Prince Rupert Daily Hews Wednesday, July 12, 1950 mi A picture shows her deftly . handling onions and carrots in, ithe course of household duties.; ' rr 1 k..l . Uanru V Unrlfps! DRESS It Ray Reflects " """" aLiTT 'Ifel. rv.l.t ii I aia liemiMSCeS M newspaperman . As editor of 'the Victoria Times he doubtless t For Summer ! A ecu provides the pi. Al Minister Of j Sweden Here Per Wijkman Tells of Increasing Trade and Travel With Canada Touring Wt:;tern Canada for. the purpose of meeting his countrymen as well as studying the possibilities of trade development between the Dominion and a Published every afternoon except Sunday by "Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 8rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, 5 British Columbia ' Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau or Circulations 2 Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Q. . HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES '1 .7?J c o jrd 'he OF THE GOOD vAl Men's Fine dress si j Ottawa says that should Canada find herself facing hostill- ties, mobilization can be fast and smooth, because the machinery of selective service is still here, and the general framework essential to being on a war foot-I ing, remains. As for the differ- ITE If the Kort a crisis dors deepen, ' it would not be the first time Russia clashed with, the Brlt'sh in the Pacific In 1855, the Crimean War being on, three ships--' two British and one French-sailed from Victoria to attack a ByjCarrler, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 7Sc; rer reai -$8.00; By Mall, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. es Men's Fine W'OKstrdJ the From : kllD Kb Substitute for Work port in Siberia. It was tha'. in- hls country, Per Wijkman, Swed "esre between S1.10 a day and Men's GAlSARDlNg , en's minister to Canada, is here $1.50 an hour, that s sometning ciaeni mat wnnev. i diu nf a uitpm naval siauon Front J Men's SPOUT SIIIKTS else again. , Esquimau. it 1 111 fron, A Mrs. Hodges. Speaker of the Provincial Legislature, also lias a j sound knowledge of domestic DRESS nd WOUR large selection. Charles M. Adam of Terrace was in Prince Rupert this week. In the course of a brief visit. Mr. today. He arrived on the Prince Rupert tills morning from Vancouver. Accompanying him are his wife and "Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson. Mr. Hanson is Swedish Consul for Northern B.C. and the Yukon. They will make the round trip to Ketchikan and tomorrow from here will return to Vancouver to proceed to Jasper and Edmonton. I science and takes a pride in it. WAVELL RESTS IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY The flag-draped casket bearing the remains of Field Marshal Earl Wavell is shown at Westminster Abbey, London, for final services. Wavell, onetime viceroy of India and outstanding commander of the North African campaign during World War II, died after . a surgical operation. He was buried at Winchester College. The body was taken from the Tower of London in a royal army service launch to Westminster pier and then to Westminster Abbey. From p. Men's OUTING SHIR Wool. R..g. $10,50' 'Adam came here in 1907. He wa Included in the party that assisted the late John Houston re move his press from whee it i had been locked in OTP prem E D who has come to the land of the Indians, robbed them of their fishing grounds: Maybe Tzinquaw is about to do some Boys' PANTS. A gfXJt ises, to await printing what inter Swedlsh-Crnrdian trnde 1 tn- si uon lor dress and became the new city's first paner ioreaslnir. favs Mr. Wlikman and carcass of fthe destroyed mon-ti'er until the fishing grounds are replenished by , nature. Mildred Valley Thornton, famous portrait painter of Indians, writes: rQ As j J 1 fit thing to the Killer-Whala, maybe through the agency of atomic bombs or otherwise. Who knows' I think the better truer interpretation would be as follows: The Killer-Whale is nationalism and racism, which acts on Boys' t'NDKUWEAR, i bottoms qu The Empire. That's 47 years apo. Today, not manv are left of those who shared In one of the picturesque "highliKhts" of early Prince Rupert history. Sweden is Interested in increas-lg her Imports from and exports to Canada, "i avel from Canada to Sweden is also increasing and last year 2600 Canadians visited id! THIS is an age of synthetics. We have synthetic 5 rubber and a host of other manufactured ma-teials which are more or less claimed to be as' good . ifftiot better than the real thing. Most substitutes ar developed because of a shortage or the high cost othe real thing. The two great wars were chiefly rponsible for the development of many new swithetic materials ; . The creation of these synthetics is a striking example of the resource and ingenuity of modern rrjln, and