. He then acte as chairman of a varied musicai program. A devotional meeting at whicn prayers were offered for the Church who declared that he was Best with a copy or nis auuresi Best expressed his pleas- i success of the congress was held lrom the Royal Hotel, D. Miller from 1153 Eeventh Ave. and Rob-! ert Cameron from 1070 Eleventh Avenue East. G. Harris was taken from S.S. Catla to Miller Bay Hospital. gratified to hear the militant Col Col. Best.' rP at. once acain having an op- Friday evening. Senior Majo. ; attitude expressed by and Mrs. Warrander conducte" The benediction was delivered portunity to attend a congress the meeting. The hall was flllea for the occasion. NATIONAL SECURITY AIR SlClRITY A to man Tl IAUJUIS n)hm4mM ft m4 hximhi' ft iTv X ..'1 MMamf ymm p I H4 it v htm m wtliawn chwifi in our mnd tiur) immttm n alvart aw mtj look up to! 9 fee 9 tee !! One III a i 'iYMme $ol4 4f tt . . . twriW vttli rwr -Wf'i mm4 UtVm tm ANY TKMI Dl IAUARO S tmH. AT POOD STOtU lYIRYWHIII clter He's a member of aircrew in the Royal Canadian Air Force. Months of training on some of the finest aircraft and technical equipment the world have made him a man to in BH Venetian be respected ... a man to whom we all look for the defence and security of our than ever at it AW LOWER PRICE Still llir same "tup quality' but at a nrw, lowrr price . . . making M ON A St A I. mora rrnnoniiral than over! Still pivr lowlier, mon vtaohahlo wall anil ccilins . . . mill cover more wall per ran and kg. ' lunimuin Steel, in a wlil'' ,s01 Canadian skies. His job is a big one ,-olors Willi um trastinn tPp Drop in and f" nr, andwf' but he'll measure up . . . and he'll be a proud addition to a great Air Force. If you can meet the standards required by the R.C.A.F., you can become a pilot, radio officer or navigator. On completion of your basic training, r:ill nd m driri to a siiioiit h. longer lant , ing finish. lndnu-H ni.d'1 Installed price. Commodore -Cale Better Th-n Ever" you'll be commissioned and appointed to th rank of Flvina Officer with a tola Best Fonr! and Rarvlre In flllv Pbone 17 for Send-Out Order.! 12 a-. ,',J S Third Ave Divld Chow. Mfrr Income of $284 a month. Don't wait! Find out RIGHT NOW about the thrilling future that awaits you in the service of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Write or visit WE McBrlde Street R.C.A.F. RKCRl'ITINO IMT 1901 West Pr.rler Street Vancouver, B.C. " Phone PAcific 673G REFACED M0 Tin ii ir - Rapid service TRAVEL oT.rLE, THE EASY, COMFORTABW r?-.mjlav- I rtnl ... .1 Vd Letting the valvc-grinilinff job go too long may ruin the valves ... It's sure to ruin your disposition. We'll reface your auto values quickly and at low cost. Drive in today 1 PHONE GREEN 217 ( Superior Auto and Body Service , To Queen Uiariouo U) - (Daily, Except Sim To Alice Arm, Stewart (Every Thursday For Tnfnrmntion and Rcsen'atw;' Sludebaker and Austin . :: Sales and Service '1225) Ji'i. -: . L