I TTT prfnee nSijeti DafI? T3cto3 ,5! ! Monday, September 10, 194,- WIDE RESPONSE CONTRIBUTES TO SUCCESS OF TERRACE FALL FAIR Timely Topics from Terrace Mrs. C. R. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter ER P'LL j At a culmination of months of hard .'frafflC Heavy In work by a board of directors r- i- 1 t-i. 1 who were new to the job. Lnghsh Channel The merchants and citizens o? LONDON Traffic was heavy the community had co-operated to tne English Channel Sunday whole heartedly. The material Three swimmers made ."tttd sunnort given by the merchants nnsmino under their Dower white general meeting of thel noon for the late Peter McNicol Civic Centre Association held in TERRACE Thursday was Fall Fair day. The stores in town closed at 2 o'clock and the children also had a holiday from school in the afternoon. All of Terrace seemed to be gathered at the Civic week. Deceased was S3 years of age and was an old tinier in the laraa ftrma In Yrinp T? 1 1 rw r t v, Ailul at Va Vinlf WAV district. . v. "Fjv ' "' . - ' - - - i - - g lum in xaircu w w". ...... , Centre for the first fair in 18 years. All day long) Crowds thronged the hall of the building and intense 1 gained this year will help make wam the 20-mile strip In orH hin(r picas- a bigger and better Fair In 1956. posite directions while an Egyp-j the Civic Centre on Friday evening it -was decided to dispense with the services of the director ! but to hire a caretaker and! someone to take charge of tlie bowling alleys. The various committees of the association will have charge of oryaniiiinn the winter activities of the centre. It was felt that the centre was not getting the support of the community as a whole to Alan Smith had the misfof-tune to break his arm on Thursday and U now a patient in tlte Outpost Hospital. during the afternoon. The Skeena Mercantile occu tlan soldier made it from Francet rancei On the board of directors are: President. B. R. Dodds; vice- to England. A 58-year ' oldj U the firstly this, fall. English swimmer failed. pied a good position In the auditorium and caught the eye I president, W. Griffiths; record-1 ing secretary, Mrs. H. Philip, cor interest was snown in the exhibits and in the events. Two hundred and thirty-sU entrants had placed 683 entries and there were good showings in all sections The art section waa particularly surprising. Some lovely oil paintings were on dU-, play showing how much hidden 1 void this Dy ur bin AIM You Saw tu The News. "Curley" Casey left on Thursday's train fo Vancouver where he will have a medical checkup at Shaughnessey Military Hospital. PHILPOTT EUITT & Co. Ltd. Lumber Kuikling Supplies warrant the keeping of a director. A caretaker was a greater necessity, and the executive was empowered to act on this matter. ol the crowd with thete display ol radios, washing machines, f ur.i arxt drapes. Terrace Ma- chine Shop had on show one of its new cars. Coleman oil heat-ers were demonstrated by Raw-I Wy Beecher. Herb Young had 'a table ul Swift's products, .specialising in baby foods and responding secretary, Mrs. Norah Olson; treasurer, J. McLeod. Winners of the Pet Parad? were: Special prize for the best trained dog, Mrs. E. Mills; bef,: dressed dog, Robin McColl; cutest puppy, Ann Smith and Charlie Kofoed tied; cats. Sheila McColl, first, Evelyn Wold, sec- C51 . 1 and; goats, Mary Ann Brand's,' first, Gerakt Brandis, second;! birds, Gail McCoU; rabbits, Mar- lene Michiel; horse, Herbert! Prandle; turtle, Bobby Coardr talent had come to light at this exhibition. Despite the wind and rain uX the preceding days, the display if flowers wah larve and heaut.k- After spending tlte summer montlia at Telkwa, Mrs. Greer and grandson Van Johnson returned to their home at Terrace on Thursday. lWaUias " " P"1 (id. Choice vegetables, fruit. a stairway is being placed to reach the rooms above the bowling alleys which will- be used by the Women's Institute for their sewing and hobby clas-ses. Funeral services were conducted In Terrace on Friday afUr- display. grain and dairy produce filled the dbplay tables. Canned fruit ,R. Clayton, Watson Island; T. A. fKRIV'ALS Rupert Lalng, Telegraph Creek; R. Wat- Vancouver; A. wn. Vancouver; B. Douglas, f,wr: b. OGrady, Vancouver; H. Pelland, Vancou- and vegetables. Jams, pickles, bread, cakes and pies were dis I Afternoon tea was served at small tables In the aikiitorium by charming waitresses an J ; there was a constant flow of children to the ice cream and hi in., hi -'fy ,Gfe, Vancouver; )Ver; a. H. McOuire, Vancouver; played in tempting array. Some lovely work was to be ANNOUNCEMENT THE SERVICES OF A QUALIFIED PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER NOW AVAILABLE CATHERINE LAURIE Public Stenographer events closed with a dance in seen In the needlework section The day's S(ft drinks counter. and other crafts sections. School Vancouver; Mr. I Walker. Kltselas; Jl) Birnie, Prince lllarnan, Terrace; fry, Winnipeg; H. L, Calif., L. D. ,r; Mr. and Mrs. mm A. Jv. Donovan, A. J. E. Chilton, Smilhers, G. C. White-man, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Magan, Prince Oeorge; H Simpwun, Hazelton; L. Buchanan. SmRhers; C. W. Cornish, Vancouver; N. K. DeWltt, Pac- work was exhibited and there were entries in the special sec ific; F. W. Forbes, Vancouver; Mi ; M. Law, Vancouver; Miss M. Joyce, Juneau, Alusia; E. Jac-fluest, Edmonton. J. de Oreef, Terrace; H. Leeuw Terrace; A. C. McGougan, Vancouver; R. B. McKay, Vancouver; Leslie Smith, Vancouver; R. S. Spencer. Inverness: L. the auditorium at which the drawing for a big ham donated by Swifts Ltd. was won by Peggy Laird. In view of the fact that plans tion for the children. It was regretted that there were no entries in the Indian exhibits ckiss. 