THE MARKETS 6 12rinte .Rupert Dailp Rrtoi Lto. i . Tuesday, March 2, 1948 IT'S BIG...1000 THRILLS...M-G M's J""-,, f Ml-!"" 1 THUt NUVtL UN Inc. SCREEN! FINAL RITES FOR MRS. DURHAM Rev. Earl Soiland, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, of-ficated yesterday afternoon at the Orenville Court chapel of the B.C. Undertakers for the FASHION SHOW IS 1 SET BY REBEKAHS Centennial Rcbekah Lodge, at its regular meeting, planned ior tlie annual fashion show to tic held on March 19. It is expected that this year's show will be of .surpassing interest since this will be the first year that the styles have definitely changed. The committee in charge of arrangements consists of Mrs. J. Delorme, Mrs. T. H. Priest, Mrs. IT. V. Tattersall, Mrs. W. S. Stevens, Miss Alida Johnson, and the noble grand, Miss Betty Hood. 'funeral of the late Mrs. Charles Durham, one of the earliest pioneer women of this district, whose death occurred last week at her home at Usk. He gave an TIDAL WAVE1 T. --' M)v CONFLICT! VVH " .) EARTHQUAKE! rf h'i TRIBAL WAR! if 7 t I ) 1000 THRILLS! -i "tAC Pi II rA ' address on immortality before a 'congregation consisting of rela- tives and old friends of the fam- i iiy. Mrs. J. C. Gilker presided at the organ to accompany the tew ainwo . - PROTECTED Wintry blasts from England's Wolverton marshes cause Queen Elizabeth to protect her stinging ears with a warm shawl as she attends ceremonies marking the completion of a reclamation project. Somr 600 acres of marshland have been put into cultivation there . Canned Fruits Apricots, 20-oz .32 Cherries ( fancyi 20-oz 38 r ...., wriP., , 211-cv. .41 UUftMll - w - " Peaches, choice 29 Canned Vegetables Dill Pickles, gal 1.75 Cut Green Beans, fey. each 20 No. 3 Peas, fancy 20 Mixed Vegetables 1! Diced Beets, tin 15 Wax Beans, choice ' .18 Mixed Peas and Carrots 19 LANA TURNER DONNA flCHAPO HEFLIN REED HART nm era hid ma . in u m b TOMC3nOVV rT-Ji'.f.inn jt J 1 1 tn I FiJ Ti "KAGK IX IIEAVKX" I COVKIl I'.K.IOWN Pumpkin - .20 J Corn, .choice 22 I Corn Ntblets .24 In,bnrl niifins nPP till .21 I-ai Emperor Grapes, lb .20 Apples, cooking. 3 lb .20 Fancy Apples, 3 lbs .35 Grapefruit, Texas (white), 96 s, 4 for .25 (pink), 96's, 3 for .20 Lemons, large, doz .45 Oranges (Navel) 25 .49 Dates, pitted, lb .25 Anjou Pears, 3 lbs .31 Cranberries, lb .35 Lard i Pure, lb .32 : Shortening 35 Soap, face, 2 for H Laundry, cake .C8 - .25 Sunlight, cake 09 Soap Soap Podwers, large .35 Glace Fruit ! Cherries, 'lb. pkt. .3f. Almond Paste, lb .42 Coconut, lb .03 Fruit Cake Mix. lb .49 Dates (fanry), 1-lb. pkt. .35 Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. .47 Seeded Raisins, lb. ... ...... .24 Shelled Walnuts, Vi .40 ! Shelled Almonds, i lb. .49 shelled uraziLs, 2lb .4o ; Jams Pure i Strawberry, 24 oz .61' Raspberry, 24 -oz .50 Blackberry, 28-oz 53 Cherry, 24 oz -60 Peach, 24-oz 51 Apricot, 24-oz. 53 Soups Canned Soups, .13 to 19 Jwmk Iifii niil j;roviucci fvr evety itiiif 3 We're Speciii TAIII.l; .Ml tl) I. (il! (m : lip RUPERT RADIO & ELECTR SPRING FINDS MOUTHS READY FOR GREEN FOOD Despite the snow on the ground, it is getting close enough to spring for jaded appetites to have a hankering for green stuffs, especially that crunchy head lettuce that has been only a memory since the government got tough in the matter of American dollars. Well, it was just a thought, because there are not any available 1 I locally but, as the snow-flakes turn to rain and the ground thaws out, British Col umbia gardeners will be planting the stuff, so it should not be too long a month, perhaps before lettuce materializes. In the meantime, there is always cabbage, selling at nine cents a pound. Good, iirm heads too! It Is rumored in