particularly of the compelling power of njjfcessity, the mother of invention and enterprise. AS the population of the world grows, the necessity far substitute raw materials and even food will be nigpre and more imperative. The marvelous achieve-' njf nts of modern science are not miracles performed, bjj the rubbing of an Aladdin's lamp ; they have been, tig? gradual development of individual initiative and sfill, prompted by personal ambition to excel and ' produce something the world needed for its advancement.' All progress has been the result of personal initiative which eventually developed into corporate enterprise. j Corporate enterprise, however, cannot take the place of or dispense with individual initiative and aittbition, whether it be to invent a new gadget or "Tne opening scenes are sol the principle that pnysicai emn, closing ones full of fire ; st,rength Is everything, and that In the opening stasres of the first war "secret weaoons" were ! and emotional intensity. The one creature or group or creat ... u!nftAn honrrl nf TnHnv thprp lq Sweden. An interesting disclosure by Mr. Wiikman is that the Swedish Kcvernment is makln grants to C madian university :' students to study in Swedish j universities ! In addition to being Swedish minister to Canada, Mr. Wijkman i holds the post of consul-seneral. (Continued on page 3 : WHAT'S All OIL L! 5 By ELMORE PHILPOTT WATCH FOR TZINQUAW HERE IS SOME really exciting news in the world of music and drama. An all Canadian-India;! cast will soon perform dick of hundreds or small wood- U""e can run rampant over uic - w. .... . en paddles j ,, which, , , ornament : Li rights v,fc r.t of nthM. others. ThP Tne victims vicums oi of , occaslona reference to "trapO in the campaign , in Vnr Korea and or,H aggressions try, some of the costumes provides i Killer-Whale's beat him at his own chiefly at th, expense of the a new accent in rhythm, and ' to meet and ; because, Americans Communists wi t always the throb of the war j game-but lose out, ' to popular saying, you not be obliged to wait very mud drums rolls in a moving unde contrary tone. Solos, duets, and chorus! can't fight the devil with fire, longer to discover something ne have extraordinary primitive Then In the end, they turn in the trap line. The Yank! power and appeal Never to the power of the spirit. They , have a talent when it comes tc throughout the entire opereti a' invoke the aid of Tzinquaw, the inventions. ... is there a disgression from the j spirit of God which descends j true native quality of the i tnd sits upon the mind of man, Speaking of motorine, Ontario legend." 'and raises him above the level has problems, let It be hoppd, j of the brute beast. 'not shared by other provinces. I BORROWED THE SCRIPT " 'Ontario has motorists nnnble to of this operetta and almost j THE WORLD PREMIERE OF read or write. Therefore, any-laughed right out loud when i Tzinquaw will take place in ! thins: in the -(-hape of siens is EASES BREATHING... 1 r It Is a s!mple devi automatically supplies burner with fuel oil I: tank located convenie: ground level. t the world premiere of an oper- Eliminates Barrel SiJ on the legend or known to us as process, or whether it be to operate one and do a job , etta based li - i- A . . ' i-i-- u-j "Tzinquaw,' I "Thunderblrd." People who naa imished it. For it seems to Duncan in late oeptemuci. meaningless, ana this, in .urn No Fire Hazards! No Oil Smell! Call know what' they are talking j me that narrow-minded people hope to get over to vowicnua decreases the chances of secur-about and who have actually are bound to cast the white man I and see a dress rehearsal. Will ny, Ontario nas a Job on her . , - . . . . . tM rt T An seen a dress renearsai oi tne in tne role of the Killer-Whah report more u anu wuc.i ,nanas at once. to ine Desi oi one s auiuiy. Hiveryuouy caiuiui ue n inventor, but everybody can and should obey the Scriptural injunction: "Whatsoever thy hand find-eth to do, do it with thy might." If that were f ollow-eti there would be no labor disputes, no shortages, no economic problems domestic or national and our GORDON D. RON drama, say it is really big-time That long d'awn wall around Monday's bedtime hour was stuff. For four years a manual For Free F.tirojv 733 5th Ave. W. B- training teacher at the Cowi- sbcial and moral problems would be reduced to the t chan Indian school has worked TAinimnm. "Fnr Satan findeth mischief still for idle cn this production. Just as Rob- erl Burns did for Scotland and Tschalkowsky did for Russia, hlanfls to do." ' i "Scienre has invented manv mpchaniral devicps tl 1 UHlnn Vino oaniriffai. ! RELIEF from HAY FEVER and ASTHMA Inhale the toothing herbal vupori of KelloKB- Asthma Relief HreathiriR become more free and natural. Bringi effective relief