4 Tel. Green Pays. Green 412 Evgs. 101 Third Ave. (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) 41 m 11.! . 1 A W7.. II TTI .-. rl ,t nut t :. d WOOD CAFE 1 t m however this was- in part made "" a" " u,u until late in April, up for by Peter van Stolk's pri- materialize vate Indian collection. The llve-J this week's Fair was successful beyond all expectattaia. It was stoek was on view outside tho Saunder, Vancouver; Mr. anc Mrs. Duffy, Vancouver; W Chambers, Ciaxton; R. R. Blak -TO-DATK CAFE 'IN THE CITY Mimeographing Letters Composed Financial Statements For the children there officially opened by commis- , . 1 1,. J nv,A iif.1t! tliO building Report Bulletins Minutes Stenography Mailing Ltetr Monthly Statements 11:30 A.M. TO 3:33 A.M. and a pet parade sioner c. nuswiu "- were races Dbt In Chinese Dishes ley, Port Edward; N. Y. Kno Vancouver; R. Summcrvllle, Van couver; G. B. Andrews, Vancouver; C. V. Eckford, Vancouver, T. Laurie, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. McGee, Vancouver; J Vogville, Vancouver; Miss Marion Read, Terrace; Miss E. Head Terrace. i jjEY-CHOW MEIN FOR ... J : , Highest Quality in Your Printing Professional ami Business till Orders PHONE US l1-J -i ' Y A-'" ;K-t ! Avail yourself of ur experience and versatility. DIBB PRINTING CO. BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234 JEANNE FAURE ART CLASSES 211 NINTH AVENUE EAST Phone Green 928 JACK AND JILL KINDERGARTEN MRS. E. C. MeLEAN Phone Black 712 or Bluo 908 Sixth and Tatlow Tur nto ruff Just Arrived BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 Second Avenue West CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Brand New Shipment Scandinavian Records Sales Service and Parts Boat owners and users of Industrial Engines are invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. Latest Records By rtagnar Hasselgren Come In and Hear Our NO. 6 Jan Johnson's Wedding Hej o Ho B. & W. TRANSFER DRY FIR KINDLING WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 186 NO. 31 Halsa dem darhemma Barnsdomsliemmet -By Ragnar Hasselgren NOT WANTED PERMANENTLY Robert. H. Oarlin eastern Canadian and International director of the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, has been permanently barred from the United States. Announcement of the ban wai made this week by A.' J. Kar-nuth, district director of U.S. immigration at Buffalo, Reason given was merely that Carlin's presence in the U.S. was "not considered in the best Interest of the country." Carlin, who lives in Sudbury, has long been accused of Red affiliations but a year ago he took out an affadavit saying he was not a member of the Communist party. (C. P. Photo) NO 3" Nu Ska' vi dansa -By Eric Uyuing ana A.ueu AlmesUd accordion duct San Francisco Polka m.. a nn Cirnncnn Violer till mor """ NO. 24 DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 ' P.O. Box i216 Nar ljusen skall tandes dar hemma -By Carole Larsen FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed Solweigs Sang NO. 28 1 - ' Langsel I'nderlige aftenlufte i- havren sung by Aage NO. 41 Emil Jacobsen -L.. U.i lo NO. 30 n Sol och sommar Till Dans med Kartetads-flickorna 1 m What Wliat counts counts with with your jour rni-tl by Tage Ekvall's Orchestra Ij Jog Jog is is being ltcing nourished nourislicJ RisVflvl -i or.rv inch! iurh! Feeil Feeil him him f(S lUiPJl erery GA1.NKS keep him hap A. P. GARDNER & Co SPENGE & MATUIK PAINTERS St DECORATORS Brush or Spray Free Estimates Phone Blue 215 1 233 11th St. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS NO. 38 Trolleo Schottische Pinnetis bondvals -by Tage Ekvall's Orchestra mil J. ',,.. 1118 Melville Btreet VANCOUVER - B.C. pier, healthier he'll he vuirh more fun! For GA1NF.S i kennel-tested hiolopically proved nutritionally complete. I KRVNl'-HOW J Mc-al mm REiims BSiBS SORE THROAT IwS IN EVERY POUNu i ,! PIANO TECHNICIAN ? Tuning, VoUIng and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East j in i lin,rfll. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINQ in I ""'r ! Ul 74 j ft. i II m.M Mfll II m tai Bcj , I "WARM WOOLS for WINTER lit PHONR BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all . Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 Jl'ST ARRIVED PURE BOTANY ENGLISH WOOL 3 and 4 ply in a large assortment of colors, as well as " many other National Brands. Needles, guages, books, etc. Get Complete Supplies for Knitting at GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phon. 387 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED . H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving HServlce 1 Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 516 Pbone Red 400 518 3rd Ave. W. I ' t$t Complete Meal for Alt fM I 'yHSj j) l -The Man oflSHiwr "ZCHIC YOUNG 'pj - Sigrna Kappa .Ki-YH ' ELMEP f L J 1 CLIE DCWN. ) Jf l-1 NOW f K ACTING LIKE i$ tizssiJk d-- J&,-1& V4" f I ?T' taAx i -SlvjSf DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Fargo Trucks AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels" and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. PHONES Black 334 P.O. Box 1670 P.O. Box 1670 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and. Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. MATTSON'S . -; UPHOLSTERING ' Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 62B 338 Second Avenue j Pr!nc Rupert, B.C. REPORTING and PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY PHONE: Days, 342 Evenings, Green 188 Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones: 866 Office, 566 Shop