""- Prlnff lumt Dailp TltWs Friday, Dfcembfr lfi, Ifiid Response To . Modern Etiquette j " Q H nv should a drlnkims j Igiuss and u eultee cup be held? j I A. A drinking glas is held a little belof the centre bntweer. Hey Xmas Gilu f Victoria Report Isea s Prompt An Indpppndent deny riPWeprpT rierntpd rn the upi,mciir.e r.f Pr;ne Pilpert and nil mmn-.v.r..: ie comori-fn northern and centr.il British Columb:v (Authorised ss seconci Clsss Mflil. Post Office Denarrment. Ottawa) Pnhiinpfi every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert De!-v News Ltd . 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O A HUKTFR. Msnseint; Editor. H. O. PERRY Managing Director. M1CMBER OF CANADIAN PRPSS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION j the thumb and first two lingers. , Prompt response to the two Kids! K. 1 Seal letters Ti e handle ot the coffee cup b! . by y J. J. iv. Nesbitt nesoiu thousand Christmas dm.e rra :,:?d by t.V thumb and first SUBSCRIPTION RATES Otty Cmer. Per pk 20c: Per Momn. 75c: Per Year. 8.00. IT V By Mall. Per Month. 60c; Per Year. $5 00 was reported to the Soroptim- two fingers, the intra ana iourm 1st Club when It met in regular Lnng bent toward the palm, monthly dinner this week. Q. Is it obligatory that a bride , Gratification over this was ex- and bridegroom have a maid-of- j pressed, also appreciation to honor and a best man? Vexed Problems Pasteurization, Liquor And Workmen's Compensation By J. K. Nesbitt Absurd Radio Situation VICTORIA Pasteurization of milk is a subject ! those who had assisted in con A. No; but the presence of i 1 that nun olii-oi'u c-fnvt- o rmA ., . ti. .. i ...i I neption with the campaign. Miss um witnesses is traditional and I Saving Prij Men's SUITS i wool worsted. A rj? J?in. Perfect fits Men s TOP C0A Medium Molton f smartly tQiorcd f bargain ... Men's DRESS SH big selection from iV Men's T I E S JT 1 T HE squabble between the Canadian Broadcast- LV . ..." a VT , , ?y'P- m. Mooney. r.n. having re- " "seldom disregarded. inC Corporation and the government telegraph j 5? f Iatu" T A ?S t.- W1? !t why signed 08 chairn!an of the. T B' Q- How much should one tip j "TELL YOUR MOM IT'S THE LAST CHANCE TO GET THE CHIMNEY CLEANED FOR SANTA'S ARRIVAL Phone Black 8X1 T H OhA SHEET METAL LTD. i. i i . Vrf' Hi nut iiiuuuuic d uaanrux i.uiun law. eveil'irai " norrers on irauis.' service of the Department of Transport, which is thoilP-h public health officials want. it. impending aeparture wm uw A. To sleeping car porters, It j ' cy. Mrs- L- u- Ham ana Mr 25 50 cents: . :s correct to Sive or q r, j e U1 bo the Board of Health promotes pasteurization : m. o. Kuiiander were appoints ; bf,rth u for a day For a a of g,, ' by education, slow but t0 the 0,1 hich the" I a' method, one that 1 pays divi- fm"tee is customary. ' been active. dends in the long run. have already i gifts. Latest shade from ... second Royal T oociava to send out Mrs WUIa Ray for the bsine,j For instance, in the latest Act. It Is his families. rssion which was followed bv monthly Health Bulletin of the Commission enquiry into this B.C. Department of Health is controversial Act. which alwavs The dinner was held in the erving of refreshments. Miss Mens SWEATER this seemingly harmless little causes long discussions In the (-lvlc entre antI lne memoer Miinei vance. ine president, wa., paragraph: -You'll have little Legislature and which labor then adjourned to the home ot in the chair need to worry about such dis- unions want amended each " " punover ond buttt styles, wools, q! d Trom , eases as bovine tuberculosis, year. i Men's TROUS'-Rs tvpiiuia iever, unauiant fever, The present Act Is largely puc sore throat, paratyphoid based on the recommendations ana dysentery if you make sure of Chief Justice Sloan following n.c yuu annK nas oeen his enquiry into the old act ; a" wool m i ; Pet feet gift, good a I ; ment from t 'Men's all wool ri protected b y pasteurization. ' some years ago. The presen Moving racking, I'rating, Shipping and (ieneral Cartage and Storage . Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agrnts for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene nnd all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Esr -1910 I'honrs fin and fix ' heavy SHIRT-JAC'S good shades. R, bargain ... Men's SCX b ' selection, nw (jr god quality from Boys' SHIRTS I shades, from ) Boys' SWEATEkHt rasieunzaxion of milk makes enquiry will take at least a year. :t safe without harming its food Witnesses will be heard in many value and medical science has parts of the province and then -roven that pasteurized milk is the Chief Justice will have to a truly safe milk." work on his report. T7 The 51-year old Chief Justice, Another subject A1 that sends native of Nanaimo, has had a chills down the government's remarkable career for one so Cpi"e 'Vi(rr' . I comparatively young. He was th . I -V1"g h'S m3tter Attorney-general (in the first Lnoth.VCna ant PVen get ttullo administration when Stre- Vict0Ha he was 35- Tha was in 1933 has h h doubled in. population in Four years later he went to the 1 ' there are Court of hP , if' APPfaI- In addin to d StreS If , that his first ery the Work- nfit ,? , y?rS ag- The re-' men's Compensation Act, he en- queues at the end of each day. industry of Vancouver Island, The smart boys come in, look the forest industry and has Zl zTtCL? some-acted as mediator ln order ,hr! -0' 1 "ne and lalor discussions. hTtsscz No-with anothrr big R-ai onlv w. ' ,k,. . c Commission enquiry on his firm Ivr.-ii.trA-" SPECIALIZING In Designing and Remodelling Thl tlTtrticnMnt li not pubUihed or diipliyad hy th Minor Control uu or oj in uoTernment ox Vlusn Columbia. Russrr Gafzke assortment from Boys SO 1 1 g' dine c.oth, dou breasted smartl f ed, bargain tor $ Boys' PANTS, cc worsted,-all wool u smartly tailored from ir'-.,' s i - '.,. CONTRACTING Box I55g . rhiine Mack 279 ., fuu,.k una ui hanris ho nanas ne cnooHi u. , will more than ever i"lui"6 H me service burn the midnight oil in his The prohibition element, of Boys' and Girls' STCC INGS ond SOCKS I dingy, book-lined office in Vic- course talfp! tho unj , presenting- some 3o.0) people in northern B.C. from getting adequate radio service, has been aired in the House of Commons comments the Vancouver Sun. The Department of Transport, which had been demanding &12,000 rent from the CBC to transmit its commercial programs to Prince Rupert, has come down to $18,(MX). Presumably the CBC is still holding out and the people of northern B.C. are waiting in vain for Liberal M.P. E. P. Applewhaite, who represents the area, expresses the pious hope that the offered rent reduction might hasten an end to the stalemate. Transport Minister Chevrier announced to members the reduction which his department had made in its demands on the CBC. But Mr. Chevrier apparently has not quite caught on to the absurdity of the situation. It it is an absurdity which Gilbert and Sullivan would have delighted to toy with. One department of the government is quarreling with another about a bookkeeping item while the people whom that government is pledged to service whistle for the service. And pay $2.50 a year while whistling. WHAT OIL WOULD MEAN OIL bearing formations are reported from the Queen Charlotte Islands where drilling is now going on near Skidegate. While this does not mean oil, the development is encouraging. Drilling commenced only a couple of weeks ago. It is the first such serious attempt that has ever been made on any of the numerous islands scattered along the coast.5A major strike within Prince Rupert terri-torytiuld vastly enhance Prince Rupert's general status es a seaport and city and would be a far reaching factor in widening the business of the entire coast. 