even to chronic Asthma and Hay Fsrver auflerert. Over 60 yeart in ue. Available in cigaretta form, if de-aired Ask your nearest dealer. ... NOITHROP a IYMANCO. ITO., TORONTO ill. 1U4 SK. lr- ,. , land the ancient folks , . , , , , , , integrated and chemical processes that have lightened, and and dances of the Cowl merely the curfew a bit out on j time and quite harmless. But It could, and did arouse unrom- fortable reflections, now headlines scream again. Not so long ago, to show a light In Rupert, once evening earn, was next i thing to a capital offence. How! near, or how ciustant a Jap sub-1 marine or plane? The fear per- j slsted. " And, who "can say there J wasn't a reason. The prayer for j peace? It was everywhere. And the mad rejoicing when cease fire sounded. That is, for a while. sjjjeeded up all forms of manual and clerical work, chans. He has tied the whole V,f V,n ,mf imntaA o .Mitnto -IW .vrL- works together, with enough, Eng l.un 'J . J ldeed, it might be said that, 'while work has been : ' story. The result" is a powerful pro lightened, it has been intensified. With all his in 1 1.1 , r I I'll lr " LL7 ! T'. J ! duction which may well make ; history in Canada, and beyond. vntions,, modern man has not found relief from the' GS. HERE IS THE LEGEND ON which, the operetta is based: The monstrous Killer-Whale Ben Sampson is sailing tomorrow niht on the Prince Rupert for a two weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver. FOR PLANNIN FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRIN. Coll 36S MITCHEU & CURR1E LIMITED and left the Indians to starve. Many, brave attempts ot kill the j invader fail. Finally a foolish m -. m . .. ... L " I alliance and war also fails to get rid of the Killer-Whale. necessity of working for a living. 1 There is no escape from work. For the vast majority of the people in this world the edict issued al the exit from the Garden of Eden is still in force. Ml our scientific labor-saving devices have only increased the necessity, for work in a far greater vrity of occupations. It was the necessity of work tlSafiled to the development of the human brain and njan as we now know him. If civilized man ceased tJ work for a living he would deteriorate mentally, morally and physically. "Blessed is he who has f und his work ; let him ask no other blessedness," vote Carlyle, and Jie was a hard worker. Just Arrived ! Men's Black Kid GRANDMOTHER HAS A KEEN EYE Rarely indeed is royalty in such an informal pose as this one, with dowager Queen Mary and young Prince Michael, her grandson, on the balcony of Buckingham Palace as they , watched the return of the King's procession from the -ceremony of the Trooping of the Color on the Horse Guards parade. Prince Michael is the son of the late Duke of Kent and is a nephew of the King. At last the Indians return to the power of spirit and prayer.. They appeal to Tzinquaw, thej Thunderblrd. He . descends, de- stroys the Killer-Whale, and leaves the Indians to live on the I Huilders & ConUitK ' STEAMER I PRIMCE RUPK i -IN LOxford $16.i5 HEALTH SPOT By Murray of London SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TODAY SAILS FOE I Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons; but in every I nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. Acts 10: 34, 5. and Intermrdi" 3m Thursday at 11:15 p ..rur FOR KtlV-r-n .,.r r, V MIHVV LET'S GO OH A PICNIC ! For ResffT5' Write or " Vi CITV OR W OFn PRINCE m' i -r - 'ii a- -i 3 Mere is the spot to get Your Picnic Supplies PAPER PLATES FORKS KNIVES e spoons PAPER SERVIETTES I - r.l'tPi ENUINK3 SC. r.l-" We We armk mk anl anl h' hi" fammtns illrwis. Hlmiilrx Mmiilrx flan flas i:nrln Snrli" rinllilo fnH ! MnM. llnf. ACTIVATED" Shell Shell Premium Premium i Is (he llie iworI powerful 1 15 gasoline your car can use! I I Trnlllnr Pnlf '", ? Hras anil Iron B w "" IIMYWOOD cafe I'lston Klnirs. Pipe and Pipe FHII" Hulthlleil Bi Bearlnj' Juw Mutchu nll,or MUSEUM HOURS ) MOST UP-TO-DATE CAPE IN THE C1T KJeel and Bra-s HhaflW Bc.Hk, Niita, ul " 8Trw ... fi MONDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SUNDAY 11:005:00 P.M. 11:005:00 P.M. 1:008:00 P.M. 11:005:00 P.M. ' 1:005:00 P.M. V)PEN FROM S:3fl P.M to t:S0 A.M. ........ i W Specialise -In Cbinew DUhe t Hallllllt Hllle KOIir - j Am h.,r mrly Me!"1"' v- Klat Mild Hleei. Varlnus artlrlea ' "" , ware and eniilpment, ua to mention. nvTfiWN CHOP SUEY-CHOW MEIN i For Oatslde Order PHONI US Basketry Demonstration by Mrs. E. Abraham, Port Edward, i r B.C. erery Monday and Friday OPEN FOR ALL TOURIST BOATS MACHINE W05 This cartoon was drawn by Jack Boothe In the Toronto Globe ':"-' V (CP Photo) . WHAT KEEPS HIM JUMPING? and Mail. "V 1 aaain laaaaaaaraa- aaaaa'iTrarTM XTffWTfrflTTllMMltrM "V -j : " " ,.l- -iMi.i-'i n.iii.a.n .. 1 S j r