grocery row that canned pineapple and pineapple juice should be showing up in limited quantities sometime this week. Actually, nobody expects a great deal of It since only a single shipment came from Australia but it will be something to look forward to. Spanish onions, which have stayed staunchly in the grocers' vegetable bins all winter (not the same ones, of course i, are 8n the way out now, It is reported. They have been selling at about two pounds for 25 cents during most of their season uid like onions of all varieties, have been highly popular with some and anathema with others. It's about time to put in a plug for that good old Canadian cheese which is so lavishly displayed these days after a long famine. Tlaced in hu;.;e cyclindcrs on the counters its )lden appearance is in keep ing with its rich taste. Tiiere is one product that Canada can be proud of. It sells in the neighborhood of 49 cents a pound on the avenue. Hubbard and Danish .squash. , which have been available throughout the winter are either finished or just about finished on the local market. Current local prices arc as follows: Sweet Potatoes, 2 lb.s 33 Parsnips (unwashed) lb O'J Turnips, lb Mushrooms, lb Garlic, lb Cabbage, new, lb Beets, 3 lb Sugar White, lb 10 Golden Yellow, lb 10 Fresh Alilk Quart 20 Pint ... Cream pint Grade A: Large, cartoned, doz. ,r)ii Medium, doz Fish Halibut, lb Salmon, lb Cod, fresh ling, lb Black Cod, smoked, lb.' Smoked Kippers, lb Butter First Grade, lb Milk Evaporatfc! Milk. 16-oz. tins, 2 for 2!) Case 6.65 Cheese Canadian Cheese, lb 49 Flour Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 53 Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard w heat 2.95 Flour (24'st 1.5ft Tea and ol'lce UeLuxe Quality, lb 1.14 Coffee, lb 59 Juices Tomatoes, 20-cs? 1") 40 oz 35 gallon 59 Apples, 20-Of,. tin, per tin 15 40 oz 35 Orange, 20-oz 15 Blended (orange and grape fruit, 20 oz. 15 43-oz 35 Jow Available! There I -t ! can't n. ikr A! l.illi. (.'. l.i ml .mi! li Dan's StH Station M li; Box Ctlil JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue hymns which were "Beautiful Words of Love" and "Abide With Me." Following the chapel service, interment was made in Fair-view Cemetery. Pallbearers were Albert Blackball, James Thompson, A. A. Stewart, W. R. Adams, Harry Varner and Buckley Shannon. Many beautiful floral tributes were offered as tokens of sympathy and esteem. , Want Member of Tourist Council Trinec Rupert Chamber o.r Commerce is renewing its representations with a view to having legislation passed at the forthcoming session of the Legislature in ViCvoi-iU to provid:: for the appointment of a fu;l time permanent memoer of the British Columbia Tourist Council from Prince Rupert as well as from Prince George which now holds the membership. It was decided at last night's meeting of the local Chamber to further pursue the matter. Business and HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches. 206 4th Street Phone 655 THOM SHEET MET AT. LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. 1361 Overlook Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers ' Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ' GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phcne 387 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds. Roofs,' Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 48B Red 894 SUPERIOR PECORATORS PAINTING :: PAPER1IANGING Phone: Blue 952 or Black 245 Ler Kitchens Bill Thornton You saw it in the Daily News! Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, Weighing BLUE 780 BLUE 980 "A" BOMB SURVIVOR Kay Polchikoff Is pictured on the phone as she called her fiancee, ex-G.I. Paul Drago of Camden, N.J., upon her awi-val in San Francisco, Calif., from Tokyo. The 26-year old girl, a White Russian, is the first Caucasian survivor of the Hiroshima atom bombing to arrive in the U.S. She w ill continue her journey to Camden to wed Paul, whom she met in Tokyo a year ago. Cheerful despite the terrible ordeal she will never forget, she explained smilingly that the only thing she knows to be wrong with her, as a result of the bombing, is that her white blood cell count is low. DOMICILIARY INFLUENCE Old age pensions in Denmark are influenced by the domicile of the recipient. If he lives in the city he gets more than a country man. Professional DR. P. .1. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 76a P.O. Box 1401 If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourseli fully Insured while I do the work. STEPHEN ERICKSON PIANO TECHNICIAN TUNING AND REPAIRS Black 195 411 West 7th Ave. JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 GEOROE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING P.O. Box 1426 147 4th East Phone Black 439 JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western Papers, NANAIMO FREE PRESS NOW AVAILABLE Sixth Street Red 808 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Prompt Service Baggage Freight Fjtpress Phone Blue 269 322 Sixth St Night Calls Green 882 QUALITY REPAIRS Fur Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave f 0 Ormes D jiuiT-aiiiej 3 For You! 3 I Our Lay-Awsiy Plan J Willi a Small Deposit s WALLACE'S Of Course - 0000'00000 A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Inlaid Linoleum with Burlap Back and Printed Flour Covering Table Oil Cloth, all colors Carpets Flionc 775 327 3rdAvc. Margaret McLeod OPTOMETRIST IN NEW OFFICES ROOM 10 STONE BUILDING NEW PHONE BLUE 593 Add tunny velvety Battel tone to yew rlll end ceilinge let your furnlihinji eppeer In new letting. 8-H Fretconette One Ceet Velvet Finish offen todey'r ieeit reliable One Coet quick-dryinj. Willy epplied peinL Let ut show you iMMlorcerd. 9 Lrf hi McBride St. Phone 311 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS ! ... if prop'.c r.M il tli-l'" lieui B'lH giv l!i'c litllc folk a fijihtiiu liHii-e. TNo the io'tnr, vc liuvp the MM. It in imlhii'k- l,l that ciek and rii; c Inldrcii ehouhl hr l-iiivl ih rilil 1 url well tLroiif.'h lnok f li'i:i)itiil f:'i!iti: . If etry '..C hihU in it.H l'...;ir Seul iol)ur. Daily car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday PHONE 81 faeililivH ai b rhild t H.C. I GASOLINI AVAIIiAIJI.K AT LINDSAY MOTORS L1 LICHS SICK C5?!??LED CHILDREN rfcKR OF B.C. K25 CiRANYILLE ST., VANCOUVER, B.C. Ee'.cficie'ici: Vet'iMver C! Jldten'i Mif ita!. , Veneuvr Pte.itoriuT On i Mict.' .' Sot-rtjm, V.I. St. Chfiiiopher'i School, N. n. Vs'ic I'ei lv'l . Society ol B.C. SMVlCli TO Contra lulal ions! I'M 8 A. SI 10 A ll I I !l I' H OTEl iiMiHin'i'iy A pi;r t',J (it ATE" V I-; N .Arrti' SiiriMi $ New Manas1' RUPERT MARINE REALTY Saanich Plumbing and HEATING ON OI'KMNC TIIKIK SI'LKNIHI) NliW ltUILl)lN(; AND STOUK ON McHIMDi: STUKKT AT FOURTH AVENUE WE WISH THEM EVERY SUCCESS PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONES 631 (J32 Coal Lumber Paints Building Supplies YOUR BEST EATING PLACE ITILL-COUKSK R1KALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. BANOJJLT HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, LUNNElia AND PARTIES . CIlINKSi: DISHES BROADWAY CAFE 608 3rd Ave. W. Phone 200, 11. CLAUSEN & SUN) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS. MARINE AND FISIILNG EQUIPMENT TRY ". ' " ' RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (just East of LlDseU'. Waterfront) '. ; LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Box 51S mSteWt 975 J