'XMAS DOWN UNDER THIS is not the Christmas season in Australia, as Canada understands it. The island continent, just now, is infthe public eye, chiefly because of the ! election turnover. But, there are other features of interest, many rather novel, to most of us. Today is mid-December. Down under of course, is a time of gift-giving, praise and general joyousness, and from the standpoint of winter, it's the same as midsummer in Canada. People flock, in their thousands, to the beaches to bathe and loll on the warm sand. The sun has power. Spoils do not have to be encouraged for the holiday season is everywhere and it, of course, is associated with the sanctity of Yule. There is feasting, but perhaps not in lavish, even prodigal manner of the Dominion. It is, indeed, hard for Canadians, unless widely travelled, to think of Christmas without plenty of frost, half a continent of snow, skating, "down to zero," furs and drifts, shovels and the filling of coal bins. Australia can have her kindly skies and all that, but to Canada, the coming of Saint. Nicholas, under such circumstances, would lose something. It wouldn't be the real thing. drafty, rattly liquor store would make it easier ti anclent' ifrom I mm for people to get booze and so . increase consumption It would " I'HINCK KI I'KHT MM. Kl. OKO- makP maKe It it enslpr easier, h, but f its doubtful . , histkict if it would increase the sale for take notice that the Columbia a pllulosp Company Limited of Watson person Wantine a bottle Un-r 1 J l5lRnd' Brltlsh .mino kI Columbia, occupation t guuig to oe discouraged by a manufacturers of cellulose products EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - KKMOnri.I.ING FOUNDATIONS Let u help you plan thHt new home under the N.N.A Phnn Green 883 Bo 586 queue, even though he miuhr lntntis to PP'y 'or permission to get annoyed. situate In the vicinity of south ot Indian Reserve No. 9. on the Scotia LAST MAILING DATE REAL ESTATE insurance! income ta: RKTURI.S m.ma 1 umei Chief Justirp Justice Sloan ?!,,;. vi0. has -,t River: commencing at a post planted Started at about Elght Hundred feet S WOE , r.is OlllCial investigation into ' N.W. comer of Indian Resreve NO 1 the Workmen's CorriDensatinn 0: thence southerly, south easterly. H allun and south westerly following the hluli Pays Visit To Interior Bridge water line on the west bank of the Scotia River a distance of approximately One Hundred and Twenty chains: thence north easterly a dla- R. E. .M0RT1.MF 324 2nd Ave. N. ai ( I CHIROPRACTOR ohn F. I.. Hughes, D C, Ph.C 21-82 Besner Blofk honr Bl.lr 142 for Appointment IKM'KM ' l SO a m. to i :3n p m rid 2 to 5 r..n Inspection of the new Anlaw 'n the hiiih water line dn the East Bridge over the Skeena River bank of the Scotia R'ver; thence at Four Mile on the Kispiox uui tiieriy. norm easterly, and westerly following the high water line on road north of Hazelton was tne eaft hRn of the Scotia River tn made recentlv hv a nnrtt. of "e "?uth bonai-y of Indian Rcberv f:.j0ip nn . .. " i,1J- lii-iici.- westerly a aistnnce ol CHANDLER ,( PORTRAIT ETL'DK Film Finisliim; l.nln-Flash Pliott' rake" at I Phone Green 389 i:6 i'U?NCE KUPI KT. B' Monday and Frlduy, 7:30 p in loi ! FOR LOCAL DELIVERY ALLOW EXTRA TIME FOR OUT 0F-T0W1 NO DELIVERY CHRISTMAS DAY OR DEC. 26 POSTAL EMPLOYEES WILL ENJOY THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY AT HOME ritrf by th authority of HON. G. EDQUARD RINFRET, K.C.M.P. Poiimatttr-Ctntrgl ..v-o.c uoucsiaung 01 Harry MIS- approximately Three chains to the nail, erection engineer and An- polnt of commencement, and con- n.s McLoughlin, designing en- IT" Pny Eight acre5' more or gineer of the Dominion Bridee Columbia cellulose company nose unable to come during th uy RECEPTION IHT n atlenri-nce afUTnfKinn ""ay MacD0Mld. "Si- ' 7Z (h) T A V. Tremblay. ..w engineer on Columbia Agent, i Cellulose construction at Wat son Island. They were accompanied by W. E. Bottomley, assistant district engineer for the provincial department of public works at Smithers. I'RlXf'E HI I'KKT I Wit REC'OHI-INU IMSTKK T TAKE NOTICE that the Columbia Cellulose Company Limited of Watson island British Columbia, occupation manufacturers of cellulose products FOR HER Cosmetic Sets, Perfumes and C ognes, Dresser Sets, Corppacls and Manicure Sets .,..u, iu appiy lor permission to lease the following described lands. ' VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE uhu: on tne south side of the! Skeena River opposite Kwlnitsa Sta-i Mon. British Columbia: commencing1 it a post planted at about Seventy- I i u mains south astronomic of the bunaay. 8 p.m., ' ' Camosun uiuieuw corner or Lot ssq- iim,,.! THE north astro, a distance of km.rnxi-1 TUesClay, 1:30 p.m.. Coouitlam GIFT .jt iwenty-nve cha ns tn the ALICE ARM, STEWART AND Ray Reflects . . . ... and Reminisce FOR HIMShaving Sets, Shaving Brushes V.'. lets, Pen ond Pencil Sets, Ronson Lighters WITH COLORFUL XMAS WRAPPING HUtUaa' pitarnuuti Sixth St. & Third Ave. PORT SLMPSON Sunuay, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE" ISLANDS ss. Camosun Dec. 16 and 30 10 p.m. for North queen charlotte islands ss. Camosun, Dec. 9 and 23 and 23 xtreme low water line on the south -'ank of the Skeena River; thence vesterly and south westerly follow-! 'ng the extreme low water line of' he Skeena River a distance of ap-1 iroxtmately Seventy chains to a point at rock bluff near slough out-' et; thence southerly a distance of ipproxlmately One chain to the high vater line of the Skeena River: thence asterly. south easterly, and north asterly following the high water line ilong the south bank of the slough i distance of approximately Seventy-THve chains to the point of commence-' nent. and containing Sixty acres more or less. j COLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY ! LIMITED ! A doctor declares the health was- an oft repeated nuisance. f "a man Is indicated by the t There are twelve types oi length of time he can hold his breath. There is more to it than that, however. It might be said 9 Stotionery ranging from 90c to $3.50 ft Leather Writing Cases in both Letter and Note sizes $4.50 up ft Pocket Wallets by Tillie $5.75 up All Above Leather Goods Gold Stamped Free of Charge drunks" says a police official TllpV rflnofl from r,HtMr. W . Sim y that his wisdom Is revealed by nv,' " . , l" the length of time he can hold TZlIL?l Um ...v ,1 uunuus wj me outrageous FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent his tongue. and ostentatious. ln' T. A. V. Tremblay Agent. Third Avenue Phone 508 Annually one hears about "seasonal" unemployment and to It is probably true that nearly Order your 4 MAPLE LEAF CHRISTMAS HAM From your Dealer Now! BESNER BLOCK, 3RD AVE. PHONE 234 MAPLE LEAF " J I an extent it Is true. But when everyone, addressing an audi-you are '"too old at forty" for rnce 'feels nervous at first. Per- rny sort of job, seasonal has I nups Ulis ls often nt noticeable nothing to do with the situation : but 11 can make tne speaker un-vhatever. ; It's just a handy ex- comfortable. It ls well worth llanaUon-that doesn't explain. !vniIe trying to be at home on - : 'the platform and that can only The 1949 rainfall in Ketchikan be accomplished through study, t o date is 199.34 inches. T;n; prev-, practice and resolve. The less lous record there was in 1917, pffected the better and a bit of when it totalled 190.31,-inches. Far ""'tte can help a lot if you be It from us to take a mean ad- j happen to possess it. But the vantage. ' Perish the thought. Iablli,y to hold the house and Alaska's first city A and her am-jtr" lt clearIy never comes amiss. bitious people are all to the good. But. there were limes during the A- B- Brown is leaving on this Mimmer when Prince Rupert's evening's train for a brief trip c!ust, for the sake of comparison, to Terrace on legal business. y i GIVE RECORDS . ;,; Of i . . ii niilir - 4 Biggest Selection TOYS in TOWN or ALPUVU A GIFT THAT'S SIVE ' TO PLEASE MARC7TANI) OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS PUimhinp; & Hcatinff Alterations SMITH & ELKINS LTD. ' '' nuigy w V I V SPECIFY THE NATIONS FINEST MAPLE LEAF Product of Canada Packers Ltd. - ' '. PHONE 174 BOX 274